• Member Since 19th Jun, 2022
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


There's really no way to reach me. Is there really no way to reach me? Am I already gone? My YouTube : https://youtube.com/@mlpdymos?si=S8mFuWQgpB862ljS

Comments ( 20 )

Very cozy and nice :twilightsmile:
You just can't go wrong with Sun and Moon.

Honestly your story influenced this one a lot. Thanks for the comment as well.

Oh. 😳
That's inspiring, thank you!

Can't say I expected an incest story from you, but I'm not complaining because it is almost impossible to find a love story of these two that isn't porn. So yeah, we need more non-clop Lunestia fics and you truly delivered. Well done! :twilightsmile:

Thanks for the comment! Feel like I'm skirting the line here tbh lol what with my head canon and such. But yeah you'll never see clop from me.

Your story is great and reading it made me want them to be happy like this (cause I don't really think they're gonna end up happy in yours... Maybe I'm just paranoid lol.) so I had to write them a happy ending in one of my cycles.

Aww. This is very cute. :heart:

Thanks for the comment! Means a lot.

Always happy to see these fics. Luna x Celestia is one of those ships that feels 'less' questionable due to the whole agelessness thing. Maybe it's pity or something else, but I can't help but think they fit perfectly with each other. My only grudge with this ship is that there is a lack of long, story-driven stories on this site. But I'm a glutton for words, so maybe that's a 'just me' problem.

Agreed, a really long CelestiaxLuna fic would be greatly welcome for me. Unfortunately, romance isn't my forte (though I am taking a shot at it with my next big story, just not CelxLuna because they're too precious for me to fumble it like a doofus) so I wrote this one shot to try out an experiment I wanted to test out.

Thanks for the comment again as well, they mean world's to me. Love conversation lol.

Ah, I would love to write one, too, but... I pretty much focus on 'human turns into' stories. I have massive respect for people that write stories with canon characters and keep them in character.

Ah, interesting. I'll check out your stories when I get some time.

Holy, novel? Might take me a bit. You don't mess around with word count lol.

Princest is wincest.

Great little story, I'd love to read an expanded version of it someday.

Thanks so much for the comment! I'd love to do a longer version. Maybe if the time ever comes I'll notify you.

Please do, thank you! :heart:

This was amazing! I really liked it. As someone who ships Celestia and Luna finding normal romantic fanfic about those two is very hard. So thank you for writing this amazing story!
(sorry for bad english)

Thanks for the comment! I'm glad you enjoyed the story. Also, that was actually very good English by the way.

I am shocked.
When you told me that you didn't really share your Christian beliefs much because of some things, I never imagined in my life that it would be…THIS.

Where to begin? Where to start?
I didn't read the other half of the story. Sorry, but it was too immoral for me to continue. I clicked on the chapter because of morbid curiosity, and then halfway I chucked it out the window.
Brother/Sister in Christ, I seriously suggest you delete this story. I know that we all fall from grace from time to time and that we're not perfect like our Lord Jesus Christ, but this, this is nothing ‘small’. Now, I'm not saying that you're forever doomed to go to hell with no hope of salvation because you committed a sin. God is patient and forgiving, as long as we're sincere in our repentance. (1 John 1:9) God will help you, He won't abandon you in the ditch.

This reminds me of 1 Corinthians 6:9 and the verses ahead of it. St. Paul reminds the Corinthians (and us in the far future) that while some of them were like that in the past, God has washed them with the blood of His Son on the cross. At the end of the chapter, he again reminded the Corinthians that their body was paid for by Christ and that they have an obligation to honor their bodies since they no longer belong to themselves.

You don't belong to yourself any longer, for the gift of God, the Holy Spirit, lives inside your sanctuary. You were God's expensive purchase, paid for with tears of blood, so by all means, then, use your body to bring glory to God!” 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 (The Passion Translation)

May the Lord Jesus Christ be with you. (2 Peter 3:18)


Lol do I get that. Perhaps if you finished End first, but Luna and Celestia aren't related in my universe. Hrm perhaps dms.

Even if that's true, you do know homosexuality is still a sin abhorred by God? Blood relations out the window, the idea of two females loving each other is stilll a no-no.

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