• Published 30th Oct 2023
  • 1,001 Views, 16 Comments

Tangled Wings - Short-tale

Twilight has a secret admirer but who ever it is seems more dangerous than loving.

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A short meeting (Twilight)

I was in my study when the door was assaulted. It sounded like a thousand hooves were clambering to take it down. Cautiously, I glanced out the window, allowing me to catch a small glimpse of the entrance.

I could see a white flank with tell-tale diamonds that could only be Rarity. It was odd to see her prancing around the front door like a young filly meeting a colt she liked. Something must be up.

I trotted towards the door, waving off Spike before he could answer and opened it up on the whole gang outside. I froze. I rolled through my internal itinerary in my head. There were no game nights, mare talks, or slumber parties scheduled. Why were they all there, looking about to burst in glee?

“Ohhh Twilight! We just heard the news! Congratulations!” Rarity declared, her smile wider than it should have been.

“Uh thanks? What news is that?” Was I in the news again? Last time it was ‘Troubling times ahead: new princess adding extra poundage. Pregnancy or Hayburger?’ I gave them a few well deserved quotes to choose from in response.

“Oh a little bird told us, you’ve got a girlfriend!” Rarity nearly shouted. Quietly I backed away from the door. It wasn’t something I wanted broadcasted to the whole of Ponyville, just yet. The fact was I was dreading them finding out. I didn’t really want to think about why.

“Was this bird purple and green, perchance?” I turned my gaze to the little dragon spy behind me but all I saw was a Spike-shaped outline left in dust. It figured he couldn’t keep things like this to himself.

“No…” Rarity replied with her eyes darting all over.

“I don’t think I know a purple and green bird,” Fluttershy muttered. “I would love to meet one if you know them.”

“Enter please,” I sighed and made my way to the table of friendship.

“Sooooo…” Pinkie began, “We heard you were smooching Derpy!”

“Well I uh…” I really didn’t think that many ponies saw us yet.

“That’s an understatement. You have a picture of you two kissing in the paper, darling.” Rarity placed the Daily Flugelhorn in front of me and right on the front page was a picture of me and Derpy kissing in front of Berry Punch’s restaurant.

“Oh no…” I knew there was a photo but I had hoped the papers would have found something else to run with. I heard Celestial had made a great announcement about how the kingdom is going to proceed in the future. That was certainly much more important than who I was kissing.

“Caught ya redhoofed!” Applejack declared, slamming her hooves on the table. “No denying it now.”

“I wasn’t going to deny it,” I protested. I had just planned to play dumb and just never affirm it.

“And why would she?” Pinkie popped up next to me, staring at our friends with stern eyes. “Derpy is a nice pony, it’s great she found somepony so nice. We should throw a party for you two.”

“Yeah if by nice you mean dumb as a box of rocks then she’s the nicest pony I ever met,” Rainbow Dash guffawed herself out of her chair.

“What’s wrong with rocks? Maud said she’s met more rocks that have interesting things to say than ponies.” Pinkie crossed her forehooves.

“Dash is just saying that Derpy is a few apples short of a bushel if ya get my meaning.” Applejack was fighting to keep her smile in check but I knew she was laughing just as hard as Dash was on the inside.

“If this is why you came you can just leave!” I said in a much angrier voice than I meant to. I guess I’d become a lot more protective of Derpy then I thought.

“Us?” cried Rainbow Dash popping up from underneath the table. “We didn’t do anything wrong. We were just…”

“I didn’t mean any offense…” Applejack interjected.

“If you all just came to gloat and laugh because I found some special pony who isn’t known for her intelligence...” I turned from them, trying not to let the shame and anger show on my face. It was wrong to feel shame. I should be happy, like Pinkie said. But a part of me couldn’t look past her flaws either. I was no better than them.

“Twilight…” Fluttershy whispered. “I don’t think they were trying to make fun of you and Derpy.”

“I was…”

“I don’t think any pony besides Rainbow Dash, were trying to make you feel bad for finding a special pony.” Fluttershy placed a hoof on my shoulder and I slowly looked at the group. I could feel the liquid shame, and shame of that shame, pouring down my face.

“Aww, come here Twilight,” Fluttershy’s soft, warm body embraced me. The others, even Rainbow Dash, joined in the friendship hug. Or huddle as Rainbow liked to call it.

“Now I know no pony here wants to see you upset. I think most of us are just confused why you chose her over all the other options and why we had to find out about it from a paper and not you.” Fluttershy slowly let go and backed off, letting me have some space to think.

“What… options?” This was news to me. No pony had ever approached me before.

“Well, there was Flash Sentry in Canterlot.” Rarity started. “As I recall, you two seemed to have quite a connection.”

“He never said anything to me. The Flash I knew was in the other world, not much chance of that happening.” The pony version seemed to get flustered so easily, he could barely talk to me. It was cute until it was annoying. I think the uneasiness won over his interest.

“That doof,” Rainbow scoffed. “What about Thunderlane or Soarin? They were both talking about asking you out when you left Wonderbolt camp.”

I shook my head. “Man, even those two are all bluster,” sighed the Wonderbolt.

“I know Songbird Serenade seemed interested at the friendship gathering.” Pinkie pulled her mane over her face in a very accurate Songbird impression.

“She must have been thrown off by the celebration getting attacked and all the princesses being turned into stone.” I sighed. I felt dejected that they were talking about other dating options when I already had a girlfriend. I wondered if they would have if it were any pony else.

“Well if mares are your thing, I got two cousins, Fiddle Sticks and Apple Fritter, that would love ta show ya a good time ,” Applejack said with a wink. Was she… pimping her cousins to me?

“And I know every pony who’s single,” Pinkie said. “If that’s what you want…”

“Come on, Pinkie,” Dash scolded the well-connected mare. “Of course she would. She thought her only option was Derpy.”

“What’s wrong with Derpy?” the friendliest pony in the world asked.

“Come on! I already said she’s dumb and clumsy to boot! Twilight can do a lot better.”

I wanted to yell at Dash. It was unfair to knock Derpy down like that, no matter her issues. She wasn’t dumb, she wasn’t klutzy… all the time. There was a simple sweetness to her. A genuine innocence that kept me from questioning her true motives until late at night. She was safe and calming. I didn’t have to perform at my best at every moment. Everything I did was exciting, new, and precious to her. Somepony that truly loved me no matter what I did or said in that moment.

“Well, I’m sure Spitfire or Fleetfoot are looking. Can’t see why you wouldn’t be their type,” Rainbow Dash said, raised her haughty head as if she just told me she had been deified.

“Those mares are much too butch, darling,” Rarity scoffed. “Twilight is a sensitive passionate soul, not a Wonderbolt floosy. I think Coco Pommel would be perfect for her, don’t you?”

Rarity was just as bad. I could feel the blood boil on my face. Why couldn’t they just accept my choice? I was glad Derpy wasn’t here to see it, though she might not realize what they were doing.

“If you like soft ponies, Treehugger is very soft and almost always available… if you like that sort of thing,” the timid pony of kindness muttered, throwing her bit into the anti-Derpy pot.

My teeth clenched and I could feel my heartbeat in my ears. My shoulders started to hurt as they became rock hard. I felt a few of my mane strands curl.

“Alright that’s it!” Pinkie shouted, throwing off my rage. “This is super duper wrong. Twilight has a girlfriend already, she doesn’t need another. If Twilight likes Derpy then we should be happy for them. They both deserve to be happy and if they found that in each other we have to help keep that alive. It’s what friends do.”

The room went silent as all the girls suddenly forgot how to make eye contact. Pinkie was glaring at them but softened when she looked at me.

“Am I wrong? Do you love Derpy or just haven’t found anypony else?” The party mare’s face was full of worry and concern, yet determined to protect a friend.

The room turned to look at me, waiting for my answer. I wasn’t sure if I had one. I liked Derpy, she was so innocent, free, loving and enthusiastic. But did I love her like she loved me? Was it better to keep going to see if love developed further or end if it never arose?

“I uh like her…” I said, my voice raspy from swallowing my rage before.

“Just like?” Pinkie leaned uncomfortably close.

“I don’t know if I love her yet but… I’m open to it.” I hoped Pinkie would accept that answer, it was the only truthful one I could give.

“Well, you better get ready. I know, from having interviewed every pony around her, and herself, she loves you. She never loved another pony as much as you. So you can’t break her sweet heart. Think of what would happen if you did! The mail would get all bunchy and soggy from her tears, she would bonk into everything blinded by her sadness, she may never smile again! Gasp! How could a pony live like that? You have to make sure it never happens. We can’t live in a world with a mopey Derpy! No pony could!” She rushed around the table like a panicked pink blur. She shook Applejack at the very thought of a sad Derpy. I felt horrible.

“You’re right Pinkie, I-I can’t let her down.” Derpy had so much faith in me; I had to fall in love with her.

“You can’t! I’ll help make Derpy the one and only pony in your heart! You’ll be the happiest couple in Equestria. You’ll make love birds wonder if they even love birds!” Pinkie grabbed me and pointed to a ceiling randomly. I wasn’t sure what she saw but she seemed certain it was there.

“That is ludicrous,” Rarity said, after Pinkie finished her spiel.

“It is?” Pinkie asked, letting her grip slip a little.

“Yes, you can force love. It must be coaxed, earned, and won.” Rarity swished her mane back with a decisive flick. “It is up to Derpy to go on the offense once more and win Twilight’s heart! She’s taken the steps needed to court her but not earn her.”

“That sounds sort of stressful,” I said, picturing Derpy running around in galant armor trying to find a rare book.

“My dear Twilight, don’t you want to be whisked away to some romantic place and pampered by your sweet baboo?” Rarity sighed into her forehooves.

“Not really, what’s a baboo?” It sounded too chaotic for my tastes. I would need to make sure all my work was done, papers were signed, exams graded, and the place was prepared in case somepony needed my help while I was gone. I couldn’t tell Spike how to reach me if I didn’t know where I was going. Derpy attempting to pamper me would probably end with me constantly saving her from herself.

“That’s cause ya thinking of herself, sugarcube,” AJ pointed out with a chuckle. “Pinkie is right though, we best not interfere with yer business. That includes you, Pinkie.”

“Gasp! You’re right! I just said that too.” Pinkie deflated sheepishly.

“Thank you for all your input on this matter,” I said, my mind whirling with too much advice and suggestions. “But I think it might be best if Derpy and I figure this out ourselves.”

“Oh of course, darling, but if you need us we’ll be here to help you out,” Rarity said, patting my hoof and winking.

“Darn tootin’”

“Yupper doodle!”


“If-if you need us, that is…”

“Especially once you get to the interesting parts,” Rarity purred with a mischievous smile. She turned and swaggered off while the rest of the group followed. I was left pondering all the many different ways this could go. I was sure I could research the most likely scenarios and calculate the percentages or I could just float along with the wind.

Author's Note:

Sorry this was more of a chapter than a complete story but I wanted to show the rest of the mane six’s reactions. Hopefully you’ll forgive me.