• Published 25th Nov 2023
  • 190 Views, 1 Comments

Ciderfest 2023 Mane Story Prologue - "Opening" - Nyronus

Fizzy Glitch was a simple kirin, with simple passions. Unfortunately, the world isn't always kind even to the earnest and good. Her fate changes when, though, a strange package finds to her. The opening chapter of Ciderfest's Storytelling Adventure!

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Fizzy adjusted her headset in her webcam’s feed and sent off a message. With a chirp, a reply came back, and she smiled. She waited eagerly as the seconds counted down. In less than a minute, another message followed. She was clear to go in 3… 2… 1…

She gave the biggest smile possible as she, Caramel, and Barley’s face appeared in the stream. Confident that hundreds of people were watching her, she grinned wide and waved a hoof at the camera: “Hello everypony, welcome to Ciderfest 2020, and a happy Nightmare Night to you all!”

Fizzy Glitch was a simple kirin. She had many interests and talents, but there was one thing she loved.

Caramel pulled her headset off to let out a tired whoop. Barley smiled from his little frame on the screen.

“I can’t believe we did it, Fizzy!” Caramel said, spinning in her chair.

“Right?” Barley said. “The community needs things like this right now. Everyone does. We really couldn’t have done it without you!”

She was good with computers, of course. With networking, and streams, sound and editing. A real digital wunderkirin. Of course, that was just how she did what she did.

Fizzy blinked, realizing she had been staring at the screen. She shook her head, patting her cheeks with her forehooves. She quickly tabbed over, seeing Barley and Caramel already in the call. She hopped in and waved to them as they did the same.

“Sorry I’m late!” She giggled. “Sometimes I just get distracted.”

“It’s alright,” Barley smiled. “We were just chatting.”

“Right!” Caramel gave a big grin. “You doing good, Fizzy?”

“Right as rain!” Fizzy grinned.

“Good to hear,” Caramel’s eyes lit up. “So then, let’s talk about Ciderfest 2021!”

“Right” Fizzy said, beaming. “I have a ton of ideas! It will be even better than last year.”

“I’m excited to hear them,” Barley said, his grin nearly as big.

Fizzy launched into an excited parade of ideas, Barley and Caramel bouncing off of them. The three brainstormed into the night, Fizzy at the center of the whirlwind, proposing ideas, explaining them in detail, and giddily eating up the others’ own enthusiastic contributions.

It helped her forget how the charts on the news kept looking worse and worse.

Fizzy loved all things nerdish and geeky. Movies, anime, and most importantly: video games. She even made a career out of streaming. Of course, playing games for people online was just another way she followed her real passion.

Fizzy sat in her chair, staring at her phone.

The group chat was filled with images. Headlines from articles. “We Have Never Been More Divided.” “Anger Sweeps The Nation.” “Chaos Erupts.”

Ponies were scared. Ponies were afraid.

Fizzy put her phone down. She took a deep breath, and then leaned forward, patting her face with her hooves.

“Alright Fizzy, so things are bad, but you know what? You still have your audience. You can do what you can, and you know what? It will be. worth. It!”

She shook her mane and grinned, this time laced with determination. She leaned onto her desk, her eyes tracking the flurry of windows buzzing across her screen.

In a few minutes, all the lights and signals said she was clear. She gave a great big grin, maybe a little less bubbly than usual, but full of fire.

“Are you guys ready? We’re gonna show our dad not even the Underworld can hold us! This time for sure!”

The wave of messages across the chat feed washed over her like a cold wave on a hot beach. She was here, her fans were here, and she was gonna finally beat this game tonight, and they were gonna get through it, together.

What Fizzy loved, really loved, was making other ponies happy.

Ciderfest 2021 had been a triumph for Fizzy. It was her first in-person con, and the thrill of meeting all those faces that had only been names on a screen before was a high unlike any she’d ever experienced. As the newest face of the con, the spotlight had been all on her, and she’d thrived.

2022 had been anything but.

The whole con had been a whirlwind of stress for her. It began with the argument that broke her machine on stage, and she spent the entire con running back and forth doing errands. Making sure the AV setup was working for a panel here, ensuring a CG had what they needed there, doing an AV double check somewhere else. All the while Barley and Caramel seemed to thrive.

Sometimes Fizzy got to stop and just… be. She’d wander the halls, lost in the crowd. As unseen as anyone could be while surrounded by people.

Some people did recognize her, though. One even asked for a selfie. It made Fizzy’s day.

And then her phone rang to let her know a mic was out and the panel that needed it was starting in three minutes.

What Fizzy loved, was being loved.

“We did it! We did it! We did it!” Caramel swung Barley around with her forehooves, bouncing up and down. “We did it! We survived the con! Whooooo!”

Barley was laughing along with her as Fizzy entered the room. It took them a second to notice her, shaking off their dizziness and adrenaline crashes.

“Fizzy!” Caramel leapt up to hug her. “We did it! We surviiiiived!

“We did!” Fizzy gave a tired giggle.

“It was crazy, but it’s good to be back.” Barley fell backwards into a chair. “Second in-person con in a row down! I really missed this.”

Fizzy’s smile was tired, but her eyes were bright.

“Right?” Barley said. “I wouldn’t trade this for a thousand digital cons!”

“Yeah,” Caramel said. “Something is really magical about being here, in person.” He turned to Fizzy. “Extra congrats to you, Fizzy. Surviving a con is no easy task.”

Fizzy finished patting her face with her hooves. She looked up at him, her smile and eyes both tired and warm, now.

“Yeah,” she said. “Really something.”

“Get the AV stuff packed, Fizzy?” Barley said, absentmindedly, drifting in a haze of euphoria and exhaustion.

“Yeah,” she replied, her eyes bright and sharp, too. “Yeah, got that all taken care of a while ago.”

“Couldn’t have done it without you,” Caramel smiled.

“Glad to hear it.” Fizzy’s smile didn’t reach her eyes.

Really, it was all she had.

“... and, yeah, she’s the latest guest to confirm.” Barley said, looking away from his camera..

“Ooooh! Yes!” Caramel wiggled in her seat, grinning. “I love hanging out with her, and her panels are always great! I can’t wait to see her again.”

“Right?” Barley gave a tired smile. “Only a few more weeks till we gotta ride the whirlwind again.”

“Oh, I know.” Caramel said, laughing. “Can’t wait.”

“Same.” Barley gave a weary smile.

“Barley, what about my idea?”

Barley and Caramel looked at her face on their screens in a moment of confusion.

“Oh, horseapples!” Barley said, his eyes glued to his monitor, zipping back and forth as he searched for something, and then read it. “Crud, Fizzy, I’m sorry. It slipped my mind.” He continued reading, his face falling. “Ah, I’m really sorry, Fizz, this is a lot last minute.”

“What is it?” Caramel asked.

“Here, I’ll send you the link,” Barley said, his hoof dragging his mouse across his desk.

“Oh! Oh wow! Oh, I’m sorry, Fizzy. This is a lot, and we don’t have the budget right now for this. I’m sorry.” Caramel’s look was one of sympathy and maybe a little shame. “Next year, though, maybe we can work this in!”

Then the theme would be entirely different and it wouldn’t make any sense.

“I really goofed this, Fizz, I’m so sorry.” Barley gave a sad, apologetic smile. “Caramel’s right, though. This would be great with whatever we do next year!”

Fizzy patted her cheeks with her hooves, and took a deep breath. She’d muted the mic so they couldn’t hear how shaky it was.

They also hadn’t noticed the flickering blue pixels that had appeared for just a moment.

“AV stuff is going good, though, right?”

Fizzy’s plastic smile didn’t reach her bright, plastic eyes.

“AV is all handled until game day.” She said, never dropping the expression as the conversation awkwardly stumbled on to other topics. She made no other comments until the meeting finally ended.

Fizzy was alone. She wandered the streets of Milwaukee, a bag of snacks and drinks for the weekend suspended in her magic.

Almost time.

Yeah, to run another message on a lunch break and, oh, make sure the AV equipment works.

She shook her head. She didn't want to think that way.

Of course you don’t, but not much else to do after the fifth AV check.

She raised a hoof to pat a cheek, but her heart wasn’t in it. After limply letting her hoof fall, she slumped against the stone wall next to her.

I’m really out of it, huh?

The thought hung in the empty void of her head for a while. Right up until the rain started.

Fizzy let out a groan of frustration, clutching the snack bag under her chin and sprinting towards the hotel in a gallop.

Fizzy burst through the door, barely slowing as she made a break for the elevator.

A desk attendant glanced up and shook his head in surprise.

“Ms. Glitch? Ms. Glitch!”

Fizzy skidded to a halt.


“A package came for you, it’s right he-ooh!”

Fizzy snatched it up in her telekinesis and jogged to the elevator, shouting a tired “Thanks,” as she went.

Fizzy hurled her wet bag and the beaten box onto the desk and flopped onto the bed.

It felt… well, not good, but a relief to stop moving for a second. Unfortunately, that just left that empty space in her head, and slowly, the thoughts started to fill it.

If I can’t handle the prep, I’m gonna be in no shape to help run the con.

Just disappear at lunch, or play games on your phone. It’s not like they’d notice.

Fizzy let out a groan and rolled over.

I gotta talk to them. I-

I can’t believe they didn’t even read the idea until the meeting.

We were all busy.

They were busy. You just had to make sure we had the same order for mic rentals we’ve had every year.

I’m barely managing to make it through the day before!

Isn’t that obvious.

Fizzy rolled over again, sheets letting loose a wisp of unnoticed steam, and stared at the wall.

I just gotta get through this. Everyone is counting on me.

Just like they counted on you during lockdown, right?

Fizzy held back tears.

I tried.

Yeah, I tried.

She couldn’t hold them back, then.

She felt better after crying, and slowly dragged herself out of bed, and that’s when she saw the clock.

“Oh no! No no no!”

She rushed to her phone and checked the group chat.

Caramel had finally gotten the last of her errands done, and had messaged she was going to grab Barley for their planned dinner.

Twenty minutes ago.

Fizzy slumped.

It was only then that she realized she’d flopped on the bed as soon as she got into the room.

While sopping wet.

When it rained, it seemed, it poured, and lightning flashed outside to hammer that point home.

Barley leapt up from the bed at the knock on the door. With two flaps he was there, opening it just in time for Caramel to leap through and swoop him up into a hug.

“Bar!” she shouted. “You ready for this year’s Ciderfest?!”

“I hope I am!” he laughed, flapping his wings steady himself.

“Ohhhh, I’m sorry I’m late!” She squeezed him extra tight before letting him go. “I got stuck in traffic on the way here!”

“Yeah! Hotel is packed, so I’m not surprised.”

“Oh, this year is gonna be great!” She pranced in place. “Where’s Fizz?”

“Uh, dunno.” Barley pulled his phone out of his vest pocket and flicked through it. “She never replied.”

“Oh well, I was so late anyway. Really should have saved that text for after I unpacked!” Caramel grinned. “We’ve got her room number, right?”


“Let’s go surprise her!”

Barley grinned, but the edges of it twisted as he looked to the side.

“I really do feel like a heel about her idea.”

“Ohhhh.” Caramel’s smile was comforting. “Look, I’ll pay for her meal tonight, and you pay for it tomorrow, and when we start planning for next year in a few months, we’ll make sure to work it in.”

“Yeah…” He said, looking a bit wistful. “Yeah, let’s do that.”

“Right!” Caramel said. “Once we sit down for dinner, we can unwind, get in our groove, and then tomorrow the fun really begins!”

“Right.” Barley’s smile relaxed. “Let’s go get her.”

They’d forgotten her.

Nothing new, there.

She… she really needed to talk to them. She…

Sparks of glowing blue pixels popped off her mane as she winced, trying to stamp out the idea that they’d forgotten her.

She opened her eyes and let out a huff, and finally noticed the package she’d hurled onto the desk when she came in. What was that about?

That’s right Fizzy. Be productive! Maybe it’s a fan package!

She gave a small smile, and trotted up to the desk. One step at a time. See what this fan sent you, and then-

One step at a time. One step at a time.

She pried it open with her magic, and unwrapped the contents, and was… well, mostly given pause by the fact that what was inside was a book.

Maybe it’s a fanfic? That would be cool if someone sent me one they were planning to sell at the con! I hope I can get it autographed.

She picked the book up in her magic and her face made a surprised ‘o’ as she dropped it just as fast. When she had grabbed it the magic in the book had tried to grab her back.

Not fanfiction, then.

Slowly, she worked up the courage to try again. The book’s magic grabbed back, but it wasn’t hostile. If anything, it was… excited to be held.

At least somepony is happy to see you.

She flipped it open, and read what was on the page.

“‘The Book of All Stories.’” She flipped another page. “‘Write these words and they will become the truth: Those who shape the words shall shape the world…’” She went silent, reading on, her eyebrows furrowed.

She flipped ahead. She read the words. She repeated this several times. No matter how many times she flipped ahead, there was always more. Way more than the book could possibly have inside of it.

Physically, anyway.

She put the book down and stepped back.

This was too much. Who sent her this? Maybe it was a prank, but she had felt the magic in the book. Seen a bit of it too. That was really far to go for a prank.

She flipped the book open again, to the page with the incantation. If… if this wasn’t a prank, this thing was powerful. Dangerous.

But it would be so cool, though.

She flipped a few pages forward, and read the first words on the page.

Dear Princess Celestia, they said.

Fizzy shook her head.

This is crazy.

Yeah, and it rules.

I gotta put this somewhere safe!

Oh yeah, put the magical book that summons the favorite characters of the hundreds of people here at this con away. Classic Fizzy move, there.

Fizzy winced.

“No, no, I have to put this away until Barley and Caramel can look into it.”

Oh yeah, sure, they’ll get right on that when you remind them in a week.

“Gotta be a place around here, somewhere.” She muttered to herself, half-heartedly.

And once I’m done, I can make sure the AV stuff is sorted out.

She closed her eyes. She wasn’t searching for a place to hide the book, anymore.

It’s a book of magic! That makes stories real! It doesn’t feel evil!

Caramel and Barley would have to love this!

Yeah, if it doesn’t ruin their convention. The one they love a thousand times more than the ones you mattered in.

She was looking at the book now. Wisps of blue, cubic light wicked off of her.

Someone gave you this. So use it! This isn’t some stream, Fizzy, that you’re doing so you don’t have to think about how little you matter. To the world. To them.

“That’s not fair.” She said, half-heartedly. The growing fire sputtered for a moment.

Maybe it isn’t, but that book? It’s real. Real power. A real chance to show your stuff. And hey, maybe you can write a story about how Barley and Caramel do the AV stuff for once while you get dinner.

She walked forward and picked up the book in her magic.

She stopped thinking in words as the book’s magic and hers intertwined. It was so happy to be used. It was meant to be used. Just like she was meant to be useful.

So what if Caramel and Barley had forgotten her? They wouldn’t forget this! No one would! This wasn’t just some stream she was doing so she wouldn’t feel scared, or mad. This was real magic! As real as it got. And what it could do…

Fizzy’s determined smile softened and the wisps of digital fire slowed as she imagined the look of surprise and gratitude Barley and Caramel would get when they saw what she could do.

Plus, I’m just going to tell some stories. Not even I could screw that up.

Fizzy's smile didn’t disappear, but it became a lot less happy, and it did touch her angry, hurt eyes.

She lifted up the book and a pen. Blue flame wreathed her as she read aloud along with the strokes of her pen.

“‘Write these words and they will become the truth: Those who shape the words shall shape the world.’”

“Was that Fizzy?” Barley asked, puzzled. “Why’s she shouting?”

“Her room’s right there.” Caramel trotted ahead, her brow creasing when she noticed the glow emanating from inside.

Fizzy’s voice boomed from behind the door. “‘It is within stories that we hold the world, so those that hold the stories hold the world.’”

“Is she streaming in there?” Caramel asked, confused, gesturing at the light.

Barley gulped. “I don’t think so…”

Fizzy continued. “‘The world is within the mind, within the words. Within these words are all possible worlds.’”

“Fizzy!” Caramel knocked on the door, perhaps faster and harder than she should have. The light changed from the blue of kirin-fire to a kaleidoscope of colors.

“‘To write the words is to create the worlds.’”

“Hey, Fizz, we’re here!” Caramel pounded. “Are you okay?”

She screamed and jumped back. Barley glanced down and leapt back himself as a massive, coiling vine began bursting out from the door.

“‘I write the worlds, I speak the worlds, I shape the worlds, for within this book are all stories, and all they bear!’”

Barley and Caramel scuttled back as grass began pouring from beneath the door like water flooding from a clogged sink.

“Thus I begin our tale…”

The grass stopped spreading and coiled, like a living animal. Caramel looked at Barley, confused and afraid in the moment of silence. They could hear the page of the book be flipped as the world held its breath for the next line.

As the door flew open, Fizzy cackled and shouted, “‘Once upon a time, In the magical land of Equestria!’

The grass and vines and sunlight and birdsong and color poured from the door towards them. Barley started to float, though, he realized that wasn’t quite right. The advancing wall of changing reality wasn’t coming towards him; he was falling into it.

“When I said it was gonna be another whirlwind, I didn’t mean like this!” Barley hollered as they fell forward.

“Hold on!” Caramel tried to grab him, but to no avail. They, Fizzy, and everyone else at the con, were sucked into the brave new world, as Fizzy read on.

Comments ( 1 )
Author Interviewer

It took me a minute to get situated, but this is really cool. :O

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