• Published 13th Mar 2024
  • 680 Views, 9 Comments

Equestrian Mew - Kitsulestia

Five humans turned Mew must learn to adapt to life in a world they know nothing about

  • ...

Burning Mew

*Danyelle's POV (still)*

I saw the frail Mew and the baby.

Ash spoke "I got a bad feeling about this Danyelle..."

"Yeah." I agreed.

Ash spoke "Professor Elm mentioned something called Pokerus... It's far too small to see with keen eyes though."

"Wait, isn't that Mew bigger than normal?" I noticed.

Serena spoke "Danyelle... You're an idiot..."

"Hey!" I pouted.

Sunset spoke "Danyelle, you do seem bigger than the rest of the Mews though."

"I'm a Totem Mew." I pointed out.

Ash gasps "No freaking way!"

"You just noticed that?" I asked with a bead of sweat, surprised at Ash's obliviousness.

Twilight asks "Would that mean Spottedleaf and Redtail will be as big as you when they're adults?"

"Probably." I shrugged.

Corina floated past in a foul mood.

I ask "Who put salt in her tea?"

Serena spoke "It's probably best you don't know."

Zoey spoke "She's probably cheesed about the whole lesbian thing."

"Oh... Right." I remembered.

Cadence spoke "This may be harder than I thought."

Luna spoke "That reminds me, some strange dungeon appeared underneath Canterlot Castle but Celestia and I kept it off limits so that nopony got hurt or lost within it."

Dungeon? That reminds me of something, but I'm not sure what.

Roll spoke "I'm curious about it."

"I'll check it out." I said.

Spike soon burps up a letter stating that a pony had gone missing within the dungeon.

“Yep, definitely heading there.” I said, determined to get to the end of that dungeon.

Twilight spoke "Oh no you don't Danyelle, you have kittens to look after."

Luna spoke "It's time I headed back to Canterlot anyway. Come along Shirou, Yuu and Kita."

Shirou chuckles "Heh, been a long while since I’ve been there."

A wolfish alicorn stallion crashes into a tree.

The black stallion yelps "Oww!"

A gray furred wolfish alicorn stallion chuckles "Wow dad, you are such a klutz!"

"What the...?" I asked in confusion.

Luna giggles "That's my klutzy brother in law, Tama. The gray furred one is Ryōta, my nephew."

"And who's Tama's wife?" I added.

Ryōta chuckles softly before using his magic to move the sun a little bit.

Cadence giggles "Two brothers married to two sisters."

Michiru giggles "Something tells me that Sunbutt's about to blow a fuse!"

Luna spoke "And three, two, one."

Celestia teleported here with a snort, a bit angry.

Tama soon got his head out of the wood.

Tama spoke "Long time no see Celly."

Celestia froze at that.

Ryōta asks "Do I know you?"

Celestia gasped at seeing Ryota.

Ryōta was soon wide eyed as he remembered.

Ryōta spoke "Mom!"

Ryōta tackled Celestia while hugging her.

Nearly all of the Mews were teary eyed.

I was concerned about the frail Mew.

The sky blue Mew asks "D-Danyelle?"

I spoke "Easy Sora, you're in really bad shape..."

I curled around my sister to keep her warm.

I ask "Rebecca, could you go get Fluttershy?"

Rebecca spoke "On it."

Shiki and Natsu both zoomed off somewhere since they both had something planned due to a birthday coming up.

Soon, Rebecca returned with Fluttershy.

I explained the situation to Fluttershy.

Lucy asks "Anyone seen Natsu?"

Rebecca asks "Or Shiki?"

I spoke "Girls, keep your voices down. We can't let Rainbow know about the surprise."

Lucy and Rebecca spoke "Oh."

I spoke "Yeah, we can't spoil the surprise though."

Michiru was sneaking up on her best friend from behind.

Michiru giggles "Pinned ya Nazuna!"

Nazuna spoke "Hey, let me up!"

The two tussle, only for Nazuna to get pinned again.

Michiru spoke "Pinned ya again."

Fluttershy was tending to Sora.

The little black Mew was mewling.

"Who's this?" I asked.

Sora spoke "My son, Ravenpaw..."

“A nephew?” I gasped in surprise.

Sora was getting weaker.

Sora spoke "I *cough* don't think I *cough* will last long..."

“Whoa! Stay with me, sis!” I said.

Sora spoke "Every day was a struggle for me..."

Sora's eyes started to close.

“Sora! Please! I can’t lose you!” I pleaded.

Sunset calls Ash's name.

Ash popped up.

I had a sad look on my face.

Sora then fully closed her eyes, making me fear the worse before…

Sora snores "*With a sleep bubble growing and shrinking from one of her nose holes* Zzzzzzz…"

*Falls comically* She’s asleep?!

I bring one of my claws out before popping the sleep bubble, causing Sora to jolt awake with a loud meow!

“Still a sleepyhead?” I deadpanned.

Sora spoke "Yeah."

Ash spoke "Pokérus isn’t fatal, but she has the right idea of getting some sleep."

Sunset spoke "But we still have no idea what causes it anyway."

"We can worry about that later. Right now, we gotta find out what's going on in that dungeon." I pointed out.

Twilight spoke "Only four can go though."

Ash spoke "Don't worry, I'll check it out."

Rainbow spoke " Count me in!"

I spoke "No Rainbow, I decide who goes. I'm taking Michiru, Nazuna and Luna with me."

Luna asks "Hmm?"

I spoke "You know the area better than I do."

Luna spoke "Fair enough, but I'm sensing magic at that dungeon that could activate on anyone entering, so who knows what could happen to any of us."

I counter "That may be so but I won't be affected since I'm already a Pokemon."

Luna: How can you tell?

I spoke "I've always been a Mew though, the two furballs smell like fox and tanuki."

That caught Michiru and Nazuna off guard.

I spoke "You two thought you could fool me by hiding your scents as Pokemon but it didn't work."

Michiru and Nazuna gained a bead of sweat at that.

I spoke "I may be a Totem Mew but I'm not stupid."

Luna spoke "*Horn glowing, ready for a teleportation spell* We can worry about that another time. We need to get to that dungeon."

I spoke "Fair enough but we should stick together."

Luna teleported herself, me, Michiru and Nazuna to the dungeon entrance just outside.

I spoke "Let's go."

The girls and I head into the dungeon.

To my surprise, Luna had been transformed into an Umbreon!

Luna asks "What? Is there something on my horn?"

I spoke "About that... Mystery Dungeons are rather tricky, not even a draconequus can solve them. But that aside... You're an Umbreon.."

Luna asks "Wait-what?!"

I freeze a part of a wall, making a mirror so Luna could have a look at herself.

Needless to say, she was shocked.

Luna yells "HOW DID THIS HAPPEN?!?!"

Nazuna, Michiru and I covered our ears.

I spoke "Side effect of Mystery Dungeons, you'll revert back once we're outside!"

Luna spoke "Oh."

I spoke "As far as moves go... You got Growl, Tackle, Moonlight and Sand Attack since you're roundabout level 5 in Pokemon terms. But in time, you'll get stronger."

Luna asks "Okay?"

I spoke "I'm roundabout level 30 since I trained hard over the past 13 years."

I suddenly found myself outside the dungeon.

I spoke "Son of a Linoone! I forgot that level limit!"

*Back with the trio,*

Michiru spoke "Guess it's just the three of us now."

Luna asks "*Bead of sweat* What just happened?"

Michiru spoke "Seems the two tailed fuzzball forgot that there was a level limit for this particular dungeon."

Luna spoke "...I'm not gonna question it. This place is like Pinkie."

The sound of paws was heard before a white furred Espeon crashes into Luna.

Luna gasps "Gyah! What the-?!"

Celestia asks "Ugh... What happened?"

Michiru giggles "It appears that Celestia's an Espeon."

Celestia asks "Huh?"

Nazuna spoke "Look at the frozen wall that Danyelle left."

Celestia asks "Hmm?"

Celestia looks at the iced wall, only to find the face of a white furred Espeon staring back at her.

Celestia asks "WHAT HAPPENED TO ME?!?!"

The two Mews cover their ears.

Nazuna whimpers "Again with the shouting..."

Luna spoke "I understand how you feel, sister."

Celestia spoke "Oh stuff a tamato berry in it Luna."

Luna spoke "Don’t start with me, Celestia."

Michiru spoke "Ladies, that is enough. Save the argument for later. We have a pony to save."

The two sisters spoke "...Right."

Michiru's left ear twitches upon hearing a voice before a dark tabby Mew crashes into her.

Another Mew spoke "Jeeze Jacob, you are such an idiot."

Jacob spoke "Well excuse me if your brothers aren’t with you!"

The steel blue Mew growls "Well I'm not the moron who crashed into a tanuki."

The two male Mews started tussling as Michiru and Nazuna suddenly blushed.

Celestia titters "Talk about amusing."

Luna giggles "Those two girls seem twitterpatted."

Celestia spoke "too bad Cadence is unable to help Corina..."

Luna spoke "We can worry about that later."

Celestia spoke "How about a little challenge then sister? Whichever team of three finds the pony first gets to dare the losing team to do anything the winning team asks them to do. I'll team up with the foxlike Mews."

Luna asks "Then I’ll team up with Michiru and the cat Mew. But let’s make it interesting, if there is a tie, then both teams have to do a forfeit for ONE WHOLE MOON. Deal?"

Celestia spoke "Deal!"

The four Mews had a bead of sweat.

Michiru whispers in Nazuna's ear "{Are they always like that?}"

Nazuna whispers "{You're better off asking Danyelle that one.}"

Michiru whispers "{Well, whatever happens after this, both of us need to be prepared.}"

Nazuna whispers "{Right.}"

The two teams split off in different directions.

Celestia, Nazuna and the blue fox-like mew took the right path as it seemed easy at first.

*Celestia's POV*

The steel blue Mew spoke "It may look easy but there could be aggressive Pokemon."

The place started rumbling before a head popped out of the ground.

Nazuna spoke "Of all the times we need Ash or Danyelle, now would be a good time."

The creature suddenly shot mud at me and it hit with the force of a slap.

Wiping the mud off, I spoke "Oh that tears it!"

I shot a Swift attack at the ground type Pokemon.

But it looked like it didn’t hurt the Pokémon much.

The steel blue Mew spoke "Ladies, let me try talking to the Pokemon."

Nazuna asks "Are you sure?"

The steel blue Mew spoke "I'd rather not be set on fire by that two-tailed Mew though."

Nazuna spoke "If you’re sure."

The steel blue Mew spoke "Plus I'd never hear the end of it from Jacob or the tanuki if a pretty vixen like you got hurt."

That made Nazuna blush madly with her tail shooting straight out.

I was on my back while laughing.

The steel blue Mew spoke "Anywho…"

The steel blue mew approached the Pokemon.

I laugh "Girl, you have it bad!"

Nazuna asks "Wh-Wha?"

I laugh "Girl, you're as dense as Ash is!"

Nazuna was blushing while covering her face as she curled into a floating ball.

Looking at the male Mew, I ask "So uh, how did it go?"

But then I noticed him covered in mud.

The steel blue Mew spoke "Not so well."

I spoke "Maybe we should have brought Danyelle with us..."

Nazuna spoke "You saw what happened, didn’t you? She can’t come in here."

Sora suddenly pops up.

Sora spoke "She might not be able to but I can! I'm only level 9."

I ask "Really?"

Sora spoke "I'm not much of a fighter though."

“Are you a supporter?” I asked.

Sora spoke "Yeah."

I soon hear Luna's voice in my head.

Luna laughs "{Too bad dear sister! I found the missing pony already!}"

But then Luna yelped.

Luna gasps "{What the?! Now the pony’s some kind of gooey thing!}"

Sora spoke "Sounds like a Ditto. Must’ve ran into the pony we’re looking for and took her shape before the pony turned into a Pokemon."

The steel blue Mew spoke "Impossible, this place doesn't have any normal type Pokemon."

Luna yelped again.

Luna yelps "{After I beat that thing, it just melted into shadows!}"

Sora spoke "Okay, something tells me that was some kind of fake."

The steel blue Mew spoke "Something tells me that the missing pony might be dead..."

The steel blue Mew pulls out a rolled up poster from somewhere before unrolling it, revealing the image of a one-eyed male Sylveon.

The steel blue Mew spoke "And to make matters worse, this particular Pokemon is a wanted criminal."

“Come on! Let’s just move!” I urged as we kept going before entering a big room at the same time Luna and her group did from another route. But then we spotted Fleur De Lis, hiding as she seemed to be a lioness with a fiery mane at the top of her head.

“FOUND HER!” Luna and I shouted simultaneously before we groaned at that.

Sora spoke "Looks like she’s a Pyroar."

Fleur asks "P-Princesses? Is that you?"

A powerful Moonblast hits Luna, sending her crashing into a wall.

Sora spoke "Oh Arceus no..."

Fleur yelps "*Goes back into hiding* Oh no! He’s back!"

A Sylveon that was on the wanted poster appeared with a Shadow Ball floating behind him. On his head was a Pidgeot mask since it hid his scars as well.

The one-eyed Sylveon spoke "Tch, finally caught a rare one and now someone’s here to ruin my fun? Annoying.

Sora growls "Figures you'd be here... Metal Beak."

Metal Beak then made the Shadow Ball rise into the air before it stopped.

Metal Beak spoke "I don’t have time for weaklings like you."

Sora had a smirk on her face.

Metal Beak scoffs "Hmph. What’s so amusing?"

A yowl splits the air before a two tailed blur flew at Metal Beak in a spindash-esque Extremespeed attack, sending the mask flying off the Sylveon.

Danyelle hisses "YOU!!"

Metal Beak spoke "Heh, seems like I have a challenge."

Danyelle spoke "Bring it on asshole!"

To Be Continued...