• Published 19th Jun 2023
  • 924 Views, 34 Comments

CAM_09 IS OFFLINE - RunicTreetops

Pipp Petals enlists her friends' help to livestream a paranormal investigation of the long-abandoned Canterlot Castle. She is excited by the idea, but she might soon realize that some things are best left forgotten...

  • ...


10:00 P.M.

The video feed is kept mostly still, though it does shake every now and again, highlighting Misty's lack of experience with handling cameras. Misty stands before a large iron door at the end of a long marble hallway. There are no windows in this hall, and the only light that can be seen is coming from Misty's flashlight.

Misty knocks on the large iron door, which makes a hollow sound that echoes through the hall. Misty giggles after doing so.

"Hehe. This is so cool. I never got to explore places like this when I was living with Opaline."

Misty makes for the handle on the door and, with some effort, manages to pull it open. The old door hangs lower on its hinge than it is supposed to, causing it to scrape along the floor with a loud metallic screeching noise. Once it is open as far as Misty can pull it, she wipes a bit of sweat off of her brow.

"Alright. Dungeons, here I come!"

Misty shines her flashlight into the doorway, revealing steps leading down. Wasting no time, she begins to descend, using her flashlight to keep an eye on the steps as she does so.

"You know, pretty much the only other pony willing to come down here was Zipp, but she was a lot more interested in the bedchambers. Hehe, Hitch especially seemed really scared by the idea, but I don't think it's so bad! Opaline is much scarier than anything some old dungeons might throw at me."

As she says this, the steps come to an end, revealing a pitch-black chamber. The room is rectangular, with the far side of it housing another iron door like the one she already came through. On the left and right walls, dozens of old cells lined by rusted metal bars stretch to both ends of the room. Misty walks over to a nearby cell on her left and shines her light into it, revealing a surprisingly spacious area behind the bars. The remains of what was once a bed and a toilet can be seen, but so can the tattered remnants of an old rug and some sheets.

"Maybe whatever prisoners were kept here long ago lived in more comfort than would be expected from castle dungeons?" Misty shrugs. "I don't know, it doesn't seem that bad to me."

Misty passes by a few more cells, noting that each one looks almost identical. She fails to notice the skeletal remains of what was once a stallion leaning against a far wall in one of the cells as she continues to the far side of the room.

Misty shines her flashlight on the iron door. It looks almost completely identical to the last one, though this one is noticeably more rusty.

"I wonder if this goes farther down?"

Misty once again pulls on the door, though it remains stuck.

"Urgh... come... on..."

After a great deal of effort, the door finally flies open with great force, nearly knocking Misty to the ground.

"Alright, there we go! Let's see where this leads!"

Misty shines her light into the space behind the iron door, revealing even more steps descending further into the darkness. With another giggle, she begins to make her way deeper into the depths of the dungeons.

11:00 P.M.

The steps gradually become less and less refined until they eventually give way to another dark chamber. Shining her light into the room, Misty is surprised as blue light reflects back at her. This "room" appears to be a large cavern, its stone walls riddled with all sorts of gems and crystals.

"Wow! This is so pretty!"

Misty shines her light on everything she can find, though there are no more cells in this cavern. Instead, the high stone ceiling full of glistening gems and the somewhat damp walls make the cave a visual spectacle.

"I wonder what this place was used fo-OOOOOR!"

Misty stumbles a bit and yelps as the footage cuts to complete darkness for a moment. The footage returns as Misty takes a few slow, nervous steps back until she eventually takes a seat on the ground. She shines her light on the floor in front of her, revealing a massive drop that she failed to notice in the darkness and nearly walked right over.

"Th-that's a steep fall!"

Misty takes a moment to catch her breath before letting out a sigh.

"I can't watch where I'm going and get good footage."

The sound of Misty turning her walkie-talkie on fills the silence of the cavern.

"Hey, Pipp?"

"What's going on, Misty? Are you okay? I saw that you almost took a fall!"

"Y-yeah. Actually, about that... is it okay if I turn back? I'm not scared of the dungeons or ghosts or anything like that, but I am scared of waltzing off a cliff down here that I didn't see coming."

"Oh, absolutely, Misty! I don't want anypony getting hurt! Just slowly make your way back out of there and come back to the entrance. You can help me out with the cameras or you can explore another part of the castle, but I don't want you down there anymore."

"O-okay, Pipp. I'll start heading back, then."

"I'll see you when you get here!"

12:00 A.M.

Misty slowly navigates the dark cavern in the direction that she came from. Due to the darkness, it is difficult to tell how close she is to the entrance. Eventually, she stops and shines her light in front of her, revealing a perfectly smooth wall of crystal.

"Um... did I make a wrong turn? I don't remember that being there before. In fact, I'm pretty sure this is where the exit is supposed to be."

Misty turns around, shining the flashlight back in the direction she came from, revealing yet another perfectly smooth wall of crystal.

"Th-this isn't funny!"

She turns around yet again, realizing that crystal walls are now visible on both sides of her as well. As she finishes her turn, the first wall she looked at has moved much closer. Daring to turn around once again, she realizes that she is completely boxed in by crystal in an approximately ten-foot wide cube. Her breathing starts to turn ragged as she falls to the ground.

"I... I don't like this! I'm really, really claustrophobic! Why is this happening?"

Misty once again turns on her walkie-talkie.

"Pipp? Are you there?"




No sound comes out of the walkie-talkie. Misty sets it down next to her and droops her head before entering a fetal position. She begins to sob before the video feed cuts out.

1:00 A.M.


2:00 A.M.


3:00 A.M.


4:00 A.M.


5:00 A.M.