• Published 21st Nov 2023
  • 1,693 Views, 190 Comments

He's a Vampire - Gormless Wheaton

'Eternity is wasted on hatred, Mr. Harlow. For try as we might, immortality slips away, and we're left with only our shame.'

  • ...

Phantom on the Fence

"A thousand storm bucks?!" The pigman yelled, slamming his fist on the stall, causing some of the fruits on sale to roll to the ground. "Yesterday these were a buck a pound!" He jumped back when the turtle stall-keeper leveled a crossbow at him.

"Yesterday, we thought the Storm King was still alive," he retorted with a growl. "Ain't you heard? Big guy bit the dust up north, and all his commanders, too." The pigman blinked and huffed.

"The Storm King's dead?" He parroted. The stall-keeper rolled his eyes and stowed his crossbow.

"What I just said. So his money's only good for trading with storm beasts and a couple of Abyssinians here or there," the stall-keeper explained, jabbing his stall with a claw. "So! A thousand per pound today. You still got kluge-dollars don't ya? Usual price for those." The pigman hummed in wonder at the news as he nodded and searched his pockets before blinking.

"Hold up," he said evenly, slowly looking back at the turtle. "Storm King's dead."


"His commanders are gone."

"Right again. You got the money?" The pigman pulled a small wad of cash from his pocket as he continued to voice his thoughts.

"His money ain't worth the paper it's printed on.." He slammed a hand on the stall and leaned at the stall-keeper. "AND we've got a platoon of his soldiers staying in OUR town for free?" The turtle smirked and pointed towards the square.

"You ain't the only one who's put two and two together on that, Mitch," turning, the pigman saw a crowd of Klugetowners brandishing knives, clubs, and the odd sword or axe, all marching towards the barracks where the Klugetown detachment was holed up.

Mitch furrowed his brow and tightened his belt before stomping off to follow the mob. The horde soon met at the barracks with a second mob who were battering at the doors.

"Time's up you thugs!" A lizard at the front roared as he brought his axe into the door, cracking it in half. Then, the two Diamond Dogs at his side plunged their shoulders in and crashed into the barracks. "Come on!" The leader called as the mob charged inside.

Mitch managed to shove his way to the front and was one of the first to burst into what was once Gofeld's bar before being repurposed to house the Storm King's soldiers in Klugetown. The lizard and his two dogs were at a standoff with the soldiers inside, who had formed a barricade bellow the second-floor loft with the tables and had their spears pointed out at the mob.

"Let's be rational!" The captain of the barracks yelled. "Adam and his brothers won't stand for any violence here!"

"Don't give us that!" One of the dogs yelled back as the mob piled in. "All of the commanders died up north!" The mob hollered in agreement as the dog tried to climb the stairs only to get jabbed with a spear from the barricade.

"You really think Adam could die so easily?" The captain called, before gasping and pointing at the ceiling. "Look!" Mitch and several others looked up and saw a faint smoke wafting around the ceiling. A scream rang out.

"It's true! He's alive!"

"Adam's here!"

"Run for your lives!"

Half the mob trampled over each other as they scrambled to flee the vampire in mist form, but Mitch only raised an eyebrow as he saw the smoke rising from the loft itself. Huffing to himself, he rushed up the stairs while the soldiers were distracted, and saw a pair of guards on the loft crouched over a metal basin full of burning coals. One of them was fanning the smoke towards the rest of the room.

"Hah!" Mitch called, causing the pair to jump. He stomped up and grabbed them, both before kicking the basin off the loft. "Here's your vampire!" The mob looked up and then back to the captain.

"Er.." He looked around and then raised a finger. "He must have hypnotized them!"

A cheer rang out as Gofeld hauled the last barrel of beer up from where the soldiers had hidden them. The tables were laid out and the storm beasts were tied up in the corner, under the watchful eyes of Mitch, and Cid, the lizard who'd smashed the door in.

"First six rounds're on the house!" Gofeld hollered to the joy of the mob.

"So, what're we going to do with these boys?" Mitch asked, poking the captain with his club.

"Might be able to get a few coins for the lot of 'em," Cid chuckled to the visible discomfort of his captives.

"Release them," a third voice offered. Cid and Mitch laughed.

"Now that's funny!" Mitch declared, turning to meet Adam's eyes. As soon as he did, the club slipped from his hand and he held his breath. Cid looked back and fell from his stool with a shriek. As more of the patrons took notice of the vampire, a terrified silence filled the room.

Adam looked over the room and held up one hand.

"Please, don't mind me," he said, gesturing to the crowd. "Enjoy yourselves. Merriment is not always a sin." A table of four near the entrance rose to their feet, but before they could escape the door was slammed shut by Adam, his action punctuated by a thunderclap outside and a scream from the crowd. He drew a breath through his teeth as he leaned on the door, and slowly drew his hand to point back at their table.

"Please," he huffed through clenched teeth. "I'd hate to think I spoiled your evening. This is a happy time." They slowly dragged themselves back to their table, as the daylight vanished.

"Mr. Verko is tending to the cloud machine," Adam explained as he sat at the bar top. "He'll be along momentarily. I bring very exciting news for everyone." Adam took a shuddering breath as the room watched him with dread. Then they jumped when he suddenly looked at Cid and the captured guards.

"Release them," he ordered. Cid and Mitch scrambled to obey, and the platoon was set to their feet before their captain hesitantly approached Adam.

"Commander Hurri- ADAM, sir, it's good to see you!" He declared with a salute. "We heard from ships heading for the Storm Isles that his Excellence and the commanders were all dead." He wilted as his eyes met Adam's.

"You heard right. The Storm King is dead," Adam confirmed, to the shock of the soldiers. A few of the patrons cheered before remembering the situation they were in. Adam smiled at them, which did nothing for their nerves. "The Storm King is dead, and his wanton evil dead with him." Adam rose from his seat and drew a book with a silver ribbon bookmark from his robe.

"And I now possess the key to the future," he declared, presenting the book for all to see. "I shall forge a new nation, stronger, untroubled by hunger, disease, or death. A new Eden, on this earth." The crowd flinched at his declaration and murmured to themselves as the last vestiges of light vanished outside with the noise of thunder. The door was suddenly thrown open.

"Ah hah! Just the fellow I was looking for!" Verko called as he and his bodyguards stepped inside. "Wonderful weather, huh?" He asked, nudging a nearby patron who shuddered in response. Adam rolled his hand out in salute as he returned to his seat.

"Thank you for seeing to my accommodation, Don. I prefer moving in man-shape to beast or mist," he said as Verko hopped into the seat next to him. Adam opened his book and slipped the silver ribbon from its place.

"No trouble at all for such a lucrative partner," Verko replied, snapping his fingers as Gofeld hastily poured him a drink. "So, straight to brass tacks, King Blow-hard really is gone, eh? Hah! Guess you boys are moving ahead with that thing we talked about?"

"Correct, for the most part," Adam said without looking up from his book. Verko hummed and grabbed the glass Gofeld handed him.

"What part exactly am I incorrect about?" He asked, taking a sip.

"Mad Dog has been killed," Adam stated, causing Verko to spit his drink, and the entire room gasped.

"How the heck did that happen?!" He cried, yanking a rag his bodyguard handed him and wiping his face.

"There is another vampire to whom our plans are anathema," Adam explained, still reading from his book. Verko moaned and wrung his hands.

"So, what, is it all-"

"Only one thing has changed," Adam said firmly, closing his book and bringing his hand to his chin. "If Eden is to come to fruition, I must compensate for Dog's passing. Candy is now neutralizing Equestria's greatest weapon, and the captain here will be setting out to inform the scattered armada of my taking charge and order for them to return to the Storm Isles." The squad captain blanched.

"I am?"

"You are. Immediately," Adam affirmed without looking at him. The captain's mouth hung open as he looked from Adam to Verko, who grimaced and jabbed a thumb at the door. The storm beast murmured before signaling to his platoon, who followed him out of the bar. Adam turned to Verko.

"I will remain in Klugetown for six days while waiting for Candy. Our allies abroad who, like you, have a blood bond with me have already been made aware of the situation," he rose from his seat and loomed over the molerat. "But as you are my agent closest to the enemy, I believe it would be best to make good on our promise, Verko." The molerat raised an eyebrow and then jolted.

"Really?" He huffed, wringing his hands again. When Adam nodded his head, a smile split across Verko's face. "Oh hoh hoh! Yes! Finally! Let's do it!" He clenched his hands and ripped his tie off. Adam tore open his palm with a fang.

"You understand the precautions you must take, yes?" He asked as Verko exposed his neck. The patrons gasped and some averted their eyes.

"Yeah, yeah, stay out of the sun, no garlic, I got all that!" He squirmed in his seat. "Immortality, baby! Let's go!" Adam reached and bent his head back with one hand, pressing his bleeding palm over his mouth. Someone in the bar screamed.

"Remember also," he said as he bared his fangs. "This makes us brothers. Do not make me regret this choice."

"There it is," Cozy whispered. I slipped up out of my coffin in ghost form and looked ahead. The team of dogs hauling my hidden body was now passing through the middle of the Ruffleton graveyard, marching straight for one, well-tended grave towards the back.

Quilt was waiting with Frill in her room back at Ramstead, and it was clear when we left she wasn't sure which discovery would be worse. The dogs reached the grave and set my box down.

"You ready, Peter?" Cozy muttered without looking back at me from where she sat on my coffin.

"Yep. Be right back," I replied, slipping forward and down into the earth. After Cozy and Quilt explained that Gruff was the name of Quilt's grandfather, along with the matching description of a magically savvy hornless ram, and the timeline matching up with when Gruff had died, we came to an agreement: Rather than exhume the old ram, I'd slip down and see if anyone was home.

"Shit," I muttered, as all I found was an empty box.

Cozy had her foreleg draped over Quilt's back as she buried her face in the blanket on her bed. Frill and Blueblood had just returned from carting her dishes away as my request, while I continued pacing and muttering to myself.

"And how is the young miss feeling?" Blueblood asked with a tea set in his magic. Quilt whined in response.

"Thank you, you two," I huffed as they entered the room.

"Yes, of course," Frill replied, helping Blueblood set the table. She looked between me and Quilt as they worked. I wasn't sure what to say to her. Celestia's letter coupled with the empty grave pointed to the grim reality that Quilt's grandpa had faked his death and went off raising vampires. I heaved a sigh in frustration.

"Listen, sitting here letting 'what ifs?' and 'why fors?' eat at us isn't doing any good," I declared, folding my arms. "Who keeps the graves in Ruffleton?" Quilt didn't respond, but Cozy hummed and looked up at me.

"Nowadays, Slacks does it, but he only took the job a year ago, I think," she explained, rubbing her chin. "Mayor Briefs probably has a list of everywooly who did the job over the years." I snapped my fingers.

"Okay! So, I'm gonna-"

"Mayor Briefs buried him," Quilt quietly added, still hiding her face. "Even though Grandpa never liked him." Cozy rubbed Quilt's back.

"He didn't?" Quilt gently shook her head in response before her ear twitched, and she looked up from her hooves.

"Mayor Briefs also got me to go with you to Canterlot," she muttered as she scanned the room. Frill, Blueblood, and I shared a look as I processed that statement.

"What do you mean?" I asked. Quilt hummed and sat up a little.

"He was saying a lot of weird stuff," she explained, taking long, deep breaths "He said you'd need my magic, and then asked if I even remembered anything Grandpa taught me. The way he said it got under my wool."

"He said all that?" Cozy asked. Quilt nodded again and looked at me. Frill shuffled her hooves and stepped forward.

"That's.. very strange. Was he always aware of your witchcraft?" She asked. Quilt never took her eyes off me.

"He used to interrupt our lessons. He always made Grandpa uncomfortable, like they had some secret Grandpa didn't want me to know," she said. Cozy hummed in response.

"You don't think Mayor Briefs had something to do with-"

"Guess we'll have to ask him," I declared.

Briefs stepped into his dimly lit office, either not noticing or not caring about his closed blinds, and hopped into his chair. Pulling a small stack of papers from his bag, he began to read them over, humming a happy tune to himself. As a result of all this, he never noticed me and jumped when I stepped forward from the corner of his room.

"Prince Peter!" He yelled, before sighing in relief. "Nearly made me jump out of my wool!" He shook his head with a chuckle.

"Sorry about that, but I have to stay in the dark, and we need to talk," I replied. He hummed and nodded as he set his papers aside.

"Of course, of course," he sighed and gave me his attention as I stepped closer to his desk. "So! May I presume this has something to do with Princess Celestia's hunt for the other vampires?"

"Sort of does, yeah," I affirmed, to which he beamed.

"Brilliant! About time, if I may say," he laughed. "What news does she send?" I slid the too-small chairs out of my path and drummed on his desk.

"She managed to pull some details on where the other three came from," I explained, at which Briefs nodded. "As well as someone who was in their company till he died of old age." I listened and heard his heartbeat remain steady.

"In their company? Who might that have been?"

"A ram named Gruff," I replied. For just a moment, his heart jumped but evened out again.

"How did she come by this information?" He asked with a tilt of his head. I shrugged and slid my palms to the edge of his desk.

"Lot of the guys the Storm King had were there when Adam and his goons popped up, as well as Gruff," I scratched his desk with a finger. "A few of them were there when he finally died." Briefs hummed at my story and looked at his desk as if deep in thought. After a moment, I pulled one hand up and whinged.

"See, the thing that's bugging me is Quilt said her grandpa who died a few years back was also named Gruff," I hummed and paced the floor. "So she asked me to make sure he was still where you buried him."

"And you found an empty grave, right?" He asked with a smile, which caused me to flinch. We stared at each other for a moment.

"Yeah, I did," I finally said. The clock on the wall ticked away as we locked eyes. He finally shrugged.

"Well, you've got me," he laughed. "I helped Gruff fake his death and made him raise those other vampires." My jaw dropped.

"I- You.." I fought for anything to say as my head spun. He shrugged again.

"I know when I'm licked, and you knowing the truth doesn't stop anything," he declared. He held his hooves out to me. "Go ahead and apprehend me." I collapsed onto my ass and stared at him. The clock ticked on as he sat there, hooves stretched out.

"I- I think you're supposed to ask for a lawyer?" I mumbled. He laughed.

"Unnecessary, and it wouldn't help," he shook his head. "But you'd better get Doily and the rest together. They're witnesses after all."

"Like that?" Pinkie asked quietly as she finished pouring the powder in the shape Candy showed her. The vampire leaned over her and inspected the circle. The gems he gave her were in position, the powder was the right shape, and the strands taken from her mane were neatly hidden in the powder lines.

"You got it, sweetheart," he gripped and rubbed her back, causing her to shudder. "Now, sit in the middle." Pinkie slowly obeyed. The monster had put the babies to bed as she asked, but if she fought him now or ran for help, he made no secret of what would happen. And now that the sun had fully set, he could do it all and disappear with no problem. Candy scratched his head as he looked over the scene.

"Alright, now.." he hummed in thought before he snapped his fingers. "Now we burn it. Or rather, you burn it."

"Why?" She whimpered. Candy shrugged.

"Fuck if I know," he tossed her a match. She sighed and took it in her teeth, striking it on the floor before quickly setting the flame to the powder. The entire circle went up in flames, causing her to gasp. The fire ran through its shape quickly and then the entire circle vanished in a puff of smoke that stung her eyes. As she coughed and blinked, she looked around and saw the fire and smoke were gone. She could, however, feel the warmth of her blood pumping through her veins.

"Hey hey hey," Candy chuckled and took a deep breath. "I can already tell you did it right. Good work, sweetheart." Pinkie grimaced and looked him up and down.

"I don't get what any of that was, but if that's all you wanted, go away!" She demanded, stomping her hoof. She winced when he laughed again.

"Nuh-uh, we got one more thing," he declared. Pinkie whined and clenched her eyes.

"What?" She asked before she was thrown backward as the vampire seized her by the sides. Before she could do more than cry out in surprise, he sank his teeth into her shoulder.

"You and I got to get a little closer, that's all," she heard him say in her head as he sucked her blood out.

Author's Note:

On the fence as in unsure what to do.

These alliterations are killing me, but I'm in too deep.