• Published 11th Feb 2023
  • 810 Views, 22 Comments

Death, Sacrifice, and the man in blue - MrTyrannousaurusX

After a day out in the trailer goes horribly arwy, Levi Cronell and his honorary brother Alan Sizemore end up in Equestria after not seeing any for many moons. The two try to find each other through the chaos of this unknown world.

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Chapter 5: Kind soul

Beep…beep…beep…beep Levi’s heart monitor beeped rhythmically next to him as he laid on the hospital bed staring blankly at the ceiling, half-asleep from the morphine he was given for his surgery. Levi couldn’t tell how long he was laying there for but it felt like hours, in that time he couldn’t stop thinking about what Celestia had shown him back at the library. Even all the time he was thinking about it he couldn’t really understand what he was shown, that there’s a prophecy about him. Ever since the day he came out of the womb he was destined to come here. He thought about Alan and his death, whenever that happens to be, the thought wanted to make Levi cry. Levi was snapped out of his blank stare by a knock on the door, which was immediately followed by the door being opened and the doctor's voice said “He’s right in there Fluttershy.”

Levi’s eyes snapped to the door as he waited for his friend to walk in, “Thank you” He heard a soft voice say. Fluttershy emerged from the doorway, with her pink hair covering the left side of her face. As the door shut behind her with a click, she walked to the side of the bed and placed a hoof on his hand that was laid on his chest. “How’ve you been Levi?” she asked, softly.

“Hmmm..” He moaned, not being able to speak.

“That’s..good..whatever that means.” She replied, timidly. Levi smiled in response.

“Get me..” He struggled to say, “Get you what?” She asked, “Out of here..” He spoke.

“Oh-uhm, I don’t think I can do that.” She replied. She could see the disappointment in his barely open eyes.

“Ask…the doc…” He spoke.

“Levi I think you need to stay here for a little bit, you just had surgery.” Fluttershy pointed out.

“Time…what time?” Levi asked, taking pauses between his words.

“The time?” She looked up at the clock. “3 o’clock”

“Damn..” He muttered, surprised at how long he was there for.

“Can I get you anything?” She asked. He looked into her light blue eyes and replied “The fuck..outta here”

“Levi calm down, It’s just a hospital, there's nothing to worry about.” She responded, seeing the annoyance in his eyes.

“Spitfire..” He said. Fluttershy gave him a confused look, “Spitfire, get..Spitfire here.” He insisted.

“You want Spitfire? Like the Wonderbolts Captain Spitfire?” She asked, Levi barely nodded in response. “Why? How do you even know about her?” She asked, confused.

“I’ll tell you later…she can fly me somewhere..else.” Levi responded.

“Oh goodness,” She said, rubbing her forehead with her hoof. She caressed his hand and watched as Levi’s hand sank into his pillow, “I’ll see what I can do, okay?” She asked.

“Yeah..” He replied, his eyes shutting fully. She noticed this and whispered to herself “Poor thing..”

Levi heard this but didn’t have the energy to respond, and tell her not to worry about him and that he’ll be alright. All he had the energy to do was sleep off this drowsiness. As he heard the door click behind Fluttershy, he felt a sense of relaxation wash over him as he fell asleep.

About 2 hours later, Levi was awoken when the door to his room opened and the hallway light outside poured into his room and shone onto his eyelids. When he opened his eyes he was blinded by the hallway light, and as the light switch was flicked on he instinctively held his arm over his eyes and groaned.

“Fluttershy is that you?” Levi groaned, his voice low due to just waking up.

“I’m afraid not.” A voice answered, Levi immediately recognized the voice. He lowered his arm from his eyes and looked at her and the doctor next to her.

“What’s up Doc?” He asked.

“Well Princess Celestia here tells me you have somewhere to be, urgently.” The doctor answered.

“Well how would I get out? Like a wheelchair or somethin’” He asked, hoping that he could just walk out of there by himself, independently at the very least.

“Lucky for you that won’t be necessary,” He replied, as Levi cheered in his head the doctor reached into his coat pocket and pulled out 2 pill bottles and said “These are pain pills you’re gonna need to take, otherwise you’d be in too much pain to walk.”

Without a second thought, Levi responded “Sure. Hand ‘em over.” The doctor walked over to his bed and handed him the bottles. As the doctor was explaining when and how to take them, Levi carefully read the paper wrapped around the small orange bottle, he didn’t recognize any of the names on the bottle, he looked worriedly at the bottle and wondered to himself what kind of medicine these ponies had.

“Are you ready to go?” Celestial asked.

“Oh-yeah, let’s go.” Levi responded. Levi was shifting his legs to the side of the bed when he felt a hoof grab his ankle and stop him from moving, “You have to be more careful than that Mr.Cronell!” he interjected.

Levi gave him an annoyed look and retorted “How old do you think I am, 6? I can take care of mys-” he was interrupted by a yellow aura surrounding him and he felt the comfort of the bed leaving him as he was lifted off the bed. His eyes darted the room, looking for who could be doing this, and he looked and saw Princess Celestia with that familiar yellow aura glowing around her horn.

She used her magic to straighten his legs into a standing position, slowly to make sure she didn’t hurt him, and slowly lower him onto the ground. When he got on the ground, a huge uncontrollable grin spread across his face as he exclaimed “Woah! That was..weird.”

Celestia giggled. “That’s what most people say the first time that happens to them, you ready?” She asked, using her magic to hand Levi his blue shirt that was hung over the foot of the bed.

As he pushed his arms through his shirt sleeves, he answered “Yeah, let’s go”

Levi jammed the pills bottles into his jean pockets as he followed Celestia out of the door, amazed at how little pain he had and the fact that he could actually walk straight without staggering and stumbling. ‘I took walking for granted.’ He thought to himself, as he followed the Princess out of the hospital.

After the two left the hospital, Celestia and Levi walked a few feet outside of the hospital doors when she suddenly stopped. Before Levi could say anything to the Princess, her horn glowed the yellow aura he was beginning to grow familiar with and he saw a bright yellow flash.

“And…done!” A lilac colored unicorn exclaimed, sliding the last book onto her large blue bookshelf. “Finally rearranged!” She exclaimed proudly, looking at the bookshelf in pride at what she had done. For the past few hours, the lilac unicorn had been rearranging her bookshelf in alphabetical order which had been a long task considering how many books there were and how big the bookshelf was. “Gosh Twilight, how long did it take? An hour?” Her friend and companion, Spike, had asked her jokingly.

“An hour and a half” She corrected, smiling to herself at her accomplishment. “Now I just gotta do the rest!” She added enthusiastically, looking up to her second floor at the big bookshelves that looked down upon the first floor.

“Knock yourself out” Spike responded, walking over to the ladder that connected the first floor to the second and climbing it.

“Where are you going?” She asked as he was halfway up the ladder.

“To take a nap” He replied in a matter-of-fact tone.

“Ugh, you took one earlier!” She complained. When Spike got to the second floor, he looked down at her and grinned, saying “What can I say? Dragons need their beauty sleep”

“Alright then, make sure all your stuff is packed, okay? We have to leave at-” “12 PM sharp” He interjected. “It’s all packed Twilight, I’ll see you later” He said yawning, as he disappeared into the hallway of the second floor.

Twilight decided that she would start rearranging the second-floor bookshelves, considering Spike would be asleep it would be the perfect time. As she walked over to the ladder, she heard a knock on the door.

“Come in!” She called out to whoever was on the other side of the door. She heard her door open and close and footsteps approaching her. She noticed they didn’t sound like pony footsteps, considering they walked with four hooves it would sound like multiple pairs of hooves hitting the ground, but these footsteps sounded like one foot after the other.

When the person approached her, Twilight jumped in surprise and was startled to see the man standing there. “W-Who..who are you!” She exclaimed.

“Levi” The man answered, taking his hat off and fiddling with it in his hands, “Levi Cronell, Princess Celestia sent me”

“Oh my Celestia! You’re a human!” She exclaimed, her demeanor changing to one of panic to one of infatuation with Levi.

“Yes, I’m a human” He replied. She took a few steps closer to him and looked into his green eyes as he looked back into her purple ones.

“I..I’ve read about your kind in some of my books! You're so..fascinating!” She said, her head turning to her bookshelf. Her horn glowed a purple aura as a book came soaring through the air and right in front of Levi. “Look at this!” She said excitedly, using her magic to flip through the pages very quickly like something you’d see in a cartoon.

She suddenly stopped on an old looking page, on the top left read: “HUMAN” in bold black letters. Levi read and saw a male and female diagram with the human skeletal and organ system mapped and described. Levi was amazed that a unicorn had one of these, or that this unicorn knew about his kind at all, and this discovery prompted him to ask the unicorn something.

“Mind if I ask you something?” He asked.

“Go ahead!” She answered, closing the book with her magic blowing air into Levi’s face.

“If this book has me-humans-in it, then why is it that when I went to Ponyville everyone panicked?” He asked.

“You see this book is old, really old, so not that many ponies have it,” She explained, “And this specific version was made by a scientist here and I doubt any old pony in Ponyville would have it. He was the only scientist in Equestria who studied humans” She explained.

“Gotcha..” Said Levi as he placed his hat back on his head. “Listen, Celestia wants me to go to Ponyville with you. I know it seems weird that I just showed up out of nowhere and I have to stay with you for a while but-” “It’s not a problem” She interjected, “After all I have a lot of questions to ask you tomorrow”

“Awesome..” He replied, looking around. As Twilight carefully put the book back on the shelf, he asked her “Hey no offense but..where can I sleep? It’s gonna be dark soon” Levi asked.

“Oh of course! Up there at the door at the very end to your left is the guest bedroom” She answered, pointing up to the second floor with her hoof.

Levi thanked her and walked over to the ladder. As Twilight was walking away, Levi suddenly said “Hey Twilight,” “Yeah?” She responded, turning her head around to look at him.

“Why are you doing this? Showing me this kindness, I mean I’ve never met you before in my life?” Levi asked, not trying to sound ungrateful but inquiring.

“I mean..you’re a human, and Princess Celestia told you to stay here so I kinda have to.” She replied.

“Gotcha” He responded, grabbing one of the rungs of the ladder and climbing it.

“The kitchen is the first door when you get up there and the bathrooms at the end of the hall!” She called up to Levi.

“Got it!” He called back down to her, walking over to the third door. He noticed that the wood was not painted blue, the wood was blue, which fascinated Levi but also confused him. A lot of things in this new world confused him, so it was normal. He twisted the golden door knob and opened the door and was greeted by a room illuminated only by the afternoon light that shone through the window.

He reached his hand in and placed his hand on multiple spots along the wall next to the door frame, eventually finding a lightswitch and flicking it on, completely illuminating the room. Inside the guest room was a single one person bed, a nightstand with a lamp, and a window. He decided he was going to go find something to eat before he went to sleep, so he flicked off the light and closed the door and walked two doors down to the kitchen.

In the kitchen, he was greeted by a semi-dark room illuminated by the afternoon light shining through the window, similar to the guest room before the light was on. He turned on the light and walked over to the refrigerator against the wall.

Ever since he was in the hospital, Levi began to feel urges that were all too familiar. Levi realized that he never finished his beer when he was back at his apartment and he hadn’t had a beer all day. He hadn’t even thought about beer until he was at the hospital, because before that all he was thinking was trying to get somewhere safe.

Levi began rummaging through the refrigerator, hoping that there was a beer or some form of alcohol inside of it. Much to his dismay, all he found was wrapped up food and glass bottles full of milk and other drinks. “Dammit!” He muttered angrily, slamming his hand on the side of the refrigerator.

He closed it and desperately looked thoroughly through the cabinets and drawers in the kitchen, hoping and praying that a beer would suddenly appear in front of him and he could satisfy his urges.

Levi sighed out of annoyance, knowing good and well he couldn’t ask the person that was letting him stay at her home if she had any beer. He grabbed an apple out of one of the cabinets and took a bite as he turned the light off and left the room.

He made his way back to the guest room and walked inside, as the door closed shut behind him with a soft click he took a large bite out of the apple and put it on the nightstand. He unrolled his sleeves and unbuttoned his blue shirt, when he took it off he held it in his hands and examined it. There was a good sized dirt and grass sta22ndin right in the top of the back, right below the collar. There were also some tears in his sleeves with grass and dirt streaks from when Soarin’ flew into him. He looked at the shirt for a few more seconds before hanging it off the foot of the bed. He took off his jeans and did the same thing and slipped off his shoes and put them at the foot of the bed.

Only in his boxers and a white shirt, Levi walked over to the window and pulled the curtains completely apart and opened the window. He leaned out of the window and saw the afternoon sun as it created an orange glow above the sky in Canterlot.

He stared into the horizon, his mind raced with possibilities of where Alan could be. He began to feel worry and concern for his friend, he had no clue where he could possibly be. The cool breeze hitting his skin reminded Levi where he was, in Canterlot, and he had nothing to worry about.

He sighed, closing the window and closing the curtains all the way making the room exceptionally darker. He made his way to the bed and quickly finished his apple, leaving the core on the nightstand. He pulled one of the orange bottles out of his jean pocket and swallowed a pill. It was supposed to reduce Levi’s pain in the morning due to just having surgery. He laid down on the bed and pulled the covers up to his chest, crossing his arms behind his chest. He stared up at the ceiling thinking how great Ponyville could be if he was accepted there, and he didn’t cause panic and fear every time he stepped foot in there, and not get thrown into walls.

Before he knew it, Levi fell asleep.