• Published 23rd Oct 2023
  • 389 Views, 2 Comments

Order of the Black Sun - daOtterGuy

Stygian, Leader of the Order of the Black Sun, will seal the Corrupt Pillars

  • ...


“They’re gone,” Cortland announced bluntly.

He and the other knights were gathered outside of Artemis’s Temple. They had all just felt the surge of energy from Ponehenge, meaning that Artemis and Stygian had succeeded. With the Pillars finally sealed, it was time for them to go over the plan in a post-Pillar world and give commands to the rest of the Order inside.

“Our Lord will be greatly missed,” Staunch blubbered. He sniffled loudly.

Inferno looked at him in disgust then addressed Cortland directly, “So, we’re gonna get started on the post-Limbo plan?”

Cortland nodded. He turned to Lune. “We’ll primarily be ensuring that that one prophecy happens, right?”

“The prophecy of the Two Sisters,” Lune said. He delivered the answer with a neutral deadpan, as he did everything. “One of Apollo’s that Artemis stole from him. They foretell of two ponies ascending to alicornhood and eventually taking on the throne of Equestria. We will ensure that this comes to pass.”

“We’ll have to be careful, since those naughty little retrobates that sided with Starswirl will try to thwart us at every turn.” Lyre giggled behind a hoof, her expression cheerful, eyes malicious. “Can’t have them in too great a position of power, or they’ll undermine the sisters before they even get started.”

“Except they are already firmly entrenched in those positions already,” Erysimum remarked. “We won’t be able to dislodge them, unless—”

“No,” Cortland interrupted, his tone firm. “Starting off our future with more death is no way to honour the tasks granted to us by Artemis and Stygian.”

“Then we will suffer consequences later,” Erysimum replied. “As all petty survivors are prone to do in their positions, history will be rewritten to look unfavourably upon us. You have a noble sentiment, Cortland, but we will suffer for that decision.”

Silence reigned, broken only by Staunch’s loud blubbering.

“Get it together, you blithering idiot!” Inferno snapped.

“Well, excuse me for showing how much I miss them,” Staunch replied.

“There’s missing someone and then being a damned foal about it,” Inferno hissed.

“At least, I’m not some heartless wretch,” Staunch retorted.

Before Inferno could reply, Cortland stomped his hoof. The ground shook, causing the group minus Erysimum to become unbalanced.

“Enough!” Cortland roared. “We need to focus!”

“As much as I find the aggression unwarranted, I agree.” Lune re-adjusted his glasses. “A review?” He glanced toward Staunch first.

“I’ll gather the most able of our forces and position them as the new diarchy’s protectors,” Staunch said.

“Laaaaaame,” Inferno drawled.

Staunch bristled, his wings flaring up. “Right, because your stupid loserbolts are going to be so much better.”

Wonderbolts, idiot,” Inferno spat back. “We’re gonna be the best pegasus flying team ever and have the whole Pegasi population wrapped around our hooves.”

“By preening your feathers and flashing your plots over a bunch of tasteless gawkers?”

“Pegasi respect physical prowess, you turd! Obviously, this is the best way to keep their attention and loyalty!”

“I’m sure they’ll think that everytime you give them a good view of your oversized plot.”

“Oh, you are so dead—”

“ENOUGH!” Cortland shouted. Inferno and Staunch whipped their heads away from each other, both scowling. “... If you two are done, I’ll be establishing myself with the earth pony communities. Reinforcing the agricultural landscape to be impenetrable to the Corrupt Pillars Agents’ influence.”

“And I’ll do the same for our culture. Keep it untouched by those filthy charlatans.” Lyre tilted her head to one side. “Perhaps through a theater group, or maybe an orchestral society?” She waved a hoof. “Eh, I’ll figure it out later.”

Lune gave her a withering glare. “I’ll focus on our knowledge. Gather what I can into an archive and protect it from eager hooves hoping to modify it.”

Corland nodded then turned to Eysimum. “And the most important part?”

“Creation of the Wild Zones,” Erysiumum answered. She raised her head, a soft and sinister smile on her face. “Protect any places of power and seal any dangerous artifacts inside of them. Keep them out of those windbags’ hooves.”

“Will you need help?” Cortland asked.

“No.” She widened her smile, teeth gleaming like a predator. “You’ll only hold me back.”

The ensembled knights didn’t think too deeply into her remarks. Knowing what went on in the mind of Erysimum Blush was asking for trouble.

“Then we all know what we’re doing?” Cortland asked. A murmur of consent. “Then let’s get started on our plan post-Limbo. To our future.”

“To our future!” the group cried out.