• Member Since 12th Dec, 2011
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Comments ( 107 )

Dat ork? Him gots da biggest brane if yew ax me! Him coulda bin wun of dem flighty Elfs, an lifes foeevahs, but were bee da fun in dat?!

Me likes dis storee, an weel be watchin' dis big-braned Ork!

Wow. Who knew Angel was so...loquacious...

...though he IS sort of a dick, so it's not entirely a surprise.

Sunrekka betta rekka da sun by da end o' dis, or we WAAGH!

Okay, step one: Raise an army.
Step two: Save the planet.
Step three: conquere other planets!

While good I belive that the first contact with the ponies will happen a bit too fast for my liking, if you keep up the pace.

Also, you should add the Warhammer tag in my opinion.

Just remember that there are levels to contact, and levels to integration. The MC may meet a pony soonish but he won't be chatting all civil like with them until all the way at the end of arc one.

In fact contact itself is going to be very brief (think a chapter at most) until the next arc starts.

Okay, as long as he doesn't chop Twilight's head right off, for being to annoying with her questions, at the beginning, I am fine. :twilightsmile:

How have I not notice this until now?! Imma read dis righ n'w

I mean I published all chapters at like 1 am this morning XD

Now it was Pig Sticka, the knife, and this tower was slowly becoming my home. I’d need to become bigger or get some help before I could start clearing out the rest but for now, it was enough. I had room for a small meat cleaning station, a sharpening spot, and a thinking spot I made from a rock.

Truly the epitome of a RimWorld start

I could tell that from where my navel would be, to the tips of my toes, everything was raw, red, and bloody. A muscle twitched, the flesh exposed to the air for the first time since it had been knitted together. It was about that time when I started to wonder if I was going to die, but thankfully a warm sensation bloomed in my chest.

With it, my terror vanished and I felt the immense relief of my unlikely victory flood my body with chemicals.

“Waaaaaugh!” I yelled at the top of my lungs, the action instinctual rather than planned.

Somefing lik dis, 'ut smalla

Ahh screw it.

Missed opportunity to say "Zog it"
or is it Zogg?

Following my urges, I began to dig down into the soft earth with just my fingers. I don't know why I was doing this but for some reason, I knew it was something I simply had to do. Even the earth collapsing above me and burying me completely didn't bother me and in fact, felt oddly pleasant.

After a bit of wiggling, I curled into a ball and for the first time fell completely and utterly to sleep.

Is it time for the Boyz? I think it's time for the Boyz! 'Et's Gett 'em BoyZ!!!

The six mares and one bear proceeded back the way they came, leaving Spike behind. The dragon didn't notice his friend’s departure, as he thought he saw a flicker of green light from the corner of his eye. It had been coming from a disturbed patch of dirt in the center of the tower, intriguing the dragon into lingering behind.

“I wonder what-”


If you also remember this song, you have my utmost respect across the internet.

Fixed. Had to include the zogg.

More warhammer, yey.

:pinkiecrazy: the banter is very funny~

Orks don't start out as gretchin, and even an exceptionally small snotling, letalone a grot, should be big compared to a large bunny.

I'm not sure if you are aware of this, but orks also don't start out as magically transported dead humans blessed by an alien god.

There are parts that will be lore accurate and parts that will be bent to fit the story, if your not able to deal with that, then move along friend.

To be honest, I don't like the isekai backstory. It's overused, lazy, and kinda boring. There are thousands of stories with the exact same backstory, adding more seams kind of redundant at this point. The worst thing is that it's very easy to make a 'substitute' that actually had some creativity inside. Look: Tzeentch brainwashes an ork so that his life's purpose is protecting ponies and teleports him to Equestria because schemes. Boom, took me whole 10 seconds to come up with.

I am going to teach you a very basic writing concept that you have likely never heard of.

Narrative load is a concept that varies in weight based on the complication of said concept, so for example.

"Guy becomes ork, defends ponies."

We have a vast existing meta-knowledge of the trope and its externalities, so I only have to spend a single paragraph on it. We are human so I also don't need to explain what a human is to you, unlike an ork which would require extra explanation. Guy is dead, god likes him, puts him in charge of defending ponies, done. Since you know the concept, I don't have to explain it as that's not the point of the story. The point of the story is mainly comedy, but with some adventurous and world-building elements thrown in. Now lets compare that to...

"Ttzeentch, (A god that would require extensive explanation) mind raping an ork to help ponies (something so far outside of his character that it would require again, extensive explanation and exploration in order to fully rationalize.)"

How would adding tons of extra narrative load, and spending multiple chapters explaining and ruminating on how and why Tzeentch has mind raped an ork help that goal of making jokes, and adventuring? Simple, it wouldn't, your suggestion would not only not help the story, but it would slow it down, detract from its main themes, and require that the entire thing be rewritten to accommodate it.

The story you have imagined is not only worse because you've mindlessly jammed a cognitively dense narrative concept into a story that doesn't need it but you don't have the experience or understanding to even grapple with why that's a bad idea on your part.

So that begs the question, why do you think it's necessary to create a wholly unique origin point if you want nothing else to change? Simple, you want to feel smart, and feel as though you are reading something unique. You are obsessed with the aesthetic of uniqueness but don't have the understanding necessary to grapple with how that fits into reading fanfiction containing magical horses.

I am sorry, this appears to be more of clash of likings then straight criticism after all. While what I've said and my opinion remains unchanged, I have not realised the story was supposed to be mainly comedic in nature as I have not fully read the story. I had expected the story to be more serious, as many stories with the backstory attempt to (and often fail to) be. In such a case I believe my point would have been more relevant then is the case now. And for your "you want to feal smart" argument, yes, yes I do. Just as much as you, only without big smart sounding words, everybody wants to feal smart. And that's not mentioning the other arguments with even more questionable bases. I of course could try and disect every aspect of your reply and come up with smart sounding reply that tries to destroy your points, that would be just me being an angry bitch and would deserve me the go touch grass reply as it would be accurate in that situation.

If I had a nickle for every time someone suggested something without even reading the story, I'd have enough nickles to retire to a cozy beach house in the Bahamas.

Go touch grass, normie.

Bruh uses the word normie unironically and thinks I'm the one that should touch grass.

When you can't understand a single damn word that an Ork is saying in a story, you know it's accurate.

Why doesn't he consider xenomorphs an option?

Hes only thinking of 40k races. I had to add a limit somewhere or else there would have been too many to consider.

That would be a good one though.

Hey man. That's not the point of telling stories. If you don't like reincarnation stories then you don't have to read em. Others like em.

Storytelling is an art and we as humans have made so many stories that creating something truly unique is impossible. If it's a good theme then it'll be used again and again. No one will use a theme that sucks unless they are trying to prove a point or have a niche outlook.

I somehow find it funny that Mr very sophisticated and very good writer(Jest) is writing in such an Orkish manner.

:rainbowhuh: confused Rainbow is confused

Geuss I was wrong about da Boyz:ajsleepy:
But hey at least we got a couple waaaaaughs.
Or are there Boyz:duck:

Still hoping for the BoyZ:twistnerd: I'm excited for the Boyz:pinkiehappy:
Spoilers:I will now stop talking about the Boyz unless I see somfing that might be about the Boyz

So, he is an Orkboy now, time for some groots to grow, so he can boss them around. Also, if I remember it correctly, he lives in an old fort instead of the castle of teh two sisters. If that's correct, when does he fnd and explore it? I am sure he good do some nice looting there.

And the the ori blood infected RD. The next day she was green

Rainbow is a fighty pony to be sure, this looks to be the start of something excellent.

:pinkiecrazy: smart ork gonna give them a good krumpin'

your profile pic really complements that statement

everybody watch out! he's reached soccer hooligan levels of rage!

its gettin to me boss...
its WAAAAGH!, not waugh.

Why does my spelling/grammer software think that waaaaugh is a word, but waaaagh is not? lol

Also, fixed.

Bugbear King, about to find out

because the abominable intelligences are taking over?

In any other circumstances, the hunter is in the right in purging an Ork

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