• Published 24th Jul 2023
  • 953 Views, 21 Comments

The Pointed Woodsmaster - The Real Darkness

A guard finally meets the man behind some anomalies and turns him into the prison.

  • ...


"I try to be...not typically here."

"I'm just noting how other ponies can see you as a menace," this alicorn, pink and paletted like all the colors of the morning sky, was speaking with him very casually, "not that you are, I mean."

"This is," Celestia began.

"Princess Cadenza, you can call me Cadence if you like. I know you're close with auntie at least."

"And Cadence, this is-," Celestia didn't prompt but was cut off this time.

"Arctus! Master Scout Arctus! From Aeternia! Hero of the Minos Invasion!"

"I didn't think ponies would call me hero for that."

"They don't, but you did save Canterlot and Equestria. They called you the Tall Horror, which doesn't seem very...endearing as Celestia speaks of you."

"Cadence!" Celestia chirped.

"Sorry sorry, nopony calls you that anymore, a lot call you the Warborn From the Stars."

Arctus puffed, "that's a title."

"I don't think you're quite my speed, I like talking a bit much. I can see how you find him fascinating, Auntie. He's very different, even his tone is so different from ours."

"I've noticed that alicorns typically are in charge of something," they hadn't left the hall they still occupied, "so...what do you rule over?"

"Rule?!" Cadence giggled, "I'm just the Princess of Love and advice on those kinds of matters."

That was a complete foreign idea to him, seeking wisdom in decisions happened on Aeternia, sure, they had scryers of the stars and mountains, but nobody sought for help in matters of love.

"That's interesting. Instead of being responsible for an integral part of life like Celestia, you help to create a better quality of life by giving counsel as your sole purpose?"

"Purpose is a big word, it is my duty, but not my sole reason for being."

Another alien thought to him.

"Cadence, you've...you've given me much to think about while I take my excursion to the Frozen North."

"Are you always so serious?!" She called after him while he began walking past the two of them.

"He has his moments, there's a wonderful personality under all the soldier in him."

"Could you...talk with him more when you get the chance, Cadence?" Arctus could hear even after he turned a corner, heading to his suite.

The Scout came to check solely upon the egg and noted that there was a change on it.

Ice was forming in tiny little specs, giving the egg the illusion of a magic sparkle, the deep blue color was still the on other feature of the large egg, but the abnormal change was a good indicator that the egg was alive since its first candling.

And growing.

Arctus knew Celestia had a pet phoenix, but he had never seen him with his own eyes. He pondered if the Glacegere could have been related.

That threw his mind to think about the changes he had gone through, talking with more normal citizens, although he was stressing the word normal, he usually kept his conversations with out fighters to exchange tips and battle knowledge.

But he had spoken with three princesses now and he could cou t one of them had a good friend, someone he could rely on.

Every single thing about this world was alien to him, but the thoughts he was having time and time again became less foreign. He had already resigned to exchange pleasantries, but if he enjoyed it...

Wasn't that real friendship? To enjoy someone's company and activities you do with them?

He should invite Celestia, maybe Sunset or Cadance if they express a want to be his friend, out to travel or just even a meal.

Despite traveling as a Scout, he never once felt lonely knowing the Destiny Stars shot from the Trepidatory Volcanoes were looking over him, holding the sky aloft and blessing him with their good graces as he showed his fearless self to enemy after enemy.

But now after meeting good ponies, he felt a bit lonely each time he went on an excursion, though it never stopped him. He always dismissed it as something stupid to give attention to, but now after letting his emotions breathe he came to the conclusion that there might be happiness to find there.

"Arctus?" A voice came from his door.

"Enter," and Cadence trotted through.

"Oh, is that the egg you've been caring for?" She looked to the bed.

"Yes, the egg of the Glacegere."

"Auntie said that was a very...violent battle."

"It was...but now I have a question. Has Celestia been following me about?"

"She never mentioned anything about stalking you," she giggled, "why?"

"I worry. I worry that she sees the gruesome things I have done and it will affeect her or that she imagines the people or creatures I have fought and slain," he looked to her, "sorry. I know this world is peaceful and war is not something anypony here is used to seeing."

"It's okay, Arctus. I know fighting is in your nature. You act like a protector."

"That's my purpose here, to help protect Equestria."

"No no...you act like a protector for her," she had trotted over to him and put her hoof on his chest for emphasis, "your heart, the opposite of that egg, is melting instead of freezing over."

"I...I don't really understand that metaphor."

She retracted her hoof, "you will, Arctus, just give yourself some time. These things aren't sudden, but slow," she began to head to the door, "and feel free to count me among your friends. I won't take too much of your time as you mentioned going to the Frozen North."

"Thank you, Cadence," and while it did take time for him to understand, he was still quick witted, "was this the counsel you provide?"

Cadence smiled wide as she opened the door, "it is. Now you see the importance?" He nodded his head and she left, "have a good outting!"

Love. That's what he gathered from it. Protecting out of duty was one thing, protecting because it was the right thing was entirely different.

He could have walked away, but now he understood more of why he didn't, something about Celestia attracted him to stay, he was even spending less time in the forest and more time at the castle when he wasn't traveling. His question was even tailored to protecting her from the more bloody parts of himself, that was specific.

He was protecting Equestria, the nation she ruled, for her, it was for Celestia, not just so he could have a kingdom replace Aeternia, but so he could have a home near her.


He walked to the balcony, looking out at Canterlot, "well, now that I ubderstand these warm feelings...what do I do with them?" He spoke again.

And he suspended the thought, surveying was imperative to the security of the nation, so he went off to the Frozen North.