• Member Since 24th Oct, 2019
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I am but a simple brony who loves everything My little pony FIM


The world had once again been saved. The Legion of doom had been defeated, turned to stone as punishment for their crimes. All was right in the world again. Except one mare doesn't think so.

Raven Inkwell was flabbergasted at what she just saw. Discord, the one responsible for starting the L.O.D. gets to walk free after starting this mess in the first place and it was in that moment, she realized the ultimate truth behind everything that happened over the years up to now and she plans to expose that truth to the one who needs to hear it the most and make sure that Discord and all those he worked with are punish for their crimes.

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 42 )

I haven't read it yet, but the premise is enticing. Really hated all of Discord in s9. Especially how he managed to convince Celestia and Luna to put the trio in stone when his first lines in the show were how he wasn't like Celestia and didn't put creatures in stone.

EDIT: After reading the first chapter I do have some issues. You need to go back and check your spelling and grammar. There are quite a few mistakes. Secondly, not a fan that there is some force working on Raven to get this going. Just sounds like a great reason to invalidate everything she's saying because whatever is possessing Raven is somehow worse than Discord.

i hope cozy glow gets freed and is reformed maybe cobalt can do it i would love that

This is gonna be a good.series, just hope it continues

I agree with you on that. I mean Mpony1 keeps starting a new story when the story he typed, he scraps it and rewrites the whole story

Is that even allowed? I thought there was a rule about that.

I don't know to be honest. I think if that rule exist, it only applies if the administrators of the website revoked it, not the author.


I sadly have to agree. This is getting beyond ridiculous by this point. MPony1, can you please just finished your frickin stories already!!!??? :flutterrage: :facehoof: :raritycry:

You're making more "rewrites" than updating new chapters or even finished a story like this. Even other commenters are now questioning if this is even allowed to do this so many times, or if it's now against the website's rules by this point!?

Just do it!!! Make your dreams come true! Just do it!

Otherwise, Raven will never finished her damned court case by this point!!!

P.S. And I do have to agree with that other commenter; That having a "unknown, hidden, and mysterious dark force" helping Raven of all ponies, for no good or better reason just because!?

Seems not only makes Raven very SUSSY, but also makes her not fully trustworthy anymore.

Because, this "unknown and powerful dark force" can just as easily manipulate or control her actions.

Sure, Discord AND the Terrible Trio's actions should be punished.

But Raven is no better by working with a unknown and possibly dangerous new entity, and she will come off as a damn traitor to everybody, and be no better than Cozy Glow!?

Sorry, but Cobalt is in another story.

Grace: You know, this chapter have showed how Discord should really be punished for his sins, especially his actions with the Legion of Doom. A good ruler is supposed to protect their country from danger whatsoever and make sure all criminals and dangerous enemies are punished for their crimes. But if the princesses are gonna let Discord off scot-free for his actions, then maybe we should let the terrible trio go too and give them another chance to attack all of us! I mean, Discord is just gonna screw up and end up betraying us again anyways as long he's free, so I don't honestly see why we should keep the legion in stone or even send them to Tartarus if the princesses are gonna just let Discord walk away freely for his crimes without making him suffer consequences.

Wonder if Raven will be able to finish her case.

Will she point out on what Discord's plan did to Spike? What really rubbed me the wrong way is how despite that Spike was one of his closest friends, Discord screwed him over and esstentially gave no thought about him all because Spike is not a bearer.
Discord's plan got Spike brainwashed by Sombra, essentially cancelled out one of Spike's only achievements and essential rubbed it in that Spike is screwed in the end no matter how hard he tries all because he's not a Bearer.
Spike really shouldn't easily brush that off


You almost forgot that Spike almost lost his own wings by Chrysalis.

*Phoenix wright had entered the chat*

11747998 okay still i hope that cozy gets reformed one day i love it when cozy gets a happy ending by the way i hope you have a good day

11747998 by the way do you know i have a discord page and i was wondering do you have a discord page?

Yes! Raven is using logic and order to break everyone's reality and sow the seeds of doubt and Chaos in the minds of all! Give me more! This is like a shot of adrenaline and I need more!

Oh yeah
That too
Traumatized mentally and now physically

I really don't like how Raven and Ocellus have to have a reason to not trust Discord and want him punished. He should be. Absolutely he should be. It just feels like you are setting them up so that everything Raven is saying just gets invalidated and I can't stand it. Whatever is happening with Raven is really detracting from the story.

The fact that Spike was labeled bad as Rarity, AJ and RD for what they did to Trixie really doesn't sit right with me.
Like he wasn't as malicious as those 3 and only felt like Twilight could do it since he knows she's skilled.

True, but he was hardly any different. He too wanted show off Trixie for all the wrong reasons.

Grace: How sad this chapter was. About how Raven used to be friends with Discord until he first betrayed Equestria and allowed Tirek to drain all our magic and strength after he first broke out of Tartarus. I remember how weak I was after Tirek took my magic and strength, and it was hours before he was defeated and I was able to walk properly again. And Discord was supposed to go after him to recapture him back then, but he ended up siding with Tirek because he felt like he was being enslaved by friendship. Another reason why Discord should suffer for his sins, especially since Tirek didn't have to do much to convince him to be on his side. And he didn't seem to have learned anything from it, even after he was betrayed by Tirek, since he still screwed up even after Tirek was defeated back then. There was the gala incident, and he tried to invade the school of friendship even after Starlight temporarily banished him with that spell. And then he did the whole thing with the Legion of Doom all just to help Twilight, and he wasn't punished at all for any of those things. If the legion have won, and everycreature didn't show up in time to save Twilight and her friends, everypony would be going through hell, those three would have captured and enslaved so many while destroying anyone that gets in their way, so many places throughout Equestria would be destroyed and turned into barren wastelands, and Chrysalis most definitely would have gone through with her threat of getting revenge on Starlight and do terrible things to her while taking back the changeling hive by force and making all the changelings suffer under her rule again, Tirek would have drained magic from ponies while going on a massive rampage, and Cozy Glow might have used ponies as pawns for her plans and might act nice but torture them mercilessly if they didn't comply. Or if King Sombra had succeeded, all of Equestria and the Crystal Empire would be enslaved by him and would have possibly have everyone either enslaved by his mind-control or shackled in chains while he execute anyone that tries to oppose him. Forgiving Discord for what he had done would be like letting the legion and/or King Sombra return to doom us all again.

awesome story im giddy for the next chapter :pinkiehappy:

That really doesn't mean he has to be labeled as bad as the others.
He wasn't really malicious and also it's probably because seeing his friends get humiliated like that(despite they brought it on themselves) is why

1. Too many images and clips. RIP text2speech.
2. How could she hold onto her job as princess’s assistant with that kind of mental stability?
3. Another story about raven and shitty discord with legion of doom’s defeat as the main plot point.

Did they not forget that discord almost banish a pony to another dimension in season 5 episode 5. In the episode, fluttershy invited her friend tree hugger to the grand galloping gala as her plus 1. And discord was extremely jealous and had yandere vibe, was going to banishes her to another dimension. If it wasn’t for fluttershy to stop him, he would’ve banish tree hugger with no remorse of his action

I'm sorry, I hit the publish button by mistake.:twilightblush:

You clicked on the published button by mistake when you meant to click on the save chapter button, didn't you?

I hope this story won’t get start all over again.


No, I'm only extending the second chapter.


No, I meant to hit edit and ended up hitting publish.

Will the final chapter getting done? I want to see Discord punished for causing Chrysalis hurting Spike

“And now Windigos, have come to freeze us all.” Raven shakes her head disappointingly. “And that's just scratching the surface of his list of crimes and I have no doubt in my mind. That after the L.O.D. are stop. He’ll be severely punished for what he did. There’s no way he’ll be able to get out of this one.” Raven face saddens. ”Not this time.”

Are you sure about that.?

Poor Raven. That Celestia doesn't realize this

"Yes!" Celestia answered. "Discord performed a great act of bravery to make up for his mistakes."

And that's it then he was pardoned That means you can't prosecute him for the same crime ooh I would love to be a lawyer here.

I'm going to be honest here discord can never be punished for anything he does It's the equivalent of punishing a tornado for destroying a town. Plus the only thing that could really stop discord is the elements of Harmony that would not work on him in the first place because he's not directly evil he's chaotic but not evil. End of a bunch of her arguments don't make any sense first of all he's not in a Equestria citizen. And if the information is right every pony is renting his land because he was the original inhabitant. In the argument you could have got hurt is kind of stupid discord can snap his finger and been reality there's no possible way anyone can ever get hurt if it really was part of discord's plan. On top of that the whole plan of rehabilitating discord was never to make him less chaotic It was the temper him. You're not going to change or tornado or hurricane or earthquake dislike you cannot commit evil with the elements of Harmony You can't blast random creatures and turn them to dust.

"They took what literally every stage magician does far too seriously." Said Celestia. "They were the ones who kept antagonizing Trixie for absolutely no reason. The same would be said of Spike if Twilight hadn't stop him from speaking out. I understand why he wanted Twilight to show off Trixie, but he wanted it done for all the wrong reasons and despite Twilight's reasons for not going through with it. I'm still very proud of her for not going up on that stage to be a true show off."

Celestia nodded in agreement. "Indeed, she wasn't. Those three and Spike should be ashamed of themselves for how they treated Trixie. That poor mare didn't deserve the hate they gave her, as you said she did nothing wrong. Sure, Trixie may have lied about defeating an Ursor Major but she didn't know that two colts would also take her words just as seriously, go into the forest and lure one into town.....Thank goodness it was just a baby though. As talented as Twilight is with magic, there was no way she could defeat an Adult Ursor, even with the help of her friends if it was on a blind Rampage."

Again, Spike really shouldn't be labeled anywhere near as bad as those 3.
He just wanted to see Twilight show too(and wasn't really malicious) and also more since his 3 friends(especially his crush) got humiliated(even though they brought it on themselves).
Celestia needs to take that back about saying Spike should be ashamed of himself. He is not anywhere near as bad as those 3.

Honestly on the subject of Discord letting the legion of doom get the bell there is no way he is not guilty of something, either he did it on purpose like Raven said, or he negligently let an S class dangerous magical weapon be in the control of 3 of the most dangerous and unstable villains in equestria, like if he had kept even the slightest eye on them when it came to the bell things wouldn't have turned out so bad(heck its shown he can find out details as specific as Fluttershy's stare soon after being released, can find and eat Twilight's reforming spell before she can use it, but not bother to see if Traitor's 1, 2 and 3 aren't planning something), heck let them acquire the bell but replace it with a fake one that while it can power them up it can't drain him so he can still stop them if necessary(literally just have him in his Grogar disguise say that "you fools honestly think I could be harmed with my own magic"

I think overall blaming discord for his crimes are silly because Equestria as a society allows their citizens to get away with a lot. In the argument of people could get hurt is definitely dumb because ponies are impossible to injure. I can tell you a crime that every character has committed on the cell or irresponsible negligence at best. And this is not even the main cast. And this goes back the point is discord this following his nature as the spirit of chaos. Moving on to the crimes the villains to commit is silly eventually they would have got their stuff together Chrysalis would have either been captured or committed another evil act that would have put her in Tartarus cozyglow and tyrick will have broken out cozy glow could easily walk through the sale bars at any time. In service could have easily been tricked by chrysalis.. But what I'm more curious is what is discord's axle crime against Raven see keeps on trying to find other reasons to convict him of something other than telling them what did he do to her.

Now that this story is back, I honestly hope to GOD that this doesn't go on hiatus again!

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