• Member Since 20th Sep, 2018
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The Blue EM2

Glad to be here at last.



This story is a sequel to Thomas and Friends: Journey beyond Cornwall

Whilst doing some research based on information sent to them by Misty, Izzy and her father find references in old documents to something called the Lost Engine. Concerned that Opaline is keen to get her grubby hands on this as well, the team set off on a search for the Lost Engine, following myriad cryptic clues and strange documents on their way. But nothing is ever as it seems, as what seems like a grand adventure soon turns into a race against time as other powers make their intent known.

Loosely based on Secret of the Unicorn, with some stylistic elements lifted from the Uncharted games. Written as part of the 40 years of My Little Pony celebrations.

Chapters (17)
Comments ( 195 )

cool chapter mate keep it up cant wait for the next chapter:pinkiehappy::twilightsmile:

But as she went on to read, establishing this was considerably harder than people had thought. Indeed, researchers had found identifying where it was remarkably hard, and had no clue where it was. Izzy looked at the bottom and spotted a footnote at the end of the chapter, identifying the author of the information as one A. K. Yearling.

Oh? :rainbowhuh:

"The logic behind it is that hot drinks make you sweat, therefore cooling you down." Misty had suddenly entered the conversation.

Seems like a bad idea if you ask me. :unsuresweetie:

"Based on our prior experience with missing things and magic objects it's worth pursuing," Hitch said. "No doubt our friend Opaline will want it as well."

Without a doubt. :ajbemused:

"They really did use that headline, didn't they?" Hitch groaned. "Are they ever going to let us forget about that job switch?"

Nope. :ajsmug:

"But there's something else on the town Facebook page!" Pipp added. "There's a speaker coming to visit, a guy called Firelight, about something called the Lost Engine. That's convenient. Zipp, can you check for tickets? The link is broken on my end."

Huh, what a coincidence. :applejackunsure:

"Well, there is a way around that," Argyle mentioned. "As I am on the university payroll, I think I can pull a few strings that will get us into that talk. They usually set aside a considerable number of seats for staff and group. I think I can exploit the loopholes they left in the system."

Count on Argyle to save the day! :yay:

1. Indeed.

2. It's a logic I don't understand either.

3. Yes indeed.


5. Oui.

6. If in doubt, call on family connections.

Indeed it does! Time for excitement and global tales galore!

Hmm, A.K. Yearling, eh?

And when you said this is based on Secret of the Unicorn, is it referring to the film? Or Tintin TV series?

Both, actually. The movie incorporates elements from The Crab with the Golden Claws and Red Rackham's Treasure.

I thought so. As I'm only familiar with the film and video game based on it.

The film is a very faithful adaptation of the book. In fact, it (sort of) had Herge's blessing; after seeing Raiders of the Lost Arc, Herge noted somewhere that he felt Spielberg was the only director who could pull off a Tintin movie.

nice chapter mate keep it up i didn't know zipp could speak German makes me wonder what else you’ve been hiding from us das Fräulein zipp

We all have secrets at the end of the day.

"Donaudampfschiffahrtselektrizitätenhauptbetriebswerkbauunterbeamtengesellschaft." Zipp rattled the word off flawlessly.

Damn, she did got it on the first try! :pinkiegasp:

"We have German family, and both mom and dad speak the language. In case you're wondering what it means, it translates as 'Danube Steamship Electricity Main Plant Construction Suboffice Company.' One of the longest words in existance, incidentally."


As Sunny headed away from the group, she didn't notice somebody dropping something into her bag.

Huh!?! :twilightoops:

At last, they found the archeology department, and walked down the corridor to find the right office. "Department of Railway Archeology?" Sunny said. "These guys dig up old railways for a living? This would be right up our street!"

Interesting. :rainbowhuh:

"Isn't that the mountain on the chocolate bars?" Izzie asked.


She was joking, of course. She had no clue they would take her suggestion seriously.

Thx Zipp, and I mean that in a good way. :twilightsmile:

As Sunny headed away from the group, she didn't notice somebody dropping something into her bag.

Oh great. There's only thing that could be.

Also, I could totally see Zipp knowing German. Are there any other languages she knows?

Will Stellar Flare, Starlight Glimmer, and Sunburst appear? Since Firelight appeared and will be a major character here.

1. Indeed.

2. Wahrscheinlich, aber ich habe mich noch nicht entschieden, welche. (Probably, but I haven't decided which ones yet.)

No comment. And no photos either.

1. Ja.

2. It is unknown if such a company ever existed; the DDSG has often been used as a starting point to humourously construct very long words.

3. Yes.

4. Nearly did that as my first degree.

5. Corrected. As I've probably mentioned I have a friend IRL called Izzie, which can be confusing.

7. Indeed.

I do enjoy the film a lot. It’s actually the way how I learned of Tintin altogether.

Having Zipp expertized in foreign languages would work good in my universes too.

1. It is a good film. And, as you point out, how a lot of Americans learned of the franchise.

2. Whether it will help on this adventure...well, Iet's see.

I figured so.

I think it will. Cause you never know if Opaline has a crew that is German.

We don't know how far Opaline's influence extends.

awesome chapter mate keep it up i always have my sea legs but when frends dont have their sea legs i give them a lifesave candy and it helps:pinkiehappy::twilightsmile: mastgeneralstore.com/prodimages/53051-DEFAULT-L.jpg

"Oh, those two transport ships?" Izzy replied. "The Havens are using that to move the equipment they need for their big expedition overseas! Including a helicopter, for some reason. Seriously, how do they have all this stuff?"

Your question is as good as mine. :unsuresweetie:

"Maybe I should ask Zipp how to say half those words," Sunny said. "Foreign languages aren't exactly a strong point of mine, and I'd probably make a fool of myself trying to speak it. That's German, right?"

Same. :applejackunsure:

A few minutes later, they had finished with their food, and began to head for the gate. Goldie looked about when she saw a figure standing a distance away. "Huh?"

That can't be a good sign! :applecry:

"Dingifried?" Sophie asked, with a smirk on her face.

Lol, nice reference to Thomas and friends season 6 episode Gordon takes a tumble! :rainbowlaugh:

"You're doing this on purpose, aren't you?" Charles replied. "If they can build a railway under the English Channel they can build a railway tunnel under the Atlantic! It's only, what, 3,000 miles across?"

I'm pretty sure doing that would be much more tough. Not to mention could take a lot longer than some might expect. :fluttershysad:

Lord Haven nodded. "They did. We'll have to rebuild it ourselves. But I brought a very large support team along."

Good thinking! :scootangel:

"Oh, those two transport ships?" Izzy replied. "The Havens are using that to move the equipment they need for their big expedition overseas! Including a helicopter, for some reason. Seriously, how do they have all this stuff?"

Izzy, a Lord and Ladyship can be pretty loaded depending on the setting.

"I arranged for Jazz and Rocky to keep an eye on Salty and Porter whilst we're gone," Lord Haven said. "What could possibly go wrong?"

Oh, you just had to say that, didn't you?

So, begins the journey for our brave adventurers.

And it seems the peeping Tom's are only following the Starshines and Moonbows. As I could imagine the Havens security Intel wouldn't let any spies follow them, I would hope.

But, given the basis of these stories, I honestly hope we get an Indiana Jones, Rick O'Connell, or Lara Croft character that can help them. Would be handy to have a skilled gunfighter adventurer.

1. As previously established, the Havens are a very old and landed family in the United Kingdom (unlike in our world, the Duchy of Dorset still exists).

2. Oui.

3. No.

4. Next they'll be having ideas above the station.

5. That's a nod to a common typo in academic work, when they presumably meant transcontinental railway.

6. As an old US Army saying puts it, 'why make one of something when you can make two for twice the cost?'.

1. In this case, they are a pretty old family with plenty of ancestral wealth to draw on. Interestingly, I discovered recently that there was a real Duke of Dorset; the last one died childless in 1843. In this timeline, however, the title was given to the Haven's ancestors following the end of the English Civil War.

2. More on that in a future story.

3. No sensible villain operates without keeping an eye on their foes.

4. As noted earlier, Uncharted is a source of inspiration, so some Nate-esque shenanigans are in order.

Well, I would think his Lordship still makes a steady income cause people can't leave off inheritance funds alone.

Sounds fair.

No. But at the same time any spy could end up turning against the person that hires them. Cause most end up having better heart than most.

I haven't played a lot of Uncharted, but I know enough about Nate to know who he is. And I only referenced Indiana Jones and Lara Croft due to the mention of A.K. Yearling.

1. Indeed, I intend on going into more detail on this in future stories.

2. Yes.

3. The human heart is indeed a factor many do not account for (Opaline, for instance, did not count on Misty developing a genuine fondness for the Mane 5).

4. Sensible. Expect references to those too.

I figure so.

Aye. Or sometimes there are those who become self aware, and question their boss's motivation.

Of course.

"I left my phone back at the dock!"


They reached the baggage carousel, where a message had appeared on one of the screens. The following passengers have had their baggage loaded onto another flight due to delays.

Well, that's just great. :ajbemused:

Sunny nodded. "Another reason to travel by train, I guess. Your bag is always with you."

Sometimes traveling by train isn't the best Sunny, it's kinda something most people in America dislike and prefer cars and planes. Unless your me as I enjoy traveling by train. :twilightsmile:

As they exited the airport with what little baggage they had, none of them saw Opaline observing them from nearby with a pair of binoculars. "Perfect," she said. "They've arrived." She picked up a radio. "Ready the assets for action. Attach unit 3503 to the Bernina Express at Tirano. I shall be in position to support you shortly."

I knew it! She was following them! :twilightangry2:

"There's no need to get so excited," Isaac said. "Seriously, where does she get her energy from?"

Your question is as good as mine, but at the same time you should know your daughter quite well. :duck:

Several men stormed over, and cuffed them. "You three won't be causing any more trouble."

Well... this didn't go as expected. :twilightoops:

Seeing how this chapter ended up, Pipp is probably better off not having her cellphone on her person. She would've given them away to those terroristic psychos easy!

1. In the words of James May, 'what a moron'.

2. I've had this happen to me more than once. It sucks.

3. The main issue in the United States is that public transport provision is so bad in many places. You basically need a car to get around. In comparison, European countries are pretty clued-up when it comes to public transit, with many cities having bus, train, and tram networks.

4. She is.

5. In theory.

6. Amoral mercenaries all around.

As noted in the comments, PHALANX are based on an organisation from the lore surrounding the British theme park Alton Towers. Put simply, they're the bad kind of mercenary, the sort who wouldn't hesitate to use extreme force to get a job done.

So yes, avoiding media exposure is probably a good thing.

ok you got me there on trains from other countries outside of North America.

My native UK has got a pretty decent rail system, and Amtrak is surprisingly good provided you live in the Northeast.

I live in the Southwest aka California, so go figure. :ajbemused:

I'm told CalTrain and the Pacific Surfliner services are surprisingly good.

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