• Published 10th Apr 2023
  • 2,420 Views, 191 Comments

It Takes Six - Goldfur

Everyone knows the story of how the Mane Six came together to defeat Nightmare Moon, right? Nnnope! At least, not in this universe where Harmony had other ideas.

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Penumbra stepped forward out of the group and glared at the thestral that had made the threats. “I remember you from my youth at the Grand Catacombs, Night Shriek. Stand down – the conflict between the Royal Sisters is ended.”

The stallion drew himself up and spread his wings dramatically. “Why should we listen to anything that you say, race-traitor? You serve the Sun Tyrant!”

“I serve Equestria!” Penumbra declared. “While that used to mean with Princess Celestia at its head, with the return of Princess Luna, she will take her rightful place beside her sister.”

“You speak nonsense, fool. We serve Nightmare Moon, not this Princess Luna you speak about.”

“The Nightmare corrupted Princess Luna. She has been cleansed and stands before you now and does not wish further hostilities.”

Enough! We will not listen to your cowardly words anymore. We are sworn to follow Nightmare Moon to glory. We have been waiting for this day for a millennium!”

Luna strode forward to join Penumbra. “In that case, wilt thou listen to me?”

“Of course, Your Highness,” Night Shriek replied.

“Then thou shalt obey Captain Penumbra of my Night Guard. Stand down. While we have much to resolve with our sister, we have made our peace.”

Penumbra barely managed to keep her composure at Luna’s declared promotion. While she recognized that it was a ploy to give the thestral mare more apparent authority than she actually had, such public announcements were not made lightly. Whatever happened from here on, her life and career were forever changed. She glanced at Luna who returned her gaze with a nod. Penumbra took a deep breath and returned her attention to Night Shriek.

“You heard the Princess – if you truly wish to serve the Night, you will swear your loyalty to the Crown and the Royal Sisters.”

“And what if we don’t wish to serve two rulers? Perhaps we can rid ourselves of one and serve the Night Alicorn alone?”

There were angry murmurs among the ponies and Element Bearers. Trixie said quietly to Celestia, “Shouldn’t you be stepping in?”

The alicorn shook her head. “My sister and her chosen champion must resolve this.”

Before Penumbra could decide what to say next, one of her friends walked up to her side.

Gilda sat on her rump, put her balled-up talons on her hips, and glared up at the recalcitrant batpony. “Do you truly wish to fail so badly in front of your chosen princess? I could take you and several others just by myself.”

Night Shriek growled. “You are a boastful catbird. I’ll kill you right after this traitor.”

“Oh, for the love of— Get down here, you blithering idiot. I want to show you something. What? Too scared to face me?”

With a snarl, Night Shriek dropped down from the roof beam, landing with a thud, his blade drawn. However, before he could do anything more, Gilda darted forward and her talons swept out faster than the eye could follow. The thestral stumbled back from the impact but recovered quickly, ready to counter another attack, only for it not to come. Gilda just stood there sneering at him.

“Before you think of trying anything,” the griffon said, “take a look at your chest plate.”

Despite his misgivings, Night Shriek looked down and his eyes widened. A row of gashes had been torn through the peytral and a small amount of blood slowly seeped over the edges.

Gilda said, “You’ve been polishing the rust off that shiny armor that you proudly wear for a thousand years, and it’s absolute crap compared to modern alloys. You have no idea about the superior armor and weapons you’re up against. I’m a baker, not a warrior, and yet you’re not the slightest threat to me, let alone the forces gathered here. And that’s not even counting the EUP army. So, do yourselves a favor and listen to Penumbra.” She turned and rejoined the others, muttering, “Buck, that hurt!”

Big Mac caught her words and nodded approvingly. The griffon had managed to take the wind out of the sails of the blustering thestral without initiating a fight. The gathered thestrals muttered among themselves as well. This stopped with a frown and a screech from their commander.

Penumbra smiled grimly before addressing the large thestral again. “So, what’s it to be, Night Shriek? Still want to try to kill me? Or will you instead, swear your loyalty to the Crown and join the Night Guard under my command? You will get the training and equipment that you deserve, not to mention good food and accommodation. And in time, you will earn honor for protecting Equestria’s citizens against all that threatens them in the night.”

In reply, he spat on the ground. “Lies, all of it! Do you think I don’t know what Equestrians think of thestrals?”

“And who was responsible for that reputation? Who steals from ponies and exiled thestrals? What you call hunting is nothing but common thievery. You bring dishonor to all thestrals by skulking about in the middle of the night. I have worked hard for years to overturn that perception. You have the chance to speed up that change. I’m not saying that it will be easy, but if I can get this far, what can all thestrals working together achieve?”

Night Shriek knitted his brow and was silent for a long moment before he replied. “We shall not lay down our arms and swear allegiance to one whom we have dedicated our lives to overthrow. I lead the Grand Catacombs by virtue of my commitment to our cause. Even if it means my death, I will not surrender.”

“Then meet me in personal battle,” Penumbra said sternly while shifting the grip on her spear. “If you win, you will know that you have the strength to further your cause, but if I win, you will submit unconditionally to the authority of the Royal Sisters and me as the Captain of the Night Guard.”

Night Shriek smirked. “I am half again your size – the biggest and strongest of Nightmare Moon’s loyal thestral forces. Do you truly think you are a match for me?”

“I do.” Penumbra faced Luna. “With your permission, Your Highness?”

Luna nodded. “Granted, my champion.”

Celestia frowned. “Do you think this is wise?” she murmured to her sister.

Luna smiled. “Trust me, Tia. I have fought that mare and know her ability.”

Meanwhile, Penumbra and Night Shriek had taken flight and moved well away from the group to give them more room to battle. The two faced each other and readied themselves, sizing each other up. Then Luna gave the command.


Night Shriek let out a piercing scream and dived at Penumbra. She dodged to the side, deflecting his sword thrust effortlessly. Time and again, the huge thestral closed in with powerful attacks but not once did he land a blow. With a reverberating clang, the stallion’s sword broke off at the hilt. Penumbra, quickly followed with a spinning buck to his chest, denting the already-damaged peytral. Night Shriek pulled out a battle knife and returned to the attack.

Over the next couple of minutes, everyone could see that Penumbra was toying with him. Her training, determination, and anger all combined into the greatest beating that Night Shriek had ever endured. One broken leg, a dislocated wing, and some severely battered armor later, the batpony stallion found himself on the ground with a spearpoint in his face.

“Do you concede?” Penumbra asked.

“You have bested me, Captain Penumbra. I pledge my loyalty.”

Penumbra turned to face the thestral forces still roosting on the beams. “Well?”

For a moment, the mare thought that everything had gone wrong as the batponies all flew down. However, they did not attack. They knelt and bowed their heads.

“We are yours to command, Captain Penumbra,” a thestral mare declared. “We will serve Equestria and the Night Alicorn as its night warriors.”

“Thank you. Your pledges are accepted.” Penumbra turned and walked back to the others.

Gilda met her halfway. “Nice work, Penny. You were awesome!”

“I was terrified, Gilda,” Penumbra confided quietly. “I thought those thestrals were going to lose patience and kill me ever since Night Shriek announced their presence. I couldn’t have handled them all at once.”

“Ha! Think I was all cool when I slashed his armor? Like I said, I’m a baker, not a warrior.”

Penumbra chuckled. “Could have fooled me.”

When Penumbra reached the Royal Sisters, she bowed her head in Celestia’s direction. “Please forgive my presumption for following Princess Luna’s ruse to make me appear more important than I am.”

Celestia smiled benignly at her. “There is nothing to forgive. My sister has as much authority to grant field promotions as I, so your new rank stands. Granted, it is most unusual to jump from a mere corporal to a captain, but I suspect that the promotions in between have been long overdue. And now, since you are under Luna’s purview, I suggest that you report to her.”

Penumbra was stunned but had the presence of mind to face Luna and salute. “Captain Penumbra reporting, Your Highness. The situation has been secured.”

“Well done, Captain. Order thy forces report to us in Canterlot one week hence, then return to my side. We have much to achieve ere that comes to pass.”

“Yes, Ma’am!” Penumbra went back to the thestrals to give them instructions.

Big Mac said to Celestia, “Your Highness, you do realize that those thestrals have only been swayed because they believe that they still serve the true ruler of Equestria? They won’t take kindly to Princess Luna being punished for her transgressions as Nightmare Moon.”

Celestia sighed. “I do. That is but one problem among many that we will need to deal with. For now, though, I believe that we should all return to Canterlot. This castle brings back bad memories and I wish to make new, happier ones now that I have my sister back.”

“It’s a long trek back to Ponyville to catch a train,” Irwin pointed out.

Celestia smiled. “I think we can manage something a bit easier and quicker than that.”

At Penumbra’s direction, four thestrals placed Night Shriek into a webbed stretcher. After they had taken off, the remaining thestrals took flight and turned south. The sun glinted off their silver armor as the aerial forces shrank into the distance.

As soon as Penumbra returned to the group, the solar alicorn had everyone gather close. Then she teleported them all to the distant capital city.

They arrived in the throne room amid a sea of turmoil. Celestia’s absence and the greatly extended night had left many ponies in a panic. A very harassed and exhausted pink alicorn sat on the throne, attempting to keep some semblance of control. Her eyes lit up when the group arrived.

“Auntie! Thank heavens you’re back!” Princess Cadance cried out as she leaped from the dais to glide down into the waiting forelegs of Celestia. The two exchanged a long hug before the young alicorn spoke again with a reproachful tone in her voice. “You told me that there might be trouble before you left for the Summer Sun Celebration, but you didn’t warn me about all this when you put me in charge in your absence.”

“I’m truly sorry, dear niece, but even I did not know exactly how events would work out. However, I had confidence in your ability to hold things together until my return.”

Cadance stepped back from the solar alicorn to better look at those accompanying her. “And who are these— Oh! Another alicorn! No, two! Auntie – what have you been up to?”

Celestia smiled and could not repress a joyful squeal. “Cadance, may I introduce you to your aunt and my long-lost sister, Princess Luna. It was her release from banishment that precipitated last night’s events.”

“Oh! I’m so very pleased to meet you. Auntie Celestia never mentioned you before now.”

“Thou mayest have heard of me by another name,” Luna replied.

The pink alicorn’s eyes lit with recognition. “Ah! I understand.” Cadance then looked at Big Mac. “And I guess that this must be my uncle?”

Big Mac chuckled. “Nope.”

Celestia said, “This is Prince Macintosh Apple who was one of the heroes of tonight’s events.”

“Not a prince,” Big Mac responded with a shake of his head.

“Oo-kay. I think that there’s a story here.”

“There is quite a long one, but it can be told over breakfast. I’m sure that everyone could do with some food and drink right now before you return home.” Celestia headed for the door and the others fell in behind.

“That’s mighty kind of you,” Applejack said, “but me an’ Big Mac need to get back to Sweet Apple Acres. Farm work don’t wait for no pony.”

Celestia nodded. “I understand, but first, I require a report on all the events that transpired last night. I will arrange for swift transport to take you all back to Ponyville once that’s done. However, I warn you that your lives have been forever changed. From now on, you will all be taking a greater role in the fate of our nation, especially the six new Element Bearers.”

“You mean we’re not finished with this bling?” Gilda asked.

“You bear Equestria’s greatest defense against unusual threats. They have been lost to us for far too long. They cannot be wielded by just anyone. You are their bearers now and that will admittedly be a great burden at times.”

A cream-coated unicorn mare with a brown mane and tail fell into step beside Celestia. “What is the situation, Your Highness?” she asked.

“Ah, Ms. Inkwell. I’m happy to say that, while there are many changes in the wind, you can reassure everypony that normality has been restored for now. I will release a statement on the incident later today when I have a full debriefing on the events.”

“And the sealed envelope that you left with me?”

“You may destroy that. It won’t be needed.”

“I will get right onto those tasks,” the unicorn said as she made a note on the clipboard she was holding in her magic.

“Thank you, Raven.”

As Raven left, Luna said, “Didst thou make plans in the event that the Nightmare was not defeated?”

Celestia nodded. “While I was reasonably confident of success, I am far from omniscient. Recent events have only reinforced that fact. I had to ensure that contingency plans were left in trusted hooves.”

The solar alicorn led them all into a dining hall where she encouraged everyone to take a seat. Several servants immediately flooded in to take orders for food and drink. Applejack caused a minor scene when she learned Sweet Apple Acres cider was not on the menu. After the staff left in a hurry to fulfill those orders and escape the earth pony’s wrath, Celestia called for attention.

“While we are waiting for our meals, I suggest that we begin the debriefing. Who would like to start?”

“I suppose I’d better,” Big Mac said.

“Just a moment.” Twilight Sparkle held up a hoof until she had placed a scroll, an ink well, and a half-dozen quills on the table, all surrounded by the glow of her magic. “I think we’re ready.”

Everyone noticed the quill dutifully writing down her words. She squinted at the page for a moment, lowered her hoof, then nodded to the stallion.

The new alicorn related the sequence of events while the others occasionally interjected with relevant details. Penumbra filled in the parts where the group was separated, although there was not much to add. Twilight Sparkle and her new friends described their adventure and, judging by the impediments that were thrown their way, it was believed that at least they had served to distract Nightmare Moon somewhat, allowing Big Mac’s group to get further without detection.

After the meal and the debriefing were finally done, Celestia informed them that she would arrange an air carriage to fly them rapidly back to Ponyville. “I will be contacting all of you over the next several days to inform you of changes that will be happening. Thank you, my little ponies, and you too, Gilda, Irwin, and Zecora. Captain Penumbra – for the moment at least, I wish you to keep in close proximity with the other Element Bearers until Luna and I decide on a permanent arrangement.” Her horn glowed and a couple of small metal badges popped into being. “You will be needing these when you report to the Ponyville garrison as its temporary commander.”

Penumbra recognized the insignia of a Captain of the Guard as Luna’s magic secured them to her armor. Somehow seeing them made her promotion so much more real. “Thank you, Your Highnesses.”

Luna said, “Now, pray pardon us as we take our leave – my sister and I have much to discuss.”

“Me too,” Cadance said with determination.

The three alicorn mares departed.

“Why did it have to be by air?” Big Mac lamented.

“Get used to it, big guy,” Gilda said with a grin. “You’ve got wings now.”

“Don’t know how to fly.”

“I’ll teach you if you want,” the griffon replied.

“Not sure I wanna.”

“Flying’s the greatest thing ever. I’m gonna bet that you’ll get the urge to fly soon. Every griffon and every pegasus does.”

“If you say so,” the stallion replied morosely.

“I know so!” Rainbow Dash enthusiastically declared.

“Cheer up, Prince Mac,” Gilda said with a grin.

“Nope. Still don’t wanna be a prince.”

“Trixie believes that you will change your mind. But you’ll do it your way, not theirs. Trixie learned long ago to be true to herself, and so should you. But the you that you are now is not the same one that Trixie spoke to when she saw you yesterday. Great things are in your future. Trixie is only sad that she did not become a princess too. She would have been even more Amazing!”

Zecora said, “Trixie’s confidence in you is great, it’s true, but I can say that we all believe in you.”

“I’ve seen the kind of pony you are when all the bits are on the table. I would willingly swear fealty to you,” Penumbra added.

Irwin listened to something that Fluttershy was whispering to him, then looked at Big Mac. “Fluttershy thinks you would make a lovely prince. Her words, but I agree in principle. Equestria could use some male leadership.”

Twilight said, “Logically, Irwin is correct. Alicorns have always been seen as the natural leaders of Equestria, and if Harmony has chosen to give us a male one, then that is his destiny.”

Applejack frowned. “Now hold on just a minute! If mah brother don’t want to be a prince, y’all shouldn’t be pushing him so hard to be one!”

“Darling, I don’t believe any of us are doing that,” Rarity said. “We are merely affirming our belief in him and our faith in Harmony’s choice. But, on a personal level, I believe Big Mac… no, Macintosh Apple would make a fine prince. And I do hope you will see me for your coronation garments if you do make that choice, dear.”

“And I’ll throw you the biggest coronation party ever!” Pinkie Pie declared.

“I’m doomed,” the stallion groaned and dropped his head to the table with a thud, hitting his new horn too. “Ow.”

Twilight said, “You have to be careful of your horn. They’re quite sensitive.”

“I noticed,” the new alicorn replied.

“I would be happy to give you lessons on how to use it.”

“Ah thought you said you were headin’ back to Canterlot straight after the festival?” Applejack queried.

Twilight smiled and shrugged. “I seem to have found five reasons to stay. I would need somewhere to reside though. I can’t stay at the inn indefinitely.”

“I would be happy to offer you my spare room, darling,” Rarity offered.

“Thanks, Rarity. I would appreciate that.”

A pegasus entered the room just then. “I have a carriage waiting for everyone who wishes to return to Ponyville. Would that be all of you?”

“Yessiree, that’s us!” Applejack replied.

The pegasus said, “Please follow me.”

Everyone got up and trooped after him.

Big Mac was surprised to discover that traveling by air was not the slightest bit disturbing once they had launched. The fact that he enjoyed the trip made him wonder what other changes had happened to him besides the obvious physical ones. Of course, it was the latter that caused a great stir when they all disembarked in the middle of Ponyville. He quickly gained an entourage as he headed in the direction of Sweet Apple Acres. While there were lots of murmured conversations between those ponies, none dared to talk to him. Big Mac supposed he would feel just as stunned if Applejack had suddenly become an alicorn.

Pinkie departed for Sugarcube Corner but not before promising to throw the six a “We Defeated the Nightmare” party. Trixie headed to where her caravan was parked, eager to reunite with her husband and foal. Rainbow Dash was not so keen on having to get back to her weather control job but did so after promising to drop in on her new friends later. Rarity and Twilight made their farewells as the fashionista took her houseguest to her home at Carousel Boutique. The rest were all walking in the same general direction and remained grouped together as they passed through town to the outskirts where the Royal Guard garrison was located.

While several paused at the post, curious to see the reaction of the Guards stationed there, Irwin and Fluttershy left for the pegasus’ cottage, accompanied by Zecora whose route home took her past the yellow pegasus’ domicile.

Penumbra put on her professional soldier’s frown and stepped inside. Gilda followed closely, not wanting to miss a moment of what would happen. The thestral was a little disturbed by the lack of someone posted at the door but chose to put it down to a large portion of the Ponyville contingent being out of action due to injuries incurred fighting Nightmare Moon. There was a pony behind the duty officer’s desk though and Penumbra was secretly pleased that it was her nemesis, Sergeant Overshoot. The surly pegasus was bandaged but apparently not so injured that it put him out of action. However, he certainly was not on the ball because he did not even look up when the two approached.

“What do you want?” Overshoot asked while still focused on the papers on his desk.

“ATTENTION!” the thestral commanded in her best parade ground voice.

Overshoot almost fell off his chair trying to come to stand and salute before he realized who had barked the command. His face grew red and the cords of his neck stood out as his blood boiled. “Who the buck do you think you are, batbrain?! You go AWOL and come back thinking you can waltz in here pretending you’re hot horseapples! You’re going to be busted back to Private Last Class after I’m done with you! Until then, you can start on latrine duty!”

Penumbra was not the least surprised at Overshoot’s reaction and calmly waited for the opportunity to speak. “That won’t be happening, Sergeant. I am here to take over command of this garrison until my new permanent assignment begins. You may address me as Captain Penumbra. I’m still waiting for your salute.” She tilted her head toward the new Captain’s insignia to bring home her point.

Overshoot’s eyes bulged at the sight of the shiny new rank pins before his expression grew even more thunderous. “I don’t know where you got those fakes from, but you’re going to the stockade for impersonating an officer. Guards! Arrest this batpony!” he yelled back into the barracks.

“I wouldn’t try that if I was you,” Gilda said with a smirk, enjoying the show. “Penny is telling the truth.”

“Nobody asked you, catbird. Get out of here before I have you hauled away too.”

Several Royal Guards had responded to Overshoot’s order, but they hesitated when they saw Gilda pointing a talon at the rank insignia on the stern thestral’s armor.

Penumbra said, “By order of Her Highness, Princess Celestia, I am taking command of this post until further notice. Sergeant, I have been patient with you due to the extraordinary circumstances of my promotion, but if you persist, I will have you arrested for insubordination.”

“Why should I believe anything a pony of your kind should say?” he spat.

“Perhaps you will believe me?” came a voice from the doorway.

Overshoot looked toward the newcomer. “Oh, like I would listen to an overgrown hayseed like yoooo….”

His voice trailed off as his jaw dropped and his eyes grew large as saucers. He, like every other Guard, stared at Big Mac who had unconsciously flared his wings in agitation. The Element in his crown glowed for a moment and somepony murmured in the deafening silence, “An alicorn stallion!”

That broke the spell and every soldier bowed toward Big Mac.

“A-apologies, m-my P-prince,” stammered Overshoot.

Big Mac decided that this was not the time to deny his royalty. “Penumbra was promoted to Captain of the Night Guard for her services to Equestria, including helping defeat Nightmare Moon and restoring Princess Celestia’s sister, Princess Luna. I suggest you stop digging your own grave, Sergeant.” The alicorn turned to leave, having said his piece, but paused. “And I’ll have a word to Her Highness about how you treat civilians.” Big Mac stepped out of the building, smugly satisfied at having a dig at the annoying pegasus.

A very nervous Overshoot turned back to Penumbra and snapped a belated salute. “Your orders, Ma’am?”

“You’re not out of hot water yet, Private Overshoot. As Prince Macintosh said, your attitude is in severe need of adjustment. You can start with that latrine duty that you felt needed attention right after you fill me in on the status of this garrison.”

“Yes, Ma’am,” the demoted stallion replied surlily.

“Oh, and Overshoot?” The thestrals showed all of her fangs. “You’re going to love the new recruits.”

“What new … uh … Yes, Ma’am.”

Gilda said, “Well, that was fun, but I’ll be going now. I reckon that you’re going to be busy for a while, Penny.”

The thestral smiled crookedly. “You’re probably right, Gilda. Don’t be a stranger, okay?”

“As if!” the griffon said with a chuckle before she gave the thestral a hoofbump and joined Big Mac and Applejack outside. “Thanks for waiting. Got a favor to ask. I have no desire to go back to Griffonstone. I’d pretty much decided that my life was at a dead-end there already before all this crap went down. Anyway, I need a place to crash for a while. Mind if I stay in your barn for a little longer?”

Big Mac shook his head. “No friend of mine is making her home in our barn. You saved my life last night, Gilda. You can stay in our guest room for as long as you need. Right, Applejack?”

“Darn tootin’!” she replied. “Never had a griffon houseguest before, but Ah reckon yer one of the family after what ya done.”

Gilda blushed, not used to the unstinting friendliness. “Thanks. If I can help out in any way…?”

Applejack hummed thoughtfully as she and her brother turned to head up the road toward Sweet Apple Acres. “Anything ya good at?”

“She’s a baker,” Big Mac pointed out.

“Yeah? Ma reckons she could use some help with her baked goods business. Ah’m sure she’d appreciate a helping hoof. Or talon, Ah suppose.”

“She’s got it!” Gilda declared, relieved that she had a place to call home for a while at least. And as she followed behind the two ponies, she let her eyes rove over the handsome stallion that had captivated her since she first laid eyes on him. “Maybe a few personal flying lessons too,” she murmured to herself.

Applejack and Big Mac got quite a reception when they arrived at Sweet Apple Acres. When both of their eldest children failed to return from the aborted Summer Sun Celebration, Pear Butter and Bright Mac had feared the worst. Their relief at seeing Applejack and Macintosh walking in the gate almost made them overlook the stallion’s new appendages. Almost.

Pear Butter was about to start giving them the scolding of a lifetime for disappearing without warning when her words froze in her throat. She blinked and gaped for a long moment while Big Mac waited for his mother to recover and Gilda had to choke back laughter at the sight.

“Bright Mac, honey – are you seeing what I’m seeing?” Pear asked.

“If’n you’re seeing an alicorn that looks like our son, then yep.”

The mare shook herself and frowned. “Macintosh Apple – just what have you gotten yourself into?!”

“Long story, Ma. And we have a guest,” Big Mac replied, indicating Gilda with a forehoof.

Pear looked at the griffon and raised an eyebrow. Gilda tried out her most ingratiating smile and it seemed to work. Pear sighed and tilted her head toward the house. “Come on in. We were about to have a meal. Don’t know which one to call it since time has been thrown for a loop by the extra long night, but we’re hungry. You can tell us all about…” She waved a hoof in the general direction of the new horn and wings. “… these while we’re eating.”

They trooped inside and Big Mac had to deal with a very excited little sister before he could sit down with his parents at the dining table. With Apple Bloom hanging on every word, he, Applejack, and Gilda related the tale of their adventures to Pear Butter, Bright Mac, and a strangely blasé Granny Smith.

“… and then we headed home,” Big Mac concluded. “Now, I know everypony keeps calling me a prince, but don’t you worry none – I have no intention of abandoning my obligations right here.”

“Now just hold on a minute!” Granny Smith piped up. “Harmony done gave you those wings and horn for a reason, but it don’t mean you haveta sit on a fancy throne up in Canterlot. Seems to me you just started a new phase of life and you can do a lot more than plow fields and buck apples. If that there Element of Harmony means anythin’, then you should be doin’ things for the betterment of Equestria. Mebbe as a Prince of Friendship or the like.”

Gilda was impressed. The ancient mare had appeared to be almost asleep for most of the conversation, but it was clear that she had not missed much, if anything.

“But you need me here!” Big Mac objected.

“What? Are you goin’ to drop what your doin’ overnight? Course not! You need to plan and work up to these things. Discuss with Celestia about how you think you can best help ponies now that you’re an alicorn. And don’t you worry none about the work here. Your cousin Caramel was talking about movin’ to Ponyville and he’ll take up the slack as you get busy elsewhere.”

The alicorn stallion’s ears drooped. “But I don’t want to be a prince.”

“Well, I don’t like muckin’ out the pig pen, but I got enough sense ta know that it’s gotta be done. You’ve got the crown to go with them wings and horn – better get used to it,” Granny said with a cackling laugh.

Gilda was liking the old mare more and more. The griffon had never met a pony with such a no-nonsense attitude. However, she felt Big Mac needed a boost right now after that. “Hey, Mac, no pony says you have to be officially coronated. Let the ponies have their comforting delusions while you just be your awesome friendly self. Let them call you Prince if that makes them happy. New appendages haven’t changed who you are inside, right?”

Big Mac gave her a crooked smile. “I suppose not.”

The griffon grinned. “I might suggest you take off that crown though. It spoils the desired outcome.”

The alicorn had forgotten about the headpiece with the Element of Harmony embedded in it until Granny Smith had mentioned it. It sat on his head so naturally that he had not noticed it for a long while. No wonder the Ponyville citizens had been so quietly respectful! He reached up and took it off his head and put it on the table. It wasn’t the fanciest thing, but its simple elegant design suited the stallion. For better or worse, it was his.

Bright Mac said, “Well, it seems we all will have to deal with some adjustments over the coming months, but I think Granny is right. You have a bright new destiny, son, and your mother and I will do our best to support you.”

Pear Butter nodded. “But that can wait until tomorrow. You look tired and it’s best to start a new day after a healthy sleep with a rested body and a fresh mind.” She looked at Gilda. “And I welcome you as our guest. What you did for our son leaves us indebted to you.”

Gilda blushed. She was not used to getting so much praise and goodwill from everyone. “Like I told Mac and Applejack, I don’t want to be dead weight. I can help out with the baking if you want?”

“If that’s what you truly wish to do, dear, you can join me in the morning. But for now… Applejack, please take Ms. Gilda to her room and show her the facilities.”

“Sure thing, Ma,” Applejack replied, getting up from her chair.

“Thanks, Ms. Butter. Just call me Gilda though.”

“And you can call me Ma if you like,” the mare replied.

Gilda almost stumbled as she followed Applejack out of the room. Tears welled in her eyes, blurring her vision. After years of enduring griffon hostility and near non-existent friendships, the wholehearted acceptance by this family was filling her with an overwhelming amount of emotion.

“Pleasant dreams, you three!” Bright Mac called out as his son followed the two out of the room.

Applejack said, “Ma and Pa have really taken a shine to ya, Gilda. Our folks have good judgment about ponies, and Ah guess griffons too. So, if you’ve earned their respect, Ah reckon ya got yourself a home for as long as ya need.”

“Thanks, Applejack. I really mean it,” Gilda replied.

The mare chuckled. “From one compulsive truth-teller to another, Ah know.” Applejack took the griffon upstairs and pointed out the bathroom on the way to the guest room. “Make yourself comfy, and welcome to Sweet Apple Acres. Catch ya in the mornin’!” She yawned. “After we all get some much-needed shuteye.”

With nothing pushing her to keep going anymore, Gilda barely found the energy to use the bathroom before throwing herself on the bed and almost instantly falling asleep.

And despite his concerns about his future, Big Mac did not take long to join her in the dream realm.

Fluttershy was nearly overwhelmed by all her animals that had been neglected due to her unplanned absence. She was very glad that Irwin was more than willing to split her regular duties with her. Between the two, they quickly dealt with the needs of every one of the creatures. The pegasus noted that the minotaur seemed to have little difficulty in comprehending their needs, understanding them nearly at the level of Fluttershy herself. She was impressed but wondered how he had come so far so quickly. She did notice the gem on his collar glowing occasionally and speculated on whether that Element of Harmony was assisting him. Then she smiled to herself and shrugged. It did not matter – Irwin had brought his kindness and compassion, not the jewel. He gently introduced Blossom to each of the animals and they quickly accepted the baby timberwolf. The animals trusted Irwin and that gave her a warm feeling in her heart. She hoped he would consider staying for a while longer.

Irwin was flattered by the praise that Fluttershy gave him after the chores were completed. Whereas he had long felt like a stranger among his own kind for his pacific attitude, the pegasus mare made him feel completely at home, even if he had to sleep on the couch. The feeling of fitting in made it hard to even contemplate going back to his hometown. If he had not been so tired, he might have lain awake for a long time, contemplating his future. As it was, he was fast asleep within moments of his head hitting the pillow. The minotaur never even noticed when Blossom climbed on top of him, curled up, and went to sleep with her new guardian.

Trixie was delighted to hug Allura and shared a few kisses between her daughter and her husband.

“I wasn’t too worried about your absence,” Mark Wells professed. “I believe in your ability to make it through any problem.”

“You have always been Trixie’s greatest supporter and your belief in her makes her proud to be your wife. But it was the most perilous quest of Trixie’s life.” She gave Mark a brief summary of events, edited slightly for Allura’s ears. While their foal was still young, they had learned early that their daughter was rather precocious. “Trixie will give you further details at a more opportune moment. Meanwhile, your Amazing Wife desperately needs her beauty sleep.”

“Don’t worry,” Mark replied. “Your Great and Powerful Husband has everything under control. I’ve collected the balance of your appearance fee and finished packing up. We can leave for Appleloosa immediately after breakfast tomorrow if you want.”

The blue unicorn shook her head. “Trixie promised to stick around for another day while the princesses sort out some details with us. Mostly due to these, Trixie supposes.” She indicated the necklace that she had taken off in preparation for climbing into bed. “We have plenty of time to spare to make it to the Appleloosa rodeo for our next gig.”

“Suits me, dear. I’d like to visit some friends while we’re here.”

“Trixie has made some more good friends too. And then there’s Pinkie’s party.” She pulled the sheet over herself.

“How could I forget that! Have a good sleep, love.”

“Thanks, Dowser. Love you.”

Mark picked up their filly and placed her on his back. He whispered to her, “Come on, Allura. Let’s go to the Ponyville Spa and arrange a session for Mommy. We don’t want her all stinky from her adventures, do we?”

Allura giggled and Trixie muttered, “I heard that, Mudlark Smells!”

Zecora was happy to get back to her tree home. Despite her tiredness, she unpacked her saddlebags, methodically returned the contents to their proper locations, and made notes on what needed to be replaced. Only then did she consider climbing into bed. However, sleep did not come to her immediately. The events since the aborted Celebration played over her mind and she wondered what was bothering her. And then it struck her. She had made so many good friends and had become part of something greater. Her life had irreversibly changed and so had her needs. “It is plain to see – I’m feeling lonely.”

The zebra resolved to pay a visit to Irwin tomorrow. He had shown an interest in her potion-making. Perhaps she could encourage him to stay and become her apprentice? With that decided, Zecora was able to relax and drift off into slumber.

Penumbra was exhausted. She’d had a long shift before Celestia had been due to arrive at the Summer Sun Celebration, and there had been no respite since then. She had been awake for far too long and it was catching up to her very quickly now that all her immediate concerns had been dealt with. She appointed one of the more trustworthy among the squad members as the Officer-in-Charge and left her with some instructions before collapsing on the bed in the Ranking Officer’s Quarters. She went to sleep with smug thoughts of Overshoot scrubbing toilets for the next several hours.

The dream realm was always more vivid for thestrals, many of whom were dreamwalkers. Penumbra did not consider herself skilled in that talent, but this time it seemed more real to her than on any previous occasion. She stood in what appeared to be the throne room of what she imagined the Castle of the Two Sisters had once looked like. She wondered why before the sound of approaching hoofsteps drew her attention.

From a side passage, Princess Luna emerged and regally approached the thestral who bowed respectfully. “Prithee rise, Captain Penumbra. Welcome to my demesnes, my most faithful follower.”

“Thank you, Your Highness. May I ask why you have brought me here?”

“I have not had the opportunity to thank thee and thy friends personally for what you have done for me and my sister. This was the most expedient way for me to meet thee in private. I was most impressed by thy skill in battle and thy loyalty to the Thrones.”

“That was my duty, Princess. I would never let you nor Princess Celestia down.”

“Nevertheless, thy dedication was most exemplary.” Luna smile mischievously and leaned in close to the thestral. “And one other thing – I think thou art quite charming. If thou art willing, mayhap thou wouldst be interested in an assignation once our current responsibilities are resolved?”

Without waiting for an answer, Luna disappeared in a swirl of mist and sparkles, a girlish giggle echoing through the throne room.

Penumbra blinked and her jaw dropped. Did an alicorn princess just call her cute and ask her out on a date? Did Luna realize that Penumbra preferred mares? Was there any way in Equestria she was going to say no?

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Author's Note:

Art by Rated Ponystar.

A bit more to go. If you have been enjoying the story so far, please consider leaving me a tip.