• Published 4th Jan 2024
  • 191 Views, 6 Comments

Honest work and its consequences - PegaTwister

What if Applejack had stumbled upon a potential special somepony ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • ...

Chapter 4

The next day soon rolled along. Engine Cogwheels did indeed find himself a room in the tavern mentioned earlier, and was able to secure it to himself for the next couple of weeks.
He also bought himself a big dinner the day prior, having not eaten anything that day (that is, if the cakes and cupcakes and other sweets Pinkie Pie shared with him didn’t count as food).
The owner woke Engine up at dawn, like he had requested, and after washing up he was on his way to Sweet Apple Acres.

The streets were still empty, and the grass was still moist from the night that had only just ended. Somehow, maybe magically, he felt like he belonged there, like that was where he came from all along and all of his wandering around the land was to lead him back here.
Then again, maybe he was still half-dreaming, since it wasn’t true and he still didn’t know much about the place at all. Heck, he only just got there about 24 hours ago. Was this town really special, or did he just really want it to be? “And who even cares…” he mumbled to himself.

After a short while he’d reached the farm again. He was going to see it a lot from now on, if he really was officially part of the team now, but he didn’t mind. In fact, he found the orchard very charming and tranquil, practically a picture out of a book (about… apple orchards, if that exists).
He spotted Applejack and Big McIntosh chatting next to the farm. When they saw Engine approaching they waved at him and invited him to join them.
“Good morning”, Engine greeted with a nod.
Big Mac happily nodded back and Applejack fixed her hat and smiled at him. “Good morning indeed. You’re right on time too, maybe even a lil’ early! Trying to impress us, are you?” She said with a smirk.
Engine awkwardly smiled. “Maybe just a little…?”
“Ahaha, don’t worry, ain’t nothing wrong with that”, she laughed.

“Why don’t you and Big Mac go and start with some good-ol’ apple buckin’? You did pretty well yesterday. The section you two are supposed to cover today is farther next to the border of the orchard, so you’ll get to see more of our piece of land on the way there. Sound good to you?”
The two stallions looked at each other and nodded in sync, which made Applejack laugh again.
“Alright then, looks like you’ll do just fine. I suppose I’ll see you two later at lunchtime. Oh, and Big Mac”, she looked deviously at her big brother.
“Try not to scare poor Engine away with how excited you are, will ya?”
Big Mac gave her a look. He knew she was just teasing him, but he wouldn’t let her embarrass him without a snarky remark of his own.
“If I’m excited, Applejack”, he said in his low tone, “then you must be down-right hysterical”. He turned around and Engine followed him after a moment.
“Whatever”, Applejack rolled her eyes, secretly hoping he really was kidding.
‘Which he is,’ she reassured herself in her mind, ‘cause I really wasn’t all that excited, or hysterical! It’s him and Apple Bloom who were all hyped up! …at least, I don’t THINK he was right… No, no, he’s DEFINITELY wrong.’

She looked at the pair and caught Engine looking back at her. He smiled when he noticed and waved goodbye at her, like he did yesterday. She smiled and waved back. She soon realized that he had already turned around again and that she’s been waving at no one for about 10 seconds. She quickly put her hoof down and face-palmed (or hoof-palmed?)
‘Well, it’s not like there’s anythin’ wrong with gettin’ excited, right? It IS the first time we have another pair of hooves workin’ with us like that… So it’s only natural to get excited…’
She looked at the sun and hoof-palmed (or face-palmed) again. ‘Look at me, standin’ around and thinkin’ ‘bout nothin’ when there’s work to be done… I should leave the head in the cloud thing to the pegasi’. She chuckled at her own joke and proceeded to start with her own chores.

Big McIntosh and Engine Cogwheels were meanwhile walking side by side. Engine was reassuring himself in his mind that it's going to be fine, that the Apples already accepted him, even if informally.
A good impression has indeed proven to be important to him, probably more so to himself, especially when it came to-

“Applejack sure is somethin’, huh?” Big Mac suddenly said.
Engine had to stop walking for a moment, somewhat startled.
‘Does he know? Was I staring at her too much? And if HE knows, did Applejack know too?’ a million questions started floating in his head.
Big Mac turned to look at him.
“I really wasn't talking that much about ya, ya know! There's no need ta be scared, she was just foolin’ around!” He quickly added, seeing Engine's reaction.

Engine studied his face for a moment. ‘Ok, ok, it doesn't look like he knows…’
“Don't worry, Big Mac, scaring me away won't be that easy”, he told Big Mac, calming down. They started walking again.

“If you REALLY want to creep me out, you could try approaching me with a knife next time. Oh, and maybe keeping a cauldron-pot in your house can help, the kind that can fit a pony inside of it.”

Big Mac was silent for enough time for Engine to think he should say he was joking, but before he could he heard something that started with a light chuckle and ended up being a roaring laughter coming from him. It was quite a contrast from his usual steady and quiet voice.

“So what ya sayin’, is if we try ta cook y'all, then you'll leave?” He asked with a smile.
“Well, I said you could try, it might not be enough to chase me out. Who knows, maybe I'll join you for the feast."
That earned him another laugh from his companion AND a slap on the knee. (50 points!)

As they were walking, Engine was looking around and taking in the view. The orchard seemed endless at times, with trees upon trees blocking the sights behind them. They were now on a small hill, from which he could get a better look on the whole area.
They soon started bucking the trees, pretty much like he did yesterday. Big Mac corrected him here and there, stuff like what spots he should hit or how to determine how strong the kick should be based on different signs.
They were mostly working quietly, but it didn't feel unpleasant at all, with the occasional strange joke from Engine and Big Mac's echoing laughter.

Engine kept turning his head towards the view on the orchard, somewhat captivated by it. After a little while he spotted someone moving somewhere in the heart of the orchard. ‘Must be Applejack’, he thought. He kept following her with his gaze.
“Like what ya see?” Big Mac suddenly asked.
Engine froze. ‘Did he see me looking at her? Oh man, was that it? Did I just turn myself in? Is he-?’
Big Mac interpreted Engine's reaction as confusion. “Ya know, the orchard? Ya keep staring at it.”
“The orchard? The orchard! Yeah, it's really something, I've never been to one before, not that I can remember…” Another false alarm, it seemed.
“Yeah, I've lived here mah whole life an’ Ah still love it. It's beautiful, alright.”
“Yeah, beautiful…” Engine said, half about the orchard and half about the pony working in it.

“Hey, look, there's Applejack,” Big Mac commented, pointing towards her with his hoof.
“Oh, yeah, there she is, haha…” Engine said after pretending to try and find her.
A smile slowly crept on Big Mac's face.
“Watch this,” he said as he nudged his pal with his shoulder.

The red stallion cleared his throat. He then took a deep breath, taking in as much air as he could, before letting it out in a thunderous roar: “A P P L E J A C K ! ! !”

If somepony were to ask him later, Engine would have said that he physically felt the ground shake below him at that moment. It was pretty incredible how loud Big Mac could be, when he wanted to.
Applejack, unsurprisingly, jumped at the loud outburst. She quickly turned her head towards it, expecting to see something like a huge meteor falling from the sky above her, or maybe a swarm of parasprites.
But all she saw was 2 figures standing on a nearby hill, the more familiar one waving at her with 2 hooves (Yes, her brother took the effort to stand on his hind legs for this special occasion).

Even though it was from far away, and it wasn't really possible to see Applejack's reaction, Big Mac soon found himself close to tears with laughter. Applejack quickly caught on what was happening and tried to yell an angry reply, but her voice wasn't nearly as mighty as her brother’s.
“Oh! Oh, Celestia! Ah wish Ah could see her face! Hahahahaha!” He kept laughing, leaning on the nearest tree and supporting himself on it.
After recovering from the shock he just experienced, Engine shook his head and couldn't help but snort at his companion.

“Gee, Big Mac, I feel a little bad for your sister.”
“Hahahaha… don' worry, she'll be fine, hopefully I'll get out of it alive, too.”
“Well, if she’s going to ask questions, I’m turning you in.”

After sharing another laugh Big Mac directed his gaze towards the sun. He whistled.
“Well, would ya look at that! Already lunch time!”
Engine looked at the sun too, but he couldn’t really tell the time without a clock.
“Let’s finish up here an’ meet Applejack back at the farm. Dunno ‘bout you, but Ah’m starvin’!”
“Sure, I could eat”, Engine said. “Do you think I could join you guys for lunch this time?”
“‘Course ya can!” Big Mac replied. “Matter o’ fact, Ah thought ya were gonna eat with us every day from now on! If not for all 3 meals, then at least at lunchtime!”
Engine raised his eyebrows. “Oh, Big Mac, I really appreciate the offer, but I really wouldn’t want to impose on you guys-”
“Ya wouldn’t be imposin’ or nothin’ o’ the sort, Engine! We’d be glad to have ya! Think nothin’ of it!”
“But you’ll have another mouth to feed, for no reason… Are you really sure-”
“Yes, obviously Ah’m sure, I was the one to suggest it”, Big Mac scoffed. “We Apples have a big extended family, an’ we love hostin’ folk. An’ Ah’m sure Applejack would think the exact same thing, too. Now, come on, Ah could really use a bite right about now”.
‘Applejack wants me to come, too…?’ Engine thought “Well, alright then, if you’re sure.”
“Sure Ah’m sure!” The farmer smiled.

Each with a cart loaded with apple barrels strapped to their back, they both made their way back to the farm.
Engine knew that this job wasn’t going to be too easy, with all the manual labor and the somewhat repetitive tasks. But working with ponies like the Apples made it seem like much less of a chore, and more of a sort of “activity” with buddies. ‘Heck, and I’ve been working here for only a few hours,’ he thought to himself, amused. ‘Maybe there is something magical about this place.’

Author's Note:

hi guys, thanks for reading!
any criticism, on anything, would be very much appreciated. have a good day/night :pinkiehappy:

Comments ( 1 )

So far, so good on this new chapter. Can't wait to see what happens next.

Here's a song that will make you natural. Enjoy!


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