• Published 9th Aug 2023
  • 362 Views, 23 Comments

An Aeternian's Conviction - The Real Darkness

With a relationship established, a student missing, another Aeternian discovered, and an unknown threat with power enough to kill Arctus; the Scout finds love in all of it difficult to nurture.

  • ...

Friendly Faces

They had regrouped that evening and into the night they boiled water, drinking it when it cooled greedily as they maintained their armaments and went about thoroughly washing absolutely everything.

Arctus was taking time to sow his cloothing and leather back together with the only materials he brought along.

"So...you're taking them in the morning? You're shooting down their leader from the volcano?"

He nodded, "yes, Savus. We'll also see who's left among them and make our judgement from their on wheter we slay more or we go home."

"Well, I hope your new home can accomodate me as well," Savus mentioned, eating meat of their enemies he had cooked earlier.

"I'm...eager to get back there. I'll make sure there's room for you, even if there isn't I have an old hovel you can access."

The night continued until they had replinished their water reserves, eaten their fill, and maintained their combat readiness. Arctus slept back in his own alcove for a sparse few hours before getting up and heading back out to Savus' tent, reaching it in the dawn. He stood with the general, staring at the dragon leader holding the staff at the top of the volcano. Arctus had recollected the arrows he expended and already held his bow.

"Wow...there's only children, eggs, and two...three parents?" Savus was looking through his spyglass.

"Then we kill their leader and we head the fuck home," his left side was sore, painful from the injury he had sustained yesterday. His left arm pushed the bow forward while his right arm reared the metal arrow back.

"Celestia...please guide this arrow to its mark," he spoke to himself.

"You're not gonna make that shot, Arctus. We need to get-."

He loosed and with a howl the arrow soared straight and nailed the humanoid dragonlord, sending it through the air with the metal lodged in its chest, far out over the land mass.

Savus watched with his spyglass as it kept on flying until even he couldn't see it.

"Assignment completed, pack up, Savus. Meet me on the western rocky beaches," he left leaving the general speechless.

Arctus packed his camp up, attaching his bedroll and sorting through his equipment one last time before carefully climbing down the sharp and spiky rocks, stressing his body with the pain that seared in him all the way down. He was throwing piles of seaweed aside, retrieving his canoe.

"Master Scout Arctus!" Savus had walked along the beach to him, "is...is that the boat?" He sounded disappointed.

"I made it with my own prowess, you could at least sound grateful I'm getting you off this desolate rock," he hoisted the canoe up and set it out in the water.

"Well, thankfully it can hold all of our gear..."

"You will be rowing with me. All damn day," Arctus carefully got into the canoe, "come. I want to get home."

Savus carefully got in himself and the canoe sank, but the air pressure from the six stabilizing pockets about the canoe kept it in good condition. The general grabbed the oars and handed two to Arctus.

"That way...we row, wherever we end up, I can find my way back home," and he began to row in tune with Savus.

And they would have to row consistently, they brought enough cooked meat as a snack and some drinking water, but if they stopped they could starve while they attempted to find their way. They rowed and rowed.

"So...you mentioned not telling Celestia something...ruler of the land?"

"She and Princess Luna rule over Equestria."

"And you work under them?" Savus was calrifying his story as they traveled in the day sun.

"I do, the land is safe enough that we can even travel in the daylight like this."

"Are they expecting me to work?"

"They might...but they are very kind. Have retirement on the mind, do you?"

"Arctus, I have killed tens of thousands of people in my fifty years of living. I want to hang that all up."

Would he ever get tired of fighting? Of taking life? Could a Scout ever get tired of their purpose? One living to retire was never recorded, they all went missing or were confirmed dead. That caused his thoughts to turn...he hadn't been aging here even though their time was controlled by Celestia, surely their days couldn't be that short.

"Savus...have you aged since you arrived hear?"

"I'm getting more grey hairs if that's what you're asking. I have some physical pains after combat...even with no injury."

Arctus went quiet again as they rowed. His situation must have been special in some form. And so he thought of his birth.

The Eight. They likely had something to do with this, they had his whole life.

"Why do you ask, friend?"

"I've not aged for a very long time...I don't see any new developments in my face or my body. I feel like I've been stuck in time for years."

"That's...I have to admit I'm a little envious."

"Envious of an near immortal? There's an occurence going on that I need to find out for myself...about me. I do not want a life that does not end."

"Why?" Savus asked a question with the single word.

"It takes the fun out of combat...it takes the challenge out of remaining at my physical peak. It leaves me with infinite worry as I become the main solution for problems beyond the ponies' abilities."

"Ponies? Wait...this nation is populated by equines?"

"You'll see, Savus. Save our breaths for rowing."

It was late evening when they arrived and both were famished and refused to speak from their states of inanition. Arctus lead them along to the north of the coast they landed at.

"I'm not fishing...no, I'm going to have my proper meal," he mumbled.

"Proper meal? What...what is your proper meal?" Savus questioned while the city in the distance was getting closer with every footstep.

"The ponies here...don't believe in eating meat. If you want that...you'll have to go hunting yourself. So many vegetables, berries, and beans await me."

"I've had nothing but meat for years and a bad excuse for plant sustenance...that sounds like a dream," Savus answered.

"I'll...I'll be commandeering a train."

Their feet shuffled on to cobble and then onto wood docks as they made their way around the sleepy city of Baltimare in the evening. The Sun was still hanging in the sky, casting a orange and red screen over the buildings.

Arctus was being given many curious looks with Savus walking next to him. The Scout still walked proud, despite not being at his peak efficiency.

"I...I see, they are ponies," Savus spoke.

"Bring them no harm or you'll answer to me."

Savus let out a single laugh, "I could never harm the bringers of salvation...and proper food."

Whispers were already going around, rumors beginning about Savus.

"Was it like this for you when you came to them?"

"That...that was a little abnormal. They captured me, I fled. I bested one of their rulers, Princess Luna in combat...they came to respect me and make a wall between them and me until Celestia began interacting with me and I saved their new capital from annihilation," Arctus explained, "there," he pointed, "the train station."

They made their way to it and Arctus shoved Savus aboard, staring at the conductor, "under Equestrian military legal code, I am Master Scout Arctus, requesting immediate transport to Canterlot to report in. The train must depart at once."

"I...I can't do that! This is the last train of the night!"

"And you would defy a supreme law?" Arctus knew there was no real reason to force this to happen other than for him to get food from his favorite restaurant before it closes.

The conductor shook his head vigorously and yelled for any remaining ponies to get on board for Canterlot while the Scout himself entered and took a seat next to Savus.

The train promptly left the station and Savus spoke up, "so...where are we going?"

"Canterlot, the capital of Equestria. It's where my home is in the Castle, likely where you'll be staying. It's also where this restuarant is that always keeps my favorites on hand. They close at midnight."

Savus smiled wide, images of foods flowing through his mind, "is...is this restaurant visit on you?"

"It'll be paid for, when we get there order whatever you want," he laughs, "only now do I realize how close I was to bleeding out yesterday."

"Is that your way of thanking me for stitching you up?"

"Thank you, Savus."

"I can imagine that cut still feels fresh. I have no idea how you didn't feel it before."

Arctus' mind went back to the days in his youth of the live trainings they did as scouts. Sometimes they even super heated the weapons they used. Pain tolerance was a part of being a Scout, they all needed the mental fortitude to overcome the strain and their brains screaming at them to stop for the sake of their assignments.

"Count yourself lucky you never were part of Scout training," Savus fell silent as his words.

Sure, the general committed many sins and had been slashed, hacked, stabbed, and bludgeoned before. In field combat. He knew the training Scouts went through was incredibly dangerous and rough. They did so on purpose.

The train ride went quiet again until they arrived.

"This place...must have boomed. The architecture...the decoration," Savus looked around when they exited the train and he towed along with Arctus, "this city must be incredibly prosperous."

"Credit of yours truly," the Master Scout flaunted, his pride taking him, "stop ogling and come along. We have some food to eat."

"Oh, I can't wait to taste what they cook here!"

The moment they arrived at the restaurant, an hour before midnight, a host galloped to Arctus, grimacing as his bloodstained gear, "we're happy to see you healthy and here again, Master Arctus," the host bowed to him, "your usual tonight?"

"I'll need a menu...I have a guest accompanying me today and many orders to put in. Excuse my atrocious appearance and thank you for still accomodating me. A more private dining table, please."

"O-of course!" The host pony glanced behind him and saw the metal clad Savus surveying the whole entrance, "right this way."

A waitress galloped away from the table she just took an order from and to the kitchen to warn all the chefs of Arctus' arrival while the host guided the two to a table in a far corner away from other diners. Arctus removed his leather palmed and metal topped gauntlets, setting them atop the table while he took a seat and two menus were laid on the table.

"Savus...because of me they may assume you are eat large portions like me."

And the waitress who fled to the kitchen came back with four giant pitchers of water and two glasses, pouring them for the two travel weary veterans.

"Is there anything I can put into the kitchen for you two?" The waitress took out a notepad and pen from her side.

"Garden salad, pumpkin soup, foul, a raspberry pie," Arctus was listing off items one after the other, "oh...do you have a bartender in still?"

"Yes, we do."

"Could I also get a valentine martini with some crushed chili mixed in and a pinch of salt on the side?" The waitress nods, writing his drink order down.

"Alcohol? After all the blood you've lost yesterday?" Savus laughed, "brave brave man...I hope you'll still be able to stand."

"It's the closest thing to our distilled liqueur back home from Aeternia..."

"Oh?" Savus smiled, "could you also get me one of them, then?" Savus addressed the waitress, "and one of your vegetable stews, some pita and hummus, vegetable stir fry, and a large helping of your pesto pasta," Savus put hiw own order in.

"Was that all, Master Arctus?" The Scout nodded, "very well, these will be put in quickly," the waitress trotted off with gusto to the kitchen.

He smiles warmly as she trots off before sinking into his seat, picking up his glass of water and taking a deep drink from it.

"You're acting like you're at home, but this is a very upscale place to be kicking back in," Savus noted, his eyes still taking in the richness of his surroundings.

"That's because this whole city is my home. You never saw me come home to Aeternia, did you? I hated the formalities."

"I imagine you enjoyed the annual Star Shot Festival then," Savus smiled.

The pumkin soup and vegetable stew that was ordered quickly came out and the waitress bowed before heading off again.

"I did...but now I'm surrendering my senses to good food," and Arctus began to eat with enthusiasm as the dishes they ordered came one by one out of the kitchen, keeping pace with both of their hungers.

Arctus could feel his stomach getting satisfied after each food was started and finished, he looked to Savus as their drinks came out.

"Apologies for the wait," the bartender came out himself, setting the glasses down, "I've made it to taste well. I hope it's to your satisfaction, Master Arctus, it took me a while to prepare and achieve a good flavor."

Arctus smiled as he took up the pinch of salt and placed it directly on his tongue before taking a sip of the valentine martini, the cherries and almonds hit his taste buds first with the spicy chili following, not intense but as a slow burn. Cocoa kept an undertone for the entire sip as the drink washed away the bitter salt from his tongue.

"Just like coming back home and stopping in the markets," Arctus exhaled a breath, "please, if you could...write the recipe down."

The bartender nods, "is it...is it that close to Aeternian drinks?" This pony decided to pry a bit.

"It is! The salt is not sourced from the flats, so it tastes different, but it is a piece of Aeternia in a glass," he sipped again, keeping a smile.

"It is rather accurate," Savus commented.

"Master Arctus, who is your friend accompanying you?" The bartender still stuck around.

"Sacred Star General Savus, I'm another Aeternian," he nods to him, "well met."

The pony bowed to both of them before trotting back off, not wanting to take too much of their time. Arctus and Savus continued to finish their drinks slowly, eating the cherry left atop their glasses before they both stood and the Scout lead him to the entrance.

"Please, send my bill to my quarters in the castle," Arctus informed the host as he left.

"Thank you for dining with us, Master Arctus."

Savus spoke when they exited, "where...where is this castle?"

"I suppose it's hard to see it at night...it's large, you wouldn't miss it during the day. Follow."

The pair arrived, the castle gates open and lights on for them as Arctus made his way inside, the guards bowing to him at the castle doors.

"Princess Celestia has reopened court to hear your report. She requests you in the throne room," they both spoke in unison.

"I guess Shining Armor is still drilling hard," the Master Scout commented as he pushed the doors open himself, heading deeper down corridors and heaving the throne room doors open.

"I had reports from the guard that you were accompanied by som-," Celestia started and stopped speaking as she came down from the platform and rushed to Arctus, running her hooves over his bloodstained gear, "what happened?!"

"Is this Princess Celestia?" Savus looked to his friend.

"She is...and she's usually more regal, but has a soft spot for-."

"How did you get injured? Show me!" Arctus sighed at her words. There wasn't any feasible way for him to talk out of this. He lifted his scale mail shirt and leather cover with his linen shirt, "oh my...how..."

"Princess, Arctus was struck by a dragon claw while on assignment. I stitched and cauterized his wound," Savus interjected.

"Th-thank you," she sighed, "I never should have se-."

"Celestia. This is my duty. My purpose," Arctus' tone changed from his suall soft voice with her to a more commanding one, "sending me is something you are expected to do. Getting injured is something I expect to happen. Do not let our personal affairs cloud your professional judgements."

Celestia cleared her throat, "you're correct, Arctus. I...just hate seeing you hurt. Thank you for tending to him, what is your name? Are you also an Aeternian?"

"Savus, I am...was the Sacred Star General of Aeternia, leader of all our military forces except for the Scouts," he bowed slightly to her, "I met Arctus when he came to the Dragon Lands."

"He assisted me on that assignment. Almost all leadership, except for very few parents, have been eliminated from the Dragon Lands. Their main leader is dead. Children and egg clutches are still there."

Celestia smiled, "good. I'm just glad you're home," she wrapped her hooves tight around him, "you can investigate the kingdom to the South after this Summer Sun Celebration. You deserve some rest."

The Princess looked to one of the guards, "please, guide Savus to an empty guest suite for him to use."

"Yes, your highness," the guard approached Savus who turned and began to follow him, "catch you later, Arctus...I have a date with an actual bed!"

"Is there anything else you can tell me about Savus?"

"He's old...you can't tell under that helmet, but he's in his fifties. He's live a very long and successful combat career and his armor is fully fireproof. He...he's hoping to retire."

"Retire? I imagine he's seen more death than you."

"He was reported missing and presumed dead after an assualt. He actually got separated defending his soldiers on the front line while they retreated and lived a year in enemy territory when he was sent to Equestria...he arrived and survived in the Dragon Lands."

"My...that would make him as strong as you, wouldn't it?" Celestia teased.

"I...there's a harsh difference between a soldier and a Scout. He fights with comrades at his side, I don't get that luxury," Acrtus mentioned.

"I was teasing. Thank you...for being brave in the dangers that you face for Equestria," she gently hugged him again, "and for me."

"At your service, Celestia," he hugged her back, "the Summer Sun Celebration is in a month or so, correct?" Arctus broached the topic.

"Yes...26 days to be precise," Celestia exhaled, holding tight to him, "please...please be there in Ponyville. I'll need your help when my sister, Nightmare Moon, returns."

"What would you have me do?" Celestia let go of him.

"Protect her, my student, Twilight Sparkle, but do not sever the strands of fate that have been laid for her."

"I'll keep Nightmare Moon at bay then," Arctus assured, "everything will be fine," he placed his hand on her cheek, "let me do the lifting behind the scenes."

Arctus was understanding more and more of the kind of pony Celestia was.

"Thank you...I still don't know if you do all these things for your love of me or that you;ve found a true home, thank you for always being the foundation."

He nodded, "I..." his words were slurring before and the only pony to take notice was Celestia, not that he cared, but alcohol had a way of sneaking up on oneself. Arctus exhaled and attempted a sentence again, "I do it for so many reasons and you are the first."

"Art...did you have a drink on the way back?" She smiled lightly at him.

He nodded, feeling his head get heavier, "I...wanted one so the Sun's Ray made me a very...quality drink."

"And you've lost a lot of blood...is this a part of Aeternian culture?" Celestia turned him around and gently pushed him forward with her wing to exit the throne room.

"Every Aeternnnnian, " and the world seemed slower to him as he walked, "would have a drink after completing a hard tasssk," his breath was heavier, "our farmers would have one after a successful harvest season, the priests after completing a ceremony with weeks of preparation needed, and soldiers and Scouts when they returned home....we'd all get a large jug of our liqueuuur."

Celestia stiffled a giggle and addressed one of the guards at the throne room door, "close the court, I'm going to get the tipsy Master Scout to bed."

"I can get myself to bed well enough. You should get sleep yourself, Celestia," she put her wings on his shoulders as he walked in an effort to stabilize himself.

"I'll get plenty of sleep, I'm not going to allow you to fall all over the castle on the way to your bedroom," she kept her warm smile as she held him upright when he made it to a staircase, "you should be more careful consuming when you've lost some blood...I don't want you going into another coma."

"I earned that drink."

"What was this liqueur called?" Aeternian culture and history was a favorite topic of hers to learn.

"Mag...ma sheets," he stumbled at the top step of the staircase, Celestia holding him up, "it was named after the founding event of Aeternia, when the stars launched the lava slid from our lands like a sheet of ice off water, mysteriously entering volcaanoes," he exhaled hard and inhaled, "the history texts describe it like something pull the magma as a solid piece to reveal the salt flats underneath. That's why a pinch of the salt flats is laid on the tongue before take our first siip," he was getting more and more sluggish.

"What's...what's in it?" Celestia didn't want to explicitly say it, but this was one of the softer parts of Aeternian culture and it interested her all the more.

"Cocoa, cheeries," he made it to his chambers with Celestia still holding on to him, "almonds and chilies...it's a little simple."

Celestia used her magic to lift his key from his pouches and unlock his chamber door, gently swinging it open, "it's time for you to rest," she shut his door behind them.

"Privacy...at last."

"We'll talk about the citizen you sent here in the morning."

"Stars above, my body hurts," the Scout could still feel his body stinging under his equipment as he began stripping out of it.

The Sun Ruler shook her head, "should I send for a nurse, Art?"

"You...you're all I want for the night," his arms froze as he finished taking off his gear, unable to stretch his core from pain or damage to take his actual armor, leathers, and linens off, "can," before he can sluggishly get the words out, Celestia's horn lights again as he helps him out of his light protection.

"Thaanks," he then stumbles off toward the bathroom, taking his boots and socks off along the way before removing his breeches once inside.

"Art...are you sure you're okay?"

"Been...been through worse," that was definitely a lie, were it not for Savus, he likely would have died.

Then where would the ace in the hole for Equestria be?

The Princess had taken to the bathroom door, ensuring it was cracked while he gave him privacy, not that he would have minded were she to barge in. Celestia knew she didn't want to see the fresh new scar and all the dried blood on his skin anymore, she had withstood the smell of metal and death on him long enough without comment.

"You're a horrible liar," Celestia mentioned, "even that strike Kanna left on you was not as deep and long as the scar you came home with tonight."

Arctus was silent, turning the shower on while he got to work scrubbing himself the best he could with arms that couldn't go above his chest without incredible difficulty and resistance, "Celestia," his voice was more empty and the doubt was the main bite on this single word.

"Yes, Arctus?"

"Do...am I weaker?"

Celestia chuckled, she even laughed aloud, smacking a hoof on the floor, "no, no no, Arctus," she began to tame her laughter, "you've grown stronger," her giggles ceased, "you've...you're quite capable of doing things nopony could accomplish and I believe you to be far above the prowess of your friend, Savus. Is this the alcohol speaking or just the pride of being an Aeternian?" She took on a warm smile.

An awkward silence passed.

"B-bothh," he slurred.

"My sweet Art...you hold yourself to impossible standards and it almost killed you. Please heed my concerns for you more and stay safer."

This time, maybe partially due to his still intoxicated self, Arctus listened and considered her words. All the alicorn held for him was care and tenderness, the first to do so.


"You're very needy when you've been drinking, maybe I should start making this liqueur just to keep you home and at the attention of my hooves."

Arctus ignored her comment, "can you assist," his last syllable had pain in it as he struggled to reach above his shoulders.

Celestia gently pushed open the door, shutting it behind her quietly, "something the matter, I see."

She trotted to the edge of the tub, lifting a scalp scrubber up along with shampoo in her magic, "can't quite clean and fix the mess of hair you have, hmm?"

Arctus slowly sat down, allowing her access to his head. Silence was his preferred response in his embarassment.

Celestia gently dug the scrubber in, massaging away, "you should let me do this more often...it's nice seeing you vulnerable."

He sat as the shower ran and pattered along his legs and lower body. The snowy alicorn could easily see the red shade over his cheeks, likely from alcohol and embarassment.

"I'm a bit too prideful for that."

"Well, maybe I can change your mind. Your flushed face tells a different story."

"Maybe...you already havvee," he was trying hard to not slur, but it was an inevitability.

The Princess smiled wider, "I hope you're not too down a bottle that you won't remember this."

He was quiet for a couple moments before standing and rinsing his hair out. Celestia maintained a thorough pink shade on her face as she struggled to look away.

"When she comes back, your sister," his slurred speech vanished as he took a serious tone, "I need her help."

"You need Luna's help?" She looked to him in surprise without the conscious thought of his indecent state.

"I do, I haven't mentioned it before, but she used to raise the moon and arrange the stars in the sky."

"You think she can help get you back home to Aeternia with her knowledge of stars?" The alicorn's voice shambled through the sentence.

"Don't be sad, I'm not leaving, I have no wish to return to Aeternia even," he turned the water off, stepping out and drying himself, "there's questions I have that I need answered."

"What's your reasoning? Why do you think she could have answers to questions you haven't even asked me?"

"Because she can likely send me there, to the stars, to the Eight Heroes," he voiced his second motive, "and learn what I am."

"You're human, that's simple enough to answer," she smiled, "would the answers you get from Aeternia's Eight Heroes change who you are and what you do?" Celestia offered a deeper perspective as he pulled breeches on.

He stayed quiet as he dressed, getting Celestia's assistance to put a shirt over him. Her horn lit as she went and in his alcohol-addled mind, it went unnoticed, but she had healed more of his internal damages from the dragon claw, helping to stitch his muscle back faster.

"That's not something I considered," his speech was returning more to normal syllable and construction, "I would continue to protect these lands and eliminate threats. That's a promise to you, but the information could change how I go about it."

The Princess hummed while they exited the bathroom, "how were you hoping to get Luna's assistance?"

"I know she'll be busy trying to adjust to Equestrian life, the endless years have changed the world she'll return to drastically, but I just wish her to show me the stars and point each one out. Aeternians can attune themselves with a Sacred Star and it allows them to use a Hero's power."

"Ah, is that how you've travelled so quickly?"

He nodded back to her, "every Scout is required to learn the godhood, Speed of Yetrema."

"Your tone hints that you know more."

"Gær's Lungs, a common one for many of our military to aspire to learn. I had taken a couple of scrolls from the temple when I was an initiate, before becoming a Scout, and learned Ghostly Wander of Kamna, I'm the only scout to know it when I left Aeternia."

"So, what are the five others?" Celestia seemed more interested in his culture than his abilities.

He walked to the desk in his room and grabbed the list he had sloppily written down and handed it to the Princess who grasped it with her magic, reading over it.

"With names like these, it clearly illustrates the specialty of each Hero. Have you seen any Aeternian use these?"

"I was sent ahead on the mission that Savus went missing in, I saw him in the second of the two fortresses while our army attacked. I was using subterfuge to cripple and sabotage the first fortresses' supplies and killing their men from the shadows."

She frowned, putting the page back on his desk, "and Savus?"

"He attuned to two godhoods at the same time that day, Fury within Lun and Reba's Warform. Lun granted him the ability to crash their walls and send each enemy that approached into a bloody paste through the air when he landed an unblocked blow."

"And the warform?" Celestia didn't admit, but that kind of power was frightening to imagine, to send any creature to fated end of viscera on the ground.

"No matter how many slashes, how many blows or hacks they landed, he stood. Bloodied, but alive no matter the blow that spewed his blood."

"Savus sounds like a paragon of endurance."

"He is. He became a symbol of the resilency and willingness to take on impossible tasks as an Aeternian. There was a statue commemorated of him after he went missing."

The air went silent between them while Arctus walked to the balcony and shoved the double doors open, looking at the night sky.

"Did you have a statue in Aeternia?" Celestia followed him.

"No, my name was etched upon the Scout tablet and I was constantly spoken about, but I didn't accomplish anything to be worthy of a statue, those are saved for Aeternians who become physical embodiments of our values."

"I see, perhaps one day you'll earn one," the alicorn trotted to his bedroom door with a smirk, "goodnight, Art. Get some rest."

The shower had somehow invigorated him but at the mention of sleep, his body began to cave, "goodnight, Celly."

It would be a couple of weeks before he would depart for his forest again, to take to the castle, to be there when she returns.