• Published 5th Sep 2023
  • 385 Views, 5 Comments

Twilight is Dead - flashsentryxtwi

Twilight Sparkle dies. Flash Sentry can't believe it! He never wanted this! He endures pain that is hard to explain.

  • ...


The world around me blurred as I stared at the letter clutched in my trembling hands. The words seemed to swim on the page, a cruel dance that mocked my comprehension. It couldn't be real. It simply couldn't.

My heart pounded in my chest, a deafening rhythm that matched the chaos within me. A choked sob escaped my lips, a mixture of disbelief and pain that tore through my being. This had to be some kind of sick joke, a nightmare that I would wake up from at any moment.

But the letter remained, a harsh reminder of the reality I couldn't escape. Twilight was gone.

The room seemed to close in around me, the walls pressing in as if to suffocate me. I stumbled back, my legs giving way as I collapsed onto my bed. The weight of her absence crashed over me like a tidal wave, leaving me gasping for air, drowning in an ocean of grief.

"No!" The word tore from my throat in a raw scream, a primal sound of agony that echoed through the room. I wanted to tear the world apart, to rage against the unfairness of it all. "No, this can't be happening!"

I clenched my fists, my knuckles turning white as I fought to hold back the overwhelming emotions threatening to consume me. But it was a battle I was losing, the tears streaming down my face like a torrential downpour.

The pain was a physical ache, a searing fire that burned through every fiber of my being. I felt as though a piece of me had been torn away, leaving behind a raw, gaping wound that refused to heal. How could life be so cruel? How could it snatch away someone so full of life and light?

The room spun around me as I staggered to my feet, my movements erratic as I stumbled towards the door. I needed air. I needed space. I needed to escape the suffocating reality that threatened to crush me.

As I burst through the door and into the night, the world felt surreal, like a twisted version of the life I had known. My screams mixed with the wind, a symphony of anguish that echoed through the darkness. I stumbled forward, my legs carrying me further from the pain, yet I knew there was no escape.

I collapsed onto the grass, my body shaking uncontrollably. I dug my fingers into the earth as if trying to ground myself, to find some semblance of stability amidst the chaos. But there was no stability to be found. Only a whirlwind of emotions that threatened to tear me apart.

"Why?" The word was a broken whisper, a plea to the heavens for an explanation that would never come. "Why her? What did she ever do to deserve this?"

My fists pounded against the ground, each strike a release of the pent-up frustration and helplessness that had been building within me. I wanted to scream until my voice was hoarse, until the pain inside me had been expelled, until the universe had to acknowledge the injustice it had dealt.

And then, as suddenly as the rage had ignited, it gave way to an overwhelming sense of emptiness. I collapsed onto the grass, my body heaving with sobs that seemed to originate from the depths of my soul. I felt hollow, as if a part of me had been torn away and I was left with nothing but an abyss of darkness.

"Twilight..." My voice was a broken whisper, a plea for something that I knew could never be answered. "Please, come back. I need you."

Hours bled into the night, the darkness a reflection of the emptiness within me. I lay on the ground, my tears mingling with the dew-covered grass, my body drained and yet still brimming with pain. The world had shifted, and I was left standing on the precipice of a reality that no longer made sense.

As the night wore on, my tears dried, leaving behind a numbness that was almost worse than the pain. I felt as though I were floating in a sea of nothingness, disconnected from the world around me. The stars above seemed distant, their light a reminder of the vastness of the universe and the insignificance of my own existence.

And then, a quiet resignation settled over me. I didn't have the strength to fight anymore. I didn't have the energy to scream, to rage, to demand answers that would never come. All I had were the memories—fragments of a time when she had been by my side, filling my life with laughter and light.

I closed my eyes, exhaustion pulling me into an uneasy sleep. In my dreams, I reached for her, but she was always just out of reach, a phantom that taunted me with her absence. And as I drifted between sleep and wakefulness, I whispered her name into the darkness, my heartache a constant companion.

When the morning sun finally broke through the horizon, I felt a heaviness that I couldn't shake. The world had moved on, indifferent to the pain that gripped my heart. I knew I couldn't get over her. I just couldn't. All the moments we had shared, they meant so much to me.

I smiled, a smile that held pain, thinking about all the moments we had been through together.

I had been standing at my locker, rummaging through my books, looking for my history books, to be exact. I grabbed my history books and before I could close the locker door, someone bumped into me. It seemed she had rolled and bumped into me. I slammed my locker shut. There was a girl on the floor, slightly dizzy and... kinda cute.

I tried to shake that feeling off me and I said ,"Woah, you okay?" I lent my hand so she could get up with my help. She slowly laid her hand in mine. I had butterflies in my stomach as she did that. Then she nodded. I looked at her , almost lost in her eyes. But I quickly walked away since I knew that if I stayed for too long, I'd be staring. Apart from that, I was going to be late for class...

I kept on going over the moments we had and a smile tugged at the corner of my lips. Maybe, just maybe, this was all just a dream. One I'd wake up from any second. Because it felt impossible to think I'd lost her. No, I was only dreaming. At least, that's what I hoped.

Author's Note:

I cried while writing this :(

Comments ( 5 )

I have never felt an emotion even 1% as strong as this

The next day, another letter arrived.

Dear Flash Gentry,

In our previous letter, we notified you of the untimely death of Twilight Sparkle.
Unfortunately, someone in our office made a small mistake. We intended to notify you of the death of Twilight Velvet.

We regret the error.

P.S. Have you considered double checking additional sources before you believe everything you read?

Yeah, maybe i should do that...!

Aww, I know i made it sad!!
It made me cry!

Comment posted by tragicendingsssssoml deleted Nov 1st, 2023
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