• Member Since 13th Nov, 2014
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago


Professional Nightmare Cultist.


The Equestrian Royal Family always enjoys one Tea Break a day, where all members are in attendance. And today would have been no different if something else hadn't occurred. Luckily its something Celestia and Luna have dealt with before, though the fact that they are both extremely out of practice is something they should have taken into account before starting this venture.

The fact that the other two Princesses have never seen something like this before is perhaps another niggle in their little plan... if they had a plan to begin with.


This started off as a dark comedy, 2000 words of just back and forth insults (before I added any meat to it). What it is now, I'm not exactly sure but lets just say it is firmly in the category of AU. Details of the AU are below the warning.

Warnings. (Celestia Chapter)
Sex - Mentions of acts, no smut held within.
Gore - Vague (for the moment)
Profanity - They swear like sailors.

Warnings. (Luna Chapter)
Sex - Mention of acts and conquests, no great detail given.
Gore - Rather prevalent in this one but nothing too gruesome... Though it depends on your imagination.
Profanity - They still swear like sailors.
Non-Con - Mentioned at a couple points.

Warnings (Epilogue)
Sex - Joked about and alluded to.
Profanity - Yes
Violence - Briefly

AU - Two Ancient Nutjobs.

Celestia - A far more vain and self conscious individual. Her mane colour is dependant on the season. Some minor mentioned changes to her wings but nothing massive.

Luna - A thestral alicorn with a slight scottish accent and an even more brusque nature. A head shorter than Celestia. Mane colour dependant on the phases of the moon.

General - Both can confidently measure their ages... In literal age's and their past both together and apart is not exactly all sunshine and rainbows. They are still sisters by blood, though the nation they were born in is naught but ash. Sort of a crack AU in a way.

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 4 )

I'd expect it to be given the slight madness that came over me when writing this. :)

This was.. Nice? It was decently well written, and i liked the banter. It was funny the more it went on, but also a bit odd. It just feels out of place, like this was taken out of another story with how much worldbuilding there is. Though it certainly does paint the princesses in more of a sibling relationship.

Im still kind of confused about just what they were doing. A puzzle? It was never really described(or im just fucken blind) , but ill keep reading and hopefully the next chapters will clear it up.
Edit: the next chapter quickly cleared up any confusion about their activities.

The vagueness is intentional, its the difference between Celestia's perspective and Luna's.

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