• Member Since 28th Jul, 2023
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Yes, this is an Anon-a-Miss story in 2023, with the usual storyline: Sunset gets framed, she gets bullied, then finally proven innocent, yada yada yada, but with Sans thrown in the mix.
Now, I know what you're thinking and what you're probably typing out in the comments rn:

"OMG, the Anon-a-Miss story is way overused, I mean, there's like, hundreds of them! And Sans was SOO 2016. You should like, be more creative and, original, and stuff."*

Well read it anyway, you might like it. Anyways, this took me way too long to write. I mean, I've been working on this for at least three months, and all I've got is the first chapter 😂, so don't expect frequent updates. This is also my first story, so only constructive criticism, please.

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 29 )

So, listen, if you know it's overused, why would you straight-up declare your intention to do it the same way everyone else did, even with an extra character thrown in? That's just boring.

"The new kid, did you guys see him?" Applebloom inquired.

"No, and what does this new kid have to do with us?" Sweetie Belle asked. Scootaloo nodded in agreement.

"Well, ah saw him talking with Sunset earlier. Apparently she gave him a tour around the school this morning. If Sunset convinces him that she's not Anon-A-Miss, then he could help her convince everyone else! I mean, he wasn't even here to know what she was like before! Our whole plan could fall apart!" Applebloom worriedly explained.

"Calm down Applebloom, " Scootaloo reassured, "we'll just do what we always do: find something embarrassing about him, post it on MyStable, then frame Sunset for it."

That's when Sweetie Belle spoke up, "Guys, I'm not really sure about this anymore," she said, "I mean, I think we're taking this a bit too far."

"Well, it's too late to turn back now, " Applebloom sighed, "for now, we should just make sure this new kid is on our side, starting with finding out who he is."

Those three will gonna regret it. Because, IF Sans go to his "judge" mode on them, their dead meat. :pinkiecrazy:

Because I thought, "eh, why not?" That and I'm not creative or original enough to think up another way of telling it lol. I'm just here posting the spawn of my randomly-thought-up-at-3am crossover fantasy(not the weird kind of fantasy, get your mind out of the gutter) and letting other random people see. Ahh, the power of the internet, isn't it beautiful?

You're right. This comic is overused shit and you will never be original or good no matter what you do with it. That's how bad it is, and why every normal person in this fandom does not touch it.

When people are this unoriginal, then yes. And I've seen you comment harshly on stories plenty of times when authors do something stupid in them.

Wow. Yknow, I saw the hate coming a mile away but, DAMN. You really got nothing else to do in your parents basement? Most people would probably cry if they saw this in their comments or do something worse, but all I'm doing is laughing. Laughing at the predictably of this side of the Fandom. Man's coming at me with what I already admitted to in the description like my own words would hurt me. And seriously? "every normal person in this Fandom does not touch it." Commented on a fanfiction website. You've already begun to lie to yourself. So, feel free to continue your 5th rewatch of this show about friendship and kindness, knowing full well you did your [lvery best to very rudefully discourage another Fandom member from posting a story they created from their heart, only to fail. And if anyone else also has nonconstructive criticism that they would like to share with the class, feel free to send it as a reply to this reply for me to ignore.

What stuff will Sans be doing in the story? Is he a basketball player or something?

Edit: And Anon-A-Miss stories are completely valid. It all depends on what you do with them. My favorite expression is "And then what?" . Fully formed crossover ideas are nice. I wish you the best of luck.

*reads description*

*Philip Fry eyes you suspiciously*


"Too hard and inconvenient for the writer. Anyways, I just want you to keep an eye on him for about a week and let me know if he's someone to worry about."

You could have had her already gone through paperwork, she just wants to make sure he doesn't get in trouble.

Sunset could have been a fluke that slipped by and twilight was only there a few days.

Edit: you could have sans try to Forge documents.

Eh, you and I both know sans would be too lazy for that lol 😂

Idk, I love the idea of him literally dunking on others, but idk if it would be in character to do anything official like join a team, probably just have him playing a match in gym class. Also thanks, I'm gonna need it lol.

I don't think this is a constructive viewpoint to have. There's almost always a way to save an idea via execution.

Excuse me buddy. But can you answer these questions for me? These are straight from the Anon-A-Miss group. It's a great read. https://www.fimfiction.net/group/209880/anon-a-miss/thread/385746/what-i-think-about-your-ideaWhy did Sans show up?How did Sans show up?Why is Sans doing the stuff that he's doing?Why does he care?

Excellent questions. Honestly, part of the reason it took so long for me to write this was answering these kind of questions. So, bear with me as I write this paragraph essay. As to why he shows up, its accidental.. How he showed up, I tried my best to describe in chapter 2, but again, my imagery isn't the best. So, basically, in Undertale there's a hidden room you can find in Snowdin inside a cave, with nothing but a few glowing mushrooms and a "mysterious door." Normally in the game, the door acts as an Easter egg that can only be opened if you managed to not get hit by any of the names during the pacifist route credits. I'm not going to say what's inside for spoilers sake(though most may already know) but it definitely isn't a portal, which is what sans finds when he gets the door open.
With his curiosity getting the better of him(and him telling himself he'll be right back) sans decides he has really nothing better to do than go through. Thats when he finds himself at the front of the magic statue, not the side where the pony portal is, but on the opposite side, cause I thought, there is more than one side to the statue, not too unbelievable for there to be more than one portal on it... right? However, he finds himself stuck there due to the portal closing practally right after. And I decided this portal would act exactly like the pony portal, which when closed would stay closed for "30 moons" which I've interpreted as moon cycles, aka months. So it definitely keeps him there more than long enough for a more "original" sequel or two. Also explains as to why Twilight's magic sensing device doesn't detect it during Friendship Games, just in case that caused anyone concern. As to why he's doing what he's doing, he's currently just going along with the ride, hopeful that he can somehow find a way back home to his brother. Cause what else can he do? Going to CHS keeps him near the portal, and off other's suspicion. Not like he'll keep up on any work anyway lol. And as to why he cares, he currently doesn't. It's not his problem, for now. But once some kids make it his problem, well, let's just say he'll be handing out some well deserved judgment.

How is he going to judge? Is he going to get a powdered wig and some black robes and be like "You three are guilty"? :P

Seriously though. Does he have his spooky presence here or like any magic/whatever he has to read people here?

Yes, that's another thing I'm currently working out, because I really want him to keep his powers. But as far as we know, going through the portal takes away your magic because supposedly there isn't any magic in the human world until Sunset brings some equstrian magic, meaning theoreticly sans wont have any (i feel like a film theorist rn lmao). So if you know a good excuse for Sans to keep his magic besides the boring "cause i said so" method, please let me know 👍.

Don't know how well I know Equestria Girls, but pony magic usually manifests whenever they use their instruments. Of course having the connection to Harmony be the absolute magic source in Equestria doesn't hurt things. Sans can play the trombone and maybe get to display magic that way.


You do realize that monster magic from Undertale is totally different than Equestria/Pony Magic on Earth?

And even then, the monsters still use their powers/magic, once they are free from the barrier. And are doing fine after the pacifist route.

Besides, he went through a different portal, instead of the regular portal at that horse statue.

So theoretically he could still have his OP Powers. And I do like to see how everyone will react to his Dark Blue 💙 Telekinesis, Bones, Dodging, and Gaster Blasters. :pinkiecrazy:

"What do you mean?" Sunset asked, reasonably confused, "It's made from plants just like every other patty, unless your school somehow did it differently."

Either Canterlot High are vegetarian or they're copying their pony counterparts WAY too much.


That burger is for Fluttershy. We all know that she is most likely a vegetarian.

But what about the rest of them in the cafeteria?

... thats a good point. Dammit, in my quest to keep this as Canon as possible, I failed. :fluttercry:
Que the sad music.


I'm gonna go find some ice cream

Undertale magic is soul powered. It's why boss monsters are significantly more powerful than monsters and why it only takes a handful of human souls to become a god-like being in Undertale. Stronger soul = stronger abilities (like magic or literal time minipulation). Assuming Sans' soul is the same, he should theoretically keep his powers... or they should be multiple orders of magnitude higher because he's human now and could be argued that he has a human soul...

Well... it's been a good job so far. It's not particularly well-thought out or plot-wise, but it's quite funny and easy to read. Keep it up!

PS: Woo-hoo! This is not vanilla-snotty Sans, sparkling left and right with his magic eye!

Rise, and, shine. Mr Freeman... It's, 2024 ... And we still, have unfinished ... Business

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