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King Ice

Twidash is Love. Twidash is Life


During one of their regular sleepovers, the girls decide to talk about the thing they hate the most in the world. Twilight's answer surprises them.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 47 )

Later on, the crusade was a disaster, and the opponents won, becoming the new ruler of Equestria.

Twilight, as the leader, was especially shown care by being put in a dungeon and having to listen to them flying around her every single day in her immortal life time :twilightoops:

Such an agonizing fate

Wait, what was Fluttershy's answer?

I agree with Twilight, may extinction shroud the horrid species of mosquitoes like deaths own cloak

I wasn't there to hear it, unfortunately, so I don't know either:unsuresweetie:

Mosquitos could go extincted and nothing would be effected. Nothing eats them, they don't pollinate, don't help break down anything they just feed on vital fluids and spread disease. They deserve hate.

Female mosquitoes suck blood, male mosquitoes do plant pollination like bees and countless other insects.

Even so. Their extinction would still be a net positive for the world.

It's time to create the pony CDC and drain some swamps! :twilightangry2:

Female mosquitos of a handful of species suck human blood and can spread pathogens harmful to humans. There’s plenty of non-pathogenic insect species that can continue in their niche. :twilightsmile:

While I’m not a fan of the idea of genocide, if they’re making it them or me, I choose me. :rainbowwild::rainbowlaugh:

Twilight’s reaction to their sound is a bit extreme, though. :trollestia:

... so Twilight dosen't know about those mesh canopies to go over beds? Or even window screens?

Well, that was a bit of an overreaction, even for Twilight:rainbowlaugh: Though I imagine Celestia will tell her about how only some mosquitoes


Nothing eats them,

This article says otherwise.

What Eats Mosquitoes? 15 Predators (Insects, Plants, Birds) 🪰 The Buginator

I’m with twilight on this. That handful of those SIX LEGGED BUZZING VAMPIRE SPECIES can catch fire simultaneously for all I care!

As someone who used to go on holiday with his family to very warm places, I share Twilight's sentiment :twilightangry2:

Fun fact mosquitoes aren't actually important for the ecosystem it's actually been said that they don't need to exist and their scientific evidence to prove it so wanting the extinction of mosquitoes is actually something that I approve of since they are not beneficial to society or the ecosystem

OF29 #18 · Jun 29th, 2023 · · 1 ·

As somone who lives in a wetland environment, I'm not saying she's speaking a lot of sense, but she's speaking a lot of sense.


Y'know what I mean?

Hm yeah I wonder why you wrote this xD
This felt genuinely from the heart and its burning passion on this

Twilight's attitude is a bit extreme even thouhg I don't lke mosquitous myself.

This is far too relatable.

Nothing eats....

That's news to several varieties of bat and bird!

Cathartic. Twilight's first crusade AND genocide, getting two out of the way at once. Every worthwhile ruler must partake in one of those. Also, I'm guessing there was some drinking involved in that sleepover we're not privy to.
Really enjoyed this little vignette, silly enough to be in the show, cynical enough to get an adult to nod in unison. Nice work.

Twilight should put nets on her windows so the mosquitoes and other insects would not get in. It sucks to be outside though.

Yeah, I totally get it Twilight.

Mosquitos are the primary pollinators of Blueberries. No mosquitoes means I don't get to eat my favorite pie, sadly.

Oh, Twilight... I understand your pain :rainbowlaugh:

Story time!

A few years ago, there were beautiful complications while my family and I were moving house, and we ended up staying in my granddad's house for the summer. One little mosquito became a resident in the spare bedroom I was staying in. It kept me up at night, every night. To stop myself from getting too annoyed, I decided to name the little beast, and at the time it was my opinion that the most hilarious name for an unwanted mosquito roommate would be Gerald. Gerald continued to keep me up at night for a long time, and when the day came that the buzzing of mosquito wings at 11pm and 3am stopped, there was a little pang of sadness in my heart. It's the only time I've ever felt any sort of compassion towards a mosquito.

I could never feel compassion for a mosquito, but I'm sure Gerald was one of the good ones:rainbowlaugh:

Being kept up until midnight by the sound of the same buzzing wings every night for several months does something to your brain, lol. RIP Gerald.

I can totally hear the awful buzzing

And she didn't even mention malaria

Once upon a time After 8 hours in Alaska flying helicopters we took a break and slept in the machine. Woke up to the buzzing
The buggers were all over the bubble wanting to feast on us. They were the size of silver dollars hundreds of them.
Fired it up and Noped my way out of there ,Talked to some ol timers - These blood suckers are more deadly than the wild bears and moose,

are we sure twilight isn't mistaking regular tinnitus for the mosquito buzzing?

Just like changelings:rainbowlaugh:

You must have written this while craving for adult version UNO.:duck:

How did you guess:rainbowderp:!

I'm 99% with Twilight on this. The only mosquito I don't have an issue with is a species that seeks out water were other mosquitoes have laid eggs, and lay eggs of it's own so that it's young can feast on the other species' larva. And if I remember right, they don't bite people either.

“Seriously! This literally changes my entire interpretation of your character! I’m sure glad we got to hear it!” The pink pony shouted.

You can eat s*** for this one my boy you can eat s***:rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:

“Seriously! This literally changes my entire interpretation of your character! I’m sure glad we got to hear it!” The pink pony shouted.

well this certainly raises my anticipation for the reveal of what it is!

“Good, because I will never speak of this ever again,” Fluttershy assured them softly.


“Why are you all so weirded out by it? You accepted Fluttershy’s answer much more easily!” Twilight retorted in annoyance.

i mean given her phobias of ladybugs and quesadillas, mosquitoes seems very much not weird at all as an answer

“You think you’re safe, and that you can have a good night’s rest… Then, you hear them. Oh, yes. Because they are never alone. Every time you kill one of them, another will appear…”

well this certainly sounds like how Twilight would Twilight about mosquitoes!

“They play mind games, and they’re even better than Discord! I’m not even joking! If we had faced mosquitoes instead of Discord that first time…. Then we would have straight up lost! They’re merciless, mindless beasts thirsting for our BLOOD!” She screamed, breathing heavily while her friends looked at each other, unsure of how to respond.

ahaha i can totally imagine this

“No buts! Listen very carefully… There is nothing in this world that would bring me more joy or pleasure than to eradicate every single mosquito in the world… I don’t care if they’re important for the ecosystem or something… In fact, I would happily sacrifice the world if it got me to listen to their agonizing screams, and if they begged me for mercy…” She assured them with a low threatening tone.

and oof, Twilight really hates mosquitoes!

“You know what! You girls gave me a great idea! I’ll talk to Princess Celestia, right away, and make her start a crusade against those monsters!” Twilight decided before teleporting away and leaving her friends behind.

and combined with her having the power to actually do something about it now, that could lead to some bad things! well, good thing i don’t have to deal with it

“That happened…” Rainbow Dash said while the others stayed silent.

that is, indeed, the response to this

“So… Anypony wants to play Uno?” Pinkie suggested as she pulled a game of Uno out of literally nowhere. “I have the adult versiooooon!” She added while giggling.

and that just raises further questions!

delightfully madcap, thank you for writing!

The opening gag was amusing enough, but the main rant is…

Well, that’s what it is. A rant directly from you, delivered through Twilight. And it just isn’t funny. Don’t get me wrong, I hate mosquitoes too. I’m apparently delicious to them. But just because something’s relatable doesn’t make it an engrossing story. Still, thank you for the entry.

Thanks, that's great!

Me and Twilight can relate, although it's not the sound that annoys me, it's much worse, everytime I go outside at night (because I want to) there's always about 10 mosquitoes around me, they drive me crazy, sometimes the sound but mostly the itching, all the bites on my arms and legs, it drives me crazy! Plus I heard that mosquitoes don't really serve an actual purpose, the world would probably be better off if mosquitos didn't exist.

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