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"One must wait continuously, one must pursue endlessly." I love beautiful dreams, of those who have formed bonds that transcend all barriers and impossible obstacles.

Comments ( 57 )

A very unusual crossover. I can't say much because it only has one chapter, but so far you've put the world and Shirou's situation very well.
Bonus for making an adaptation to the summoning ritual chant.

Looks good so far, I look forward to reading more. :twilightsmile:

Thanks for the chapter!
Twilight is going to have her first master dream, let's see how she reacts.

One question, is Shirou going to be the only Servant summoned? Or will those from other classes be summoned?

So far Shirou is the only servant I have plannned to be summoned. Although other elements from the Nasuverse will be brought in with time, so perhaps I'll have a few enemy servants if anything (I know my end goal, just got some free room to adjust things as I go). The goal of this fic is mostly to see how a peaceful world like Equestria would affect someone like Shirou.

Good ole Zelretch messing with Shirou again. Now did StarSwirl actually have anything to do with it is the real question.

Good ole traumatized Shirou, so traumatized he wrapped all the way to being normal*.

Thanks for the chapter!

I'm really enjoying the story and the pace you're taking, without rushing to get to the important parts and explaining everything straight, I'm already theorizing how some events will happen, fights against some villains, situations where Shirou's experience can prevail and change something or another.

I also liked the title of this chapter, it is an adaptation of the title of an episode of the fifth season focused on Luna and the world of dreams.

But a question, in the Fate universe, Shirou couldn't design many legendary weapons because of the low amount of mana present, but in Equestria would he be able to design them without major difficulties because of having more mana? For example at the end of Haveens Fell he was going to project Excalibur to destroy the Grail, but he was going to die in the process, here he could project it without problems?

There is also the matter of Gaia not existing. Which Allie Shirous constructs to last possibly forever and cost much less mana to summon.

I'm glad you've enjoyed the story so far. You bring up a good point, mana in Equestria is plentiful and as such Shirou won't be as limited, especially with his connection to Twilight allowing for her to further supply him. He doesn't need the mana supply to exist like a normal servant since he's living and not a spirit after all. To answer your question, it depends, if we stick with the rule that Shirou can't trace Divine Constructs due to their inhuman creation methods (i.e. Shirou can't understand how they were made and thus can't replicate the methods used when going through the 7 tracing steps), then Shirou shouldn't be able to trace Excalibur. Yet Heaven's Feel does contradict that with Shirou tracing Excalibur as you mentioned. It is also possible to trace a heavily degraded version according to Archer, the only limit being how much prana he can't put into it before dying. In this story I have considered this situation, and until it requires addressing narratively the question will have to remain unanswered.

Yes, good observation, no Gaia means no one calling BS on Shirou's copies.

I knew this was going to be a challenge

Ooo you sweet summer child, you have no idea what Herculen task you accepted. Especially if a serten vampire troll decided to give Shirou knowledge/experience of all his routs.
Love the fic i usually don't like human in equestria unless it anthro(even then 50/50) but so far I'm hoked, afew thing I hope to see.
1 Shirou being the common sense of the group yet driving everybody up the wall with his 'normal' self.
2 A culture clash of fate magi society and mlp one(throu Shirou story)
3 Shirou somewhat casually dealing with monster and terrors of pones. And not understanding why he's being praised.
4 Discord actually being unable to effect Shirou because he's already distorted to extreme.
5 UBW being revealed and the cast being horrified of it and it aria.
6 UBW getting zapped with harmony Lazer and subsequently changing Shirou.
Also i like for Shirou to become eather a threstal or hypogriffe at some point, maybe changeling. Fells more fitting and rearly see this.

Ilya route shirou, interesting. I have a hard time imagining how that would shake out.

Nice to se a fate crossover still being update. Not very many fate series crossover for mlp, i mean their are decent amount but some dont get updated much or cancelled

Oh my God! How epic! Shirou's fight against Nightmare Moon was incredible, Illya's appearance to give her younger brother one last piece of advice and the biggest surprise of this chapter, Shirou managed to use Enkidu!

This opens up a huge range of possibilities for Noble Phantasms he can use that didn't appear in Stay Night.
like the Balmung, the Gae Borg, the Gram, Nero's sword and a bunch of weapons from the Gate of Babylon, excluding EA, like those gigantic swords from Fate/Kaleid Liner or that cursed demonic sword.

And after the introduction, we are going to enter the loose chapters of the first season, where I really want to see Shirou's personality in this world, because with him being more focused, he will be able to solve many problems in a much more direct and easy way. Like the situation with the ticket to the Grande Galloping Ball, the situation with Zecora. It's going to be great, I already have a thousand theories in my mind.

Woo another chapter, reading this makes me wish we had more mlp & fate series crossover stories.

I like this story more and more. Good job. :twilightsmile:

Wonder how twilight will react to his first encounter with Lancer. Will he be saved by Saber in the dream, or will twilight find Rin mending his heart after being impaled

Simply amazing in my opinion and i really hope you continue this story.

Ah, the Reality Marble. The finest expression of "I reject your reality and substitute it with my own!"

Another chapter of this story for my joy!

I have a question, does Emiya Rank E luck work in this world? Because like the basics of being part of the Emiya family is not that you are super strong, it is that you have the lowest luck in the world and as a consequence get a lot of women in love with you. There's no way all Emiya is like this, Kiritsugo was like this, the original Shirou was like this, Shirou from Fate/Kaleid Liner was like this, even Fujimaro from Fate/Grand Order is like this and for those who don't know he's an Emiya. And rule if you don't have bad luck, a harem and say things like "People die when they are killed", then you are not worthy of the name Emiya.

As you've stated, Shirou wouldn't be a proper Emiya if he didn't have his E-rank luck. It still works in this world as well, its just letting him enjoy a little calm period for now.

As for Shirou, he returned to Twilight’s room. He refused to leave her alone as his responsibility as a Servant demanded he protect his Master at all times. Just as Saber had once stood by his side, he too would stand by Twilight’s.

I wonder if this is a tantric ritual timeline? That memory would make twilights wakeup reaction hilarious.

He prepared his married blades Kanshou and Bakuya once more as he assumed Archer’s preferred sword stance. Leaving obvious holes in his guard in order to lead his opponent to striking them, in a way allowing him to predict his opponent’s attacks. Of course this was assuming he was fast enough to parry the attacks aimed at him.

IIRC this stance was actually only used once against Lancer in a specific situation, given it would be effective in that scenario, and is not necessarily the preferred stance of archer, just another stance, like any other in his toolbox of swords.

Unfortunately, I can't find the citations for this as I would essentially have to go over every fight archer was in and run comparisons

From what I understand, the method shirou uses to create copies don't degrade because of the nature of his reality marble. From what I recall, he has a shed full of copies that have yet to degrade of mundane things. His copies are considered the same as meteors by gaia IIRC as his method is more like creating the sword in his reality marble and then summoning it.

But I could be wrong, I'm just restating what I've seen in a different Fate fic where the lore on how shirou creates copies was heavily discussed as it heavily affected the story...doesn't matter here since they'll last forever either way.

“How do you not know the Thunderbolts?! They’re the coolest and most talented fliers in all of Equestria! Aside from me that is.”

Wonderbolts, I think you meant to have shirou mix-up the name, not rainbow dash

Thanks for catching that, I didn't actually mean to have anyone mess that up. I don't know if it was autocorrect or my own fault.

“She took him and the Elements!” Twilight was panicking, she needed to rescue Shirou. But where did Nightmare Moon take him?! Why’d he have to sacrifice himself in her place?!

I believe this is twilight's thought, and she doesn't speak like Trixie, so she would think 'my place'

Overall it feels like the relationships develop a bit too fast and while Celestia would be able to relate, hugging and commiserating over that immediately feels off, like it should take place later during a one on one given the emotional focus of Celestia seems like it should be undivided upon Luna with only thanks being given to the others at that moment rather then sharing such an emotion charged hug with shirou. I have no problems with the group hug afterwards though.

Ok, so, I realize that MLP made the mane 6 friends near immediately, but I still feel like this is speed running the relationship with shirou by getting immediately into all his trauma, it's fine to get into his magic, or hell, to even ask about his trauma, but normally people wait a bit to show they've thought about it before commenting on it or saying that they're wrong about how they interpret their own trauma, especially a trauma they weren't personally involved in nor can relate to.

Also, I don't honestly know if Twilight would be as passionate and empathetic as she is here at the start of the show, it almost feels like she's being influenced by magic to focus on shirou.

Sorry if this seems harsh I just am having trouble putting what my problem is with the relationship pacing to words.

The moment with Luna was rather sweet

Though, while we've seen Twilight react to Shirou's private memories, we've yet to see Shirou react to Twilight's memorys.

I understand you're issues with how the relationship between them seems accelerated. My main reasoning for the speed of it is due to a few things. (Also this is gonna be a long reply, so I might move it to the blog post later, and I'm adding spoiler warnings just in case.)

1. Twilight summoned Shirou and feels its her responsibility to ensure his well-being.

2. The bond between them as Master and Servant does play a role in causing her to feel closer to Shirou than she would for him should he have appeared in Equestria on his own.

3. This is compounded by the Dream Cycle and its choice of memories for her to relive she's gained a deeper understanding of Shirou's past and his feelings (maybe I didn't make that part as obvious, my bad).

4. The memories she's seen also have gotten her obsession to know triggered. They've shown her a Shirou who had a better mindset and had an unshakeable belief in his dream when confronted by what seemed to be the antithesis of it in Archer. Yet the Shirou she currently has with her is a far cry from that one. Then the memories of Illya added more pieces to the puzzle that is Shirou for her. So her need to know and wanting to understand Shirou more led her to confronting him.

5. Shirou has felt the same bond but buried it under his idea that a Servant shouldn't burden their Master. Plus he's been prrtty evasive about his inner turmoil while he was on Earth as none of the others could ever get him to properly address it. He didn't think his problems were worth troubling his friends over.

6. This means Twilight was more compelled to force the matter when she saw and opening since he'd normally keep sidestepping the issue as he tried with Pinkie.

7. The use of elements played a major part in influencing them as well. The mental bulwarks that Shirou had put up and were turning him in a "Hero" in a bad end style, had come crashing down with the rainbow blast. This allowed Twilight to confront Shirou without him evading the questions for too long when she forced the topic.

8. Also everypony being in Shirou's RM affected them due to (in my belief) them being far more attuned to emotions and that RM was choking them on bad vibes.

That's a major list of the things that led to my narrative choices with how Shirou and Twilight's relationship has built up so far. I do wanna clarify the trauma isn't going to go away after that conversation. Twilight simply finished knocking down Shirou's walls and now he's more open to change. That was the most important thing. With him open to changing his troubled mentality he's ready to actually build a proper bond with the others as well as deepening his bond with Twilight.

As for the thing with Celestia, she really just felt the rush of empathy at someone who reminded her too much of her past self when she saw Shirou. And as a ruler who care deeply for her subjects (she defaults Shirou as a subject) she felt the need to comfort him as well. Also partially grateful he helped save her sister.

Fun fact I do have the next chapter planned to start with Shirou dreaming of Twilight's memories to show the flip in focus. I feel I focused a bit more on Twilight so far.

If you still feel I rushed things or didn't properly set all this up in the story then I still understand. I will not claim to be the best writer, but I will try to do better in the future. This is my first try at writing a story and I want to learn from it. I really do value feedback like yours.

Ok, while I understand your reasoning for it, it still feels fast to me, but I've already said my piece concerning that and won't bring it back up til I can think of a more constructive and specific way to present it.

In other news, I found a thread that separates Fanon from Canon in Fate and has citations for proof of such.
Hopefully that'll help in regards any fate lore...however the golden rule is 'Don't worry about it' so use whatever helps with your story.

Glad to see a new chapter, keep it up. :twilightsmile:

“I can’t say I’ve been in a similar situation, and if I’m being honest I’d more than likely end up giving away my own ticket.” Twilight noticed that Shirou scratched his cheek as he said this. “My only real advice is to not let this drive any of you apart. Sometimes we aren’t dealt the hands we want by life, but it's how we deal with the unfairness of the world that really matters. In a case like this it might be best to accept that not everyone can be satisfied no matter how much you want it to be so. I will add that my experiences don’t quite reflect what’s currently going on so don’t take it with a grain of salt.”

Excess 'Don't' here

Thanks for the chapter! This one took a little longer to come out, but it's amazing.

Shirou's presentation to Equestria went without major complications, let's hope this avoids any prejudiced occurrence. I wonder if the scent that Shirou smelled together with Celestia was Candece's. In this chapter the Mane Six taste Shirou's divine cuisine, I won't be surprised if from now on he becomes the group's official cook, as well as helping Spike with the chores, since Shirou is a perfect housewife. And then there's Shirou's supreme advice for Twilight, which I think will happen a lot going forward.

green pony mare with a ladybug cutie mark

looks like queen Chrissie the bugbutt has plans

Oh joy, Velber exists in this world. Does that mean we should expect Altera to also make an appearance?

First please no Spoilers
Second As for who and what you'll have to wait and see.

Remember that twilight got a lot of glimpses into Shirou past and vice versa, so they have more knowledge of each other.
Also Harmony may have a hand in getting things along faster, is this practically deus ex? Maybe but this is an in world explanation.

Another great chapter keep it up. :twilightsmile:
Take all the time you want, no need to apologize. :twilightsmile:

Thanks for the chapter! We are currently in the more slice of life chapters, so we are more or less in a period of peace. At least until a possessive griffin and a sleepy dragon show up.

Dude, unless you’ve been living under a rock or time traveling from the year 2016 to now (in that case, cut it out, I don’t like temporal distortions), Fate/Extella has been out for years now. It’s common knowledge at this point to know about the connection between the two. It’s not much of a spoiler.

“You sure you have to send one each day?” Shirou didn’t get the sense that Celestia would be that insistent on daily lessons.

I thought it was weekly?

The story is fine but it has many errors in regards to the Lore of fate, an example is introducing enkidu Shirou, the version doesn't matter, he is incapable of drawing a divine construct

Actually no he can copy a divine construct (oath in snow) and CCC Archer was able to trace and use Excalibur even if momentarily. It just outside of UBW and without a ungodly amount of mana making them is a wasted effort, they still be significantly weakened and incompleted. As for enkidu specially, it has a bladed tip but that's a weak defence at best.
Thou this is fanfic and the author can use his own interpretation of canon lore, because if we go completely by canon tracing at beast is brittal to extremes without reinforcement.

although I recognize that it is a fanfic, it is never wrong to point out these points since perhaps the author does not know them and to add archer CCC itself is not shirou emiya but rather an amalgamation of nameless heroes (in which emiya himself is) Although this archer is capable of drawing divine constructions, he needs the permission of the carriers, even so, the only divine construction that I am aware of that Shirou can draw without problem is Caliburn. In any case, thanks for your opinion.

Yeah, keeping track of these things gets a little messy for me, sorry about that. I will say I have made changes to that scene, specifically changing the chains he uses.

After much consideration I felt that using Enkidu would just not work due to many factors aside from the divine construct bit. So I decided to the chains that once bound Prometheus instead. Now those chains are still made by divine methods, but not to the same limits as Enkidu (who is a sentient NP as far as I could figure from FGO) and I also have some plans to justify why he's able to use them. I am aware of CCC Archer's differences from the normal Archer, as well as the plenty of variations of Shirou and Archer. There will be times I butcher Fate lore, but unless its particularly egregious or doesn't have a part in the narrative, please take it as a sign of creative liberty in adapting the somewhat confusing parts of Fate.

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