• Published 12th Feb 2023
  • 529 Views, 30 Comments

Wargs of Fire and Blade: Book II - One of Nine

Plot: Havaak establishes himself as the figurehead Alpha of Dragneel to the other packs. He seeks their approval. Equestria tries to gather itself and progress. Twilight is still a simp for Celestia, even if she is more strict and less patient.

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6. Entry to the Deep

“If we’re seriously doing this, why are we here so frickin’ early?” Gwen groaned in her seat, arms on the table as she looked to everyone else in the flying craft, their forms illuminated by the bowl’s dim fire. She wore a long, sleek black dress with her ashen grey hair pulled back by braids.

“Promptness is prudent.” Luna smiled across the way, adjusting her position to sit more comfortably, glancing at the two sleeping Wargs. “Besides, it lets the boys catch shut eye.” She also wore a long white gown, a shorter teal overshirt that was pulled and tied back.

Housed in a sleek shuttle of grey metal, the four Wargs of Dragneel were being escorted to the Ekklesia, the Council of Alphas. Their craft swiftly flew over valleys and mountains, far to the south of their home. They had been traveling for two days, yet were only hours away from their destination.

“What got them so tuckered out?” Gwen held in a snort, gently stroking a stray hair back into place on Damian’s cheek.
Luna noted that it was one of the gentlest behaviors she’d ever seen Gwen do, smirking as she caressed her round midriff. “Oh, Havaak was stressing himself over the Ekklesia. Then the little ones wouldn’t calm down enough for me to sleep, so he took it upon himself to calm them for me.”

“And Damian didn’t come back until midnight. I doubt you guys had anything to do with that.”

“He helped Maggie clean the tavern after your little… episode?”

Gwen snarled softly and blushed, looking to Damian. “Frostbite… sorry about that…”

The beefy Warg snorted in his sleep.

Their ride soon slowed to a stop, the cushioned door sliding open to a huge, winding metal structure in the pouring rain. Havaak and Damian woke as their mates nudged and bonked them awake, stepping into the cold wind as an armored guard approached. He wore grey cybernetic armor, outfitted with numerous gadgets and weapons, his voice echoing slightly in the helmet. “Greetings Alphas and Betas. You’ve arrived early today, I’m sure the High Alpha will be glad.”

Havaak only nodded and grunted in reply, following the armored Warg past the entrance of the tower. He wore a brown sleeveless long coat, grey manticore fur lining the interior and the collar. The coat encased his dark green shirt with silver lining and pressed trousers, keeping his attire formal but relaxed. Damian wore a similar jacket with long sleeves, but it was made of black leather and had many chains. A red bracer on each wrist, spanning down to his elbows.

The group was led through the tower, stepping aboard a strange elevator that hovered above the floor. With a flick of a switch, the contraption ascended. Soon the elevator stopped, the doors melted away, uncovering a large room with no roof. Yet the rain was stopped by a flaming dome, providing shelter to the Wargs already seated.

At the head of the long table sat Karipuur and Jurdehn, the High Alphas respectively, several of their close relatives and litters behind them. To their left sat a dark grey Wargess, a coat of fine furs and gold draped across her shoulders and decorative chair. Next to her sat a Warg with sky blue fur and white undertones. He was dressed sharply, yet roughish, exuding confidence and keeping a warm smile.

Jurdehn smiled as she stood and quickly walked around the other two Wargs, almost running to greet her family. “Luna, Havaak! You made it. I trust the travel wasn’t too rough?”

“No, the journey was good, mother.” Luna smiled as she embraced the older Wargess, who greeted Havaak similarly. “So, how are the duties of an Alpha treating you, Havaak?”

Havaak smirked and shrugged. “Not too bad. A few rough nights here and there, but a job’s a job.”

“Good, good.” She then led them over to the other two unknown Wargs. “Dragneel Alphas, meet the Toresk Alpha and Beta of Mye sno.”

The Wargess turned and stood, extracting a bronze sphere with a small nozzle. Her silver rings clinked on the object as she lifted it to her lips, breathing in and exhaling a plume of purple smoke that faded to grey. She looked at the newcomers, examining them and their attire with her amber eyes, gold rings pulsing softly.

Jurdehn waved a hand in front of her snout, struggling not to cough. “Vuurak, please, not in here…”

Vuurak smirked and blew another cloud skyward, speaking with a silky voice with a slight roughness to it. “You’ll have to forgive unbreakable habits, Jurdehn. Which would you rather? The smoke or the booze? I have to keep my nerves down somehow.”

“Heh, I certainly don’t mind the booze~” Smirked the blue Warg, Vuurak’s Beta, offering Havaak his hand. “Tuusk, Beta of Mye sno. You’re the Warg who wiped out that pony cult, right?”

Havaak could decide if he wanted to smirk or scowl at the memory of the ponies, keeping a neutral expression. “Yeah. They were a good warm up…”

Tuusk awkwardly smirked. “Well, I couldn’t imagine what it was like changing your entire species. From rumor, you were transformed into a Warg? I suppose they would be a warmup. Think you’re ready to run with us?”

“I’d rather not count my chickens just yet.”

The room suddenly grew quiet and cold.

Everyone’s fur stood on end. They froze. Havaak held in a swallow of slight panic. He turned, feeling the heavy presence of a powerful entity. Stepping through the door was Ihkerah, her scaled form radiating power beyond the wealthy robes she wore. Flanking her were two other dragons, Arkihs and Fiirah.

Even after half a century of knowing her, Havaak still felt ready to shrink away as she approached, her six eyes glancing separately around the room. “I approve, Alpha. No sense in proclaiming something before it’s done.”

“So this is the famous Ekklesia, the grand meeting hall of the highest Alphas?” Fiirah chuckled, sauntering around the room in her blue silken robes. She eyed Karipuur as she waltzed up to the table and sat at the other end, lounging in the huge chair, and propping her clawed feet up. “It’s definitely… smaller than I’d imagined.”

Karipuur narrowed his grey eyes, flashing his fangs. “What do you want, dragon?”

“You degrade us, High Alpha~” Ihkerah smirked at the blind Warg. “Do not we have the power to be wherever we choose?~”

The High Alpha snorted, slowly standing to glare in their direction. In a flash of green fire, Karipuur was in Ihkerah’s face, hand on a short sword that clicked back into its sheath.

Havaak blinked, having dodged and looking around as he felt goosebumps across his back. He’d managed to safely push Luna and the others away, the tiled floor and walls cracked close to where they’d stood.

The Ahamkara was unbothered as a small hole had been sliced in the wall and was now crumbling to the earth far below. She glared at the High Alpha, who resisted his urge to cower under her shadow. “Careful little pup, you almost scratched four of my gems. You wouldn’t want to upset me, would you?~”

“You weren’t invited, and this meeting is for Warg Alphas only.” Kaipuur’s voice was unyielding.

Ihkerah smiled, folding her hands. “I go where I please, little Warg.”

“I could break this entire mountain and more.”

“I could shatter this world… oh wait, I already did~”

Havaak couldn’t tell if it was dust or the thick tension he was seeing. No one dared to speak or even move. Arkihs slunk to the other side of the room, watching as the Dragneel Wargs joined him.

Fiirah sighed, polishing her claws. “Is that skinny twig going to get this meeting started, or should we just let the stiff plot roll along?”

“Hmm…” Ihkerah pondered, spinning on her heels and leaving the High Alpha to his brooding. “Yes, we’ve stirred enough trouble… but I love a good twist~”

As the rain poured outside, the dragoness erected a seat for herself and Arkihs. Karipuur glared at Fiirah until she joined the other dragons, returning to his own seat. “Now, let’s wait for the others.”

As they waited, Havaak noticed that each seat had its own design and décor. Ranging from simple wooden chairs to spectacular thrones. The one he currently sat in was a simple wooden throne, no carvings or decorations.

It didn’t take long for the other Alphas to arrive, the seats slowly becoming filled. He noticed one in particular that he recognized. “Connor?”

The grey Warg with amber eyes glared, red rings pulsing. “Oh look, it’s the softy.”

“How’s life in the tundra?” Havaak ignored the jab.

Connor snarled, having taken a seat two down from the Alpha of Desolation. The white Wargess between them ignored them as she read her scroll, her large bat wings shifting. “We’re getting along fine, thanks.”

“Good.” Havaak nodded, a small weight coming off his shoulders, happy that the small band that had split from his were doing well. Even if he and Connor didn’t get along, he still wanted them to thrive.

Vuurak huffed a plume of smoke, sitting back in her throne. “Kemuus?”

A tan Wargess, slightly shorter than Havaak, stepped up beside her Alpha. “Yes Alpha?”

“Go get everyone refreshments… and check on Tuusk, make sure he didn’t leave a mess after our… draconic visit…”

Kemuus seemed to hold back a groan. “Yes Alpha.” She then left to fulfill her tasks.

“Oh no…” A brown Warg, dressed in leather armor and rags snarled as he looked out the window. “The Arbiter is approaching.”

Everyone but Connor and the Dragneel Wargs groaned and sighed. Needless to say, they were confused.

Damian looked to Kemuus as she handed him a big mug of water. “What’s the Arbiter?”

The Wargess made a face, her snout scrunching. “The Arbiter is a huge boat that’s captained by the Grudge Keeper.”

“And that is?” The muscular Warg asked.

“You’ll see.” She smirked, walking oof.

Damian blinked. Was she swaying her hips before?

Gwen quietly glared daggers at the other Wargess.

Damian didn’t have to wait long to get his answer, as several minutes later, the doors creaked open to reveal Duume. The old Warg’s icy stare surveyed the room, momentarily landing on Havaak, before glaring at Karipuur. “We aren’t due for an assembly.”

“I decided to move it up a century.” Karipuur kept an even tone, eyes narrowed.

“I agree!” Came a warm, cheerful voice from behind Duume, the tallest known Warg with brown fur and white highlights. He wore heavy white armor, barely hiding his muscular, twelve-foot build that could rival Damian’s. The left side of his face was stained with ginger fur, possibly a birthmark, yet he wore a natural warm smile. “I must say, this meeting was a surprise!”

Duume turned and stepped forward, taking a seat with four Kreig flanking him. “Yes, Shahxx. None of us intended to be here.”

“There’s nothing wrong with an unexpected get-together. Especially when meeting new faces!” Shahxx smile widened somehow, his silver eyes glancing at each new Warg, his orange rings pulsing as he spotted Damian. “Ah! I see I may have a new best friend! You look like you can hold your own in a good brawl. Want to trade punches sometime?”
As Shahxx sat down across from Havaak, Vuurak exhaled a ring of smoke. “Shahxx, where’s Sovv? Your Crimson Bond get stuck in another meeting or desk work?”

“Only when my mate sings, Vuurak.” A soft hum emanated from a floating silver chair, carrying a white Wargess with indigo highlights, dressed in a baggy shirt and a thick blanket draped over her legs.

“And I never sing!” Shahxx smirked, caressing Sovv’s cheek as she halted next to him.

“I’m sure Sovv can attest to your silvery pipes, but we have a meeting to start. Please Shahxx.” Karipuur said, folding his hands. “Does anyone have any matters to attend before we welcome our young Wargs?”

“I was attacked by a small band of assassins several days ago.” Duume kept his tone even, no distress or anger, speaking slowly. “I only know a few who have ties to the assassin guilds. It wasn’t until I saw their crests that I knew who sent them. Don’t you think it’s odd, Vuurak, how the Shadowed Ones entered my territory unnoticed?”

“Why dear Alpha Duume, I have no—” Vuurak stopped as a blade was held to her throat, a Kreig standing behind her in the shadows, the light shimmering off the large circular lenses. The Wargess didn’t demand anything, just glared at the old Alpha.

“I imagine that they used a similar method to hide their scents, much like my Kreig.” Duume’s ringless eyes narrowed.

“Duume, if you would…” Jurdehn hissed, various bone spikes slowly sprouting from her arms in a silent threat.

“Of course.” Duume signaled the Krieg to join his brethren at his side.

“And the others.” The High Wargess glared.

Duume smirked. “Sharp eye.” He signaled again, and ten more Krieg stepped into the light, having been hidden by unknown powers. They returned to their master’s side. “Happy?”

“Very.” While Jurdehn smiled, everyone else held back shivers. They all could’ve been killed in seconds.
Duume looked to Havaak again, the younger Alpha wanting to hide from the dangerous foe. Duume glowered at Havaak, dissatisfied. “I see that the new Alphas are weak. They cower, they show their fear. Why not send them to the Deep? Their fear would be replaced by confidence.”

All older Alphas either gasped or stared at Duume, some snarling. Both High Alphas were of the latter group, Karipuur being the first to vocalize his raging thoughts. “YOU WOULD SEND MY DAUGHTER TO THAT HELLSCAPE?!”

“No.” Duume shook his head as Karipuur sneered at him. “Not in her current condition, at least. No, I suggest the Alpha of Desolation and his Beta be sent there, as a true test of strength. After all, we’ve all been interested in Havaak’s growth. Why not place bets?”

“And sending me there… would help us grow stronger?” Havaak asked, leaning on his elbows. “Why? Wouldn’t I be a threat to you at some point?”

Duume smiled, an action that he clearly didn’t make a habit of doing, as his smile was fit for a horror movie. “Why waste potential?”

“Y-you’re not concerned that I’d be a threat?” Havaak was more curious than shocked.

“That’s the thing, Alpha of Desolation…” He smiled a little wider, his fangs on full display. “I want you to be a threat to me~”

“I’m not, at the moment?” Instead of answering verbally, Duume was crouched on the table, in Havaak’s face within a quarter of a second.

“No.” With speed that outmatched most present, Havaak was punched and clawed, being sent flying from his seat and into the wall. Havaak fell to the floor, leaving a spiderweb crater, groaning.

Damian leapt from his seat and pulled out his Chaos Blades, cold mist flowing from his jaws, only to get clobbered by Duume. Damian quickly scrambled to his feet and rushed Duume, his weapons having been lost somewhere. The Grudge Keeper just watched the Beta with a bored expression, blocking all his punches with little effort.

“Forgive me, I was wrong. You both need this.” Conviction in his icy stare, Duume grabbed Damian’s head and flung him next to Havaak. He was preparing to open a portal when Duume felt a surge of power to his left, seeing both Dragneel females standing ready to fight.

“I am many ugly things, but I strive to be a gentleman at my best moments.” His glare narrowed. “Don’t make me deprive the world of you.”

Havaak was suddenly grasping for Duume, but the older Alpha snatched him by the throat and tossed him into a recovering Damian. Duume blocked a swipe of Gwen’s claws and backhanded her across the room. The Wargess was safely caught by Shahxx’s Chroma and deposited back into her seat.

Duume watched as Luna called her spear and ignited her saber, teleporting to the Alpha as she swung and spun her weapons. Jurdehn watched with a mix of worry and pride as Luna showed her experience in battle. However, Duume blocked her advances with his magics and claws. Sparks flew as metal clashed with claw, all the colors of Chroma spiraling, lighting the room at single moments.

Duume dodged Luna’s next strike by a heir’s length, grasping the spear and pulling it from her. Yet, Luna wasn’t left defeated, swinging and slashing her saber at him with expert attacks. Duume effortlessly stepped to the side with each strike, flicking the energy blade out of her hands. Luna still had yet to back down, brandishing her claws.
Jurdehn’s parental instincts kicked in as her Chroma grasped a flying Luna and pulled her back. Duume turned his gaze to the female High Alpha. “A wise decision.”

Seconds later, Havaak and Damian stumbled to their feet, only to fall back to the ground as gravity was reinforced several times over, and through a sparking portal. Luna and Gwen screamed in rage, struggling against Jurdehn’s magic grip.

Duume watched as the portal closed, tossing Damian’s forgotten weapons in before the portal fizzled out, turning to look at the two weeping Wargesses. “If they are as powerful as you believe they are, then they will return.”


Damian groaned and snarled as he got to his knees, shaking the dirt off him. The chains on his coat clinked as he stood, spotting Havaak not too far away, under the red sky.

Havaak sat on a rock with his elbows on his knees and hands clasped under his chin. His gaze swept across the cursed land, scanning the numerous skeletons and red sand. Down in the valley was a lake that reflected the red sky, the two suns hidden behind a dark haze that rolled over the mountains.

Both Wargs yelped and jumped back as the far mountain range began to shift and rise. A great yellow eye opened and the head of a serpent lifted from the earth. It’s massive tongue flicked out, its eye rolling to stare at the two.

They stayed still, desperately waiting for the giant creature to loose interest. Its pupil thinned into a slit, slowly turning to the north. The serpent began slithering, causing the ground to tremble continuously as it moved. Havaak and Damian gritted their teeth and began slowly crawling toward a nearby cave, hoping to retreat from the terrifying phenomenon.
Havaak looked to Damian as the used the cave walls for support. “Any chance the place won’t collapse with all the shaking?”

“Don’t know. But it’s better than being out there with that thing, or anything worse…” Damian let out a shaken breath, trying to calm his nerves as he gripped the wall.

“Still got your weapons?”

“Check.” Damian managed to smirk as he brandished his Chaos Blades.

They descended deeper into the cave, ears and noses on high alert. There were no branching tunnels, only the single long cave. They stopped in mild curiosity as they reached a set of tall, stone double doors. A large iron ring acted as the handles on each door.

Their guards still up, Havaak kept watch as Damian grasped the rings. Feeling the weight of each door in his arms as he tugged, the Beta could tell that this would be a slightly difficult task for him. Moving such doors would be completely impossible for a pony or human, but it was doable for a Warg. The great doors scraped together and against the rough floor. Damian pulled and pulled, the doors slowly opening as the pressure of the room beyond was released, a gust of stale air hitting his face. Havaak turned as the air hit his back, almost knocking him over if he hadn’t rescued his footing.

Once the doors were open, the two stared at their thickness. Each door was five feet of solid stone. Damian heaved a breath, sighing as he panted. “Damn…”

Havaak rolled his shoulders to try and release tension, stepping past the mighty doors. The cavern exploded outward, the ceiling being several hundred feet high. The walls were smooth, the massive chamber decorated with a tiled floor that spiraled into itself. A circular plato encompassed the white tiles, lit lanterns hanging from the ceiling on chains. Spanning the chains were spiderwebs that swayed in the breeze, a large circular window at the highest point of the far wall, letting the dim light shine through.

They stepped into the room, standing on the large tile floor, believing it to span thirty feet in diameter. As they observed the grand hall, a silvery voice called from the shadows.

“Well now, this is an interesting development.” A few clicks sounded after the feminine voice, like heavy mandibles. “Two Wargs, both aspiring for power?”

Havaak managed to swallow his terror, standing tall. “We were… sent here against our wills. If you could please help us get back home, we’d be very grateful.”

“Oh? Without your consent? Let me guess, an older Warg sent you?”


“That’s unfortunate, but a regular thing.” The voice sighed. “The elderly always believe they’re ways are best. I unfortunately can’t send you back on a whim. In order to leave, you must break the circle of stone you stand on.”

Havaak and Damian looked down at the tiled floor. Damian’s curiosity got the best of him. “And why not just a door?”

There was a short pause. “Don’t know. It’s always been that way. Perhaps the builders of this old temple let their creativity take control?”

Havaak spoke again, more certainty in his voice. “And how do we do that? Why are you helping us?”
“Grow in power until the very earth trembles at your approach.” The chains rattled and webs shook as something big and multi-limbed skittered through the dark.

Bathed in the window’s light, the owner of the voice and temple descended upon silver threads. A creature, much like a spider, appeared from the shadows. White chitin was interrupted by large tufts of tan fur on all joints. Eight long legs ending in sharp talons hugged the webs, attached to a pale thorax. From the thorax sprouted a fuzzy feminine body, four arms covered in tan fur, sharp talons acting as fingers. Her head shrouded in a hood made of silk, her six red eyes gazed softly at them from high above. Her fuzzy mandibles clicked as she giggled like a high school girl. “Hello, I’m pleased to meet you face to face.”

Light reflected off her pale chitin, cascading from behind the large creature as she landed on her spindly legs, a hand of her fluffy chest. “As for your second question… I am the Spindled Harald, guide and nurturer of those who seek power. And you, O Alpha of Desolation, have an endless cup to fill. Do you accept my help?~”

“What do you think, Havaak? Do you accept?~” Ihkerah smirked as she formed into existence next to all present, earning several gasps.

Author's Note:

Hello once again! Life’s still keeping me from my work on this story, sucking my will to write. Let me know your thoughts down in the comments, have a great day!