• Published 3rd Feb 2023
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Words of Power - Starscribe

Eric wasn't supposed to hit an alien with his pickup. Now he's one of them, caught up in a desperate bid to keep an ancient Kirin sorceress from conquering the world. Eric might be the only hope for both worlds, if he doesn't burn them first.

  • ...

Chapter 21

Lotus had all kinds of ways to keep herself busy. But of them all, the most important labor waiting for her was the spell back to Equestria. They were truly living on borrowed time now, hunted by more than a few uneasy feelings and eyes that seemed to watch from the pages of her book.

Searing Gale could animate servants to fight them. She still felt the ache of the wounds they inflicted, and the sure knowledge that much worse could follow. Servants made of wood don't seem too useful to a fire creature. Unless that was part of the plot, goading her into manifesting Nirik powers against them, so she would be easier to track, or manipulate, or some other dark design.

Instead of returning directly to the cursed spellbook, she found Luna's book instead, and the far friendlier spells upon it.

She could feel them now, in a way that she couldn't before her first successful casts. There was a weight of... pressure, on the object, unseen momentum that pushed it along axes beyond the three spatial dimensions.

She found a mostly intact window, then settled under it with the book, flicking through it with levitation. Studying this object showed her more than just the spell that made it, whose complexity defied any attempt she might ever make to recreate it. There was a signature here too, a subtle residue of power belonging to its owner. If Lotus let her eyes unfocus, she could almost feel the soft touch of moonlight on her face.

Will I keep changing if I keep learning magic? She still remembered a time, not far distant, when the prospect of any change filled her with disgust. Eric was still buried deep inside, his discomfort suppressed but not erased. If she never solved this, he would die, along with any trace of the life she once lived. She couldn't let that happen.

Finally, she came to the last page, where Iron's penmanship followed her own last entry. That was new—she hadn't written anything since the fight. As soon as she saw it, Lotus dreaded what it might say. Surely her pony companion was growing afraid of her. He would be begging for rescue, or some curse that Luna could place on her to keep her from threatening him.

It was nothing of the sort.

"My Princess, positive and negative developments. Following the accidental burning of my host's home and our relocation, Lotus was able to cast her sensing spell. She located a viable site for a Worldgate. During the casting, we were attacked by a group of timberwolves.

We were victorious, sustaining only minor injuries. My recovery is progressing, I believe my wing will be strong enough for short flights by the end of the week. Lotus is now preparing for the portal itself.

We would both be eternally grateful for any assistance you might render.

Yours in service,

Iron Feather"

As Lotus watched, dark ink stained the page, flowing along as though from an invisible pen. She stared, letting the flood of magic wash over her. It was not as powerful as the spell Lotus used to locate the Worldgate, but this magic was far subtler, the craftsmanship of a master.

"Searing Gale marshals her strength on this side. With the two halves of her soul separated, her Nirik half has been unleashed. Many are hurt, and many more will suffer if nothing is done soon.

Do not write to me again until you are within Equestria's borders, unless you have no other choice. The attack you suffered demonstrates that Searing Gale's eye turns towards you. Any magic you cast will make you easier to discover, but any enchantment that crosses the veil between worlds will draw her to you with particular strength.

I have sent everything I know about constructing Worldgates. I do not know where you will arrive, but I advise you to sleep as swiftly as possible. Your dreams will guide me to your rescue.

We do not yet know what Searing Gale intends for you, or Equestria. Her actions thus far do not suggest that she has taken this time to self-reflect and experience regret, as I once did.

Expect greater ferocity the longer you delay. Her power grows, and her assessment of your talents expands with each attack you thwart. She will not send such feeble servants next time. I fear her next attack against you will be far deadlier.

I have faith in you, Lotus. I know better than anypony how difficult it is to endure the torment of a wicked instinct. Through mastery of self, you can emerge victorious as I once did. If you cast the location spell, you have the talent to create a temporary Worldgate as well.

When you do, the vast investment of magical energy will surely draw your enemy to you. Prepare for her, and you will triumph. But no matter how strong you feel, do not attempt it alone. Remember, friendship is the true wellspring of all magic.


Lotus briefly considered writing back, but ultimately dismissed the idea. The princess's instructions were clear, along with her assessment of the risks to frequent communication. Besides, there wasn't much she could say to the princess, beyond confirming her agreement to the plan. The princess would discover that for herself as soon as Lotus completed the Worldgate.

Lotus snapped her book closed, and finally went to grab the tools she needed for more magical practice.

She gathered fresh paper and ink from her supplies, along with the other book. That one she didn't float in her magic, but carried along on her back, balancing it as she clambered through the debris and garbage.

There was already less of it than before. Gus worked in their growing camp, filling black contractor bags with trash. Whether she should envy him for his "hands," or pity that he was the one picking up garbage, Lotus wasn't sure. "We aren't going to stick around," she said, stopping briefly in the doorway. "Don't we want to blend in? If people find one part of this place that's obviously lived in..."

Gus looked up, brushing sweat and grime away from his face. "Better, maybe. But I'd rather find a way to lock the door, and not feel like I'm living inside a dumpster. Besides..."

He gestured to what had once been a receptionist's desk. His camera stood there on a little tripod, though the display along the back was currently dark. "I want somewhere clean to film while we prepare. Our new friend says he can teach me how these wings work. If I'm going to learn to fly, I need somewhere to record my vlog afterwards. I need somewhere clean to chroma-key the background out later."

She shrugged, taking her supplies back to the isolated office she'd chosen for her new magical practice space. Iron was already inside, dragging a mostly intact chair from the doorway. He released it with his teeth, making a disgusted face. "This chair tastes like death."

The pegasus no longer smelled much like death. Properly washed and dried, his chest feathers fluffed out, and his wings spread freely behind him, in a way she took for relaxed. So long as she avoided looking too low, she could pretend she wasn't naked and alone in a small office with him.

"I think it might be leather, so..." She trailed off. "Never mind. You don't want to know. Did you see Luna's note?" She gestured at the book as she spoke, still open to the page of their latest communication.

He nodded, turning his back on her and the chair. He nudged the desk with one hoof, without bothering to pick it up. "I guess we're on our own from now on. Either your spellcraft will make the Worldgate we need, or..."

She crossed to the desk beside him, levitating the paper and pens up onto the surface. She had a little more trouble with the cursed book, her attempt to nudge it only made it tumble sideways onto the ground between them.

Lotus tensed. Heat rose to her face, flaring from around her horn. She smothered it quickly, glowering down at the cursed book. "If I can't, do you think the princess will send a rescue? If Searing Gale can send curses at us, Luna must be able to do something too, right?"

Iron bent down, somehow scooping up the tome in a single hoof. He held it without fingers, settling it reverently on the desk. That meant he was close, close enough to feel the moisture still rising from his coat. She liked that smell far better than the mildew and decay of the old asylum.

"Something is different about you. I can't tell..."

"Rat poison?" she suggested. "Or something worse. This place is foul."

He touched her shoulder, then her horn. "No. It's... magic. Before I could barely feel you, but not anymore. You're like... those unicorns Celestia recruited for her school. Lightning outside of a bottle, ready to strike."

She nodded nervously. Either she was imagining things, or the pony had started to steam, moisture rising from his still-damp coat as though he'd stepped out of a hot tub and not a near-freezing shower.

In the absence of agonized screaming, she had to assume he was okay. "I don't... know exactly what you mean. But I feel something too. Like the more magic I do, the easier it is to feel it."

She reached out to demonstrate, but her hoof only brushed against his leg. She looked away, and this time the heat on her face was more than angry magic. "It's like... going your whole life in monochrome. You think that's all there ever was, but then your eyes open and there's more. Reds, blues, yellows—everything. But the world didn't change, you did. It was always that colorful."

"That sounds... great," he finished. At least the pegasus didn't sound any more confident than she felt, or the embarrassment might kill her. She couldn't be the only one! "That should make the Worldgate easier, right? It won't matter if Equestria can't get a rescue across. You don't need their help."

"Yeah." Her tail flicked nervously back and forth, eventually tucking between her legs. At least there it could only hit against her, and not betray her growing anxiety by smacking into any walls. "I think..." She wasn't thinking much about magic anymore. Whatever heat came, she no longer felt any desire to extinguish it.

Maybe being Lotus wasn't so bad. Maybe there were some advantages...

Then Iron kissed her. Whatever remained of her composure melted away, vanishing into warmth and pressure, and two desperate people together in one lonely, dark space.

She wasn't sure what the princess meant about “friendship” being the wellspring of magic, but she could think of something else that might be.

Claws scraped down the hall, along with a dragging, clattering sound of full trash bags. Lotus blinked, and realized what some of that warmth was coming from. Iron's hoof was still on her shoulder.

The sound roused him as easily as her. He let go, turning abruptly away, then raising his voice. "I should quit distracting you. You've got a spell to prepare—any idea how long you'll need?"

She shook her head once, clearing away the images forming there. Not one of them was a spell diagram, or any of the runes Luna made her memorize. Lots of them included Iron Feather, though.

"I... think the first thing I need is a cold shower," she said, backing away from him. "If you could have lunch ready for me at some point, that would let me keep studying. It won't be tonight, that's for sure. A week, and that's being optimistic."

She turned, before she could even catch his reply. She hurried out into the hall, speeding up until she caught Gus there with his first load of garbage. He sniffed, expression turning unreadable. "Something wrong?"

She shook her head vigorously, then squeezed past him. "I just need to wash off, that's all. And maybe change my bandages. I don't want to think about what's getting into the wound right now."

He nodded. "I think we've got some. Don't use anything stored in here, or you'll get... dragon rot. Or rabies, or the mange. Whatever kinds of diseases kirin can get."

He set off towards the stairs, without another backward glance. And more importantly, without any sign he realized what had almost happened.

I don't have time for this, she thought, heart racing with every step closer to the showers. I am not interested in a horse. It must be an infection.

Author's Note:

Really feel spoiled by all the art in this one

First two by Rutkotka. Last by KaraPL.

I like all the art but these are some of my favorites.