• Published 27th Jun 2023
  • 465 Views, 4 Comments

Star Wars: Equestrian Empire - Octavia_Melody

The entire planet Equus is transported into the Star Wars galaxy. Can Equestria survive being torn apart by the Galactic Civil War?

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8 - The Daleks

The Dalek saucer fled into hyperspace and exited in an unfamiliar star system.

"Where have we arrived, Dalek Vek?" Davros asked.

"From what I can gather of the surrounding data, we are in the Tatoo system." Dalek Vek replied.

"Any habitable planets?" Davros asked.

"Scanning now..." Dalek Vek announced, "The closest one would be Tatooine, a desert planet."

"The sand could damage our equipment but perhaps there is something we could use to increase our fighting
capabilities." Davros decided, "Land the ship."

The Dalek Saucer landed in the middle of a large desert as the glare of the twin suns above reflected on the metal. There was no vegetation or habitation in site and the only sign of life was the large, elongated skeleton of some sort of reptilian creature.

"Are you sure there is life on this planet?" Davros asked.

"According to the ship scans, there are approximately 200,000 lifeforms on this planet." Dalek Vek said.

"A number that can quickly be reduced to zero." Davros said, "Soon the only form of life on this planet shall be Dalek! Send out the scouts!"

Two groups of ten Daleks skidded across the planet's surface until they reached what appeared to be a small village. It was a simple setup of about ten large huts and tents. The only signs of life were three large furry mammals with horns.

The banthas became skittish at the sight of the Daleks and made various grunts and growls. One bantha charged at the Daleks and was quickly zapped to death by gunsticks. The other banthas were taken out as well and keeled over.

"EX-TER-MIN-ATE!! EX-TER-MIN-ATE!!" the Daleks announced.

The Daleks' war cry was met by hoops, hollars, and brays of the local Tuskens, fierce tribal people clad head to toe in brown cloth, their faces completely wrapped and covered in masks with metal nodes where their eyes should have been.

A dozen Tusken men rushed out of their tents and raised their gaffi sticks and a dozen Tusken men were shot dead. The Daleks did not stop there but rushed inside the tents, killing the women and children as well. In a matter of minutes, the Tusken village was a smoking heap.

"The locals are very primitive." a Dalek noted, "They will be easily exterminated."

The Daleks continued their raid on the planet and ended up at a set of white, domed buildings. Coming out of them was an older, grey haired man in brown clothing.

"Luke, I need you to clean the vents so they don't get clogged!" the man announced.

"Yes, Uncle Owen..." Luke, the younger man groaned.

The Daleks were about to open fire on the two men when an all-too-familiar scraping sound could be heard and a certain "police box" appeared right in front of them.

"THE DOCTOR!!" the Daleks shouted in unison.

The doors to the TARDIS opened and out popped The Doctor and Celestia. The Doctor now held something akin to a screwdriver in his teeth.

"Deh Dalechs!" The Doctor tried to say through his teeth before he opened fire with his sonic device.

Two Daleks were instantly deactivated as The Doctor leapt out of the way as the others opened fire.

"Helph meh!" The Doctor said to Celestia.

Celestia's horn glowed and she created a force field to deflect the gunstick rays. She then telekinetically forced the Daleks to knock into each other. While the Daleks were stunned, Celestia let out a few magical blasts that left them a collapsed heap of metal.

"Were those Imperial droids?" Owen asked.

"In a manner of speaking..." The Doctor said as he put away his screwdriver, "We need to leave."

"Wait...am I talking to an equine?" Owen questioned.

"Yeah, new species on the block, get used to it." The Doctor replied.

"What...who are these...people?" Luke asked in confusion.

"There's not much time to explain." Celestia replied, "We need to get you somewhere safe for the time being."

"The Daleks will soon be back, and in greater numbers." The Doctor warned, "Everyone into the TARDIS."

"The...what?" Luke wondered.

"It's bigger on the inside, trust me, allons y!" The Doctor said as he physically pushed Luke with his head.
Luke and Owen reluctantly stepped into the TARDIS as Luke realized he forgot someone.

"Aunt Beru!" Luke called out.

"What's going on out here?" said an older woman with grey hair wearing a blue robe.
Beru shuffled out of her kitchen only to be instantly teleported inside the TARDIS.

"Where am I?" she asked.

"Your guess is as good as mine." Owen said.

"We'll explain later!" The Doctor said, "Let's find a spaceport first! ALLONS Y!!"