• Published 29th Oct 2023
  • 2,607 Views, 182 Comments

Turn of Luck - David Silver

She was a fresh college grad with a shiny degree in social work and got a basic job where she can work towards helping people through tough times, hoping to become a renowned therapist or counselor. Pity her Halloween costume gets her to Equestria.

  • ...

6 - Blown Secrets

"About my gift?" Maya looked about nervously. Fluttershy looked familiar. Which pony were they?

"Oh? No." Fluttershy trotted closer with a gentle expression. "Pinkie said there was a pony waiting here for a party. I don't know why I'm one of the first." She nodded at Apple Bloom. "But not the first, that's good. Why are your hooves glowing?"

Maya's face paled. Had Pinkie not been spreading the news? Had she, Maya, been blowing her secrets all on her own. Dang it... "Um..."

Apple Bloom grabbed for Maya's hoof between both of her own. "She's got earth pony magics, times a eleventy-bllion! She can make things grow inna snap! It's amazin'!"

Any chance of not spreading it, dashed. Maya laughed nervously. "Yep..."

Fluttershy gave a soft gasp, not scandalized, more simply amazed. "That's wonderful. Can you make any plant grow?"

Maya blinked at that question. "That's a really good question! You're smart."

Fluttershy darkened at that. "Oh, my... It was... just an idea..." She hid behind a wing. "You want Twilight for smart things."

Apple Bloom slid between the two. "Try somethin' rare!"

Maya blinked. "Um... what's rare? What I know may be really common, or not... I don't know?"

More ponies were starting to show up, and they were drawn towards the party pony, which was Maya.

Applejack joined them. "What's this 'bout growin' things? AB? Ah thought you'd be at home 'bout now."

Apple Bloom pointed at Maya swiftly. "Ah'm here fer her welcome party. Ah already know her. Ah should be there tah say howdy!"

Maya inched back, lest she get in the middle of that, only to thump against another pony. She wheeled to find a pony with a grey mane and tail. "I welcome you," spoke the mare. "I am Mayor Mare, and you are Maya? A delight."

Maya smiled at the... elderly? Middle-aged? Mare. "Nice to meet you too." She offered a hoof, shaking with the mayor. "This is a lovely town you have here."

Mayor Mare smiled all the brighter. "I do take pride in Ponyville, but it's all of our efforts, together, that make it shine! I'm just one small part of that."

Maya wondered if the mayor meant that or if that was political speak. "Good job so far. So... Maybe you know, but I'm a therapist." She pointed at herself. "Any room for one of those around here?"

Mayor Mare tilted her head curiously at Maya's introduction of her profession. "A therapist? Well, while Ponyville offers comforts like a spa for relaxation, we don't have any specialized care for the mind. At least, nothing formal."

She tapped her chin thoughtfully with a hoof. "Princess Twilight provides guidance, of course, as do all her friends. And we take care of each other as neighbors and friends. But counseling troubled minds in an official capacity?" The Mayor shook her head. "I can't claim we've ever had need of that before. Ponies here are quite harmonious!" She smiled at the buzz of happy party preparations surrounding them. "But harmony takes work too. If anypony HAS been struggling alone, your unique skills would surely be of use!"

Maya glanced around as more cheerful ponies congregated, buoyed by laughter and easy smiles. It seemed an idyllic community on the surface. But even in bright Equestria... She wondered what might lurk just beneath that saccharine surface.

"Well, I'm happy to listen and support any pony who needs it - just let folks know I'm here." A familiar face caught Maya's eye, waving eagerly. "Oh! If you'll excuse me, Mayor."

Maya trotted over to where Apple Bloom was animatedly recounting the flowering tale to an astonished Applejack. The farm pony caught sight of Maya's glowing hoofprints and whistled. "Never seen plant magic quite like that! Reckon even my family might ask yer help on the farm someday. Glad to meetcha proper." She tipped her hat, smiling warmly.

She leaned in at Maya. "That there's an earth pony trick." She raised a hoof. "All earth ponies got it, to an extent... But most aren't any good at it, and even those that are, tend to be kinda focused." Applejack thumped her chest. "Take me, an' most of the Apples! We're all 'bout apples! Can't make a full grown tree grow outta nothin', but there ain't nopony else that could tell ya 'xactly what an apple tree might be hankerin' for better than an Apple."

Maya considered apples, and the trees they came from. "Part of me wants to try that, but the other part wants to not make a new friend angry at me for showing her up, which I don't want to do."

"Sugarcube." Applejack swatted at Maya's shoulder. "If you can make apple trees sprout outta nothin', ya got yerself a job, not no angry words."

Apple Bloom bounced eagerly in place. "Ain't rare, but still wanna see! Do it!"

"Do it!" joined Pinkie, bouncing at perfect counterpoint with Apple Bloom. "What are we doing?"

Maya laughed at Pinkie's antics. "You are so silly... Really extra. I was just... This." She clopped her hooves, both glowing green with potential for plant magic. "Applejack wanted to see if I could make an apple tree."

"It's not a secret then." Pinkie inclined her head sharply. "I thought it was a secret."

Maya buried her face in her glowing hooves. "It was. I messed that up. Not a secret anymore." She rubbed her hooves, encouraging the green brighter. "Not looking for an apple-growing job, but..." She pressed her hooves to the ground.

As Maya focused her power into the soil, tendrils of green magically burst forth, rapidly growing and intertwining. With a bright flash, a lush young apple tree emerged before the astonished ponies' eyes, leaves rustling as red fruit swelled plump and ripe among the branches.

Pinkie's eyes sparkled with reflected green magic as she gazed in wonder between Maya and her creation. Applejack let out an impressed whistle, trotting up to inspect an apple. "A little small, but sweeter than a June bloom! Can't believe that just sprang up quicker than eggs 'n hay-bacon. You really are one special pony, Maya!"

Maya flushed at the praise, scuffing a hoof self-consciously. "Oh, well, it's nothing that imp—"

"Nothing?!" Pinkie interjected, throwing confetti around the new tree. "This calls for a celebration!" Grabbing Maya's hoof, she proudly presented her to the guests. "Everypony, put your hooves together for the amazing flower pony of Ponyville!"

As the crowd cheered, Maya's embarrassment turned to shy delight. These friendly ponies really did embrace each new citizen - and her blossoming talents - wholeheartedly. Surrounded by smiling equines rather than wary looks, Maya felt her old apprehensions about revealing too much too fast finally fade away. Her secret was a gift to nurture bonds here, not something to hide.

"Three cheers for Maya!" proclaimed Pinkie, proudly pronking beside her honored guest amidst new flower garlands matching Maya's cutie mark. "Best! Party! EVER!"

Maya simply chuckled, heart swelling at such instant, joyful belonging. In that golden moment under her little tree, it felt less an echo of a lost past life, more the first sprout of a bright future.

But she still wanted to do what she spent years learning... "I want to help the trees up here grow." She tapped at her head. "If you feel down, or lost, or just need some...pony... to talk to, you find me."

Mayor Mare pushed through the crowd. "Rarely do I hear such a strong voice for taking up a profession." She turned her eyes to Maya's cutie mark, the ringlet of flowers. "And aligned with your cutie mark, wonderful. Swing by the town hall when you have a moment and we can see about getting you a building to use for that business, and your stipend begun."

Maya started. "Stipend?

Mayor Mare nodded firmly. "Of course. All working ponies, whatever their profession, get a stipend to make ends meet. Depending on your job and--"

Applejack pushed Maya back. "Hold on there. We Apples been workin super hard! Where's our 'stipend', huh?"

"Yeah!" joined Apple Bloom, both Apples frowning at Mayor Mare.

"Hold on." Mayor Mare made placating gestured with her hooves. "We're here for Maya tonight, let's focus on her." She laughed nervously and made herself scarce before more difficult questions could come her way.

Applejack watched Mayor Mare beat a hasty retreat, then turned back to Maya with a rueful chuckle. "Didn't mean to put ya on the spot there, but Ponyville politics ain't always sunshine and rainbows."

Not far off, Rainbow Dash glanced up mid-loop from demonstrating tricks. "Hey, I heard rainbows! Somepony call?" Applejack just rolled her eyes with a smile as the blue pegasus zipped over.

"Heya Maya! Name's Rainbow Dash - fastest pony in Equestria!" She hovered with a cocky grin. "Pretty cool flower power ya got there! Makes me think of Fluttershy's pal, Tree Hugger." Her face lit up. "Ooh, bet you guys would get along great! She's super laid back and into nature and junk."

Applejack gave her sky-bound friend a wry nudge. "C'mon now, let Maya settle in 'fore ya go matchmakin' her with strangers." Turning apologetically back to Maya, she added: "Really though, we country ponies need to stick together in this crazy town. You ever need anythin', give a holler!"

As the friends traded good-natured back-and-forth barbs, Maya found herself smiling, tension dissipating. Whatever Equestrian bureaucracy she'd have to navigate, at least she'd gained staunch allies already. Applejack's steadfast support meant more than any official stamp of approval ever could.

Still, questions lingered about whether Ponyville's harmony was less complete than it first appeared. And what other secrets might lurk behind the Mayor's genteel facade? Maya sensed she still had much to learn about her quaint adopted home.

But that night was for merriment, not mysteries. As lively music struck up, Maya gladly let herself get swept up celebrating with new neighbors whose warmth and humor had worked magic swiftly chasing away old doubts.

The party had erased Maya's sense of time flowing by. She met so many friendly ponies and enjoyed the bountiful snacks and drinks they kept cheerily plying her with through game after game. It was only late into the evening, after the excitement finally wound down, that Maya began tipsily staggering her way home.

Rainbow was at her side, keeping the weaving mare propped up. "I know that look," she said with an amused snicker. "Somepony went a little too hard on the cider!" Still, her tone was kind rather than chiding as she kept Maya balanced on the walk back.

"That was... hard?" Maya raised a brow lazily, all of her felt lazy at that point. "They didn't tell me."

"You didn't ask." Rainbow walked along up to Twilight's castle. "One delivery! Here you go."

"You're so... great." She hiccuped, and blushed for doing so. "I'm not usually like this."

"It was a welcome party." Rainbow waved it off. "It doesn't count. Go get some sleep, and keep a glass of water nearby."

"Good idea." She smooched Rainbow on the cheek and headed inside.

Rainbow was left, blushing. "Kissing drunk... Not the worst kind." She rubbed where she had been kissed. "Nice mare..." She lifted into the air and darted off with a rainbow streak.

Maya stumbled blearily through the castle halls, giggling tipsily to herself. What a magical evening! She felt so welcome and accepted by the delightful ponies of this town. And that cider certainly hadn't hurt matters...

As she neared her room, Maya paused, a tickling sensation running across her back. She glanced down the shadowy corridor behind her. Nothing there...must just be the cider playing tricks.

Except the pleasant tingly feeling persisted, spreading down her legs. Maya peered closer at her faintly glowing limbs, laughter fading. That almost felt like her emerging magic....but she wasn't using any plant powers at the moment. Where was this glow coming from? Had something awakened inside her?

The glow suddenly flashed brighter, as if in response. Maya gasped, stumbling back against the wall. Strange images flooded her mind - ponies in colorful costumes, landmark buildings awash in dazzling lights. Costumed performers sang joyfully on fantastic float processions. Confetti rained down on cheering crowds along festooned avenues.

Maya's head spun. Had the cider caused vivid hallucinations? But no, this magical place felt familiar somehow...like half-remembered childhood dreams suddenly vivid again. The sensory details were too intricate, resonating deeply as though...memories?

"What in Equestria was that?" Maya murmured in astonishment. The mysterious vision had faded as quickly as it came, leaving her wide-eyed. Her new magic clearly still held unexpected secrets. Secrets that might reveal more of her role and purpose in this world than she imagined...

But first, sleep. Maya headed into her room and flopped over onto her bed. In a moment, she was gone to the world even as plants curled around her, cradling her fondly in her sleep.

Author's Note:

More directions have opened, and the day has ended. Time for a poll, I say!

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