• Published 26th Apr 2023
  • 1,011 Views, 80 Comments

An Idiot Trio vs Equestria - Beast Out

How many people can say that Faust herself gave them a second chance at life? About three. What? She was bored. Let's see how long it takes for them to get into trouble. And how much longer it takes for them to get out.

  • ...

Interlude: Immortals

Chrysalis stood in a chamber of the hive that she hadn't been to in centuries. The walls and floor were caked in dirt and cobwebs from the years of disuse.

The room was silent. They only sound coming from the echoing 'clip clop' of her hooves on the stone floor. She stood at the foot of a bed that had at one point been ornate, but now was rotting under a millenia's worth of dirt and grime.

This bed had been the one her mother, Queen Pupatara had died in when she succumbed to her injuries from her final, foolish battle with Celestia.

The royal changeling tore her gaze from the decaying mattress and towards the rusting metal chest that sat beside it. She brushed aside the layer of dust that sat atop the steel box before forcing it open with her magic.

Inside was a neatly folded green cloth that she unfolded into a full sized banner. This banner depicted a two pronged staff shaped like a beetle's horns. Embroidered below it in Ancient Equestrian were the words "The Hive is the Heart. The Swarm is the Soul." in golden thread.

The Queen sneered. "If only you knew the value of these words, you shortsighted bint."

"Sister?" She turned around to see Pincer poking his head through the door.

"Oh. It's just you. Do you need something?"

The prince awkwardly looked to the side. "I wanted to make sure you were ok. When I heard you came down here I thought something was wrong."

Chrysalis sighed and looked her brother in the eye. "Pincer, am I making the right choices?"


Celestia sat at her desk, solid, shiny and polished to perfection, staring at the pile of paperwork she had yet to finish. Her office was quiet, not a single sound from within the white marble walls.

Three days. Three days until the Summer Sun Celebration. Three days until her sister's return. Three days until she has to send her faithful student to risk her life to finish what she started.

She gazed out the window and sighed. It was almost time to lower the Sun. "Am I doing the right thing Lulu? Did I fail you? Have I failed this kingdom?"

A small part of her already knew the answer, but soon, maybe she'd be able to rectify that. She could finally have her back.

Or maybe it would fail. What if she couldn't be stopped? What if the world was plunged into a cold unforgiving end in the eternal night, Luna too deep in her madness?

What if… the Elements simply… resealed her? Could she watch that happen a second time? Would it be some kind of twisted cycle? Doomed to only see her dear Luna every thousand years as a bitter shadow of herself! Surely Harmony couldn't be that cruel?

She slapped herself. Definitely painful with her shoes on, but she'd felt worse. "Pull yourself together Celly. You should have more faith in your student. It's her destiny after all." She told herself as she rubbed her temples.

Her ears swiveled towards her door as a knock echoed throughout the office.

Oh good. A distraction from her thoughts. She put on her best smile. "Come in."

"Good afternoon your majesty." Shining Armor and the guard with him bowed after they entered the room.

Her smile faltered at the sight of her student's brother. "At ease. Is there something you need?"

"Yes, ma'am. We came to report that a griffin broke into the royal archive. He doesn't seem to have taken anything of particular interest, but we can't be too sure. He also had an accomplice, a unicorn. They both seemed young. Late teens at least."

Amazing. Honestly just what she needed.

"Have these individuals been apprehended?"

"No… they haven't… your majesty. But they are being pursued as we speak."

Ok. The situation could still be salvaged. "I suppose that's fine for now. But are you sure they haven't taken anything important?"

"We're sure."

"Very well. You are dismissed."

As they closed the door, the guard that accompanied Shining Armor turned to him.

"With all due respect sir, but why didn't you tell her about the vault?" The stallion inquired.

"The vault is obviously something she didn't want anypony to know about. With the Summer Sun Celebration coming up, it's approaching the second busiest time of the year and she doesn't need the extra stress. Telling her some random griffin found it wouldn't help."

It was technically the truth. But there were other reasons.

The guard seemed skeptical, but relented. "Of course sir."


How long has it been?

We don't know.

No matter. It's almost time. Soon we shall be free, and all Equestria shall finally love thy night.

We don't want to do this. We think it's time to… stop.

What? Thou surely jest. Doth thou expect that she'll forgive us after our betrayal?

… Maybe. It's been so long…surely.

And then what? Thou hast not forgotten our promise after all this time?


Luna? What was thy plan for us after thy dear sister would welcome thou back with open hooves?


We're… sorry.

What!? But… thou promised. THOU PROMISED!


NO! Thou might see it fit to break thy word! But we don't! We shall make Equestria love thou! And maybe then… you'll love us too.

What hast we created?

Author's Note:

Short interlude to tide you over while I work on chapters 5 and 6. Running theme here is familial issues.