• Published 4th Dec 2023
  • 190 Views, 68 Comments

Thomas and Friends: The Feast of Steven - The Blue EM2

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The Falmouth Festive Flyer

The railtour was prepped to get underway, but they had a lot of ground to cover. As a result, before the sun rose on the day of the journey, people were already arriving at the station and milling about on the platform whilst the final preparations were being made for the trip. Items were being loaded into the coaches- drinks, food, and other important commodities were being placed in the coach for the long trip.

Passengers were being sorted into two groups, and these were fairly simple. "Pullman and First Class passengers, please board the coaches on your right. Your coach number and seat is indicated in the ticket you received from the railway."

Several passengers shuffled over to the side of the platform, ready to board.

"Premium Standard class please board the coaches to your left."

Although there initially were some concerns about whether the quality would be comparable, passengers boarding Premium Standard soon found they were within nicely appointed stock, with plush seats and table lamps, and their own tables.

"If this is what standard is like," said one passenger, "imagine what Pullman must be like!"

One of her fellows pointed to the carriages on the other platform. "There's your answer."

A steam locomotive had been attached to them to prime the steam heating equipment, and Charles was attached to the other coaches when he heard Sophie being attached to the other end. "Why am I being attached here? And why is Sophie going in front?"

Zipp leaned out of the cab. "Because you have steam heating and Sophie doesn't. She's one of the ETH equipped examples, remember?"


"These Mk1s lack the required wiring for ETH."

"That seems like a bit of a design flaw."

"Besides, when we get to Wareham you'll be leading the train all the way to Falmouth."

For reference, Charles was attached at the back of the train, facing Swanage. As the mainline junction only had a single curve which lead towards Bournemouth, which was in the wrong direction to Falmouth, the train was instead being towed by Vulcan as far as Wareham, and then they would change direction. As Vulcan's steam heating pipes weren't working properly, this was why having Charles attached was so important.

Misty soon joined Zipp in the cab. "Hey Zipp! I'm looking forward to this!"

"So am I," Zipp replied, as she glanced around the cab. "All is looking good to go. Misty, I have a very important job for you."

"Yes?" Misty asked.

"I need you to monitor the steam heating system. If the steam heating system isn't supplying steam properly, let me know."

Misty nodded as she looked at the control panel. The system was already running. "How can Charles supply steam heat? He's a diesel!"

"Some Class 33s were fitted with steam heating boilers as the conversion process from steam to electric heating was still underway when they were introduced. This, incidentally, is part of the reason why the position of fireman was maintained- as you can probably see I can't really operate the controls and drive at the same time."

Just then, the guard blew his whistle and waved his green flag. "RIGHT AWAY!"

With that, Vulcan and Sophie thundered into life, drawing their portion out of the platform and stopping at the station approaches. They then reversed onto the other portion and attached to it, a member of platform crew connecting up the steam heating and brake pipes before setting the coupler.

Zipp glanced down to a panel in Charles' cab. "Steam heating is on, central door locking is active, lights are on. All safety checks complete, we are good to go!"

At last, as the snow continued to fall, they could get going, and away they went!

The Purbeck Line rolled away beneath them wonderfully, and the falling snow certainly made for a wonderful sight as they rattled along the line. The passengers relaxed and watched the Dorset countryside rumble by, enjoying a hot beverage and a complimentary pastry as they rumbled along the track.

At last they rolled through the junction and rumbled along the line to Wareham before stopping in the platform. Here, Vulcan was detached and moved to a siding, ready for when they returned. "Good luck!" he called.

Pipp switched cabs in Sophie, as she needed to be able to use the radio to communicate with Zipp. She'd also installed a special something inside the other cab.

Once an express for Weymouth had passed, it was time to go. Zipp opened the throttle and Charles' engine roared into life, the sound of twin Crompton engines filling the skies as they got underway along the line. Before long, they were gliding along the line at great speed, the scenery moving at speed.

Zipp was quick to pick up the radio. "Good morning, passengers. This is your driver, Zipp Storm, speaking. On behalf of the train crew I would like to thank you aboard the Falmouth Festive Flyer today. We are currently running at our maximum permitted speed of 75 miles per hour, and the time is currently just past seven in the morning. We have a booked arrival time of around 10 in the morning, with an estimated journey time of two hours twenty four minutes. This train doesn't have seatbelts, but I ask you remain seated in your seats as your stewards are about to begin a drinks service." She smiled. "And now a word from a member of our train crew, Pipp Petals."

"Zipp!" protested a voice. "I'm the train manager! I do the announcements!"

"It's the train driver who does the announcements," Zipp replied. "And as I am driving, I do the announcements. Simple as."

Pipp then spoke up. "Hello everybody! As Zipp said earlier I'm Pipp Petals. I'll be serving as your entertainment coordinator today. I suggest we start with a festive singalong. You'll have noticed we've placed festive music books in the seats, so please turn to Number 26 to begin."

Zipp was listening on the radio the whole time. Before long the train manager got into contact. "Pipp, we're going to have to stop. They're singing it to different melodies."

"How? There's only one melody for Away in a Manger!"

"Some of our passengers are American."

"Oh. I hadn't considered that possibility."

Zipp popped her receiver away. "Some things never change."

A few hours later the train pulled into Falmouth, and the passengers disembarked to head to the market. Pipp and Zipp, on the other hand, met up with their friends. "Shall we go?" Sunny asked.

"Go where?" Pipp asked, adjusting her winter hat.

Izzy coughed. "It's that time in the story where we have a song!" She then began to sing.

"Over the hilltops and through the woods/
To Grandma's tree we go!
It's the best day!

Zipp, Hitch, Pipp, and Izzy then sang an extended chord (added seventh, for any musicians reading).

Pipp and Zipp then took over vocal responsibilities. "Over the mountains and through the clouds/

Before they all joined in collectively as Hitch led them down the path to his grandmother's home. "To Grandma's tree we go!"

"Children play!" Pipp chimed in.

Before her sister joined in again. "Make snowmen all day!"

"Through peppermint candy snow!


"Somehow these aren't the most profound of lyrics," Misty said quietly.

Pipp was once again on vocal responsibilities. "When we get closer to Grandmare's house/"

Before Sunny suddenly chimed in. "The pretty lights let us know!"

The pair then switched to dueting. "And soon we'll see!"

And then the entire gang together, as they small community in which Figgy lived hoved into view.

"A special person/
Through her icing-frosted windows!


"Ohhh, ahhh/

"Now that we're here at Grandma's house/
We never wanna go!"

"'Cause we're warm as can be!" Pipp chimed in.

Before the entire team finished together. "With friends and family/
Dancing, cheering/
Singing songs we know!

(Singing all the songs we know)

(Singing all the songs we know)


As they stopped outside the door, Hitch turned to face his friends. "Grandma Figgy is very particular about things being done a certain way, so please keep that in mind." He knocked on the door.

Sure enough, the door opened. "Ah!" Grandma Figgy beamed. "Hitch! It's so lovely to see you and your friends. Come in! I've already gotten drinks ready for all of you."

Safe to say, they had a wonderful time at Grandma Figgy's house. The fire roared with warmth, and the snow made a beautiful backdrop. Even if Hitch's statement about things being done a certain way wasn't quite accurate, they still had a great time.

Even the story of Snowfall Frost the Christmas hater wasn't enough to dampen their spirits. Eventually, Pipp and Zipp had to leave, as did Misty, as they had to work the return train to Swanage, but the friends knew they would see each other again in Bury the very next day.

Author's Note:

Welcome to our first railtour of the lot! This journey is based on Christmas Market trains which run regularly at this time of year. Usually operated with steam power, sometimes diesels are used to keep up schedules (and let's face it, most people on these sorts of trains probably don't care). They often have a dining option as well, which is saved for the return run.

The song joke is based on a real difference between Christmas carols on either side of the pond; British and American people do sing some to different melodies. It's a curious phenomenon.

To Grandmare's House we Go is based on the much older song To Grandmother's House we Go. As the lyrics from the special wouldn't work with a human setting, they have been further adapted to the setting. On the topic of Grandma, Figgy is voiced by Ellen-Ray Hennessey-one of only two VAs to return from Friendship is Magic (the other is Tara Strong).

And tomorrow, we make our first visit to Bury since the very first story in this series!