• Published 19th Apr 2023
  • 805 Views, 170 Comments

Forbidden Love - KingSombraTheTyrantRuler

He was the only one who paid attention to her. She can't help but think of him...

  • ...

Chapter One

Forbidden Love

Chapter One

Princess Luna lay on her bed, struggling to find motivation to get out of it.

What's the point of doing anything when We are cared for by no one? We will not be missed if We were to die… We do not think anyone would even notice…

Her fingers subconsciously traced over her arm, and the moonlight illuminated the many scars that crossed over it.

Most of them were no more than a day old.

She had tried to stop… and had succeeded for a week…

And then she relapsed. Sure, she threw all her blades away, but what use did that do when she could just conjure a new one?

We are worthless. Unable to resist the urge for more than a week… How weak of Us. There is no need for Us to remain in this world… Anyone can do what We do, and We are not needed.

She sat up suddenly and snapped her fingers. A sharp razor blade appeared, and she pressed it hard against her wrist, fully intending to slice it.

Perhaps it would be best if We ended it all now. There would be no more pain… No more anything. We would not be wasting anyone's time.

She took a deep breath, and then…

A knock was heard on her door. She quickly put the blade under her pillow, wiped her eyes of tears she hadn't realised were there, quickly pulled her sleeve down so it would cover her arm and then said, "Thou may enter."

"Your Highness, Princess Celestia has sent me to inform Your Majesty that the King of the Crystal Empire shall soon be here and Your Highness' presence is required. The Ruler of the Crystal Empire shall be arriving in half an hour."

Luna nodded and the Guard left.

She forced herself to get out of bed and entered her bathroom, intending to have a shower to clear her head...

Princess Luna put a dark blue sleeveless dress on which reached her knees, after which she put on some sort of handless gloves to cover up to her elbow. She continued getting dressed, and once done, she looked in a mirror.

She immediately looked away. ...Why do We look in the mirror at all when We know We'll hate what We see?

Luna thought back on the events which had led to her… cutting.

She wanted to stop badly, but the negative feelings often overwhelmed her and she needed a way to get rid of them for a while.

At first Luna found it a little strange, that cutting herself and causing physical scars lessened the pain given by others.

But it did help her a lot, so as time passed she thought about it less.

The events that had sent her spiralling into this state had been caused by none other than her sister.

To be honest, Princess Celestia had done nothing. It was merely the fact and knowledge that her sister was more popular than she was, and unlike Luna, the Princess of the Sun was loved by the ponies of Equestria rather than feared and loathed..

But wait a second, Celestia had done something. She would always treat Luna coldly, and present her as insignificant to other people.

She made it look like Luna was a foolish and immature girl whose opinion was of no value.

It is because of her that We started this… Why can she not treat Us as her equal? We may be younger than her, but Our parents had made it clear that We would rule together. And We did… until their deaths. Then Celestia began ill-treating Us...making Us feel inferior.

She spread lies about Us, she told people rumours and they believed every word she said. Of course she did not do this without a disguise…

Do We not protect these ponies from their nightmares and imaginary monsters of their own creation? Luna thought angrily. Do We not watch over their dreams, provide the stars and the moon's light so that they may take for themselves, respite from the day's work? And yet, rather than being thankful, they ignore Us and treat us as if We were a monster.

The Princess of the Night ran her fingers through her hair and sighed. All she ever wanted was to be liked by someone. To be appreciated… Was it too much to ask?

A knock sounded on the doors to her chambers. "Thou may enter," she called out and one of her Lunar guards entered, bowing .

"Your Highness," said he "Princess Celestia had sent me to inform Your Majesty that the King of the Crystal Empire shall be arriving within five to ten minutes."

Luna gave a stiff nod. "Tell Our sister that We shall be there soon."

Once the guard had left, Luna stared into the mirror one last time, wiping her eyes. With a flick of her wrist, a dark blue aura surrounded her crown, and once it was atop her head, she left her chambers.

What is the point of Us doing as she says and seeing all these rulers of different kingdoms? It is not as if Our presence would make any difference…

She tried not to think about it for too long, and tried to focus on other things, such as how one of the Guards seemed to be sleeping on the job, which was strange because they were batponies, and thus, were nocturnal.

However, she didn't do anything about it.

Instead she stared at her hands, making them glow with magic, and teleported to the Throne Room.

The Lunar Guards moved aside to let her enter, and she did so.

The King, whatever his name was, had not yet arrived.

The Solar Princess was alone in the room and paused her pacing when her sister entered.

"Luna. You're on time, for once." The elder Princess' tone was slightly bitter , but Luna tried to not pay that fact any attention.

"Indeed We are," she replied, casually staring out of a window to see her beautiful night sky. " It seems that this King has not arrived. What was his name again? We do not think Thou told Us… "

"His name is King Sombra. And Luna, do try to stop talking in such an archaic manner."

The Lunar Princess made no remark, knowing that the reason why her sister was not in the best of moods was because the time that King Sombra had chosen for their meeting was midnight, and Celestia seldom, if ever, remained awake during the night hours.

And because she loathes your very presence, said a voice inside her mind.

She paid it no heed.

"Why has he sought a meeting?"

"He has not been the one to request the meeting. Rather it was I, as I desired to see how good of a ruler he was… and ask some questions about certain things that my guards had told me. I decided to find out if what they said was true. Ask no more questions, you don't really need to know more than that. It's not like you even do anything anyways."

The Lunar Princess turned her face away from her sister and did her best to ignore the voices.

See, she just said how useless you are. She'd do much better without your worthless presence cluttering her castle. Just die, Luna. Die.

A Guard announced the presence of King Sombra, and
Luna went to her throne and studied him as he entered. He was a light grey skinned man with flowing black hair, and seemed to be only a year or two older than her.

"King Sombra," Celestia was the first to speak. "May I inquire what the delay was due to?"

He had an air of confidence around him, and had dark green eyes.

His voice was deep and smooth. "Princess Celestia. Princess Luna. I apologise for the delay in my arrival. I promise I had not forgotten about the time of the meeting. I had simply lost track of time while admiring the beauty of the Night sky."

Did We hear that correctly? He- he said that He was admiring Our night sky… We hope this is not a dream.

He then took Luna's hand in his and bestowed upon it a kiss, after which he bowed to Celestia.

His hand then glowed with a crimson aura and he levitated a bouquet of flowers to the Lunar Princess. "For you, Princess Luna."

Luna blushed.

"Now with the pleasantries out of the way, shall we proceed?"

Luna paid hardly any attention to what they were saying, instead focusing on the sound of Sombra's voice and trying not to stare at his strong jawline.

And so Celestia explained the full reason of why she had wanted this meeting, as her letter 'barely said anything '.

Since her explanation was a long one, the King decided to flirt with Luna. She is cute when she blushes… he thought.

Why would he even pay attention to her when it's obvious that I'm the better option? Thought Celestia.

"King Sombra, a while ago I had sent some of my guards to check on how things were going in your Empire, and they reported back to me saying that you enslaved your subjects and forced them to work all day?"

The young King looked confused, to say the least. "I assure you, Princess, that none of your guards ever came to my Empire, unless they were spying on which case it would be a crime, and besides, I would never have done such a thing to my subjects."

"Are you sure about that, King? Because I am certain that -"

"Princess. My Empire is nocturnal, as we are unable to get any sunlight. And I would not do such a thing for it was what the former ruler did."

Celestia opened her mouth, perhaps to argue, but Luna spoke before she could. "Sister, perhaps Thou dreamt the whole thing? We do recall seeing a dream Thou had that was quite similar to what thou are saying now."

" Yes, Princess Celestia, I think Princess Luna is correct in her assumption. "

Celestia's face turned red. "Well- I-" she kept stopping, as if unsure about what to say before she finally settled on: "You shouldn't pay any attention to my sister as she is young and therefore, inexperienced."

" Oh? Then might I know how many thousands of years of experience you have, Princess? "

Celestia grew angry at this, and thus they bickered, with Sombra not showing any signs of anger at all, while the Solar Princess' face continuously turned various shades of red, and nearly purple.

In the end, Sombra had chuckled, as if this had been amusing to him before saying, "Fine, I shall leave. But know this, Princess Celestia. I had hoped only for a meeting with the Princess of the Night, but it was you who requested this meeting."

With that he kissed the Lunar Princess' hand once again, and teleported away.

Luna's cheeks turned red and her heart started beating a little faster, with butterflies fluttering in her stomach.

"Hmph. I'm going to bed." Still angry, Princess Celestia left the room without glancing at Luna.

The Lunar Princess didn't care, too busy replaying that moment over and over again in her head.

We were planning to do Our Lunar court tonight, but since no one comes out of fear, We can use this night for...other things.

As she teleported herself to her room and began putting some warm clothes on, Luna smiled.

For once she was thankful that no one ever came to her Night court.

Author's Note:

Just had a sudden burst of inspiration, and since I haven't written a Lunbra story in like, forever, I decided to write one.

This is what Luna's wearing.

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