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Triple Studios

"If there's a book that you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it." --Toni Morrison


The first discovery was made in the spring from nineteen-eighty. From a mine in South America came a piece of amber, containing the fossilized remains of a prehistoric mosquito. The insect, that was frozen in its death throes, had been there for millennia and was managed to be preserved in good condition after sixty-five million years.

Biologists studied it, dissected it to pieces, and extracted blood samples from it. It then became possible to deduce how many millions of years old the insect was and what it carried within it. They discovered that this particular Mosquito had fed on the blood of ancient creatures that had been extinct for eons: the dinosaurs. From the dna of said blood, scientists were able to recreate those giants, and for the first time man, pony, and dinosaur shared the earth.

And it happened in a place called, Jurassic Park.

Featured: 3/29/2023

An MLP/Jurassic Park Novel Crossover

Inspired by Micheal Crichton’s novel - Jurassic Park & The Lost Ponies: Jurassic Park

Cover Art by - JetXPegasus
Graphic Design and Typography by JetXPegasus

A/N (Please read!) - Hello! This is my first attempt at writing a suspenseful and thrilling story. I've been working on this on-and-off until I’ve finished all chapters for this story and published it for all to see.

This is a crossover with Jurassic Park. This is a ying and yang type of story; pure balance between from both novel and canon film - the story is dated in 1989 (so Novel canon) with a bunch of events that occur in the novel.

The characters in the story all feature in the novel. Imagined Laura Derm as Ellie Sattler when writing this, Sam Neill as Alan Grant, and most importantly, Jeff Goldblum as Ian Malcolm (Let’s be honest though, Jeff Goldblum is the one true Ian Malcolm!)

Time and place of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. The story takes place after season two - ten days after the Canterlot Wedding.

Spoiler Warning To all readers! If you haven’t read the Jurassic Park Novel, don’t read this!

Chapters (19)
Comments ( 54 )

Huh, that's weird. Did you take the story down yourself?


Just simply updated the chapters with art typography, in case you haven’t notice.

Given the time it's placed in Twilight's statement of many other skeletons is false. In 1989 less then 10 Tyrannosaurus skeletons had been discoverd in total and none of them were complete.

The depictions of Isla Nublar on maps are actually images of La Palma. They did put the volcano in the wrong place in Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom though.

I'm curious to see where this goes.

Lex remained quiet, as a sense of warmth enveloped her heart. The manner in which she gazed at her with those leaf green eyes, brimming with authentic sincerity, was akin to a beautiful symphony. It reminded her so much of her grandma. Her grandma, her green eyes.

The seed has been planted. I can tell when things hit the fan, Lex would probably retreat to Applejack for comfort and security.

Celebrating 30 years of Jurassic Park

“They’re so adorable,” Fluttershy cooed.

The five little dinosaurs settled their focus on the yellow Pegasus, cooing and clawing at the air in front of her. She moved her snout closer to them.

“Hello, little ones. My name’s Fluttershy.”

To Fluttershy’s surprise, and to the shock of everyone else present, even the scientist and nurse, the baby dinosaurs leaned down and purred. Softly nuzzling her soft fur.

Why'd you have to make this so cute...?

Really? What about Sue? Or was she discovered after that time?

The Lost Ponies: Jurassic Park

Which one of your stories is that one?

I wonder how long it takes for everything to go wrong because of Nedry.

According to wikipedia Sue was found in 1990 and was the 8th Tyrannosaurus rex fossil to be found.


I don’t have a story with that tittle. It was written by someone else.

As she regulated her breathing, she failed to perceive any motion within the thick underbrush. The gentle purring that accompanied the movement went unnoticed, as did the fleeting glimpse of a svelte figure brushing against the foliage, stealthily pursuing the woman.

Regrettably, she did not discern the presence of the creature that was in pursuit of her.

Oh no. :rainbowderp:

Nice to see Bobbie is going to be with us for a while longer! That was a close call!

Those words sent a chill down her spine; what could possibly be worse than the creatures that attacked her?

Oh boy… :twilightsheepish:


Indeed it was! I was afraid she would be tackled by one of those deinonychus. And if she think they’re scary, wait until she encounters the velociraptors!

It's kind of weird Ellie is said to have a relationship with Alan here, since in the novel they did not have a relationship at all, since she was Grant's student and she was engaged to someone else.


Well, I wanna keep this in mind that this is a balance between the novel and the movie. But despite that, I’m keeping each chapter faithful to the novel.

“Wait, Dr. Malcolm. What are you trying to say?” Twilight questioned, glancing up at him

Malcolm glanced over his shoulder and stared at the fence from afar. “I’m saying: have they learned, somewhere along the line, that humans are easy to kill?”

This is already a calm before the storm… :rainbowderp:

The response of the baby Velociraptors to Fluttershy was to be expected. Malcolm apparently hasn't been told yet that the Velociraptors are responsible for the deaths of personel at the island.

Nerdy glanced at Andrei. “Looks like a lizard.”


“But they’re not real now,” Wu said. “That’s what I’m trying to tell you. There isn’t any reality here.” He shrugged helplessly. He could see he wasn’t getting through. Hammond had never been interested in technical details, and the essence of the argument was technical. How could he explain to Hammond about the reality of DNA dropouts, the patches, the gaps in the sequence that Wu had been obliged to fill in, making the best guesses he could, but still, making guesses. The DNA of the dinosaurs was like old photographs that had been retouched, basically the same as the original but in some places repaired and clarified, and as a result—”

“Now, Henry,” Hammond said, putting his arm around Wu’s shoulder. “If you don’t mind my saying so, I think you’re getting cold feet. You’ve been working very hard for a long time, and you’ve done a hell of a job—a hell of a job—and it’s finally time to reveal to some people what you’ve done. It’s natural to be a little nervous. To have some doubts. But I am convinced, Henry, that the world will be entirely satisfied. Entirely satisfied.”


“Indeed, and I’m quite fond of them if I do say so myself. But I’m getting off track. For now you can spend your time with both the experts and the ambassadors and see all the dinosaurs we have here, on the condition that once you leave this island you keep everything you see here to yourself. My park is not quite ready yet and I planned to get it ready when the time is ripe. So if you can be so kind as to not tell anyone of what you saw here, I would humbly appreciate it.”

I doubt she would tell anyone of what she saw. Even if she did, no one would believe her.

Lex and Tim exchange knowing glances. Fluttershy had her hoof over her mouth, appalled by the profanity. Applejack glared at the radio and Carter was unamused.

Poor Fluttershy, I guess she doesn’t like hearing profanity just as much as Twilight.

“Why don’t they move?” Asked Lex. She rolled down her window. “Hey! Stupid dinosaur! Move!”

:facehoof: What the heck, Lex?

Twilight turned her head in time to see Gennaro wiping his forehead. He looked pale.

That’s another red flag of the calm before the storm… :fluttershyouch:

Well! Bobby is definitely in for the ride of her life!

“Notice, first of all, the remarkable plant life that surrounds you. Those trees to your left and right are called cycads, the prehistoric predecessors of palm trees. Cycads were a favorite food of the dinosaurs. You can also see bennettitaleans, and ginkgoes. The world of the dinosaur included more modern plants, such as pine and fir trees, and swamp cypresses. You will see these as well. The Land Cruiser moved slowly among the foliage. Tim noticed the fences and retaining walls were screened by greenery to heighten the illusion of moving through real jungle. We imagine the world of the dinosaurs,” Richard Kiley’s voice continued, “as a world of huge vegetarians, eating their way through the giant swampy forests of the Jurassic and Cretaceous world, a hundred million years ago. But most dinosaurs were not as large as people think. The smallest dinosaurs were no bigger than a house cat, and the average dinosaur was about as big as a pony. We are first going to visit one of these average-size animals, called hypsilophodonts. If you look to your left, you may catch a glimpse of them now.”

I noticed some quotation marks missing.
I suggest breaking this paragraph up.

Henry Wu's speech to Hammond about the dinosaurs not being real is similar to the one he gave to Masrani about the animals not being original because of the foreign DNA the use to plug the holes.

Lex really acting like Dudley at the zoo in the first Harry Potter movie when he's bored of the snake at that point.

Bravo por Andre, el personaje con más sentido común de todo el capítulo.
Pobre trabajador, a veces se necesita un segundo para morir.

Todavía me pregunto cómo es que no sumaron 2+2 cuando una empresa de ingeniería genética compra una isla, decenas de ordenadores genéticos y se adueñan de tanta información sobre dinosaurios.

Awesome story so far can’t wait for it’s return!:rainbowkiss:

Unbeknownst to the group, a large predator, hidden within the trees, was watching them.

Oh no… I think we all know what their next stop will be. O_O

AJ you brave crazy bitch ....

Ah oh it’s about to go down down down…😬

Andre glanced over his shoulder and was shocked when he saw that the dinosaur was gone.

Guess Nedry’s surviving this one! However, I’m having a feeling he won’t escape death a second time. At least to me, of course.

She hoped that Twilight, Applejack, and the others were okay.

Oh if only she knew… :fluttershysad:

At first this fic seemed like it was almost a straight up reproduction of the novel's original text, just with the presence of ponies inserted. That said, between this and the last chapter, I can finally see events starting to go off the rails compared to the original plot which is making me anticipate future chapters a lot more now it's approaching the unknown. :)

A good start, I look forward to chopping through this when I have time.

I have a grim feeling that this John Hammond will be based on the novel's version. :twilightangry2:

I feel like the raptor should've died with him, but that's just me.

And my fears are confirmed: Novel Hammond...🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬

Did I miss something? When did their jet become a helicopter?

Also, Rarity would've torn Ian a new one is she heard his opinion on fashion.

She can probably take that thing in a fair fight.

Well, that was unexpected. I thought Andre was gonna end up leaving Nedry as bait.

Now I'm really looking forward to the next chapter.

I'm eager to see how you handle Twilight. Her magic may not be Alicorn level, but if she can lift an Ursa Minor in to the air, then it's possible she could hold off a T-Rex for a moment, and she can definitely toss a raptor around if they don't ambush her first.

Twilight leapt out of the foliage in a spring and sprinted towards Ed Regis and the dinosaur. Grant and the other’s shouts went deaf ears to the lavender unicorn. Her horn lit up, magic shrouding around it, and she teleported herself off from the road—standing beside the terrified Ed Regis. Before Regis could even react, Twilight teleported herself and him away from the snapping jaws of the juvenile. The pair reappeared before the group as Regis fell to his knees while Twilight had fallen on all fours, breathing heavily.

Wow, first Nedry and now Ed Regis. On one hand, it’s positive that they made it out alive. But on the other hand, I’m still getting that feeling neither of the two won’t escape death a second time.

So the coward lives to repent, does he? I'm sure Lex is gonna be pissed at him.

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