• Member Since 24th Jul, 2019
  • offline last seen 10 hours ago


Routine day with a dirt cheap brush, then a week goes by and it goes untouched. Then two, then three, then a month, and the rest of your life you beat yourself up. - Aesop Rock, "Rings"


Lightning Dust is back to (literally) bug her old rival. Dash debates between reaching for an olive branch or a flyswatter.

This is a sillier, more flippant fic compared to my usual sentimental stuff. Sometimes, you just need to pen a scene where a couple of characters are complete goobers to one another and only sneak the sentimentality in at the end.

This is an entry in the Snippet Series, an anthology of old oneshots that I (and my good buddy Str8aura) wrote based around interesting pics I found. New ones will be posted every other Thursday for the foreseeable future.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 32 )

I want more of this. Somehow heartbreaking, hilarious, and adorable at the same time.

Oh no she become something worse then a changeling she become another zephyr breeze

"You okay, Dash? I can taste emotions ya know, and you're introspecting, like, super hard right now. No need to think too hard about this. It's just food."

Wow. I never thought it would be possible for someone who could literally smell emotions to be that obtuse, but here we are.

"I reject my equinity, Rainbow!!"


I met some sort of nature spirit with moose antlers that whispered prophecies of a magic-less Equestria where the three tribes have broken apart

I can’t blame that spirit for trying. Or for not knowing that its chosen messenger is a walking disaster.

The Great And Powerful Trixie is my personal guru.

Never a sentence that inspires confidence.

Brilliant work of tragicomedy. There are few things sadder than a pony without any kind of community and support. Especially one who decided that the only way to improve herself was to dissolve her skeleton. (Also, no one tell Ocellus about this. I can’t imagine she’ll take the news well.)

Thank you for a pathetically goofy tale, which I mean in the best way.

This tale is something with good potential.

This was very good. I very much like this dynamic. Lightning Dust is a character I feel should have gotten a proper redemption arc. Trixie did, so why shouldn't Dust? A shame, I tell you.

Poor lightning dust. Gal hit rock bottom.

Oh my fucking god. I instantly recognized this premise as soon as I read it. Turning one-off riffs into stories so well, one would think you were a greentexter. Kudos. Can never have enough changeling slime.

At least one good thing came out of my embarrassing reddit comment text rp phase. Euughh.

Your history as incidental Snippet Series co-author goes back a long way. I'm not as slick with funny dialogue as you are, hence this fic reading like a verbose mimicry of your trademark banter between Lyra and Bon Bon. Still, this story had just enough Str8aura spice to make it stand out.

Two years on the backburner of my brain didn't tarnish this fic one bit. Lightning Dust's buffoonery is timeless, as is the Reddit source material.

Is that a motherfucking JoJo's reference™️

The entire story is just "Oh...oh no sweetie noooooooo, no that is not how you fix that."

"Well that's disappointing," Rainbow Dash sighed. "Was kinda hoping you'd fall through my floor and keep going til you hit the earth."

Hit her again

Why did I have a feeling Dust has become less intolerable as a changeling?

I certainly won't mind a follow up to this fic!

I feel for Lightning's situation. I hope no one spiked any liquid with poison joke cure, that'll be a sad day

"...and the Royal Guard wouldn't take me because I wasn't attentive enough. Or something. I'm not a hundred percent sure, since I zoned out during their boring initiation seminar."

...Makes sense.

"I don't have to come down, because I don't answer to you, pony. I'm an apex predator now! Only the decree of a Changeling Queen can beckon me! And even that probably wouldn't work because I don't know how to disengage my sticky pads."

Chrysalis: "Besides, I would probably order her to annoy Rainbow even more!"

Her long-awaited return to her rival's life wasn't proceeding at the pace she wanted. Not least of all because she was competing for attention with a spoon. And losing, by the sound of things.

Lighting: "Curse you, spoon!"

"The first thing I did was track down that little ladybug changeling who goes to Twilight's School. Then I bribed her with a Bit to bite my wing."

Ocellus: "I tried telling her it doesn't work like that. But hey, it's free bits! Even if it's kinda awkward. Couldn't she at least went to a private location first?"

"Since uh... since I don't have a home right now, maybe I could crash with you? I'd totally earn my keep, since once I get the hang of shapeshifting I could, like, guise as you and go to boring press conferences you don't feel like getting out of bed for."

Or fan conventions. She might drown in love, which would make her both happy and angry.

Good story!
I enjoyed reading it.

And now I imagine what would have happened if Lightning dust would have turned into a bat pony instead.
She would spend the day asleep only to EEEEEE all night, preferably in Rainbow's bedroom.

I really love species swap and Lightning Dust, and the part where Lightning Dust gets bitten over and over again in front of a crowd made me snort. Very wholesome and funny!

Dash: ERMAHGERD!! CHERNGELERNG!! (sprays Dust with Alondro Brand Bug Spray!) :trollestia:

"I don't have to come down, because I don't answer to you, pony. I'm an apex predator now! Only the decree of a Changeling Queen can beckon me! And even that probably wouldn't work because I don't know how to disengage my sticky pads."

To demonstrate, Lightning Dust pushed her forelegs back onto the ceiling, freeing her hinds with a grub-like grunt. This didn't accomplish much, since her fronts were stuck now, leaving her dangling like a monkey. An annoying, insectoid monkey.

Looks like Lightning Dust's new form still has some bugs she needs to work out.


...I shall see myself out.

Changeling Lightning Dust is the gift I didn't know I needed. This is brilliant. ^^

I don't even know. This was great. I don't know why. I just know it was great. I wanted to give her a hug. Also, an antidote to poison joke before she dies.

This was awesome and I almost didn't read it. But it was so cute and I can only hope we can get some more from this. Yay not thinking about the consequences

Dash is a remarkably patient mare vis a vis breakfast interruption.

She can smell the emotion but can't quite discern why a pony would have such an emotion.

So she's basically a sentient polygraph then?

Except accurate.

I have no idea what you did to write such an amazing mix of comedy and tragedy, but it has amazing potential for a sequel. XD

"I reject my equinity, Rainbow!!"

"SHUT UP WITH THE JOJO REFERENCES! Please some of us dont need to be reminded it exists!"
LD: awwww but you like it dont you?
Me: ...fine a little

Oh she'd would be a great bat pony


Oh she'd would be a great bat pony

You mean like this?

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