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Void Streak

i like reading and my favourite ponies are rainbow dash and scootaloo


Before Princess Celestia and Princess Luna ascended to the throne they had a brother who was a pegasus however unlike most pegasi, the Prince could perform magic. Many thought of this as a miracle and the pegasi would think of him as a hero. Unfortunately, the siblings father and ruler of Equestria, King Lunard II had different views about this supposed miracle. He felt threatened by his own son. So when the young Prince performed a trick that was believed to be impossible, he took matters into his own hoof...

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 33 )

This is very good. I'm giving you six stars for doing a good job. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

This story has great potential, I love the premise.

I like it. Especially the corrupted evil Alicorn.

When spike sent it of to Celestia Void shouted cool in old ponish.

And now we wait to see the sisters reaction to this news

Comment posted by AgentKorpsman deleted Jan 9th, 2023

I can see the anger in Void in seeing the traitorous wizard who turned him to stone

Man this is good gg :scootangel:

I hope he doesn't have to see his father anymore!what will he think of the elements!

Am so ln love whit this story keep up the good work ✌️

Princess Celestia and Luna both gazed towards the flag covered coffin. Their Father was dead. Celestia scowled at the casket before following her sister out of the tomb sealing it shut forever.

When they arrived back to the throne room they found their fathers old advisor Quick Quill. "Your highnesses" he greeted while bowing "I am very much sorry for your loss. He was a great stallion"

This just made Luna release a hollow laugh "You don't need to pretend in front of us. We just as equally despised him in fact the only thing we are sorry for is that we didn't kill him ourselves" this made Quick Quill smile.

Overtime King Lunard II grew into a tyrant and many ponies weren't sad to see him go. Several times during his long reign the ponies revolted however they had all been put down this lead to their dear ruler launching mass executions against the populace.

Yikes... I'm a bit glad that Celestia and Luna knew their father was a heartless bastard. Also I fear that Lunard II may have unleash some attacks in secret to the other races of Equestria; Changelings, Centaurs, Sirens. You know; like the villains that attack Equestia might be revenge for what the ponies did as Celestia and Luna might have not known or Starswirl hid from them and the pillars?


And oh boy would he have hated humans.

Especially America where we revolt against the crown and won. USA

Overtime King Lunard II grew into a tyrant and many ponies weren't sad to see him go. Several times during his long reign the ponies revolted however they had all been put down this lead to their dear ruler launching mass executions against the populace.

That’s a bit concerning.

This new chapter is great, I like it! Hope to see more of your chapters and remember: Your talent determines what you can do. Your motivation determines how much you’re willing to do. Your attitude determines how well you do it.

This made a lightbulb go of in Daring's head and asked dramatically "Quod annus est? (What year is it?)

Void gave her a are you stupid look and replied "eius 1000. (it's 1000)"

Daring rubbed the back of her neck. She had no clue what to do in this situation. Usually when she saw statues they never come alive so this was a first. She had like so many pegasi heard of Prince Void Streak but also like everypony else, thought it was a legend. "Quod annus est? (What year is it?)"

Void gave her a are you stupid look and replied "eius 1000. (it's 1000)"

Daring rubbed the back of her neck. She had no clue what to do in this situation. Usually when she saw statues they never come alive so this was a first. She had like so many pegasi heard of Prince Void Streak but also like everypony else, thought it was a legend. "Nescio quomodo dicere hædum sed est 5000 (I don't know how to say this kid but it is 5000)"

You repeated and had her ask the same question twice and copied the same reaction from Daring twice.


Well, f****** screw him. He won't last a "war" against us.

Princess Celestia's face darkened. sighing she explained "You must understand that back in those days it hadn't been long since the three tribes united. There was still resentment running rampant and the tribes were still segregated. The only time you would see earth ponies, unicorns and Pegasi was mingling was during national holidays or if they had to visit each other for food. This was why alicorns ruled the land so that not one tribe gained too much power it also avoided unnecessary conflict. However if a pony was too breed the wrong species then that foal usually gets abandoned. It was the very same for us alicorns. Our father regarded Void Streak as a family shame he would have gotten rid of him a lot sooner if it hadn't been for the laws of the day. At this time Equestria was a patriarchal society which meant that only stallions could inherit the throne. Mare were seen as illegitimate. The only way to truly legitimate a mare is to either kill the current heir or banish him."

Damn... Ponies of that time were just plain heartless, more heartless then the villains of their modern time.

Thanks for telling me I'll go and correct it now

Comment posted by Phetiamwantip deleted Jan 14th, 2023

They need to teach Void Streak how to rule a kingdom, or else he’s going to be another Tsar Nicholas II

"I have arranged accommodation for your stay in the castle until the coronation" Celestia said. After they left Void decided to stay behind to catch up with his siblings.

Oh boy the nobles are going to go ballistic. Including blueballs.

*cracks a grin*
But oh it’s going to be good to see how hey react.

*sets up a chair and popcorn*
Hey anyone want to watch the show with me?

Offering popcorn


*distance sound playing America fuck yeah*


But still fuck there father

So far so good on this new chapter, I enjoyed it. I'll be thrilled to see how Void will interact with Ms. Cheerilee along with the CMC. That is as long Diamond Tiara doesn't tease him about his ponish language.

When spike sent it of to Celestia Void shouted cool in old ponish.

I think this needs work.

Comment posted by Auta5tic deleted Feb 28th, 2023

What’s the status of the story?

Temporary hiatus until I get a new laptop. This story is NOT dead.

Do you have an estimate for when that might be?
(not trying to sound impatient)

Well with the way the economies going I have no idea. And I don't blame you for getting impatient I'd probably be the same

Comment posted by Auta5tic deleted Mar 21st, 2023
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