• Member Since 16th Aug, 2017
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Since Applejack, Rarity nor Rainbow Dash couldn´t take care of the CMC, Discord and Fluttershy volunteer themselves to foalsit them, unknowingly giving the CMC to conduct their secret plan by playing a special game once they are done with the Animal Sanctuary duties. Will the three fillies accomplish their mission or will they fail?

Day One of #FluttercordWeek2023: Cutie Mark Crusaders

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 61 )

That was a good story.


This was a pretty cute story, I loved how Discord and Fluttershy put their own chaotic spin on the CMC'S story just to mess with them a little 😂 what kind of dance were they doing instead of a waltz?

Glad you enjoyed it!

Thanks! This was kind of an improvised story, to be honest 😅. The prompts were announced late and I need time to develop and visualize the story in my head, so I was kind of worried. Nonetheless, I enjoyed writing it so much.

In her heart, Fluttershy is kind of a troll. You just need to get to know her :raritywink:.

Oh! Dizzy´s doing his iconic dance and Flutters the dance she made while she was behind curtains in Filli Vanili.


Well you did great!

Yeah she can, she has her Sassyshy moments, Discord's rubbing off on her

To Elvis Presley's Little Less Conversation song, I got that idea from Everybody Loves Raymond

I´m glad!

Yeah, they practically share one neuron at this point :rainbowlaugh:.

Just watched that scene and that fits like a T! They dance better than I do, that´s for sure :rainbowlaugh:. I could see them doing this dance from this The Office scene

Ha! Yeah the BeeGees could be good song for them too!

Which dances would you like them to do?

Ever seen An Extremely Goofy Movie?
Or maybe The Sponge!😂 Remember that?

Oh yeah! The disco scene! That was awesome.

I can imagine them dancing that on the gala, and after doing the chaos Pearl and Spongebob did, they pick them up and go They love us! Yaay!
only for being thrown out and the door slammed at them,

I guess the Mask would be another good one, since Discord had an outfit inspired on it.

Yeah Goofy maybe a kluz on any day, but on the dancefloor he's the masta!

Ah Pearl and SpongeBob were the only ones dancing it right and having fun, everyone else was going crazy wrecking the whole place they just made cause they can't do The Sponge
But yeah it's perfect for Discord and Fluttershy it'll be hilarious with everyone going crazy trying to dance The Draconaqeus

Cuban Pete! I loved that scene! I saw a clip of that on I Love Lucy too
Discord as Cuban Pete and Fluttershy as Sally Sweet


Yes, that´s true. They lowkey did a Carrie in the sense of messing up the place, only in a more kid friendly way.

Oh me too! I rewinded it non stop as a kid. Oh! It was in I love Lucy? I didn´t know that.

I watched a pmv of the Broadway version of I just can´t wait to be king, and it came to my mind if Discord and Fluttershy had met when they were little, they would have been doing this and messing with Bray. What do you think?


Ha! That'd be funny with Bray as Zazu, Oh what if when Fluttershy and Discord were outside in the garden and inside the gala a chaos ensures when a fight breaks out like in an episode of Family Matters when Steve Urkel accompanied Laura to their senior prom you ever seen that episode?

The poor donkey would run into Grogar´s monsters non stop. He´d need some holidays after that.

Just watched the scene, and that was very funny! It has the same energy when Discord receives his gala ticket and the poor mailcolt is flying around in the dimension and him not realizing :rainbowlaugh:


Ha! Yeah and Steve didn't even do anything except move a chair! Oh and when everything is going crazy Twilight might come out and scold Discord for causing trouble at the gala only for Fluttershy to say he's been with her all night, confusing Twilight

Right? Steve only closed the door. Poor anger management did the rest. I think Discord would be more offended for having missed or not being responsible of that moment of chaos rather than being accused by Twilight to be honest :rainbowlaugh:.

Sorry for answering late. Yesterday we were celebrating one of my sister´s friend´s birthday and watched Benidorm Fest, a festival in which the jury and public choose who is going to represent us in Eurovision, a musical contest in which European countries send representatives to sing songs. I´m pretty satisfied with the results! It´s a very beautiful song. It´s kind of a Flamenco lullaby. I can imagine Lucena singing this to Grogar when he was a lamb.

Yeah that works too
And we all know Celestia is enjoying it

That's ok I was kinda busy anyway with my sister's kids
That's a lullaby? Sounds a lot more like something to dance to during a party

Oh definitely! She´s probably having some pop corn. And hopefully, Luna is in this gala too.

How are they?

Well, it is, but I guess that it gives me kind of a melancholic vibe, (then again that´s what flamenco is about) and mysterious too. But if you say it´s danceable the better, because time and time again we sent ballads and ended up in the last positions. I guess it´s because of the lyrics too (it´s translated in English in the video). Did you like the song though?


Ah they're fine, they're a handful but they're okay

Yeah I liked it!

Yeah, I can imagine.

Glad you liked it!

Hi! How are you? Sorry for being absent but I´m super stressed and busy right now with 4 exams whose dates are too close to one another, lots of material to study, few time, a thesis to do, and my worst nightmare group projects. Hope you had a great Valentine´s even if you don´t have a special someone and have a great Mardi Gras!

Oh that's okay, don't worry about it and I'm fine, Valentine's Day was good too mom bought me a new Valentine's Day Plush Triceratops I named her Fluffy Valentine. Also I watched the first episode of season 9 of The Masked Singer

Oooh that´s adorable! That sounds great, me and my sister had been watching Legend of Korra and we have started watching You and the Last of Us.

Yeah! I loved Legend of Korra, though not as much as Avatar the Last Airbender. Did you watch it?

My sister is very happy watching The Last of Us because she´s a fan of the game, even if she hasn´t played it. You is very creepy but funny at the same time. We have to make the best of Netflix until we can´t share it. I´m curious, who has been in this season of Masked Singer so far?

Hey, did you hear about the Toy Story, Zootopia and Frozen sequels?

I watched all of Avatar the last Airbender one time with my brother, I didn't really watch much of Korra, I did see half of it but then just stopped, I don't know I guess I stopped paying attention to it.

Oh you won't believe who the first ones were the first costumes eliminated were Gnome and Mustang
The Gnome was none other than the Legendary
Dick Van Dyke!!
And Mustang was country superstar Sara Evans!

Yeah I've heard of that
I'm not so sure about the first two
But I'm interested in Zootopia 2

My sister watched The Legend of Korra in the pandemic while in quarantine until season 2. Then she rewatched it with me recently and watched season 3 and 4. It´s great, but not as much as ATLA. It´s darker too.

I watched on MSN news. I didn´t know he played Bert!

For me Toy Story ended on the third movie. After that we didn´t need more. As for Frozen 3, what are they planning to tell? My sister told me that perhaps it´s about Anna´s and Kristoff´s child with fire powers. I think it´s plausible! Zootopia 2 is more intrigating. I loved Judy and Nick and I´m excited for more adventures. Still, enough sequels, please.


Well that's something to keep you busy during quarantine

Oh he did more than just Bert, he was two characters in Mary Poppins, Bert and Mr. Dawes Sr. The elderly bank director.
The man's 97 YEARS OLD!! and still got the steppin time!
You should see the Gnome's performance and getting unmasked video everybody lost their minds! Even me! He left Nicole crying tears of joy
I thought the same thing they should've just left it alone after the 3rd movie it has the perfect ending but no! And plus Don Rickles, and Estelle Harris are gone now, there's no need for another Toy Story!
I have no idea what they're gonna do for Frozen, but Zootopia I'm interested!

Yeah! Unlike everbody else in the world, my family and I keep a good memory of quarantine. We had Animal Crossing New Horizons, I wrote and did my own thing. I´m totally an indoors person, so I was fine with it, though it was surrealistic seeing the streets completely empty.

I just watched it. 97! I think he´s older than my deceased grandfather, may he rest in peace. He still has an incredible voice.That´s quite an achievement, considering the toll that age gives to your throat. I hope this sweet gentleman is in good health.

Darn it, I didn´t count on the fact that they are dead! God, that makes it even more disrespectful. When Toy Story came out, I actually thought, weren´t three enough? Toy Story 3 was the perfect movie to be the last one. a great villain, a great ending... But no, basically Disney is squeezing this franchise to the last drop of money. Frozen 3 is kind of unnecessary, even though I like the franchise. I think we´re kind of in the modern version of DVD sequels.

There are actually tiktoks with the scene where Death from Puss in Boots says `I just love the smell of fear!´, Death being Dreamworks and Puss being Disney.

Yeah but I got really bored being indoors for too long I like too get out and do things mostly in the day time

Ikr! He's still got it! At first I thought Robin was going to be right about it being Dustin Hoffman but as soon as the mask came off was I wrong!

Yeah heck in number 4 they even tried using recordings from Don Rickles' lines, me it still didn't feel the same, Heck it even made Bonnie look bad for forgetting Woody! That's the problem now today it's all about money money money with Disney

Yeah that´s true. The quarantine did take a toll on me too, mostly getting more isolated than I was at that time. I also missed doing things.

Dustin is still around?

At least there´s Wish this year, which is something new. I guess it´s also because of the stress the workers behind the movies go through. There´s a documentary on how Frozen II was made, and boy they do not have time. If the enterprise was more understanding and cared for their workers, I guess there would be more new material.


Yeah he's still around

Oh yeah I hope that Wish movie will be good,
Oh I feel sorry for them

I see. Haven´t heard much from him lately, that´s why I asked.

Boy, now I´m going through something since they are giving us tons of work in few time, but the pressure is far bigger for them than it is for me. Gosh, I´m willing to wait more time for a movie if that means they can take a break and have better work conditions and schedules, because there are times when they have to work at 3 am! I think another factor that is important is the lack of respect for animation from literally the whole cinema industry, calling it for kiddies. If they bothered to watch European animation movies, they´d shut their mouths up.

Hey how's it going ? Did you see the new comic?

Pff.... Super stressed... I swear, each week that passes is worse. Thankfully, classes and exams finish at 15th march, and then I´ll be on practices. But boy, I´ve never felt this stressed. They are mixing classes, projects and exams in the same week. Heck, they even taught a whole year subject in A MONTH! All because they couldn´t find a teacher until February.

What´s worse, my group project mates are very rude with me. One doesn´t even look at me in the eyes! And last day, instead of asking the teacher for help, they were complaining about how the teacher didn´t respond to an email one of my workmates sent to her was when the teacher was literally in the classroom helping us with the group projects! And when I raised my hand they told me to put it down! Fortunately, I´m not with them in all group projects, but the group project that I´m not with them is very stressful as well, because I have to prepare a group dynamic session. And I get very nervous leading groups. Plus, it´s taking forever to finish, and it´s taking me time to study for next week´s exams.

Thankfully, there are some positive things as well. I recently joined a play with my sister as a substitute of one of her friends, and it feels great coming back to acting after four years. And it helps me with my anxiety, which has peaked again during this weeks, but I feel more capable of functioning because my medication dosage is somewhat higher.

Anyway, sorry for the long rant, but I needed to let it out. Senior year in college is very very hard, but when practices come I´ll be much more relaxed, as I´m almost done with my thesis.

As for the comic... Yeah... I did. Poor poor baby.

Oh it's ok you just had to get all that out, sorry you went through all that, those partners of yours should be a little more courteous with you, why don't you tell your teacher if you can have new more nicer partners or tell them they're not cooperating with you especially when you're trying to ask your teacher for help.

I literally turned into a blubbering mess when I saw Fluttershy's message, I couldn't even stop myself from thinking about without crying, I only began to cheer up a little as soon as I saw Discord and the Mane 5 pop playing football together, but I still couldn't stop thinking about Discord in that miserable state without Fluttershy as a matter of fact I'm starting to tear up right now just writing this!😢

Well, the thing is that I was bullied at school, and working in groups was awful because I always ended up being seen as annoying, useless, or laughed at by my classmates. And if I told the teachers, they did nothing or my classmates hated me more. These girls got angry at me and were rude to me for doing what the teacher said to do last year. I have a history of having to deal with people like this, where I had to be very careful with what I was saying, because otherwise I would get yelled at or mistreated. And I know that if I told the teacher and she didn´t handle it well (which let´s be honest, college teachers have not been of help at all), they are capable of messaging me to scold me and saying that I´m the bad guy, making things worse. There are situations when I´m able to defend myself (for example, I called out my teacher for being stereotypical about people with OCD) but these types of situations are very difficult for me to handle. Plus, it´s very late to change groups because everyone´s project is almost done or done. Still, thanks for the advice and understanding.

Oof, seeing Discord crying like that broke my heart. I didn´t have the courage to read those comics because that would be very painful for me. That´s why I take G5 and G4 as separate universes, so Discord doesn´t end up alone and he ages and dies with Fluttershy. Don´t worry about crying, I remember when I watched the Best Gift Ever I almost cried when Discord was sad about spending Hearth´s Warming Eve alone.

Wow I'm sorry to hear that, it must've been pretty tough sometimes and I'm amazed the teachers weren't any help either, but it's really good that you stood up for yourself, one thing you got to know is to not take crap from anyone who mistreats you, You don't have to like those guys but don't let them disrespect you like that next time you're trying to work with them and they're being rude to you just say "I don't know what you're problems are, but like it or not I'm stuck with you and I just wanna get this project done and I would appreciate it if you guys would stop being so rude to me and try to cooperate." You don't have to yell, but be strong and if they say they don't care about your problems, say you don't have to care about my problems but if you want to finally finish this project to pass than you got no choice I am NOT failing because of your attitudes! And if you want to ask the teacher for help don't let them boss you around, you have a right to ask for help wether they like it or not. just remember Fluttershy and how she tried to be assertive.

How does he age ?

Well, it was a semi private Catholic school in which if you were rich, religious and had connections with the teachers, you were given advantage. I was well liked by the teachers because of my sweet and hard working demeanor, but there were some that were frustrated by my problems in learning things when I was very young (my development was somewhat delayed compared to my other classmates). Plus, many of those kids were popular and rich. And even though my mother was part of the parents´ association, she wasn´t taken seriously enough and sometimes were low key racist towards her (she´s Guatemalan American). There have been occassions where she was with other moms and they told her that janitors and trash collector were also important, and they are! But when they said that, they were kind of implying that was all their daughters were going to be. But I didn´t suffer racism because I have the privilege of being mixed. POC kids were usually taken as troublemakers, which was very unfair.

Thank you for the advice and understanding, it´s very sweet :heart:. In some way, I think I do express some annoyance but don´t reduce to their level. I don´t think I can be direct, but I´m handling it by kind of being the voice of reason. I give advice and if they don´t want it, that´s for them and if the teacher says that was wrong, they´ll see I was right. I see that as quite an advance in my journey of assertiveness.

Well, jokes on all of them, because unlike some of my previous classmates, I entered the career I want. I kind of want to say to them and these girls as well when they fail the exams (which they always do), what Grogar told the villains: Once again, I found success where you all find failure.

Fluttershy has always been an inspiration for me because for the first time in media I saw someone with the same problems as me yet being portrayed as strong and fierce for the underdog, and also getting more assertive and having friends. She and Esmeralda taught me not to turn my back to those in need, see the good in others, and to imagine a better future.

Oh, I´d see him having some wrinkles, white hair but not long, and perhaps growing a beard and Chinese dragon whiskers!

Hmph some teachers have to more patient with students who learn different way, And I'm so glad you weren't the target of racism, but I'm so sorry your mom went through that.

No problem, I'm not big on advice but I do what I can, I just hope it helps

Yeah I can see that, I just meant what causes him to age

Nah, they were very rare moments, but she did suffer with the bullying me and my sister were going through. She handled it greatly though. I don´t know if you remember or if I told you, but there was a time that I had a knee surgery and one of the worst mums of the group passed by with her children and said oh look she walk on cratches! And my mom mocked her :rainbowlaugh:.

It´s appreciated, anyway.

Oh! Um... I´m not sure. There was a beautiful picture in Deviantart of Fluttershy and Discord in their wedding where there was a spell in the rings that made Discord mortal. Something like that.

You got one cool mom ☺️

That seems interesting

Thank you! She has her things but she loves us very much.

Yeah, I love that picture. I don´t know if you´ve read Hearth of the Draconequus, but in there Discord´s species can return to their creator when they are ready, so Discord won´t be alone when Fluttershy dies.


Well I did see like little bits of it

I read the entire comic when it came out, and boy it was very very beautiful.

Hey how's your Spring break going?

Oh, I still have one week left for vacation, but feeling much better because I finally finished classes and exams. God, I don´t think I´ve ever had that much stress. Now, I´m doing practices at a Parkinson association, and so far, I´m happy because my tutor is very nice. And I also got the chance to follow with Gusty the Great! I left it abandoned after coming back to class, so I´m happy to keep writing.

What about you?

Glad to hear that I'm fine, I just got my hair done and I'm spending time with my mom, grandma and my great great aunt in law Helen, her daughter Donna and the kids. By the way did see a trailer of the new DreamWorks movie it's called Ruby Gillman Teenage Kraken

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