• Published 10th Jul 2011
  • 27,625 Views, 1,204 Comments

The Empty Room - Wanderer D

An ancient enemy; a family secret; a plot to overthrow the Princesses...

  • ...

Chapter 4 Original

The Empty Room

Chapter 4

By Wanderer D

Spike walked morosely through the castle grounds. “Why me? Really? This happens to me all the time!” the baby dragon growled. “I mean, it's weird enough to dream that I am someone else altogether heading armies into battle, but to dream a whole year of experiences in Ponyville only to find out I never visited? That's harsh!” he blinked. “Although I guess that explains why sometimes it felt... episodic.”

He waved absent-mindlessly at a couple of guards as he passed them, eyes on the floor. “And then to dream of perfection herself, the most beautiful pony to grace Equestria only to have her be a figment of my imagination? That is a cruel, cruel fate!”

He sighed. “Well, at least I still have Twilight... I'd better go find her...” he looked around and hummed. “I wonder where she is? She usually wakes me up before leaving and its almost the end of the day!” he thought for a second. “I guess I’ll try the library.”


Princess Celestia glanced at one of the large windows of the court room. Twilight was approaching, and soon, she would be able to meet her aptly named student. She felt a measure of comfort, knowing that one of the most capable ponies she had ever known was trying her best to help her. Comforted... and blessed.

Soon Luna would take over the court duties, which, under her, would last just a few hours before she would be free to join them.

Now, more than ever, she was glad to have her sister back. Not to say that she hadn't been delighted to have her back in the first place but... under the circumstances, having her loving sister at her side gave her much more strength than she had had in centuries.

As a noble rambled about something to do with the state of the Grand Theatre in Canterlot, she had to fight her instinct to hurry the sun down.

She was unable to hide her nervousness completely though, as her front hoof scratched the marble floor impatiently.

The noble stammered. “Ah, your highness if I have offended you...”

Celestia took a deep breath and smiled her kindest of smiles at the pony who had no idea what she was going through at the moment and was taking her time to complain about a structure that was in perfect condition. Clearly it was more important than her filly. Clearly it was more important than her feelings and her life and...

“Not at all, please continue... a thought, crossed my mind at the most inopportune moment.”
The noble nodded slowly, reassured by the fake smile she had valiantly brought forth. She felt a pang of regret for a moment, for her selfish thoughts, but how could she simply pretend that nothing was wrong?

It was then that the doors crashed open as Luna, followed by several guards, ran into the room. “Sister! Something horrible has happened!”


“Why did we let them talk us into this?” One guard asked.

“It was because somepony decided to spill the story of the crypt.” another guard muttered venomously, glaring at the guard that walked at the front of the large group.

Said guard did not look happy at all as he was flanked on both sides by Applejack and Rainbow Dash.

“So this crypt has been here since before Canterlot was built?” Applejack whistled. “Why isn't it part of the tours?”

The guard nodded miserably, stealing a glance back and wincing at the displeased looks his fellow guards were giving him. “The Crypt is mostly unknown to the citizens of Canterlot, and it has been closed for as long as anyone can remember.” he lowered his voice. “Nopony is allowed inside. It is said that those few ponies who went in saw the spirits of those that had passed away there... and that if you are not careful, they will drag your soul screaming into the abyss, leaving behind an empty shell... and sometimes you can still hear their voices whispering to you through the door.”

“A-are you sure this is a good idea?” Rarity stammered, looking around nervously.

“Aw, come on, Rarity!” Rainbow Dash smirked. “You know there is no such thing as ghosts, right? Why are you scared?”

“I- I am not scared, Dash.” Rarity said. “I simply do not want to get my coat dirty in a stinky old crypt!”

“W-we could go someplace else... you know... if you want to, that is... maybe.” Fluttershy suggested.

“Nah.” Rainbow Dash smiled at her friend. “Don't worry, Fluttershy, I'll make sure nothing happens to you.”

Fluttershy lowered her head, looking away as she followed the others. “I don't know if you can...” she whispered.

“Hey! If there are ghosts in there can we invite them over to Ponyville?” Pinkie Pie asked. “Think about it! We could have a party that would never, ever die!”

“Sometimes, Pinkie Pie, you really scare me.” Applejack said.

“Just remember to laugh!” Pinkie Pie replied merrily bouncing around the group as they approached a large pair of copper doors embedded into the mountainside.

“What's that supposed to mean?” one guard asked another, only to be elbowed into silence.

The closer they got the more oppressive the air became until all ponies were walking with lowered heads and quietly, their hooves clopping on the hard stone had become the only sound around.

As the colors of twilight filled the sky above, Pinkie Pie started humming to herself and singing under her breath. “In the land of twilight, under the moon...”

Clip clop, clip clop.

“We dance for the idiots...”

Clip clop, clip clop.

“Ring-around-the-roses, jump to the moon”

Clip clop, clip clop.

“We sing with the castanets...”

Due to the silence, her whispered strange song carried on to the ears of everypony, and just as her voice was getting on their nerves, Rarity turned around to growl at Pinkie Pie, opening her mouth to tell her...



Rainbow Dash's shout was followed by a shrill scream that made everypony cringe until Applejack shoved a hoof on Rarity's mouth, shutting her up.

Pushing the hoof out of her face, Rarity glared at the pegasus. “Don't EVER,” she gasped “do that again!”

“But I saw somepony!” Dash said, cringing under the disgruntled visage of her friend. “Over there! By the rocks!”

A couple of the guards trotted over to where Rainbow Dash was pointing and looked around, but shook their heads when they found nothing.

“Listen... it's getting a bit late and I don't want to be here at night time.” Applejack said. “So, let's take a look, see if we can hear anything and then we can return to the castle.”

“Aww... scaaaaared?” Rainbow Dash taunted her.

“Yes.” Fluttershy said.

“No.” Applejack declared. “I just know that Twilight is going to be looking for us, and we cannot talk to her while we are here.”

“Sure.” Rainbow Dash said. “Well, anyway, let's... Pinkie Pie!”

Said pink pony was already at the large gates, looking inside. “Hey everypony! The gates are open!”

At that, the guards tensed and stood around the group protectively. Sensing the change, Applejack carefully looked towards Pinkie Pie. “Pinkie Pie... come over here.”

“Aww... but I can hear a voice!” she said excitedly. “I'll take a look!” she turned words into action and jumped past the gates before anyone could stop her.

“Darn it! Pinkie Pie!” Applejack shouted as the whole group trotted towards the doors. They were ajar, barely enough space for a pony to slide through. The guards immediately pushed the doors open and as the dimming light illuminated the large chamber, they immediately spotted Pinkie Pie, standing still, looking at something just beyond their sight.

“Pinkie Pie?” Rarity asked.

The pink pony slowly turned around. She was, for once, not smiling. In fact, small tears welled in her eyes as she stepped back, letting everyone see what she had found.

Outside, unseen by the ponies as they recoiled in horror a shadowy figure observed, then melted into the mists.


The court had been adjourned immediately.

When only the few guards that had ran into the room were left, Luna spoke. “Sister, Lance has disappeared. This young guard,” she motioned with her head to an extremely uncomfortable pony, “went to his quarters to find him, and found the whole place ransacked, whatever Lance was working on had been taken, as evidenced by the empty desk... but, it was clear there had been a fight and... he also found blood in the room. Apparently he had left instructions that if something strange happened we should be informed immediately.”

Before Celestia could even speak, the door to the court room slammed open as a pegasus crashed through it and rolled on the floor. Several guards chased after her and as soon as she slid to a stop, surrounded her with their lances at her neck.

“Rainbow Dash!” Celestia exclaimed, motioning for the guards to step back. “What's the meaning of this?!”

“Princess!” Dash looked up in panic. “Princess! Where is Twilight?!”

Princess Celestia felt her blood run cold ash she exchanged concerned looks with Luna, and as if to answer her sudden realization, the castle shook with an explosion.

“Go.” Luna said. “I'll bring up the moon and join you shortly... there's no need to worry the rest of our subjects even more.”

Celestia shot her sister a grateful look then flew out of the room. Rainbow Dash immediately went after her. Her parting words echoing in the hall. “Send paraponies to the Crypt!”


An old pony rocked in her chair watching end of the day pass her by. It had been odd, today. The sun had not come up until mid afternoon, but at least twilight seemed to be on time. She chuckled to herself. It had worried a lot of ponies when the lack of sun extended and extended, but for her, well, it was nice to see some random change for once in her old age.

But some things never changed in the end. Like dawn gave birth to the day, twilight would die to make way for the night.

She heard a squeak. Slowly, she stopped rocking. There it was again. Looking around she spotted a stage wagon on the road. But, it was empty, and nopony was strapped to it. She looked the other way and heard another squeak.

Looking back she stared hard at the stage wagon. Was it closer than before? Her eyes opened wide when the stage wagon seemed to turn her way (giving her an unpleasant feeling that it was looking at her.)
It started advancing towards her and she could feel her heart racing. The ponyless stage wagon finally ground to a stop just before the steps to her home.

A small window to the side of the stage wagon opened and powder seemed to float out... before her eyes it ignited into a blaze of fire forming words in the air.

WHICH WAY TO PONYVILLE? The fiery words spelled out.

She felt pain above her left hoof... and everything went black.

“Hey! Granny!”

The old pony opened her eyes and groaned. “W-what...”

“Are you okay? You passed out!” the voice asked.

“I... I'm okay,” she assured the stranger that helped her up. Funny. Her legs didn't hurt so much now. “I just had this strange nightmare of a stage wagon that spoke in words made out of fire to me... I thought I was going to have a heart-attack!”

“Y-you did? Ah... hehe.”

The old pony looked at the young unicorn that was helping her up. She had a soft blue coat and a magic wand with pixie dust and a star as a cutie mark. “Yes.. I must have fallen out of my chair!” she chuckled.

“Oh... well.” the unicorn cleared her throat. “I ah... I need to know how to get to Ponyville from here, if you don't mind?”

“Not at all!” the old mare said. “It's west of here, a few hours on the road for a fit young mare like you. Just walk that way and you'll get there just after 8.”

“Well, thank you!” The Great and Powerful Trixie said with a conflicted smile. “I... uh... I should get going... you know, beat the traffic and all...”

“...” the old mare looked around. There was nopony in the area. “... sure.”

“Thanks again!” the unicorn called as she jumped on top of a familiar-looking stage wagon. Her horn started glowing and soon the stage wagon lurched into a fast roll towards the West.

“Young mares these days.” the old mare laughed. She turned around to take a seat again, but somehow her feet got stuck with a weird silvery line. She shouted in surprise as she stumbled and fell forward. Her eyes widened as she realized she was falling towards herself!

“Uh...” the old mare took a gasping breath and shook her head as she opened her eyes. “That was strange...” she looked around the empty town. Everypony else would already be inside. She could smell the food her daughter was making. “Hm...” she carefully lifted herself up, bones hurting. She felt unusually happy to be alive.

“Mom?” a voice called from within the house. “Dinner's ready!”

“I'm coming dear!” she called back.


Twilight. She could see it from the windows in the room in all its glory. The purple colors that allowed daylight to transcend into nighttime. Although she would never consider herself to be as beautiful or as awe-inspiring as her eponym, she could allow herself a little vanity and ego-stroking when she thought about just what her name meant in the grand scope of things.

She shook her head. She couldn't allow herself to be distracted. There was so much to do! And she had discovered so much already! She glanced at the neatly stacked set of papers. She had suspicions already as to what had happened that night, but still... no who and why or even a how. Even if she could re-construct the whole situation, without those key elements her information would prove interesting... but not that useful.

“Gah. Writing a thesis was easier.” she grumbled. It also didn't help that the atmosphere in the room just got her down. “Well, I think I have done as much as I could here...” she sighed. She heard a thump out in the hall and frowned.

She made her way through the room careful not to disturb anything and looked outside. There was nopony there. As she was about to walk back inside, a creaking sound made her look towards the entrance.

When one of the guards walked in she sighed in relief... which turned to horror when the pony slumped forward and fell, unmoving, on the floor. He was kicked out of the way by a pony in a dark cloak, who dumped the other guard on top of him. From where she was she could not tell if the guards were alive or not, but what she could tell was that the cloaked figure had noticed her.

“How convenient.” the hooded pony said in a disturbingly familiar voice, walking slowly towards Twilight Sparkle after closing the door behind him. “And here I thought we might have to look for you somewhere else.”

His interest seemed piqued by the room she had just walked out of. “And what do we have here?”

“None of your business!” Twilight said, shaking her fear away. “Her horn glowed and a magical barrier appeared at the entrance of the room. The magical shield darkened until nopony could look inside and know what was there.

“That was not a smart move.” the pony said gravely. “I recognize that spell... and we both know that the only way to get that shield down is to have you remove it willingly... or by killing you.”

Twilight sparkle gulped. “T-that's not true, there are other ways.”

“True.” The pony said, stopping a few feet from her. “But I don't have the time to break through it when the easiest and most effective way is to kill you... and since I was going to do that anyway...”

Twilight took two steps back, noticing for the first time the horn poking at the top of the hood. “Y-you are a unicorn!”

“Why, yes. I am.” the unicorn chuckled. “You were always smart, Twilight.”

A chill running down her spine, Twilight took a couple of steps back again, the cloaked pony following her. “Who are you? You sound familiar but... nopony I know would willingly hurt others like you did!”

The pony seemed to falter for a second, but her hopes were dashed when he resumed walking. “I'm sorry, Twilight.”

Twilight Sparkle felt tears forming in her eyes. Why? Who was this pony, this unicorn who sounded familiar? Had some part of her recognized him? Is that why she was crying? Or was it because she was scared?

No... she knew this pony. That's why it hurt. She glanced at him, concentrated on his voice...

“This has to be done... if there was a different way...” he was saying in a disgustingly soothing tone.

Blinking away tears, she gritted her teeth and stopped where she was. The pony obligingly stopped in front of her.

When her horn started flaring with magic, her opponent also activated his, illuminating his face.

By then, she had realized who it was. By then, the sense of betrayal could reach no further... there were no words to describe what she felt. No words to justify what was happening and who was doing it. There was only one thing she could say before she could unleash her magic to protect not only herself, but her mentor's secret.

“Daddy... why?”

o.0.o End Chapter 4 o.0.o