• Published 16th Apr 2024
  • 572 Views, 11 Comments

Crystal Destiny - Sailor Aether

Jai is new to the area of eclipse hills and is ready to move on in life. However destiny is fickle and he transported up north to the Crystal Empire. No problem right?

  • ...

Understand yourself, the rest is easy...Maybe?


“I feel like you take way too much pleasure in kickin my ass,” Jai said sarcastically looking up at Rockhoof. Rockhoof after failing to get rid of the human in his training, even after breaking his arm, started to warm up to Jai. He had noticed the human wasn’t the best with weapons in his hands compared to when he was using his magic. So being the good friend he was, took it upon himself to teach the human.

“The best way to learn the basics is to practice the basics” Rockhoof retorted, jogging over to his water bottle in the grass. Rockhoof had to admit though, that the human had a knack for following directions. Even if in practical training the human ended up on the ground more often than he expected.

“I’m switching to the spear and then we can start again,” Jai said getting off of the ground and dusting his backside off. Rockhoof simply nodded and trotted over to the weapon rack in the sparring area. Once both parties were equipped, they made their way back to the center of one of the fields. The crystal pony fixed the spear fastened to his side and nodded at Jai.

“Ready when you are” Rockhoof stated, taking a wider stance.


The sound of the wooden spears colliding echoes through the field. They broke apart and they began thrusting and dodging each other. The grass was flying up around them as their spar turned into a dancing of two spearmen struggling to land a decisive blow. The human struggling to find an opening as every time he thought Rockhoof was open, he would simply turn and fling the spear tip towards his face. Finally after a few more exchanges between the two…


“OW Jesus Christ that hurts like a bitch!” Jai screamed dropping the spear and rubbing his ribs. Rockhoof laughed as he wiped the sweat from his brow. The captain began to unfasten his spear from his side and walk over towards the weapon rack.

“That's the final one, I have to get the rest of the guard scheduling done,” Rockhoof said sighing.

“That's fine I’m heading back to my room. I think I finally got the problem with my magic solved so don’t worry about next week.” Jai said returning his spear to the rack as well.
“That's what you said last week but if you say so. Drop by my office if you need me.” Rockhoof said nodding at the human and walking away. Jai jogged back towards his room, confident in himself this week.

“Just you wait Rocky. With Heart's help, I won't be taking the butt of a spear to the nose again.” Jai muttered as he approached the castle, ready to hopefully remedy his magic problem.

“Isn’t this going to hurt? Are you sure you want me to do this Jai?” Amore asked. She looked at the shirtless human standing in front of her. She was more confused about why he ran to her after being locked in his room for a week.

“Amore, you are probably the most magically gifted Unicorn. I just need you to follow these blueprints to help me out.” Jai pleaded. Amore sighed, looked down at the diagram, and tilted her head in confusion.

“What are all of these lines and symbols for? You want a cutie mark?” Amore skeptically inquired. If he wanted a cutie mark, surely he could work for him like everypony else.

“A cutie what now?” The human yelled out, now confused as well.

“You know, the marks on every pony's flanks. They symbolize our talents and purpose in life.” Princess Amore explained. Jai shook his head in understanding before scratching his head.

“Then no, I’ve been researching magic. Specifically, my magic, and I noticed something weird that I don’t see with anyone else.” Jai said, closing his eyes and feeling his magic flow into his hands.

“And that would be?” Amore inquired, intrigued by the human's dedication to magic.

“It's Silver and Gold. The different colors have different properties to them. Silver is defensive with healing properties. Gold is offensive with something else I haven’t quite gotten yet.” Jai explains, the aura of the two magics dancing in either hand. Gold on his right palm and Silver on the other. Amore was amazed and still confused as to what the human wanted her to do.

“That is new to me. However, I still don’t get why you want me to carve your skin with my magic.” Amore states looking back down at the parchment in her magic.

“The point of these engravings is to help the flow of magic. When I got here and your guards attacked me, I think I forced the magic within me to merge.” The human explains.

“Wouldn’t that mean you would be capable of doing this without this” Amore said, shaking the parchment. Jai shakes his head and continues.

“Keyword, Forced. Not to brag but that’s why I lost, even when my magic kicked in. They aren’t meant to merge but work alongside each other but my body doesn’t have magic channels like ponies to make this happen.” Jai explains. Amore’s eyes light up in realization.

“So these are the magic pathways you would need to use both at the same time!” Amore shouts excitedly as Jai shakes his head yes.

“Bingo Princess! That would be why I struggle with using magic other than simple shaping and levitation. So can you PLEASE help me?” Jai pleaded once more. Amore looked at the human, her chest filling with a foreign emotion. Looking at his physique from continuing training with her guards, and his grey eyes she couldn’t bring herself to say no.

“Ugh fine! Where am I starting?” Amore said, holding the parchment up to her face trying to hide her blush. Jai excitedly hugged Amore.

“Thank you! Thank you! It starts on my lower back and ends on my left elbow!” Jai exclaimed, taking a seat on the floor. Amore glad the human was facing away from her composed herself and ignited her horn.

“Y-You owe me for doing this,” Amore said coyly, smiling at the human. Jai snorted and shook his head at the statement.

“YOU haven’t apologized for jailing me. All do respect Princess I don’t owe you shit” Jai said sarcastically. Amore even though she corrected the human hated when he called her princess. Rolling her Eyes Amore spoke the spell on the parchment and began to follow the diagram.

“Fine. Don’t expect me to stop when this hurts” Amore replied pouting.

GODDAMNIT!” the human hissed as the water of the bath soaked his skin. The engraving went well, honestly better than he thought it was going to go. He did right by asking Amore to help him with it but he felt she took way too much pleasure in watching him squirm as she worked.

“Who woulda thought picking up the wrong book from Heart woulda helped me,” Jai said to himself laughing. The echo of his laugh carried into the hallway. As his amusement subsided, Jai got out of the bath and put on his boxers and jeans. The holes in the knee exposed his skin as he went to stand in the mirror. Turning around he examined the engraving on his back and left arm. A crescent facing upwards on his lower back, with two lines protruding upwards towards his shoulder blades. Just under his shoulder blades, three lines ran under them with the center line extending to his left arm. That was the tricky part because he was ticklish, although he hated to admit it. The circuit started on his tricep with a circle surrounded by a series of smaller triangles. To finish it off below that 5 lines faded as they got to his elbow. Leaving the bathroom and putting his T-shirt on he froze.

“Now I just want to… Who’s there?” Jai asked. A pair of giggles were heard as Jai turned to see 2 mares with horns and wings. He had read about the few ponies that had such traits. What were they called again? He thought to himself, staring skeptically at them.

“Sister he is here.” The dark blue mare said.

“Indeed he is,” The other white mare said.

“I’m right here and honestly a little creeped out,” Jai said, frowning. Finally, he remembered what the anomaly was in front of him. Alicorns. He had read a book or two when he was researching how to stop passing out when using magic.

“You are a fascinating creature,” the white alicorn said, approaching Jai slowly. Jai eyed her suspiciously as she came closer.

“I could say the same thing about you, you’re a little tall for a pony don’t ya think?” Jai asked sarcastically.

“Funny too. Just like Amore described” the white mare giggled.

“So do I get names or am I supposed to guess?” Jai inquired, tilting his head. The white mare looked back at her sister who shrugged, then she faced the human again.

“I am Princess Celestia of the Sun, and this is my sister Princess Luna of the Moon,” Celestia said motioning to her sister.

“We extend our greetings to thee,” Luna said, giving a small bow to the human before her.

“And I’m Jai Young, a human from Earth. Sorry to cut the meeting short and all but I’m in a lot of pain. I’ll see you two around if you’re here for Amore” Jai said, walking past the two and making his way towards his room from the staff bath. Once the human was out of earshot, the two sisters made eye contact and giggled amongst each other.

“I do not think there has been any pony who has been so indifferent,” Celestia said, still laughing.

“Thou would be correct. At least from what we can remember.” Luna replied her laugh subsiding. The two Princesses shook their heads in unison as they made their way back to Amore. They liked this human so far, so surely their friend who asked them to be here wouldn’t mind sharing… right?

Author's Note:

The first challenge is underway Begin to understand magic. Shouldn't be too hard now that he is equipped to not pass out right away... right?

First off I re-read my ending to this chapter, its not a harem I promise. Now I know this was a shorter than usual chapter. I have finals coming up and I have a METRIC TONS worth of papers to turn in this week. So I wanted to give you guys something here so I can focus on that. Also as per usual if I missed anything or misspelled anything lemme know. I hope you are enjoying this so far It's a pleasure to write as I work on this in between other projects.

Comments ( 1 )

1 Buen capitulo
2 no estarías dispuesto a pensar en el haren a un que sea en algún segunda parte en el inicio del canon

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