• Member Since 7th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen 53 minutes ago


Music ponies are best ponies.


Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle are true, fire-forged friends. The strength of their bond has been tested by villains, adventures, and the little frictions of day-to-life.

There is, however, one bitter point of contention between them - an argument that is never put to rest no matter how many times it is rehashed.

Twilight thinks it is really, completely weird that Rainbow writes steamy self-insert fanfictions between herself and her personal idol Daring Do.

Rainbow thinks it is really, completely normal and Twilight is just being a prude (and needs to stop bugging her about egghead things like commas and verb tenses).

[Sex tag for discussion about erotic literature - nothing graphic or descriptive]

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 12 )

Plus points for that Beauty and the Beast reference :rainbowlaugh:

:rainbowkiss: self insert fics are normal right fluttershy?
:fluttershysad: um i guess so
:rainbowwild: ha ha see i knew twlight was wrong
:fluttershyouch: zephyr got a whole bookshelf of self insert fanfiction about him and you
:rainbowderp: wtf no he cant do that im gonna be sick
:twilightsmile: what the matter its perfect normal right rainbow?
:rainbowhuh: dammnit he ruined everything

You know, Zephyr writing self-insert fanfics with Rainbow would be good continuation of this idea, for the lols . . .



Cute little fic and I really like the idea of the Daring Do fan group.

Quibble having to restate the lesson he and Rainbow learned upon their first encounter, while Rainbow seemingly forgot :rainbowderp: was also a clever touch that fit the characters really well.

Thank you! I thought it would be a nice callback to the episode to have Quibble be the one to remind everyone of the moral from that episode.

Here a fun addition zephyr writing is masterclass so everyone except rainbow finds it amazing read :rainbowlaugh:

Tbh, I feel like Dash would have a fairly decent grasp of punctuation at this point. She learns while watching someone else do it, so reading books and seeing the background details like how punctuation effects dialog and description would definitely teach her how to write. At least, she'd pick up Daring Do's prose and style.

What a curious idea! Before, I thought about making a Rainbow Dash fanfic, where she would write a fanfic and then seek approval from Daring Do. But I thought it was such a fun idea that I put it aside. It's nice to see similar examples out there.

I can sort of understand where Twi is coming from - there's fantasizing about being with someone real versus making numerous depictions of yourself being actively involved and intimate with somebody you're not. I dunno about it being right or wrong but there's something low-key creepy about it.

Granted, there's cons centered around Daring Do so Dash just looks like one more drop in the bucket of fervent fans.

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