• Member Since 20th Sep, 2018
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago

The Blue EM2

Glad to be here at last.


Only a few years after the Three Tribes were reunified, northern Equestria was the bloody arena of the most terrible conflict in Equestria's history. An alien invasion shook the continent to its core, and hurled its residents into an unimaginable future. The resulting four years of war has forever marked Equestria as the land of the Missing.

Now, on the fiftieth anniversary of the end of the war, we present the definitive account of events, told from the perspective of the harshest critics of all- those who survived it. This is the true story of the Great Extraterrestrial War.

Based on H.G. Wells' War of the Worlds, particularly drawing on the 2013 film adaptation; however, it is not a straight adaptation of either. Takes place after Chapter 4 of Make your Mark, but was planned and written before Chapters 5 and 6 aired, and as a result takes neither into account.

Chapters (11)
Comments ( 83 )

great start mate keep it up cant wait for the next chapter:pinkiehappy::twilightsmile:

Interesting.... will add to my growing collection of I need to read.

I know this is a fair bit darker than my usual output, but I do intend to keep going.

Glad you liked it. I decided to push things a bit for this one.

Intresting. So the Tripods are just like from 1898 book. Anyway, welcome to the WOTW x Mlp family.

Glad to join. I wasn't aware there were so many WOTW fans on here. A lot of adaptations forget that Wells describes the Martians as having many different machines, so I decided to bring that back here.

As a brony who has recently become obsessed with Mars, I welcome this.

Thanks for joining. I know this is darker than my usual output, but I fancied stretching myself a bit.

... So why did it take four years? Unless they're immune to the planet's diseases, they'd be dead within a year. Just look at the novel. I've only seen the 1953 and 2005 versions and a thing on BBC America years ago where the invasion became WW1 in effect.

Just with humanity now united against the aliens, and not against each other.

The story's title is an allusion to the mockumentary, and the cover art is a screenshot from the film. Glad to find another fan of it on here...

The Great Martian War (excellent film, BTW). As for why the war took four years, you'll have to read onwards to find out.

Indeed. One of the first casualties of the war.

You're prolonging the fight for drama's sake when realistically it would never last four years. Just look at the original War of the Wolds for why. It shouldn't be too different in Equestria.

In The Great Martian War 1913-1917, the combat also lasted for four years, when logically it shouldn't have for the reasons you stated.

cool chapter mate cant wait for the next chapter:pinkiehappy::twilightsmile:

Based off the beloved sci fi classic

It sure is. In one book, Wells invented three different genres-at least!

The book is basically about an alien invasion from Mars and humanity's struggle to survive.

great chapter mate keep it up cant wait for the next chapter:pinkiehappy::twilightsmile:

Excellent chapter.

[Wrote before reading third chapter] This chapter...gave me feeling of 'something bad is gonna happen for sure.'

And i don't know if i am the only one, that wants to know, but... How they get into Post-g4 Equestria? If it was pointed out already, then sorry for my stupid brain.

First, the "shield" of the machines. There are two solutions, why Sunny's 'mega-giga, full of Friendship' magic beam failed: 1. The machines have A LOT of metal on them, or titanium. 2. Fricking magnetic shield. I know...you want to be original, but giving...1898 Tripods a shield...I am okay with that, but it just feels weird.

And you also made me laugh, when revealing the 'Mystery pair'. Never read any other book of yours before, but this made just my day! :twilightsmile:

I certainly appreciate it.

How did who arrive in post-G4 Equestria? The tripods?

When WOTW is updated to a newer setting, it is convention to fit the tripods with shielding. They could get away with being brittle in the original book because the heaviest weapon the British Army had access to was artillery, which is not known for being a precision weapon. With homing weapons being a thing, defensive measures need to be pumped up to match (hence why the 1953 tripods were virtually indestructable, and the 2005 ones were heavily shielded).

I actually took that specific idea from the 2013 film adaptation, where the Martian war machines have been configured to counter human tactics; heavy energy shielding is fitted to the heavier tripods to counter creeping barrage tactics.

The 'mystery couple' were indeed meant to be a surprise. I'm trying to be as unpredictable as possible with this one.

war takes everything and everyone you love awesome chapter mate keep it up cant wait for the next chapter:pinkiehappy::twilightsmile:

In my story, [yes i have WOTW and Mlp crossover too], the ponies made a, so called, W-Weapon. Weapon so strong, it can pierce the shields of the invaders Machines, with a little counterforce. The only, big, downside of this weapon is, it need half of Alicorn magic.

Anyway, i am little hoping, that Clear Skies have a familiar idea in his head too.

Also, royal guards having some firepower? Here goes brain evolution. Giving ya a like!

War sure does. In the words of Bertrand Russell, it does not determine who is right but only who is left.

Huh...? Sunset? Now for this, i need to think a little. Is this story a part of some connected universe, that i am not aware, or it will be explained?

Plus, giving us pictures of the Tripod types, especially the Uberpod (which looks more modern than the others, although I know there probably aren't better pictures) is a good way to show the reader what these machines are and what they are capable of. Too bad i won't be able to remember all the machines names. :twilightsheepish:

Also, Aliens undergorund hideout? That means, they were hiding for good two decades, before attacking ponies for whatever reason. Heh, i am surprised that the bacteria (IF the invanders are even Aliens...) didn't kill them yet...

Anyway, still story gives me some weird vibes of 'Something very bad is gonna happen'. Keep up this unique story! :yay:

Never fear, this will all be explained.

The different names are a nod to the fact that many types of machines were fielded by the Martians in the original book (fighting machine, handling machine, flying machine, etc.). Most film adaptations cut it to just one type of machine, so it was nice to see the producers of the 2013 film adaptation (on which this is based) remembered this. The Heron and Spider designs are taken from the 2013 film, whereas the Gorgon is based on the tripod design from the Spielberg film.

The hiding underground bit is derived from the 2005 film, where the Tripods were deposited centuries before the invasion.

tanks are the future in warfare awesome chapter mate keep it up can't wait for the next chapter:pinkiehappy::twilightsmile:

great chapter mate keep it up can't wait for the next chapter:pinkiehappy::twilightsmile: there are reasons the Von Schlieffen Plan failed

Much as in the work its based on, a plan designed to conquer a country ends up saving it.

"If one wave fails, send another!"
-Average Trench German Officer

Zephyr Hights don't have a...let's call it a Führerbunker [bunker built for H!tler in World War 2]???
She would be in safer places, than...little modified Throne room...just saying. :moustache:

Also, i am expecting a quick rest from the side of invanders, before another attack from their 'hideout'.

If I were the invader commander, I would try to take all the roads, meadows, rivers and mountains first, just surround the entire Zephyr Hights castle, and wait for the ponies to run out of ammo, just like in HoI4. But if their supply is...large, I would focus on the biggest obstacle on the battlefield, which is the tank, until the big guns arrive. Finally, I would give the order to attack and, to the big machines, the order to shell the castle. Victory within a week, even a month!

But hey, it's your story and your idea to decide, if Aliens will win, or Ponies!

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