• Published 5th May 2023
  • 776 Views, 7 Comments

Equestria Jedi Girls - Dinomite123

The Turtles and Rainbooms must learn the ways of the force and become part ninja and part Jedi

  • ...

A New Adventure Awakens

In a city far far away, there were a group of ninjas were fighting an army of droids called the Krang. Four were turtles, five were human allies, seven were teenage girls who had magical abilities, but ninja skills like them.

"Hurry up, Guys! We gotta get that device back or the Krang will use it to travel to every country in the world!" Donnie demanded.

"Don't worry, Donnie. We got the droid right in our trap." Leo said.

A Krang droid was holding the device they were looking for. He was ready to open up a portal.

"We must open the portal to the place to be the place of the new empire." One of the Krang said.

"Hey, that device belongs to me!"

Donnie charged at the two droids. But then was blocked by two other droids. Mikey jumped in and knocked down with his nunchuck fury.

"Thanks, Mikey."

"No Prob, bro."

Finally, the ninja team surrounded them just in time.

"All right Krang, handle over the device and everything will be mellow." Leo commanded.

"Always the same stupid quotes." Raph sighed.

"We are to eliminate your perfect countries into an earth of mutation proportion." Krang said.

As more Krang droids surrounded them.

"Great, what now?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Plan B."

Twilight quietly used her magic to lift up the droids, as they fired, Twilight and Rarity used their magic as a double shield.

"Now What?" Applejack asked.

"We wait." Leo ordered.

While they were still firing, a giant crocodile named Leatherhead and a giant dark green turtle with a mace lunged in for a massive attack.

"Now!" Leo shouted.

Twilight and Rarity vanished their shields and they all jumped out for the finish.

Leo and Donnie took down the two droids that had the portal device. The device went flying to the air.

"Dudes, the portal thingie!" Mikey shouted.

"I got it!" Pinkie Pie reached out for it and caught it. "Ha, I caught it. I caught it, I caught it, I caught it. I caught it!"

Just then, Slashes battle made the ground shake and made Pinkie drop the portal device and broke on the ground. Then it began to electrocute and malfunction.

The team were scared that might explode.

"It's gonna explode!" Donnie screamed.

Then a big flash formed the background. Then as they opened their eyes, they found themselves in some sort of deserted place full of dust and ashes.

"Where in tarnation are we?" Applejack wondered.

"I don't know, but this doesn't look one of those old arc warehouses in new york." April said.

"And theirs so much dirt and dust everywhere." Rarity coughed.

"Out of all the dimensions we've been to, like Gotham, Moo Mesa, and the other New York. And now this?" Raph moaned.

"Now Raph, we don't know if this is another dimension." Leo said.

"Plus, everytime we travel one we end up making new friends and helping them beat down bad guys." Casey said.

"Well maybe this one will be different." Karai replied.

They all looked around the hall, they saw that looked like sci fi texts and space symbols.

"My guess is this use to be some sort of temple that as been deserted for centuries." April said. "I mean look at all these symbols."

"But what do they mean?" Sunset Shimmer asked.

"Don't know, but it does look like some sort of space history." Donnie replied.

Mikey was observing as well, then he sees a blue crystal glowing.

"Wooow! Dudes check this out."

"What is it, Mikey?" Leo asked.

"It's a shiny glowing crystal."

"Ooooh, it looks gorgeous." Rarity beamed.

"I don't know, guys. What if it's been used for evil?" April felt worried with the memory of Zan-Noran.

"Calm down, April. That was in the past, what could go wrong?" Mikey picked up the crystal. "See? Nothing bad happened."

The team sighed in relief.

"So, I see you've found the kyber crystal."

"Who said that?" Leo pulled out his sword.

"You've all lead me to the treasure I have hoped for."

They all turned to see a man in a brown clothes and white hair and beard.

"Who are you?

"No need to be so anxious my friends. I am Count Dooku, I have come to take back what is rightfully ours." He said.

Mikey looked at the crystal in hand.

"You mean this?" He asked.

"Yes. So now you may hand it over."

Mikey was about it hand it over until Leo stopped him.

"Wait! What are you planning to do with it?" asked.

"If you must know, I will bleed it and use it for another sith and he will be my new apprentice." Count Dooku answered.

"If your planning to use that crystal for evil then we're not giving it to you." April shouted as she pulled out her war fan.

Count Dooku pulled out a handle and activated it. The tip turned on releasing a red glowing blade.

"If I may ask you again, hand it over."

"Your gonna have to go through us first!" Leo charged at him.

Leo swung his katana at him, Dooku used his laser sword for block defense. Leo looked that the blades of his swords were easily sliced by his weapon.

"Weakling, your metal weapon is no match for my lightsaber."

"Maybe mine will." Raph charged at him and leaped towards him.

He used a great power with his hand that pushed Raph right into a wall.

"An order to beat me you must have the force. Unfortunately, I don't sense any force within you all. So let's make it official." He grinned.

He use his hand again, this time it released a lighting power the shocked Leo.

"LEO!" Twilight cried.

She blocked the lighting with her magic.

"Get him, girls!"

Pinkie grabbed little rocks and threw it at Dooku as they lit up. But he swung them away with his lightsaber. Rarity threw her multiple diamond magic at him, but he did the same thing.

"Hey, magic guy behind you."

Count Dooku swung his lightsaber at whatever was behind him. But no one was there.

"Over here." A finger poked his shoulder.

He swung it again.

"That's right. I'm right here."

He turned to see Rainbow Dash. Before she could speed off, Dooku use his power to hold her still.

"I'm giving you all one last chance, hand the kyber crystal over to me. Or else die." He demanded.

"Never. Even if we have to die because of it." Leo said.

"You've had your chance."

As he was about to finish Rainbow Dash...

"Count Dooku!"

He turned to see it was none other than his nemesis...Obi Wan Kenobi.

"Kenobi. I'm surprised."

"In the name of the galactic republic, I order you to stand down and surrender to this facility." Obi Wan ordered.

"I shall not tolerate to the orders of a jedi."

"Then you have met your match. And for your information, that kyber crystal will not be under your hands."

"Or will it?"

Count Dooku lets go of Rainbow Dash and prepares his duel with Obi Wan. Obi Wan activated his lightsaber, this time his blade was blue.

The two enemies charged and clashed both lightsabers.

"Go, get the crystal out of here while I hold him off for you." He shouted to the Ninjas. "Go!"

They ran to the exit, but Dooku use his power to crumble stones to block the exit. But Kenobi use his same power to lift up the stones to keep it from blocking the exit.

"Go! Now!"

The team ran to the exit.

Obi Wan called on his comlink. "Anakin, I found the kyber crystal. It was found by a bunch youngsters before me, they were confronted by Dooku, but I'm holding him off for them. They're on there way to the exit, take them to safety while you can."

Meanwhile, the ninjas were heading to the exit.

"This way, we should be out on time." Leo said.

On their way, they ran into two space warriors who happened to be Obi Wan's friends who he ordered them to bring to safety.

"Whoa, slow down." He ordered.

"Who are you guys." Sunset asked.

"I'm Anakin Skywalker and this is My apprentice, Ahsoka Tano." He answered.

"We heard that you had the crystal. Is it safe?" Ahsoka asked.

"Uh, yeah. What do you want with it?"

"We'll explain that later, just come with us."

"How do we know your not planning to do something evil with it?" April groaned.

"Just trust." Anakin said.

They knew they had no choice. They followed them outside the temple. They were all shocked to see that what it was...a war!

There were armies droids and troopers blasting and jedi's fighting along with them.


"Dude, this is awesome."

"This is war!"

"Follow Me."

They all ran to the safe areas during the battles.

"Rex, fall back and recruit the men back into the gunship." Anakin called on his comlink.

"Roger that, General." Captain Rex called. "All right, boys. General Skywalker wants us to fall back. Lets' move, move, move!"

The clone troopers hold their weapons and retreated to their ships. The droids were confused.

"Why are they falling back?"

"No clue."

"General, they're falling back."

"Keep it that way." Said a grunting general on his comlink. "The republic knows not what awaits."

All the clones return to their ships, Anakin, Ahsoka and the Ninja team made to one of them.

"Wait, what about Obi Wan?" Ashoka reminded Anakin.

"Obi Wan, get out of the temple. We're about to leave."

"Copy that, Anakin."

Obi Wan decided to end his duel with Count Dooku.

"Guess we'll have to wait until next time to corporate on your mischiefs on that crystal." He said as ran off.

"We'll see, Obi Wan. We'll see." Count Dooku said.

Obi Wan made it outside the temple and to the ship where Anakin, Ahsoka, and the ninjas were in. Anakin helped Obi Wan onto the ship. They flew off and made it off the planet.

"I'm surprised, you've actually found little ones with the crystal." Anakin said.

"Hey, we're not kids." Rainbow Dash grunted.

"And will somebody please explain to us what's going on?" Donnie said.

"We'll explain on our way to Courasant." Obi Wan replied.


Meanwhile on Lothal, a part cyborg, part alien in a cape walked through where the battle was. He underneath his mask he grinned at Count Dooku's plan that was explained to him.

"Go ahead and run, Jedi. Because as long we have official well beings you will never be able agitate the missions of our new apprentice's."