• Member Since 26th Jan, 2017
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago

Some Leech

I...I am a monument to all your sins...


Damned if Anon knew why he was assigned a caretaker, considering he was a grown-ass man, but that's exactly what the Princesses had done after he arrived in Equestria. Aside from the deluded, motherly nut-job that looked after himself, his life was pretty normal. He worked a job, he had bills to pay, and he did his best to find a place for himself - regrettably and much to his continued misery, his mom™ always found a way to complicate matters.

Kinks Include: Wholesome, albeit questionable affection between a large, older mare and her adopted son

Artwork by AnonTheAnon (Twitter @RealAnonTheAnon)

If you want to help support me, I have a Tip-Jar/Patreon HERE

Chapters (7)
Comments ( 98 )

Ooooohhhhhh, it has to be her of all ponies. :ajsmug:

And I bet Celestia has a "ulterior" motive for this. Because it makes no freaking sense on why and how a grown young man like Anon needs a "caretaker" anyway?

Well now if this isn't... interesting

First story about your OC that’s not sexual, or at least fully sexual

You can't spell sus without us indeed

Quite an interesting story. Cant wait to see more.

I'm just waiting for the inevitable snap that turns this into an M rated story Lmao. Let's see how long it takes.

Something tells me that It will happen, but maybe behind closed doors and not actually read it in the story, but something tells me that those two are going to get together and be in a relationship

When you churn out as much smut as Some Leech, it was bound to happen sooner or later :rainbowlaugh:.

Older motherly Leech? Nice.
Giantess voluptuous Leech? Fucking nice.
Older motherly giantess voluptuous Leech mothering Anon in sexually questionable situations? Fuck. Yes.

Rated T



Comment posted by AmlpfanREADER deleted May 25th, 2023
Comment posted by AmlpfanREADER deleted May 25th, 2023

Hmmm, that coveart character looks very familiar?

*looks at author* perhaps you can shed some light?


You're insane! That's illegal in all 50 States AND the secret 51st state only Europeans know about!

Oh god damnit I want to just give her a hug

does.....does she have cute feet though? just asking.....

.....for a friend

Here's hoping for an M rated sequel or epilogue. This bait is too strong.

While I am not a big Anon fan, the barely restrained sexual innuendo in this story is enough to make anypony go nuts, begging for more.
I am one of those. Please, please, more! :moustache: :twilightsmile:


Better buckle up, because it's gonna get worse...
Two more chapters going up today and another two tomorrow

Soon™ (approximately 4hr from this post)

Hmmm.... not sure if want. It's only rated teen, and I have fallen for Leech's wholesomeness in the past.

It gave me feels.

God damnit, like some kind of sick junkie I'm already hooked after the first chapter. I knew the was gonna happen.

SO will there be any clop in this?

He lifted a finger to protest, to tell her how absurd her logic was, but she’d made a good point


This story is awesome. It's just so good.

Loving the story so far. Giving me NoxShade's "Mom x Son" comic vibes. https://twitter.com/nox_shade/status/1661790679834533888
Looking forward to see how their feelings and relationship develop in the following chapters.

Loving it so far, can't wait for more.

What a tease of a story, I love it

"I'll have two number nines, a number nine large, a number six with extra dip, a number seven, two number forty-fives, one with cheese, and a large soda,” a portly stallion intoned, peering up at the expansive menu.

Big Smoke, is that you?

Porn or not this would be a good fic

I know it may be crass, but would anyone else love see that ivory bush of hers? I can only imagine with the excellent details and teases we have been given.

There's art of that floating about the internet!

Now the search begins!

Not too knowledgeable about Leech. Is her mark a cultist book? Or something akin to it?

That cover art makes me want to bang Leech, and then snuggle with her. What witchcraft have you employed this time?

I'm really enjoying this, but I hope the final payoff isn't just a single chapter. Or at the very least I hope there is an M rated sequel series.

You know, somewhere, deep inside me I knew. I knew under all those ridiculous sexcapades, and craziness, I knew, that Leech was a total sweetheart.

They're getting close to crossing the line.

It's a generic evil book:rainbowlaugh:

"I'll have two number nines, a number nine large, a number six with extra dip, a number seven, two number forty-fives, one with cheese, and a large soda,” a portly stallion intoned, peering up at the expansive menu.



It's a generic evil book:rainbowlaugh:

Klaatu ... ummm Barada .... uhhh .... Nuhhaa(cough, clears throat).

There, I said the words.

i have to say i'm pleasantly surprised with this fic

Ah yes the horrific writings of the cult classic “Evil Book™” truly the book of is generation:yay:

What a beautiful ending. Here's hoping nothing but happiness for both of them together.
Great story Some Leech!

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