• Member Since 13th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen 9 hours ago


You gotta kick at the darkness until it bleeds daylight.


"And if you don't love me now,/You will never love me again./I can still hear you saying,/You would never break the chain./Chain keep us together." -Fleetwood Mac, 'The Chain'

Smolder and Gallus have always had a contentious relationship, which included arguing, insults, and property damage. It has gotten to the point that Headmare Starlight Glimmer to rectify this issue with a very unorthodox method: by cuffing the two students together for a week. Will Smolder and Gallus be able to survive the week in one piece? Or will the school be able to survive Gallus and Smolder?

Cover art made by Nytewell.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 26 )

Clearing her throat, Headmare Starlight began to explain herself, “So, to help rectify the numerous issues that we have witnessed between the two of you, we have come up with binding you both together with this special tether. It is our hope that you both learn to cooperate and settle your differences with one another.”

So basically it's another story of getting to know the person that you have disagreements and everything okay very interesting

“Hey, we do have respect for each other!” Gallus claimed, “In fact, we have a tremendous amount of respect for one another to the point that we are planning the best way to murder the other!”

“I’m planning on using a swarm of poisonous spiders!” Smolder commented proudly.

Okay I don't know if they're just joking or something but that's a little bit too extreme

“I’m starting to think some of these punishments that the staff are coming up with need to stop coming from sitcoms,” Sandbar commented.

To be honest that does sound like a sitcom situation

A smirk appeared on Gallus’ face, “Stranger things have happened”

Reaching for her neck where the tether made contact, the changeling spoke in a slightly strained voice, “This is going to be a long week.”

Ow that hurts and yeah you can say that again

“It’s legal enough!” Headmare Starlight quickly retorted.

And that's Starlight's character in a nutshell...

The griffon mumbled, “....prepare yourselves, for winter is coming....”

“Real smooth, Silverstream,” Ocellus stared at the hippogriff.

Yeah that's not helping silverstream

“I don’t know!” the changeling admitted, “Try one of those sleeper holds or something!”

Sleeping hold you mean like choking them until they are unconscious or something dang Ocellus they are rubbing on you huh lol 😅

I get that it’s what you two do, but dude could you two just please try to be civil for just one weekend? Not for some truce between you two, not for whatever Headmare Starlight is trying to teach the both of you, but just so we can have a brief break from your endless bickering?”

On the last sentence you could have him say is that hard to ask!? Just to push him off the edge of his insanity

Despite their sniping and jabs at one another, they like what they had; a friendship that was uniquely their own.

Huh I guess that's true everybody has their way of having their own friendship and it's not always bad just as long as you don't take it way too far

Well then I got to say this was a pretty funny and interesting story here having Gallus and Smolder chained up together had to deal with each other and sometimes it could be very funny but also could be very hard especially their friends and Starlight even though her methods can be a little extreme but I guess the result worked out pretty well and they don't really hate each other it's just that's how they are with each other which I guess I can understand that they just need to ease up just a little bit but other than that their friendship is pretty strong and I like that this was a pretty good story keep up the good work

I don't know. Normally, in this situation, you should chain them together at the neck, with a very short chain.

Next time, Starlight, just stuff them into one of those "get along" t-shirts. :rainbowlaugh:

The story has a good premise. Some good comedy and a friendly rivalry with Smolder and Gallus and the lecture by Sandbar to them was good. However, the execution does have some issues. Starlight, in particular, is the one main issue here. Her methods seem a little extreme to handle such things and seems like she didn't try to get to the root of the "problem" before going with this. It seems like she jumped the gun big time here to go to such a drastic resort.

Also, I find it odd that Starlight has never seen a friendship like Smolder and Gallus' considering Applejack butts heads a lot with either Rainbow or Rarity and they're still the best of friends. They get into arguments and fights, but they're are still friends and somehow Starlight doesn't know that?

I gotta admit I thought the ending would've gone two ways
One, being Smolder and Gallus put aside their differences and combine their efforts to prank the school, earning ire from the teachers to Starlight and Sunburst for giving them this idea. Two, Starlight and Sunburst end up cuffed together by either accident or by Smolder or Gallus doing it as payback for what they did and have to wait for a week for the spell on the chain to come off.

Overall, it's a good story and the comedy is solid. Just some tidbits that made Starlight seem like she really didn't think things through at all.

Good story. I adore Gallusʼ and Smolderʼs friendship. Their chemistry is à la AJ and Dash. And I think you wrote it wonderfully.

Sheʼs Starlight Glimmer. Jumping to conclusions and going to the most extreme of solutions is what she does. I think she was very in-character here. Doesnʼt mean she was right, but she was herself. But I get your point.

this gives me rio vibes

I do understand what you’re hitting at with Starlight going extreme with her methods, but it’s just like what
11663385 said, Starlight would go for the more extreme solution to solve what she sees as problem.

Also, she’s concerned about that property damage, so the extreme way seemed like the best way.

Thank you both for reading!

Damn, I'm honestly surprised this didn't result in a hook-up. Or even sharing the same bed!
Great story :D


i really adore when fics have a whole MLP-episode kind of moral at the end, and this is one that i can definitely get behind

The whole time I was reading this I was like, "but they ARE friends!!! BEST friends!!! Someone's gotta see that!!!" and then you came through with that really sweet conversation between Smolder and Gallus at the end

This is some well portioned slice of life, thank you for the meal

I'll see your Judas Priest, and raise you a Fleetwood Mac:

I was half expecting the end to feature Gallus and Smolder getting even by cuffing Starlight and Sunburst to each other.

They're chained together and it's everybody else's problem.

I always love the dynamic between these two.


“They're chained together and it's everybody else's problem.”

That should have been the description, haha

Almost as if on cue, a sleepy Gallus started to mumble, “Those penguins....those penguins have the launch codes and only I can stop them....”

Kowalski… options!

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