• Published 10th Dec 2023
  • 1,020 Views, 3 Comments

A Waltz Over the Rainbow - Big Imagination E

Spike and Rainbow share a special waltz and their love grows

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Love Shining in a Rainbow

It was a lovely day in Equestria and we see everyone heading to Canterlot for a special occasion: the wedding of Cadence and Shining Armor. Once everyone was here including Twilight and her friends along with Spike who is 18 years old, wearing a tux and the adopted son of Twilight and Shining everyone got in their places. Then the bride herself came in the room while everyone stand up and saw her and she started walking down the aisle all the way to the podium while the birds were singing. Once Cadence was on the podium next to Shining, Celestia came to the stand and everyone sat down.

"Dearly beloved. We are gathered here today to witness the marriage of Shining Armor and the real Cadence. All thanks to our new hero who stopped Chrysalis and Nightmare Moon from causing havoc: The Demon King. The couple have shown true love to each other and now will present that now by placing the rings as a sign of marriage." Celestia said.

Spike carried the rings to them as they took one each and Celestia said the vows.

"Do you Shining Armor take Cadence to be your lawful wedded wife? To love, cherish, and honor in the days for the rest of your life?" Celestia said as Shining placed the ring on her horn.

"I do." Shining said.

"And do you Cadence take Shining Armor to be your lawful wedded husband? To love, cherish, and honor in the days for the rest of your life?" Celestia said as Cadence placed the ring on his horn.

"I do." Cadence said.

"Then by the power invested in me I now pronounce you husband and wife. Shining you may kiss the bride." Celestia said.

The two then sealed their everlasting love with a kiss and the crowd cheered knowing that they got married and are ready for a bright future.

But during the party Spike felt all alone and sad. So he decided to sit in a chair and tried to clear his mind. See he was upset that Rarity didn’t return his feelings for her and was dating someone else. Then Rainbow Dash, one of the bridesmaids, noticed Spike, the ring bearer dragon and Twilight and Shining Armor's adopted brother, sitting on the chair alone.

“Hey Spike. Are you okay? Why aren’t you enjoying yourself?” Rainbow asked.

“I was thinking about something Rainbow and I don’t feel like enjoying the party.” Spike answered.

“Spike. Can I sit down next to you? I want to know what’s going on.” Rainbow asked.

“Go ahead. I don’t mind.” Spike said sadly.

So she sat down next to him and placed her arm around his neck.

“Spike. Please tell me what’s wrong.” Rainbow said.

“You know that feeling when you want to feel love? And suddenly you feel alone in the dark with no one to love on. That’s how I feel. Like I don’t deserve anyone.” Spike explained.

“Don’t say that. And to be fair to you Spike I don’t think Rarity’s relationship is gonna last long anyway.” Rainbow replied.

“I appreciate you being nice and caring about me but I just feel like I’m not going to get a lover anytime.” Spike said gloomy.

Rainbow felt bad and she didn’t tell anyone this but feel a crush on Spike, who he in return develop a crush on her after he gave up his old crush on Rarity. They wanted to confess but wanted to wait until the right time. And now seems like the perfect time to confess.

“Hey Rainbow? Can I ask you something?” Spike asked.

“Sure. What is it?” Rainbow wondered.

“Well I didn’t want to tell you in public but I had a crush on you for a long time now and I hoped that all hope wasn’t lost if you were interested in me but if you weren’t then we can stick with friends.” Spike confessed.

Rainbow was flattered. Now usually she wasn’t really the romantic kind but after hearing Spike confess she smiled at him.

“Actually I’m glad you did. Truth be told I love my fans and friends but I don’t have a special someone to be with. But when I heard you saying that you loved me I thought that all hope wasn’t lost and that you were the one for me. I mean you are handsome and know how to respect girls. And I’m glad you are my friend and now my boyfriend.” Rainbow said holding his hand.

“Is this really happening? Are you saying that….?” Spike said but Rainbow placed a finger on his lips.

“Yes Spike. You and me are going to be together in a relationship right here right now. And it starts today.” Rainbow said.

Spike practically heard fireworks explode in his head. This was happening! He was gonna be with Rainbow Dash as his girlfriend!!!

“Thank you Rainbow!” Spike said hugging her. “I feel so happy thanks to you!”

“Anytime and Spike? Listen I’m really sorry for all those mean pranks I pulled on you. I guess not everyone thinks it’s funny. And I’m sorry for calling you a lane dragon. It was really insensitive of me. I promise that I will treat you the right way and as your girlfriend here’s why.” Rainbow apologized.

Rainbow planted her lips on Spike’s and the two shared a passionate kiss. It lasted for about 5 minutes til they separated.

“Your apology is accepted Rainbows.” Spike smiled.

“Thank you Spike. And I know I don’t ask this a lot but I was wondering if you would share a waltz with me?” Rainbow asked.

“I like that very much. Let’s go to the garden where we can do it private.” Spike suggested.

So Spike and Rainbow decide to do their private waltz in the garden, near the courtyard where wedding reception was. But Twilight noticed this and decided to follow them. After they got there it was time for the waltz.

"So Spike you ready to waltz with me?" Rainbow asked.

"That's exactly why I took us to the garden. So we can have a private waltz. Now let's dance." Spike said as he turned on some music.


He took Rainbow’s hand and began waltzing with her. They danced beautifully under the stars as Rainbow begin to cry tears of joy sharing this magical moment with Spike. After the waltz they sat down and watch the sky before Rainbow lays her head on Spike's neck while he puts his arms around her. Meanwhile Twilight watched the whole thing and smiled seeing Rainbow pure of heart. She was amazed and very happy for them. And Rainbow and Spike confirm to Twilight that they are now in love with each other. So, Twilight gives them her blessing as she sat beside them. She knows that Spike is no longer had a crush on Rarity since he in love with Rainbow. And Rainbow will respect him no matter what. And she knows Spike will support her dream by joining the wonderbolts. After Twilight left the two enjoyed their company.

We then cut to the ceremony of the couple leaving for the honeymoon. Later, Cadence was about to enter the carriage for her and Shining Armor's honeymoon when she noticed Rainbow and Spike in love and asked to come with them. The both were shocked but happily accepted the offer. So they hop into the carriage sit down. Not before Cadence toss the bouquet into the air, and Rainbow and Spike caught together. Once in and the carriage took off. As the carriage take them, Spike is on Rainbow's knee and lay his head on her chest as he fast asleep. Rainbow made a silent vow that she'll keep Spike safe since he is her boyfriend, and never leave by his side. Shining Armor is happy for his adopted brother too. Once they arrived at the hotel, Rainbow carries Spike as he still fast asleep.

"Look at that honey. Rainbow is actually being quite romantic for the first time for being the pony who claims to be awesome." Cadence said.

"Aww that's very sweet. And that’s something you don’t see everyday. Come babe let’s go inside." Shining said to his wife.

Then everyone walked to the hotel room where they will spend the honeymoon. In the room while Cadence and Shining were out we see Rainbow and Spike together on the bed. Rainbow watch Spike is fast asleep before whispering quietly. After that she kiss him on lips while put her arms around him. She also vowed to never leave his side and keep him safe for the rest of her life. Also promised Twilight that too and Rainbow will keep that promise for the rest of her life.

"Spike. I promise you my handsome dragon that I will never leave your side and I will protect you for the rest of my life. And if Twilight can hear this I promise to protect her adoptive brother from any harm. I love you babe." Rainbow whispered in his ear.

Then she felt her eyes getting so heavy that she laid next to him and cuddled her lover as she fell asleep. At the same time Cadence and Shining arrived back in the room and saw the two sleeping peacefully.

"Well look at that. Those two are actually showing love. I thought Rainbow Dash wasn’t much of the romantic kind of pony." Shining said.

“Love works in different ways honey. Come now. We must rest after a long day. And the first day of us being together will begin tomorrow." Cadence told her husband as they crawled into another bed and turned off the light. And that is now Spike and Rainbow got together and in the future Rainbow won’t be doing cruel pranks or calling him names and within years they’ll be married. Just like Cadence and Shining Armor.

The End.

Comments ( 3 )
Comment posted by ChazMLPFIM deleted Dec 14th, 2023

“Your apology is accepted Rainbows.” Spike smiled.

It's Rainbow. And I'm glad Spike accepted

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