• Published 3rd Dec 2023
  • 1,336 Views, 490 Comments

Worlds Apart - Goldfur

The world of Equus and the nation of Equestria begin formal relations with the people of Earth.

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Dragon Bait

“If you don’t mind me asking, how is it you speak such good English?”

Mark paused looking over the documents that the latest businessperson had brought in and smiled. “The same way I hear you speaking such good Equish, Ms. Callahan.”

The woman blinked. “I… don’t?”

Mark laughed and tapped the necklace he was wearing. “Translation device. Everyone I talk with hears me in their native tongue. I had a representative from an Indian company here earlier and he heard me in perfect Hindi.”

“That’s truly remarkable. It explains why you have an Australian accent like mine.”

“And that’s how I learned I sound like an Aussie rather than an American,” Mark told his family later.

“At least to Australian-born humans,” corrected Allura.

“True, but I had not realized even the local accents were emulated as well. It’s a good thing because it means that people won’t wonder why an alien pony speaks with an American accent.”

“So, Callahan was the first to point it out?” Trixie asked.

“Yep. Several others mentioned the language before but never that.”

“Trixie is pleased to hear that news. Her Great and Awesome shows are best enjoyed when her audience hears and understands her clearly.”

“I think you’ll be even more pleased to hear that I’ve finished everything needing my personal touch. Smolder has been given full responsibility in partnership with the Martines to handle business from now on. She will only need to consult with us occasionally on matters of policy and such.”

Chrysalis smirked. “That will be unlikely, husband. I believe she is more well-versed in the task than even you. She is truly in her element now.”

“Oh, there are going to be some shitstorms ahead as we upset some businesses. I’m betting on the diamond and gemstone industries being the first. However, as long as Smolder sticks to my guidelines, she has my full confidence.”

“Then we finally have our stallion back, darling?” Rarity asked.

Mark chuckled. “Just one more task to accomplish. Today, Ivana Kalchik is going to get her wish.”

Ivana exited the fashion store with another couple of bags of clothes that she probably would wear only once. Still, the trip was a success because it resulted in more selfie videos that would soon turn into the latest HauteIvana YouTube upload and likely two or three workable TikTok shorts. Her walk turned into stomps. While the videos from this latest editor had a much higher production quality, channel growth didn’t match her expectations. Being “good” just wasn’t good enough. This month’s goal was to break into the top eighty fashion YouTubers. If this editor couldn’t do it, she’d find someone who would.

Ivana made her way to the parking garage and opened the passenger side door of her orange supercar. She gently set her purse and the bags onto the seat. The latter were still needed for “around the pad” shots, even if it happened to be her dad’s pad. That was just a formality. She was his only child and would someday inherit everything. After closing the door, she saw a beige-skinned, black-haired woman staring at her from the other side of the car. The blue jacket made Ivana groan internally. “Fucking again?” she thought.

She dashed around the car. “Get lost, rent-a-cop! My handicap tag is good because—”

“Ivana Kalchik,” she interrupted, “how would you like to get your Equestrian pearl back?”

Ivana blinked and gaped. “How… how do you know about that?”

The woman inclined her head. “Come with me and we’ll talk.”

The two walked deeper into the parking lot and the strange woman resumed the conversation.

“I’m an employee of Harmonic Composites and I’ve learned many things the rest of the world doesn’t know – some things the bosses didn’t like me finding out, so I’m on thin ice. I want to get out while I can before they mess with me.”

This was exactly what Ivana needed on the Martines, so she was hooked already. “And how does that get me my pearl?”

“I know a way that guarantees you getting it back. In return, I want you to tell your father to give me a job at his company at twice the pay I’m getting now. Hell, for a bonus, I’ll even tell him everything he wants to know about Harmonic Composites.”

Ivana well understood self-interest – it made more sense to her than people doing things out of the goodness of their hearts. “Okay, we can go see Daddy right now.”

The woman shook her head. “Nope. Gotta go get the pearl right now. This may be our only opportunity before I get booted out.”

“But… alright. What’s the plan?”

“We go back to your car and I’ll tell you where to drive.”

Ivana frowned at the woman. “This sounds more like an elaborate kidnapping to me.”

The woman rolled her eyes. “Girl, kidnapping you would be both easier and stupider than what I plan to do. I’ve heard rumors about your father and I’m not about to mess with him. I’m not that greedy.”

Ivana had heard more than rumors and knew the woman had cause for concern. Even so, she wanted more reassurance. “Show me some proof you’re not lying.”

The woman sighed and pulled out a badge from her pocket. She handed it to Ivana. “There. That’s who I am and that’s where I work, at least for now.”

Ivana examined the badge. It identified the woman as Monika Falsch, an acquisitions agent for Harmonic Composites. Satisfied, she passed it back. “Okay, I’m convinced. Let’s go!”

The two made their way back to the front of the mall where they climbed into Ivana’s car. Ivana piled the bags onto the woman’s lap which didn’t provoke any backtalk. Monika directed her to drive on a route that Ivana knew was in the general direction of Harmonic Composites’ facility, but was a little confused when she was instructed to turn off the main road into a housing estate under construction.

“Why are we going here?”

“You don’t think we’re getting past HarCo’s security with you driving up in your car, do you? We’re swapping into mine which I left here. I didn’t want it seen at the mall.”

“How did you get there then?”

“Uber. Told the driver my car broke down.”

They pulled up behind a grey Ram 1500 pickup truck and got out of the sports car.

“Leave your stuff in your vehicle,” Monika instructed before she unlocked the pickup and pulled out a couple of jackets with the Harmonic Composites logo on them. She handed one to Ivana. “Put that on and get in the truck.”

Ivana held up her cell phone. “I’m keeping this.”

“Why? You won’t have reception soon after you exit the gateway.”

The young woman opened the camera app and switched to video mode. A two-second selfie verified that feature still worked fine. She then locked the phone before stuffing it into a jacket pocket. “My own protection. Proof of where we’re going. Whatever. I’m taking it with. Period.”

Monika shrugged. “Suit yourself.”

Ivana did so and Monika got in the driver’s seat. As she started the engine, she said, “Next stop – Harmonic Composites. When we get there, make sure the logo on your jacket is clearly visible to the gate guard, but keep your face turned away. I’ll be pretending you’re carpooling with me. Got it?”

“Of course. Think I’m an idiot?”

Monika did not answer that but drove off instead.

Not long afterward, the Ram pickup pulled up at Harmonic Composites and Monika wound down her window to show her badge. The gate guard looked at it, glanced at the passenger, and nodded. “Go ahead,” he said.

Monika drove to the staff parking lot and the two exited the vehicle.

“What now?” Ivana asked.

“My job takes me through the portal to Equestria on occasion, and sometimes I need to take along a helper. You’re going to be that helper. Just keep your mouth shut and follow my lead.”

They entered the foyer and Monika nodded to the receptionist before using her badge to get through the security door. As soon as Ivana followed her through and the door closed behind them, the receptionist tapped the intercom. When acknowledged, she said, “They’re here.”

“Understood,” came the reply.

Monika led Ivana to an office where the woman reached into a desk drawer. She pulled out a retractable badge clip reel with a green badge attached. In large black letters, the badge read CLEARED VISITOR. “This will get you into the portal room along with me. Put it on and don’t say anything to the guard when we get there.”

Ivana nodded, both nervous and excited at getting this far. She followed Monika to the window of the security office where the woman showed the guard her badge.

“Me and my helper need to go to Acquisitions.”

The guard gestured for Ivana to step forward. “Let me see your badge.”

Her hands shaking a bit, Ivana showed it to him and almost collapsed with relief when the man nodded. He pressed a button and a buzzer sounded. Monika pushed open the door next to the window and Ivana followed.

“One moment while I activate the portal,” the guard said as he led them around a corner that completely concealed the trans-dimensional gateway.

As soon as Ivana saw the mirror, she knew what was coming. She had to pretend that she was familiar with it, so as soon as Monika stepped through the silvery surface, she confidently followed. The moment she passed through, she looked at her arm – bronze scales and talons. All her clothes were gone which was reinforced when she heard her cell phone and badge clatter onto the ground, but she just didn’t care. She was a fucking dragon again! She started grinning before she looked up and her smile faded. Facing her were several beings who, despite the years since she had been in Equestria, were very familiar to her. Among them were a batpony mare, a blue male griffon, and a green alicorn stallion that she hated to the core.

“Did you really think you could sneak back into Equestria without us knowing, Ivana Kalchik?”

Ivana sneered. “I got here, didn’t I, Prince Mark Wells!”

“Ah, yes. Sneaky of you to use a traitorous employee to get access. That was very naughty of you, Monika.”

“Sorry, Your Highness. It won’t happen again,” the woman said before green flames engulfed her, revealing Queen Chrysalis. “Because we won’t need to use that ruse once more,” she added with a smirk.

Ivana’s eyes opened wide and her jaw dropped. Then she shook herself and snarled. “So, this is a kidnapping after all.”

“By no means, youngling,” Chrysalis said. “I promised you a way of getting your pearl back. What you do afterward will be up to you, even allowed to go back home.”

The dragoness eyed her suspiciously. “What’s the catch?”

“Ah, yes, the catch. I’ll let our guest explain that. Ember – care to elucidate her?”

A blue dragoness twice Ivana’s height stepped into view, carrying her staff of office. Upon recognizing her, the human-turned-dragon quailed before whirling around and diving for the portal.

“Halt, Ivana Kalchik!” Dragonlord Ember commanded, the bloodstone scepter flaring its magic.

Ivana froze, rooted to the spot.

“Turn around and face me, child.”

Ivana did so, her body trembling.

Ember held out her hand and opened her talons, revealing a huge pearl. “Is this what you have been seeking?”

The pearls she, Yolanda, and Latisha had been gifted were all of differing hues, but she could never forget the predominantly yellow one. It was definitely hers. Ivana’s trembling lessened and she nodded.

“Speak up, child!” Ember commanded.

“Yes! Yes, that’s mine! Queen Novo gave it to me. Prince Wells had no right to take what’s mine!”

“I understand he merely forbade you to take it out of Equestria. Is that not the truth, Your Highness?”

Mark stepped forward. “Yes, Dragonlord. Queen Novo’s gift was an unexpected generous gesture and one for which I was not prepared. I could not allow such priceless items to be taken back to Earth because their presence couldn’t be explained away, and that would put the entire Martine family at risk. Nevertheless, Ivana, just like the other two girls, would have been free to retake possession of it at any time she visited Equestria. However, she not only disobeyed that order but also stole her friends’ pearls. As punishment, she was banished from this world and her pearl put into safekeeping, which is how it came into your possession.”

Ember turned back to Ivana. “Prince Mark Wells acted rightfully, but the pearl is yours to take back – under one condition.”

Ivana gulped. “And that is?”

“You will remain in the Dragonlands until you learn self-control and humility to my satisfaction.”

“What?! You can’t keep me here!”

Ember smirked. “I won’t have to – that is your choice to make.” She stepped closer, holding the pearl right in front of the smaller dragon’s face. “If you choose to stay, this will be only the barest beginning of your hoard.”

Ivana licked her lips nervously, her eyes fixated on the pearl, the urge to grab it rising. “But… how can I… what about my dad?”

Mark said, “We will deal with that. He won’t even know you’re gone.”

Ivana scarcely heard him as the pearl’s shine stoked her desire to possess it. Her willpower and intransigence warred against Ember’s promise of even more treasure – treasure to make her beautiful pearl seem insignificant. With a snarl, Ivana snatched it from Ember’s talons and clutched it to her chest.

Ember stepped back and her scepter flared. “The decision is made! Ivana Kalchik – you will come with me to the Dragonlands and stay there until you are granted permission to leave.” She then turned and headed for the door.

“Yes, Dragonlord,” Ivana said in a monotonous tone as she hastened to follow.

When they were gone, Gallus took off his Royal Guard helmet and said, “What if Ivana had chosen to go home, Dad?”

Mark chuckled. “There was never a chance she would knock back the pearl. She’s a dragon through and through. Her greed was strong enough to disobey me and steal the other pearls, and that has not changed one bit in the years since.”

“Yeah, I guess you’re right. So – what have you arranged to cover her absence?”

Chrysalis levitated Ivana’s cell phone and badge to herself. “One of my agents has been studying her for a long time and can emulate her more than satisfactorily for the few days before ‘Ivana’ decides to move out of Daddy’s house. He’s been trying to get her to do so for a while, so her absence won’t be missed. I will be taking my agent back to Ivana’s car shortly. I quite enjoy driving my Ram truck.”

Mark grumbled, “You couldn’t have settled for something a bit more inconspicuous, O Mistress of Subtlety?”

Chrysalis held a hoof to her chest. “Surely you’re not suggesting that your Queen deserves anything less?”

The alicorn sighed. “Try not to get pulled over by the cops and come back in one piece.”

Penumbra added, “You don’t want to jeopardize the whole charade either. After all, it was played out for the benefit of any security cameras outside the shopping center. Ivana will be seen leaving with ‘Monika’ and then returning not long afterward. There are no cameras in the housing estate where they swapped vehicles, and Ivana was concealing herself at Harmonic Composites, so there’s no record of her ever being there.”

Gallus rolled his eyes. “These mind games are too much. Give me the straightforward duties of a Royal Guard any day.”

Mark grinned. “Wait until you see what we have in mind for Mr. Kalchik!”

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Author's Note:

That's one problem taken care of. How many more though?

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