• Published 1st Feb 2024
  • 673 Views, 58 Comments

Yugioh EQG: Cyberse Tournament - Banshee531

Years after the defeat of Zeronull and his evil, Duelling is still the world favourite past time. And now, Duellist new and old will come together in order to compete in an all new tournament. Who will win? Who will lose? Let's find out.

  • ...

Turn 7: Ritual Summons and a Dino-namic Battle

Spike blinked his eyes, as he found himself in a large room.

Said room looked like a normal green room, with a couch, some snacks and a few comics on a table. "What the?" He stepped forward, "what am I doing here?" He stepped over to the couch and sat down, picking up a soda as he did so. "Am I supposed to wait here until everyone else is finished Dueling?" He wasn't big on simply waiting around, but he was thankful for the break.

As he picked up a comic, he wondered about the rest of the competitors and how their Duels were going.

In the desert battlefield, Yona and Sandbar's Duel continued.

Sonata: "Things aren't looking good for Yona. The gap between their Life Points just keeps getting larger and without her monster Abilities, it looks like she doesn't have a way to defeat him. Will this next turn give her the card she needs to win?"

Yona shook her head, still reeling from the attack that had just destroyed her monster. With Sandbar's Skill Drain active, her best cards were neutered. And Sandbar still had a bunch of strong monsters waiting to be summoned. But she wasn't gonna give up.

"Yona fight," she stated. "She fight with everything she have. And she will win." Sandbar smirked, glad Yona's determination wasn't soured. This Duel was fun and Sandbar hadn't even started pulling out his best cards yet. Who would win this was still anyone's guess.

"Bring it on!" He cried, as Cyber-Tech Aligator roared in agreement.

"Yona's turn," she drew her card and smiled at what she got. "Yona play Fissure!" Sandbar's eyes went wide as the sandy ground began to shake, which caused a massive gap to suddenly break open beneath Cyber-Tech.

The sand beneath the alligator dragon gave way, making it roar as it fell into the hole. Appearing to forget it could fly, the beast vanished before the crack slammed shut. "No fair."

"Yes fair," Yona laughed as she took out another card. "Yona summon Berserking Axe-Master!" Another Berserking appeared, this one carrying a large double-bladed axe staff. (A1700/D1200/L4) "Axe-Master, attack Sandbar!" The man rushed forward, raising his staff up before swinging it down towards him.

But at the last moment, a monster suddenly appeared in a bright flash of light. Said monster was some kind of weather vane, with a face in the middle of it and a bell on one of the ends. (A0/D0/L1) "Say hi to Battle Fader!" Sandbar cried as his monster blocked the axe. "Whenever I'm directly attacked, I can summon him to the field and end the Battle Phase."

Yona huffed, having no other choice but to end her turn. "Yona usually like when Sandbar plays that, but not this time." Sandbar laughed at that.

Sonata: "Again and again, Sandbar is able to stop Yona from getting ahead. But with such a weak monster on his field, how can he hope to get one over one Yona?"

"Here I go!" Sandbar drew his card and when he saw what it was, he smirked. "Yes!" He quickly slotted the card, a face down appearing on his field. "Now, time for some fun." He used the last card in his hand and quickly summon. "Rise, Swift Gaia the Fierce Knight!" In a burst of light, a knight on a purple horse appeared. In both hands, he was carrying a long red lance. (A2300/D2100/L7)

Sonata: "Oh! A high level monster without a sacrifice. It's only made possible because Sandbar had no other cards in his hand."

In the loser's room, everyone watched this happen and knew Yona was in trouble.

Sunset hummed. "With Skill Drain active, a card like Swift Gaia is gonna be tough to deal with." She turned to Ocellus. "And I'm guessing that's not the strongest monster Sandbar has." Ocellus nodded, the others curious to see what his best card was.

"Swift Gaia!" They heard Sandbar cry, turning to see him point at Berserking Axe-Maser. "Take him down!" They watched as the horse neigh, as it rushed forward.

The knight pulled one of his lances back before thrusting it forward, piercing the barely clothed man in the chest. Berserking Axe-Master roared as he was thrown backwards, exploding and causing Yona to stagger backwards.

Yona: 2250
Sandbar: 3300

Yona then smiled. "Trap Card, open!" Yona's face down flipped up, revealing a Trap. "Berserking Rage! Yona only use when Life Points a thousand less than Sandbar's. Now Sandbar take thousand point of damage." The trap unleashed a beam of light, which struck Sandbar and made him cry out.

Yona: 2250
Sandbar: 2300

Sandbar staggered back, moaning as he held his chest. "Nice one. I end my turn." Swift Gaia and Battle Fader stared at Yona, as the girl reached for her deck.

"Yona draw!" She saw what she got and realised she didn't have anything to stop Sandbar's Gaia. For now, she had to work on dealing with the rest of his monster. "Yona summon Berserking Archer, ATK mode!" This time, a barely clothed woman appeared carrying a bow and quiver. (A1400/D1300/L4) "Attack Battle Fader!" The monster pulled on her bow and fired, hitting the strange monster and destroying it. Since it was in DEF mode, Sandbar didn't take any damage.

"I activate my Quick-Play Spell Card!" Said Spell flipped up, "Wild Revival. This card lets me revive any monster that was just destroyed in battle. But It's ATK And DEF are sent to zero and their abilities are negated." In a flash of light, Battle Fader reappeared looking exactly the same as before.

"Yona end turn."

Sonata: "Yona continues to have trouble causing any problems for Sandbar. She was able to almost even the score, but barely."

"It's my turn!" Sandbar reached for his deck and drew his card, a smile appearing on his lips. "Just what I was hoping for." Yona gulped, fearing she might be in trouble as he activated the card. "It's time to play the most powerful card in my deck. The Black Luster Ritual!" Said Ritual Spell activated, a pair of pots appearing on either side of a stone slab with swords and a shield inscribed onto it.

"Not that card," Yona gasped.

"You know it!" Sandbar stated, as Swift Gaia and Battle Fader turned into glowing lights. "With this card, I can sacrifice any monster in my hand or on my field, so long as their Levels add up to eight or more." The lights flew into the pots, which quickly unleashed a pair of light pillars. "Now, light and darkness will intertwine. Bringing forth the gates of chaos!" The stone slab raised up, the etchings glowing before the light flew off of it. "I RITUAL SUMMON!"

The light faded, revealing a powerful looking knight in blue and yellow armor. In his hands were a majestic sword and shield. "Black Luster Soldier!" (A3000/D2500/L8)

Yona stared at the monster in question, looking worried since that particular creature had won Sandbar many a Duel. In the old days of Duel Monsters, before cards had become insanely complicated, a beast like that had the power to completely destroy an opponent. And now, Yona would need to find a way to defeat it as well.

In another battlefield, Gallus and Silverstream's Duel Continued.

Currently, Gallus' field was empty whilst Silverstream had her Skydiver Leviathan out. That combined with her Tornado Wall, meant she was practically untouchable. And with Gallus' best cards currently down in the Graveyard, he was in real trouble.

Gallus too a deep breath, as he reached for his Duel Disk. If he didn't draw something good here, he was gonna be in serious trouble. "Alright." He reached for his deck, "it's my turn. I draw!" He did so and when he saw what he'd gotten, he smiled. "Yes. I play Starburst Reload!" The crowd cheered, as a portal opened at his feet that Thunder Stag flew out of before disintegrating. "By banishing a Light monster from my grave, I can now draw six cards."

"Wow!" Silverstream smiled, "talk about lucky."

"Yup," Gallus drew his cards and looked through them. Alas, not one of them would be any use to him in defeating Skydiver Leviathan. However, he had more than one to use. "I activate the Spell Card, Paladin's Golden Circle!" Silverstream's eyes went wide.

"Are you sure that's a good idea? You know what's gonna happen."

"Oh, I know." Gallus pointed at the ground, as a ring of golden light appeared in front of him. "With Paladin's Golden Circle, I can summon as many Level four or lower Gold Paladins from my Graveyard as possible."

Aria: "However, during his End Phase, he'll be forced to pay eight hundred Life Points for each one of them. With only two thousand Life Points, he can only summon two Gold Paladins and stay in the game."

"I summon, Wing Dagger Valkyrie, Holy Squire, Blader of Great Skill, Edge-Wing Eagle and Pain Goliath!" Inside the circle, five monsters appeared. Four of them were the monsters Gallus had already summoned, whilst the last was a giant of a man who was standing at almost ten feet tall. He was wearing white armor, with golden trim, and was carrying a large golden club with spikes covering every inch of the giant man sized weapon. (A1300/D1300/L4) (A1000/D600/L3) (A1200/D1100/L3) (A1400/D1000/L4) (A0/D1000/L4)

Aria: "Gallus has gone nuts. Summoning five monsters. That'll cost him four thousand Life Points. Double what he currently has. What could he be thinking?"

"I set two cards face down and end my turn." As he said that, the golden circle moved over to Gallus and looked like it was about to zap him of all his Life Points. "And now, I activate Pain Goliath's Special Ability!" The giant turned towards him and raised his club, which glowed and started sucking the light out of the golden circle. "Whenever I'm about to take effect Damage, his skill protects me from it. And then, he gains ATK points equal to the damage I would have taken." (A4000/D1000/L4)

Silverstream laughed. "Gallus, you're amazing. You took what should have been a game ending move and used it to your advantage."

"Yup," Gallus nodded. "There's a reason we won the Double X, you know."

"Yeah," Silverstream smiled. "Because I was on that team." They laughed, as Silverstream reached for her deck. "It's my turn." She drew her card and instantly discarded it along with the two in her hand. "Now I activate my Skydiver Leviathan's special ability." The monster began sucking water into its mouth, then unleashed a blast of water towards Gallus' side of the field.

"You've activated my Trap Card!" Gallus cried, as his card flipped face up. "Enchanted Golden Cloak!" Said golden cloak suddenly appeared, it looking more like a cape that flew down and attached itself to Pain Goliath.

Aria: "That Trap Equips to any Gold Paladin, granting it two abilities. The first is an extra three hundred ATK points, but that's not all. The monster equipped is also immune to destruction effects."

As the cloak glowed, Pain Goliath roared and used it to shield himself from the water blast. Said blast struck the field and destroyed the rest of Gallus' monsters, but Pain Goliath was left unharmed and even more powerful than before. (A4300/D1000/L4)

Silverstream hummed, wondering if she should have simply attacked one of his weaker monsters. But then she looked at Gallus' face down, knowing it was likely a card to either protect him or destroy her. "I end my turn."

Aria: "Silverstream was unable to wipe out Gallus' field, but she still has her Tornado Wall Trap. So long as that and her Field Spell are out together, Silverstream can't be hurt."

Within one of the tunnels, Wallflower ran until she came across a wall with four stars on it.

The wall glowed before the monster known as Tiger Axe, appeared in front of her. It swung its axe towards Wallflower, but she quickly dodged it. "Go," she played a monster, "Poison Pitcher!" A large yellow pitcher plant appeared, with green leaves on the side and a large one on top of its head.

The plant monster unleashed a cloud of purple dust, which struck Tiger Axe and caused it to start choking. It dropped its weapon before they both exploded, the wall vanishing along with Poison Pitcher.

Wallflower nodded as she continued down the corridor, wondering when she would finally find her way out of it.

Back with Yona and Sandbar, the Ritual Monster stared the girl down.

Sonata: "Wow! Sandbar has summoned the legendary Black Luster Soldier. Against a monster that powerful, I don't see how Yona can win without any of her monster abilities."

Black Luster Soldier swung its blade around, unleashing a flow of power that looked ready to tear Yona's monster apart. "Black Luster Soldier, attack Berserking Archer!" The knight leapt into the air, raising its sword up before bringing it down. But before it could make contact, another monster appeared.

This one was a female Berserking carrying a large shield. She raised it up and the sword bounced off it, causing her to explode but leaving Archer unharmed. "Berserking Shield-Maiden!" Yona cried, "Discarding her lets Yona negate attack and end Sandbar's Battle Phase."

"Nice one," Sandbar smiled. "I thought I had you there." He ended his turn, "but you were able to keep yourself in the game. Not bad."

Yona smiled as she drew her card, nodding as she did so. "Yona summon Berserking Spearman, ATK mode!" The spear-wielding barbarian appeared alongside Archer. (A1900/D300/L4) Then, Yona discarded two cards. "Using Berserking Beast's Deck Master Ability." The minotaur let out a roar, as it beat its chest. "Yona discard one card and increase Berserking monster ATK by five hundred, and Level go up by one."

Sonata: "Yona discarded two cards, which means she can give that power boost to two of her monsters."

Berserking Beast kept beating its chest, causing energy to flow out of it and into Spearman and Archer. (A2400/D300/L5) (A1900/D1300/L5) Sandbar saw this and realised what was coming next. "Now!" Yona cried, as her monsters morphed into a pair of lights. "Yona Overlay both monsters and build Overlay Network!" A black hole appeared at Yona's feet, which the lights flew into. "Smash apart and rebuild stronger. That Berserking way. Now Yona smash two monsters together to make more powerful beast!" The black hole exploded. "YONA XYZ SUMMON!"

The light faded away, revealing a monster that looked similar to Wild Smasher. Except the armor it was wearing was more mismatched, with spikes coming out of random spots and even larger metal fists. The look on its face was a look of insanity, one that screamed this monster wasn't in its right mind. "Berserking, Rampage Smasher!" (A2700/D2200/R5)

Sandbar smirked. "That monster is normally really strong. But it doesn't have its Ability. And without that, it's not gonna be much use to you."

"This turn do more than get out Xyz monster," Yona stated. "It get cards in Graveyard."

"What?" Sandbar asked. "Wait...don't tell me you discarded-"

"Berserking Forger!" Yona stated, as a portal suddenly opened at her feet. From out of it, an older looking Berserking appeared with a beard and hammer in hand. "Yona banish Forger from graveyard to activate skill. Now, Yona get one Equip card from deck or grave." Her deck slotted out a card and Yona took it, the girl then quickly playing it. "Now, Yona play Berserking Fire Fist!" One of Rampage Smasher's gloves transformed, morphing into a red metal glove that was on fire.

Sonata: "Amazing! Yona's new Equip Spell has two effects. The first allows her to power up a Berserking Monster by five hundred points."

Rampage Smasher bellowed out a mighty roar, as his ATK points grew beyond that of Black Luster Soldier's power. (A3200/D2200/R5) "Rampage Smasher!" Yona cried as her monster leapt forward, "smash Black Luster Soldier!" The Xyz Monster charged and pulled its blazing metal fist, as Sandbar braced himself for the incoming attack.

Then, the fist was sent flying forwards and smashed into the Ritual Monster. Black Luster Soldier roared in pain before exploding, Sandbar being pushed backwards.

Yona: 2250
Sandbar: 2100

"Wow!" Applebloom cheered. "She destroyed Black Luster Soldier. Now that's hardcore!"

"That's just the start," Ocellus smiled. "Destroying it was just a perk. Yona's after something else." The others wondered what she meant, but turned back to watch Rampage Smasher raise its flaming fist.

"Now, Fire Fist's other power happen!" A fireball appeared within its palm, which it then threw at Sandbar's Skill Drain. The flames slammed into the Trap, causing it to explode.

"No!" Sandbar cried, his best card for stopping Yona now gone. On the bright side, Yona couldn't use her monster's ability right now.

"Yona end turn." Rampage Smasher beat his chest, happy to have his full capabilities again.

Sonata: "There you have it, folks. Miss Yona isn't ready to give up the ghost just yet. Now she can use the rest of her monster's abilities, Sandbar will find he won't have such an easy time."

"Tempest Liberator Unicorn!" Fizzlepop cried, as her monster unleashed a burst of lightning towards a Parrot Dragon.

The large green bird squawked, as it exploded and the wall behind it disappeared. Fizzlepop smiled at her monster, nodding as she headed down the corridor.

"I've got to be getting close, she stated. "Just need to keep looking."

Back with Gallus and Silverstream, Gallus drew his card. But he still didn't have anything that could help him deal damage to Silverstream.

"Pain Goliath, attack Skydiver Leviathan!" The giant of a man rushed forward, raising its large club and bringing it swinging down onto the sea monster's head. The impact caused the monster to explode, but Tornado Wall protected Silverstream from the battle damage. "I'll end my turn by summoning Gold Paladin, Lion Beast Warrior, in DEF mode."

Silverstream watched, as a man wearing golden armor appeared. He had a red cape and was carrying a round shield with the face of a lion on it along with a golden sword. (A1800/D1000/L4)

"It's my turn," Silverstream reached for her deck. "I draw." Seeing what she got, a smile appeared on her lips as she got an idea. "I activate the effect of my Deep Sea Sanctuary!" A portal opened up and from out of it came Alluring and Cheering Skydiver. (A1500/D1400/L4)X2 "By removing three Diving Counters, I can summon any Water monster in my Graveyard. So in exchange for six, I got two."

"So?" Gallus asked, only to see her activate a card.

"Now, I'm Tributing my two Skydivers in order to activate my Skydiver Ritual!" A flash of light revealed a large stone gate, which appeared behind the two Skydivers. The gate had images of clouds and waves, with twelve stars inscribed on the arch of the door.

Alluring and Cheering Skydiver burst into four balls of light, which flew over and caused eight of the stars go glow.

"Power of the sea and the sky, merge to create and even greater force." The light from the stars spread to the rest of the gate, causing it to light up the entire chamber. "Let water and wind now swirl together, to create the monster with the might of a HURRICANE!" The gate began to swing open, "I RITUAL SUMMON!"

A tornado of water exploded out of the gate, with something appearing inside the tornado. And when the water stopped swirling round, it revealed a monster that looked like the other Skydivers. The only difference was it was a male harpy mermaid, wearing silver armor on his chest and head. His wings and tail were dark blue and surprisingly, he had two tails that looked like a pair of legs. "Skydiver General!" (A3000/D2500/L8)

Gallus frowned, as he watched the Ritual Monster's ATK points increase thanks to the effects of the Field Spell. (A3200/D2500/L8)

Aria: "Silverstream has Ritual Summoned a powerful monster. But even it won't be enough to defeat Gallus' Pain Goliath."

"I think this might be it for Gallus," Ocellus stated. "That's one of Silverstream's best cards. I've lost count of how many Duels she's won with it."

"Maybe," Sunset nodded. "But that doesn't mean it'll win this Duel. Remember, Gallus knows how it works. He must also know its weakness."

"It's just having a way to exploit that weakness that's the issue," Sweetie pointed out. They all nodded, wondering if Gallus had a card he could use to save his skin.

"I activate Skydiver General's special ability!" Silverstream laughed, as a portal opened up that Alluring Skydiver flew up out of. "By banishing a Water Monster from my graveyard, I can cut the ATK of one of your monsters in half." Alluring Skydiver transformed into a bubble of water, which the general sent flying towards Pain Goliath.

The bubble slammed into him and burst, the explosive force knocking the Gold Paladin staggering backwards as his power dropped. (A2000/D1000/L4)

"There's more," Silverstream announced. "Every time a Water monster is Banished, Skydiver General gains a thousand ATK points until the End Phase!" (A4200/D2500/L8) "Attack!" The merman swam/flew forward, aiming straight for Pain Goliath.

Gallus gasped, as the attack slammed into his monster and destroyed it. This made him cry out, as the explosion consumed him. Silverstream and everyone else stared at the explosion, waiting to see if the attack worked. And when the smoke cleared, Gallus was standing there panting.

Gallus: 800
Silverstream: 2500

Aria: "Gallus has survived. But how can that be possible?"

The smoke cleared and Silverstream's eyes went wide, as she saw a woman in white and gold robes with a hat on her head that had a cross on it. She also had a white staff with a blue gemstone, which was currently rain golden light down on Gallus. "Healing Priestess, Elixia."

Aria: "Amazing! That monster's effect, allows the wielder to discard her from their hand when they're about to take Battle Damage. It then increases the user's Life Points by a thousand. It was just enough to save Gallus from being taken down. But now his field's once again empty."

Silverstream smiled. "I should have known you'd use Elixia. You always seem to have that card handy when you really need it."

Gallus smiled, then smirked back at Elixia. She smiled back before disappearing, leaving Gallus with only his Deck Master. Silverstream ended her turn, Skydiver General's ATK points returning to their normal powered up amount. (A3200/D2500/L8)

Gallus took a deep breath and reached for his deck. He didn't have any monsters that could get him out of this mess, so he needed to hope for a Spell or Trap that could. "It's my turn. I DRAW!" He did so and when he saw what he got, he smirked. "Go, Graceful Charity!" He quickly drew three cards and discarded two of them. And the cards he kept made him smile. "I activate the Spell Card, Mystical Space Typhoon!

Silverstream gasped, as a powerful tornado suddenly appeared within the underwater chamber. Doing so caused her Field Spell to be ripped apart and sucked inside. Even the water was being sucked in, returning them to the icy ocean battlefield they had previously been on. "My Field Spell."

"Is gone," Gallus announced. "And without it, your Tornado Wall goes bye bye as well." Silverstream's Trap exploded. At the same time, Skydiver General lost his power up. (A3000/D2500/L8) "Next, I'm Master Summoning Gold Paladin, Brave Sabre!" The knight leapt into the air, doing several spins until he landed in front Gallus and pointed his blade at Silverstream's monster. (A1500/D1200/L4)

Aria: "Gallus has summoned his Deck Master to the field. He must be in a seriously sticky situation. If he loses it, he'll lose the Duel."

"Trusting everything on Brave Sabre?" Silverstream asked.

"What can I say," Gallus smirked. "This guy has never let me down." He quickly activated another card. "Now, I empower him with the Paladin's Golden Spirit!" A golden light veil appeared around Brave Sabre and made him glow. "This card can only be equipped to a Gold Paladin and with it, I can banish one Gold Paladin from my graveyard!"

A portal opened up and from out of it, Falcon Knight appeared before exploding into a golden light that was absorbed by the veil surrounding Brave Sabre. The knight sighed as he felt a sudden increase in his power. (A4100/D3100/L4)

"With Golden Spirit's power, Brave Sabre gains all the power of the monster I banished. Its ATK, DEF and its Abilities!" Seven sphere of light appeared around Brave Sabre, one for each Gold Paladin in the graveyard. Then they flew into Brave Sabre's body, powering him up. (A4800/D3100/L4) "ATTACK!"

Silverstream watched as Brave Sabre leapt into the air, his sword glowing brightly as he charged towards Skydiver General. "I'll still have Life Points. I'll still be able to-" She stopped and gasped. "Wait!"

"That's right. Don't forget Brave Sabre's Ability. His Deck Master Ability is awesome, but his normal ability is just as badass. Since he's attacking a monster whose Level is higher than his, he gets an extra thousand ATK Points." (A5800/D3100/L4)

Silverstream watched as Brave Sabre raised his sword and roared, as he brought it down towards her monster. She then smiled and held out her hand. "Great work Gallus. This was fun." The sword struck and her Ritual Monster exploded, the force of the blast knocking her backwards and off the iceberg. "AHHHHHHHH!"

Gallus: 800 (Winner)
Silverstream: 0

Aria: "That's it! Gallus has defeated Silverstream and will be moving on to the second round. Silverstream did her best, but in the end Gallus clearly wanted it more."

Gallus stared at Silverstream's iceberg, wondering if she had been removed from the virtual world since she lost.

But before he could call out to her, a splashing sound made him look down and see Silverstream floating in front of his iceberg. "Hi," she smiled whilst Gallus rolled his eyes. He held out a hand, Silverstream taking it and letting him pull her up onto the floating junk of ice. "You win. Guess I'll have to keep practising."

"Maybe," Gallus smirked. "Or maybe I'm just too awesome to be beaten." His smile then softened. "But seriously. You were great. I really had to pull out all the stops."

"Aw, you're too kind." She pinched his cheeks. "You better keep Dueling. And do it with a smile on your face. Remember, the only reason to Duel is to have fun."

Gallus nodded, "you're right. I'll keep Dueling and having fun. And you'd better watch me give it everything I have. Promise?"

"Promise," Silverstream smiled. The pair stared into each other's eyes, comfort filling their hearts before Silverstream's body began to digitise. "I guess this is it. Good luck, Galley." Gallus' smile fell at the sound of that name, as Silverstream completely vanished.

Now alone, Gallus wondered what he should do now. But he got his answer, when the iceberg suddenly began to crumble. "Huh?" All he could do was look down, as the ice broke into a million pieces and he fell into the ocean. He gasped, as the water sucked him down. And as he did, a light appeared beneath the waves and he was pulled inside. "NOT COOL!" Were his last words before he vanished into the light.

"Wow!" Applebloom looked surprised by this, "what happened to him?"

Sunset giggled. "I guess Twilight couldn't think of a better way to get him out of the battle arena. She's probably dropped him off in whatever they have planned for the second round." As she said that, a light appeared in front of them. A light that took humanoid shape and faded to reveal Silverstream.

She opened her eyes and looked around in confusion. "Silverstream." She turned to Ocellus, who waved her over.

"Aw," she groaned, "does that mean you lost too?" Ocellus nodded her head. "Oh well." She skipped over to her and sat in the armchair beside Ocellus' seat. "At least we get to watch the rest of the Duels together. So who else is Dueling? Smolder? Yona? Sandbar?"

"Smolder's already gotten to the next round," Ocellus explained. "She kind of beat me. As for Yona and Sandbar?" She pointed to one of the monitors, Silverstream turning to see the Duel in question. But as she did, she also noticed another Duelist running through one of the tunnels.

Wallflower had just defeated another monster and turned a corner. As she did, she found herself coming face to face with a light at the end of it.

The woman nodded and rushed through it. When she did, she found herself stepping out into a large open grassland with many streams and rocks in it. "Huh," she smiled, "I can definitely duel here." She made her way through it, wondering where her opponent might be.

She got her answer, when she heard the sound of footsteps and turned to see something rushing towards her. "Out of the way!" A voice cried out, as Peacock shot past her with Scootaloo on her back.

The winged beast suddenly came to a stop and Scootaloo was thrown off its back, the girl crying out as she slammed into the ground. The beast squawked at her before running away, Wallflower raising an eyebrow as the girl groaned and stood up. "What were you doing?"

"Killing time until you got here," Scootaloo answered before realising her opponent had arrived. "Alright!" She leapt back and got into a fighting stance. "About time. You ready to do this?"

"More than ready," Wallflower answered before their cards appeared. As they did, Adagio appeared on the screens to start her announcements.

Adagio: "It's Scootaloo verses Wallflower Blush. The Dino-dynamo verses the Plant-pro. I can't wait to see how this turns out.

"Scootaloo's gonna have a hard time," Sunset stated.

"Is this Wallflower girl really that good?" Sweetie asked, Sunset nodding as the pair kept picking their cards. As they did, Sunset remembered her own Duel with Wallflower. Her Euro-league win had been nail bitingly close, with Sunset only winning thanks to a lucky draw.

"Scootaloo better hope Wallflower doesn't get her two card combo up. That one was tough to beat." They nodded, as the pair finished their decks and took them out to select a Deck Master.

"Rush Raptor!" In a flash, the furry dinosaur appeared with wings too small to let it take flight.

Wallflower smiled as she chose her Deck Master. "Mushroom Man!" From out of the ground, a large white and red mushroom with eyes and arms grew besides her. Rush Raptor growled at it, but Mushroom Man crossed his arms and didn't look frightened in the slightest.

Adagio: "Well this is certainly an interesting choice. Mushroom Man, which is possibly one of the worst cards in the game, will be Wallflower's Deck Master. I hope its Deck Master Ability can help it be useful to her. But now that the Deck Masters have been chosen, it's time to get this Duel started."

Scootaloo and Wallflower placed the card into their Duel Disks and activated them, their life points rising as they drew their cards and called out in unison. "DUEL!"

Scootaloo: 4000
Wallflower: 4000

"I'll take the first move!" Wallflower drew her card and smiled before summoning it. "And I'll start with Vine Binder, in ATK mode!" From out of the ground, a mass of greenish blue vines appeared and start tangling around one another. Eventually, it formed a large sphere of vines that had two tiny vine feet and four long arms made up of multiple vines. In the centre, a section was open to allow a trio of eyes to look out onto the field. (A1900/D1000/L4) "I end my turn."

Adagio: "A simple start. But I'm sure Wallflower's just building up to something. How will Scootaloo respond.

"It's my turn." As she said that, Rush Raptor roared and Scootaloo's deck glowed. The next thing they knew, five cards flew off the top of her deck and floated in front of her. "Rush Raptor's Deck Master Ability, lets me pick a card and add it to my hand instead of drawing." She took one of the cards and the rest returned to the deck, which shuffled.

"Great," Wallflower sighed. "So instead of relying on luck, Scootaloo can practically pick the best card for the situation.

"Now," Scootaloo took two cards and slapped them down. "I set the Pendulum Scale, with scale one Dino Knight, Dimetro Cutter and scale eight Dino Knight, Stego Mace!" The pillars of light appeared and inside of them, two dinosaur themed knights appeared.

One was a cyan knight with a power saw, whilst the other was a purple knight with a mace.

The pair flew up and quickly, the portal began to form above Scootaloo's head. "Now watch, as I cut through space time and carve the arc of victory." The portal began to open, "I PENDULUM SUMMON!" A single light shot out and exploded when it appeared, revealing a red knight carrying a long lance. "Dino Knight, Tyranno Lancer!" (A1500/D1200/L4/P5)

"Nice cards," Wallflower stated. "But you're gonna need more than that to beat my Vine Binder."

"Good thing I've got my Pendulum Monsters!" Scootaloo announced as Dimetro Cutter raised his weapon. Tyranno Lancer glowed and the light flew into the power saw, which the Dino Knight swung through the air to unleash an energy buzzsaw. "For every Dinosaur on my field, your Vine Binder loses three hundred ATK points!"

Wallflower watched as the energy blade slammed into her monster, causing it to cry out as its power was depleted. (A1600/D1000/L4) "That's still not enough."

"Stego Mace!" Scootaloo cried, as the Dino Knight raised his staff as it glowed. The light flew off and into Tyranno Lancer, making him roar. (A1800/D1200/L4/P5) "Once a turn, Stego Mace can power up a Dinosaur by three hundred points for that turn. Now," she pointed at Vine Binder. "Attack!" Tyranno Lancer launched himself towards Vine Binder and with one mighty thrust, destroyed the tangle of vines.

Scootaloo: 4000
Wallflower: 3800

Wallflower staggered back, but then smiled as Mushroom Man glowed. "You've activated my Deck Master's Ability!" A card slotted out of her deck. "Since you destroyed a Plant-Type monster, I can summon another Plant-Type so long as its ATK is lower than the monster you destroyed."

"Really?" Scootaloo asked. "Well that sucks."

Adagio: "Impressive. An ability like that would usually be overpowered, but Mushroom Man can only use it once per turn."

"Rise, Florasaurus!" The ground shook and broke apart, as some kind of monster grew out of it. The giraffe sized brachiosaur appeared, the pink petals forming around its neck. (A1800/D1800/L5) "You're not the only one with dinos in their deck."

"Maybe," Scootaloo smirked, "but my dinos are better." But as she said that, a bunch of vines suddenly appeared out of the ground and wrapped themselves around her monster. "Tyranno Lancer. What the heck?"

"You destroyed Vine Binder," Wallflower told her. "That means your Tyranno Lancer gained a Binding Counter. And any monster with a Binding Counter can't attack."

Scootaloo frowned before placing a card face down, "I end my turn."

"My draw!" Wallflower drew and as she did, the petals around Florasaurus glowed. "During my standby phase, Florasaurus gains one Solar Counter. And for every Solar Counter she has, she gains two hundred ATK points. (A2000/D1800/L5)

Scootaloo frowned. "That thing could be a problem if I leave it out too long."

"I play Reload!" Wallflower activated the card, then returned the other five cards in her hand to the deck. "This lets me replace my hand with the same number of cards." She drew again and quickly summoned a monster. "I summon Soul Flower!" From out of the ground, a monster appeared looking like a green girl with a large head. She had vine hair and a large purple flower on the side of her head. (A1200/D1500/L4) "Florasaurus, Attack!" The dinosaur opened its mouth and fired a beam of light, which struck Tyranno Lancer and destroyed him.

Scootaloo: 3500
Wallflower: 3800

"Now, Soul Flower, attack Scootaloo directly!" The flower girl raised her arm and swung it around, a bunch of vines flying towards her and slamming into Scootaloo hard.

Scootaloo: 2300
Wallflower: 3800

"I place one card face down and end my turn." Scootaloo took a deep breath as she stood tall, her deck removing five cards from it as she selected one from amongst them to add to her hand.

"Alright," she quickly played the card. "I activate the Dark Door!" The Spell card appeared on her field. "With this Spell, we can only attack with one monster per turn." As she said that, the portal began to form above her head. "Now, I Pendulum Summon!"

The portal opened and a pair of lights shot out, hitting the ground and exploding to reveal two Def Position monsters. "Rise, Dino Knight Tyranno Lancer!" (A1500/D1200/L4/P5)

The second light became a brownish green raptor of some sorts. "And Gilasaurus!" (A1400/D400/L3) "I end my turn."

"My draw!" Wallflower did so, clearly not happy with what she had gotten. "Since it's my Standby Phase, Florasaurus gains another Solar Counter." (A2200/D1800/L5) "Then, I'll summon Poison Pitcher in ATK mode." From out of the ground, the giant pitcher plant appeared besides the dinosaur. (A1700/D800/L4) "Now, Florasaurus, destroy Gilasaurus!" The plant dino unleashed another blast of light.

"I activate my Trap!" Scootaloo cried, as her Face Down flipped up to reveal a Trap. "Pendulum Block!" Tyranno Lancer leapt in front of Gilasaurus, taking the blast and being destroyed. "As long as this Continuous Trap is on my field, the only monsters you can attack are Pendulum Monsters."

Wallflower frowned. "And since she can just re-summon her Pendulum Monsters, I can't break through with just one attack." She smirked, "not bad." She ended her turn, "but I'll find a way to blast that thing open eventually."

"Don't be so sure," Scootaloo stated as her five cards appeared flew off her deck. She looked through them and nodded before taking one. At the same time, the portal began to open. "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal opened and a pair of lights flew out. "Rise, Dino Knight Tyranno Lancer!" (A1500/D1200/L4/P5)

The second became a blue knight, carrying a shield designed to resemble a triceratops face. "And Dino Knight Tricera Guard!" (A800/D2000/L4/P2) "Next, I activate a Spell Card. Dino Regeneration!" Her three monsters glowed. "Now, for every Dinosaur on my field, I get three hundred Life Points

Scootaloo: 3200
Wallflower: 3800

"I end my turn."

Wallflower smirked as she drew her card, Florasaurus gaining another Solar Counter and increasing its ATK power. (A2400/D1800/L5) "Don't think you can hide behind your Pendulum Monsters forever. I'll find a way to destroy them and you." She placed a card on the field. "With every turn, my garden of destruction grows." From out of the ground, a woman wearing a gown made from plants appeared. (A1400/D1200/L4) "Florasaurus!"

Scootaloo watched, as the flower dinosaur unleashed a blast of light from its mouth at Tricera Guard. The explosion caused her to stagger back, but she was able to keep herself on the ground. "Well your garden of destruction will wilt soon enough."

"I don't think so," Wallflower told her as she ended her turn. "The power of nature is like nothing you've ever seen." She sighed. "Many people forget how important plants are, but not me. I'm going to show the world why they shouldn't be underestimated."

She continued speaking, as Scootaloo's five cards flew off the top of her deck. She quickly picked one and activated it, using Graceful Charity to draw three cards before discarding two. 'She's so busy with her monologue, she's not paying any attention to my moves. Maybe I can use that to my advantage.' She slipped one of her cards face down, as the portal formed above her. "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal opened and two light flew out of it, exploding when they hit the ground. "Rise, Dino Knight Tricera Guard!" (A800/D2000/L4/P2)

The next was a green knight, with two large clawed gauntlets that he swung around with great speed. "And Dino Knight, Rap-Tearer!" (A1000/D1000/L3/P7) "Rap-Tearer's skill!" His claws glowed. "Since he was special summoned, he can cut the ATK of a monster on your field in half!" The knight's claws glowed before it slashed them through the air, creating a blade of wind that quickly flew over to Florasaurus and sliced into its chest. (A1200/D1800/L5)

Adagio: "So far, this Duel has been pretty deadlocked. But will this allow Scootaloo to get the upper hand?"

"Next, I'm activating Dimetro Cutter's Ability!" Her monsters all glowed and the light flowed into the Pendulum Monster's saw, which it swung through the air to launch the energy blade at Florasaurus. Once again, the plant dinosaur was struck and its power diminished. (A0/D1800/L5)

"Not good," Wallflower gulped seeing her best monster powered down.

"Now!" Scootaloo cried, as Rap-Tearer and Gilasaurus glowed. "I'm using these two monster to build the Overlay Network!" They transformed into lights and flew into the air, as a black hole formed below them. "Knights of prehistoric times, merge your might and create an even greater warrior!" The light flew into the black hole, which then exploded with light. "I XYZ SUMMON!"

The light from the explosion faded, revealing an orange knight with an almost bird-like set of armor. On his arms were a pair of gauntlets that a bunch of metal blades folded out of, giving him the appearance of having a pair of small wings. "Dino Knight, Pteryx Blader!" (A2100/D1800/R3/P4)

Adagio: "Scootaloo attempts to break the stalemate, with an all new Dino Knight monster."

"I activate Stego Mace's Pendulum Ability!" The knight raised his weapon, the light flying off of it and into Pteryx Blader. (A2400/D1800/R3/P4) "Now, Pteryx Blader! ATTACK!" The Xyz monster leapt into the air, his arm blades extending as he flew towards Florasaurus.

But Wallflower smiled. "I activate my Trap!" Wallflower cried, her face down flipped up. "Waboku!" A bunch of cloaked woman appeared and started chanting, as a barrier suddenly appeared around her monsters. "This Trap protects my monsters from destruction, whilst also shielding me from any damage!" Pteryx Blader slashed at the barrier, doing nothing against it and getting knocked back as he was.

"No," Scootaloo cried. She frowned and let out a sigh. "I end my turn." As she did, her Pendulum Monster's effects wore off of Pteryx Blader. (A2100/D1800/R3/P4) At the same time, Florasaurus' ATK points returned to normal. (A2400/D1800/L5)

Adagio: "Ouch! Scootaloo's hope for breaking the stalemate have turned against her. Now her Pendulum Monster is in ATK mode and Florasaurus is gonna be even stronger next turn."

"My draw!" Wallflower did so, as Florasaurus gained more power. (A2600/D1800/L5) "I activate my own Graceful Charity! So now I'll draw three cards and discard two." She drew her three and by the look on her face, Scootaloo could tell she had gotten something she really wanted. Once she discarded two card, she summoned a monster. "Rise, Ape Farmer!" In a flash of light, a green monkey carrying a hoe appeared. (A1600/D1400/L4)

"What's that?" Scootaloo asked, seeing the monkey's fur resembled grass.

"It's the monster that's gonna help me win," Wallflower announced. "When he's summoned I can discard a Level one Plant monster and add up to two copies of the same monster to my hand." She discarded and her deck slotted out another card, which she took and discarded as well. "Now, I activate the effect of my two Chestnut Bombers!"

Adagio: "This isn't good for Scootaloo. By discarding Chestnut Bomber, Wallflower can destroy any Face up Spell or Trap Card. And with two, she gets to destroy two of them."

Scootaloo watched, as a pair of spiky green sphere appeared in front of Wallflower. The monsters then shot into the air before the spheres cracked open, revealing a pair of chestnuts with eyes that began to fall towards the ground. They smashed into The Dark Door and Pendulum Guard, destroying them and leaving Scootaloo's field wide open.

"Alright," Wallflower smiled. "Now, it's time for you to pay for every flower you've accidently stepped on. Florasaurus, destroy Pteryx Blader!" The dinosaur opened its mouth, which began filling with light. Wallflower expected Scootaloo to look terrified, but Scootaloo just smiled.



Scootaloo pressed her Duel Disk and the face down Wallflower only just now notice, flipped up. "Whilst you were busy monologuing, I placed this card face down last turn." The Trap was revealed and Wallflower gasped, "Mirror Force!"

"Hold your fire!" She screamed.

"Too late!" Scootaloo cried, as the dinosaur fired the beam. "You already called your attack. And Mirror Force will reflect it right back at you!" The beam struck an invisible barrier, which caused the attack to explode and into multiple beams that flew back towards Wallflower's field.

The beams rained down and exploded when they struck the ground or a monster, destroying them all and filling the battlefield with smoke. When it faded, Wallflower's field was completely empty. "No...no way."

"Yes way," Scootaloo cried as Pteryx Blader leapt into the air. "And now, my Xyz monster's ability activates!" One of the lights around Pteryx Blader flew into his gauntlet. "By removing an Overlay Unit, Pteryx Blader can deal you three hundred points of damage for every monster that was just destroyed by a card effect." The Xyz Monster swung its blades around and sent a wave of light towards Wallflower, slamming into her as she cried out.

Scootaloo: 3200
Wallflower: 2300

Adagio: "Incredible! Scootaloo looked to be in trouble, but it turns out she was playing the long game the whole time. Impressive strategy."

Wallflower panted as she stood up, letting what had just happened wash over her as she thought her own mistake. "Smart move, but I'm not gonna fall for it again." Scootaloo smirked, as Wallflower looked down at her hand. 'Enjoy your lead, whilst you can. I still have my most formidable monster waiting in the wings.'

Author's Note:

Another Duel ends and Gallus is the victor, whilst another battle starts between Scootaloo and Wallflower. How will that Duel turn out? Only time will tell. And what will happen next between Yona and Sandbar? Just wait and find out.