• Member Since 1st Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen 19 minutes ago


I'm a brony and a Pinkie Pie fan but I like all of the mane six, as well as Spike. I hope to provide some entertaining and interesting fanfics for the Brony community.


(A birthday present for Matt11. Partially based on a request by Caitlin Peterson on Fanfiction.net.)

Scootaloo and Apple Bloom get into an argument involving parents, more specifically the difference between Scootaloo's family situation and Apple Bloom's. Eventually, Scootaloo makes a hurtful remark that causes Apple Bloom to break off their friendship for the time being.

Racked with guilt for what she said, Scootaloo tries to find a way to make things right and win back Apple Bloom's friendship. But how can she when she doesn't know what it's like to grow up never truly getting to know your parents?

After some consulting and advice with her aunts, Scootaloo comes up with a solution. Meanwhile, Apple Bloom tries to come to terms with a guilt she thought she'd successfully buried.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 10 )

If she misses her parents on the anniversary of the day they died because she has hardly any memories of them then she has every right to spend the day missing them. Scootaloo was rude from the start. All she wanted to do was go play and didn't respect her friend's feelings. She should just left her be or asked if she wanted to talk about it. But throwing a tantrums over it is horrible behavior.

Awww. Man, what an emotional one-shot. Definitely appreciated the work going into the exchanges, characterizations and general wrap-up. Yeah, I could see where Scootaloo might get a bit insensitive at first concerning the anniversary of the deaths of the Apple Siblings' parents. And the cause of their deaths being a neighbor's barn's fire - ouch. At least Scoots gained a fair bit more sympathy after finding that out.

Definitely looking forward to more of your work.

On a mostly unrelated note (other than partially involving the deaths of Applejack's parents) - next year is 2024, which is not only a year of the dragon, but also Batman's 85th anniversary, which makes 2024 even more appropriate for a Super Dragon/Batmare team-up story.

Resting beneath the trunk of the intertwined apple and pear tree were two little patches of dirt, with tombstones bearing the names "Bright Mac" and "Buttercup" respectively.

But Apple Bloom had shaken her head and protested. "No, Scootaloo. I really ain't much for scooterin'. Besides," She added with the faintest hint of sorrow in her voice. "It's gettin' close to the anniversary of when my ma and pa passed away. I kind of just want to spend the day rememberin' them, especially since I really didn't get to know 'em all that well. They died when I was pretty young, after all."

It kind of reminds me of the same thing in that show amphibia when spring talk about he never met his parents at least not well because both of them are dead

The farm filly had then protested. "That's different and you know it! Your parents are still alive, and you've got your aunts to take care of you!"

Okay throughout the season until season 9 came around Scootaloo's family never showed up until the very end and it's been so many old Theory about that Scootaloo is an orphan and there's so many stories what happened to her parents and everything

And then Scootaloo had all but shouted at the top of her lungs! "You're right, Apple Bloom, I don't know what that's like! But you have memories of them, don't you?! So your parents died when you were little, so what?!" Yet as soon as she had spoken those words, the tomboyish filly had gasped! In the heat of the moment, her emotions had gotten the best of her. Hesitantly, she had tried to correct. "Apple Bloom... I..."

Ohh Scootaloo that was very uncalled for and very mean to say something like that

But there was one nagging feeling that gnawed at the farm filly more than anything else: Why did her parents have to die? They'd never done anything wrong to anypony. Why did she have to be robbed of the chance to get to know them better, and only learn later on from other ponies what her parents were like? Why did she have to be the only one in the family left with only vague memories of her mom and dad? It just wasn't fair!

That's always such a tough question for a kid to ask but sometimes life can be unfair but it just happens even to good people and it really hurts

You're in my head like a catchy song.

that's still such an emotional and very beautiful singing it really brought tears in my eyes

Well dang I got to say this was a pretty emotional story here and very heartbreaking seeing these two fight each other and even Scootaloo kind of cross the line saying something like that and she felt really bad and even talking to her aunts for some advice what to do but all they can tell her is go with your heart say and what to do this situation like this and she did it was rough but Scootaloo apologize for what you said and everything and it looks like apple bloom told her about what happened to her parents and how it affect her life but I'm sure even they're not around I'm sure they were be very proud of her how far she become this was a pretty good story keep up the good work

The only spelling error I found is this:

It happened when I wasn't three years old, so there wasn't anything I could've done anyway."

Besides that, good story.

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