• Published 4th Apr 2024
  • 787 Views, 168 Comments

Sonic The Hedgehog x My Little Pony: The Final Act - Part 2: Time Runs Out - BronySonicFan

When Opaline gains the power to travel across the multiverse and cause chaos across all the realities, the fate of the whole Multiverse relays on Sonic's hands and Sunny's hooves.

  • ...

2. The Warning

Universe 220822

Sonic was running at top speed over some buildings in Zephyr Heights.

Soon, the Blue Blur jumped over and used the electrical lasso of his watch to boost himself upwards, and now, he was running over the buildings of the pegasi city.

"Okay, people. Let's do this one last time!

My name is Sonic the Hedgehog. I was born with the incredible and super awesome power of super speed, and for the past three years? I've been living in the magical land of Equestria... Pretty sure you know the rest!

Let me tell you: I helped this neat group of ponies to restore their magic; I obtained this cool electrical powers that were always dormant inside of me; I saved a wishing star from being destroyed; me and my friends stopped an old draconequus from destroying magic; I fell in love with a really cute pegasus...

I stopped old Egghead from conquering Equestria using a giant robot with his face; I stopped a world destroyer entity from blowing up this planet; my pal Tails stopped a dangerous Metal Virus from being spread by Queen Opaline; I rescued the Chaos Emeralds from a parallel world...

And I also saved the whole multiverse from collapsing with the help of myself... Literally. Thanks to other two Sonics from two different universes, we managed to stop three Eggmans and Sage from conquering the entire Multiverse, although that left my right arm a bit paralytic for a while.

Thankfully, I had Tails and Zipp's treatments, as well as Sunny's magic to help me cure my arm a bit every two weeks for the past year! It should heal entirely two months from now.

Aside from all of that? Well, we also saved the day from Eggman and Opaline. And then we did it again. And again, and again, and again... Yeah, stopping villains from screwing up Equestria is kind of our second job now.

However, this past year we spent our time investigating and searching: Opaline, Eggman and Sage suddenly disappeared. We haven't heard anything from Opaline since she tried to infect Equestria with the Metal Virus, and both Eggman and Sage disappeared after the incident with the multiverse, even abandoning the other two Eggmans.

I know that we'll eventually find them again, but... A whole year with no Eggman nor Opaline activity... It made me think and reflect, you know? I mean, there's a whole multiverse of infinite possibilities out there, and I traveled across it with no problem... But my right arm and my perforated ear are the prove that is dangerous.

Izzy gave me a book for my 28th birthday a few months ago. I accepted it for education at first, since I didn't really knew what to do with it... Until an idea came to my mind. That's why, I made my own little art book with it. I never considered myself an artist, but Izzy gave me a few drawing classes to get better, and I've been improving over the past months.

My first few drawings were of Tails, Pipp, Longclaw, Sunny... All my friends. But after a while, they started to shift and became drawings from all the people I met while traveling across the multiverse. The two Classic Sonics, the Anime one, the live-action one, that weirdo with a scarf... Heck, I even drew those Sonics and ponies I just interacted with for a second before moving on!

I didn't realized how much I missed these guys until I checked my book and saw at least 63 of the 120 pages full of drawings from my friends across the multiverse... Guess I miss having another Sonic around that understands me...

A part of me believes that some energy from the Paradox Prism is still in me, and that I can still travel across the multiverse whenever I want... But without the Inhibitor Discs that Rotor made, that energy would be out of control, and I couldn't travel any world in peace...

I wonder if I'll ever see any of them again..."

Sonic was staring down at one of the many drawings he made... the one from that Sunset Shimmer variant.

Not counting Boom Sonic and Young Sonic, that Sunset is the one inhabitant from another universe he interacted with the most. Yeah, it was just a talk of very few words the two times he was on her universe... But there was something about this Sunset that called his attention, although he still couldn't tell what.

"...Maybe one day, I will..."

Universe 110422

Time doesn't exists in the multiverse.

This meant that Opaline could finally hear the only useful advice Eggman ever gave her, at least in her opinion: Be patient and take time to make her plan work.

She had the power to travel to any reality thanks to one piece of fragment from the Paradox Prism, but to use it, she had to waste some of her own magic, which is why she's traveling across different realities: To steal as much magic as she can. After all, if she wants to conquer the multiverse one day, she must have enough power to make sure her reign either lasts long enough, or forever.

Right about now? She stopped this weird-ass society named Scarlet Wing and stoled all their magic, as well as the magic from this universe's Mane 5.

Of course, she wasn't impressed anymore. After all, this isn't the first time she arrives to a universe inhabited by variants of the Mane 5 and then steals their magic, while they fight hopelessly to keep their magic. It wasn't that impressive to defeat them anymore, and she even felt ashamed on loosing against them in the past.

However, as she finished draining this world's Sunny's magic and prepared to walk away, Sunny stopped her.

"W-Wait..." She called out, and Opaline rolled her eyes annoyed, but decided to stop anyways. "W-Who are you?"

"Why do I always get the same damn question from every Sunny in every universe?" Opaline groaned, also face-hoofing. "Look, Sunny. I don't give a damn about what you believe is wrong or right, okay? I don't care for this pitiful universe in general. I just needed your magic and I got it. Now I'm out."

However, Sunny wasn't going to give up with that answer. "T-There has to be a reason on why you need it..."

Opaline turned and saw with a bored expression how Sunny was trying to stand up, which made the Fire Alicorn roll her eyes, so she levitated Sunny and approached her to her face.

"Listen up, Sunny: There's thousands of worlds out there with more magic, more power, and more pitiful ponies like you I have to get rid of!" Opaline replied with anger. "I will conquer every reality once I recover the full Paradox Prism, then I'll kill you and your pathetic friends on every. Single. Universe!"

After shouting that, Opaline throw Sunny towards a wall, where Sunny crashed on her back, before landing painfully in the ground and then fall unconscious, while Opaline opened a red portal using her magic and the power of the Prism.

"Nopony's going to stop me! Not even Sonic and Sunny from my own universe!" Opaline stated with a maniac laugh.

Universe 220822

Sonic went with Zipp, Tails and Sunny for his first recovery session of the month.

As he's been doing for the past year after what happened with the three Eggmans and Sage, he let Tails and Zipp check over his arm closely. The first two months it was painful to watch it, because his veins were so visible hat anyone who saw it almost felt like if it was them who got their arm burned.

However, and thanks to Tails, Zipp and Sunny's remedies and sessions, his arm was recovering pretty quickly, and Sonic could even move his arm a bit without it hurting after 3 months.

By the six month, he was allowed to go out and take his usual runs across Equestria, even being able to make some acrobatic moves like he used to. His arm even started to look less and less burned after the first session of the fifth month, and now it simply looked like if it had a bunch of bruises.

Today, Tails and Zipp asked him to do the usual: Move his whole arm around, then move only a hand, then move his wrist, then his fingers, and finally use his electrical powers with it.

Sonic did everything he was asked for and, unlike the first months, it didn't hurt anymore.

With that out of the way, Sunny came by and started to use her magic to heal Sonic as well. It was thanks to Sunny's magical properties that his arm was stable and that he could still move it around. Unfortunately, Sunny could only use healing magic on small doses, because using the full spell was risky for her health, and even her life.

No one in the group wanted to lose her, so they all agreed that Sunny would just use her magic twice a month over Sonic's arm in small doses, and after a year of work, it was finally showing good results.

"Well, I'm glad to tell you that your arm is in really good conditions, Sonic!" Tails said with a smile.

"Yeah!" Zipp agreed. "Thanks to Sunny's magic and your constant exercise by drawing stuff, your arm is recovering incredibly fast!"

"Well, I counted with you two looking after me as well!" Sonic pointed out with a smile. "Just because you told me to do basic moves to help with my recovery doesn't makes you less important on it."

"I agree!" Sunny said with a smile, once she finished putting the dose of the spell on Sonic's arm. "You two have been crucial for Sonic's arm recovery. I don't deserve all the credit!"

After hearing this, both Zipp and Tails blushed, both feeling a bit ashamed after hearing this.

"A-Anyways!" Tails said after a while, also shacking his head. "Your recovery is going really good, Sonic. In fact, is so good that I think just one session more will be enough!"

"Two if your arm hasn't changed that much in appearance by the next session." Zipp pointed out.

"...A-Are you guys serious?!" Sonic asked with disbelief and a big, goofy smile.

"Yup!" Tails nodded. "Congratulations!"

Sonic couldn't help but smile widely and even tear up a little bit, because he really worked hard for his arm to recover, and to think that maybe in a month or even less it'll be back to normal... It made him happy, very happy.

Sunny at his side squealed and hugged him tightly after hearing this. "Oh, Sonic! I'm so happy for you! Your arm will be as good as new soon!"

"I... I know!" Sonic said, as he actually started to tear up for real, but he did tried to avoid it by wiping his tears with an arm, although they kept coming out. "I can't believe it... A year of work, finally showing results..." He said with a smile, also looking at his right arm.

"You mind if we tell the rest about the news?" Tails asked him with a sheepish smile.

"Go on!" Sonic said with a chuckle, although he was still tearing up. "I... I really would love that everyone else hears the news..."

With excited smiles, Tails and Zipp nodded, before they went downstairs, since they were in the Brighthouse's bedroom.

However, after they left, Sonic's mood changed entirely, because he looked down at his arm with concern, and his mind flashed back to a conversation he had with Chip last year...

"Nexus events are basically, and ironically, events were two universes collide for reasons that, again, are beyond my current powers. There's three possible options for said event to come to an end: Either the two universes combine to form a single universe; they both separate and return to their original state; or they both stop existing forever, but new universes with the same habitants and similar rules born in their places."

"...So they basically are what makes the multiverse what it is, huh?" Sonic asked, and Chip nodded. "Then, what does that makes my situation?"

"That's the thing: What you just told me about both Mobius and Equestria is something that never happened before!" Chip revealed with a surprised smile. "Sonic, I never in a million years thought that what happened to your world and the pony one was even possible! We're probably witnessing the birth of a new kind of Nexus Event!"

"How?" Sonic asked. "Both my dimension and Equestria's one have been interacting for the past two years, and we never dealt with any kind of 'universe collapse' or something. And is not like Mobius as a whole is in Equestria, y'know? Is just me and my friends living in another universe."

"The only logical explanation I can find... is that your worlds aren't actually colliding," Chip said, as he rubbed his chin.

Sonic was concerned. Why did his world and Equestria were a different case? If a Nexus event was to happen since the two dimensions interacted within each other, then why a nexus event hasn't happened?

Was it really necessary for him and the other Mobians to leave Equestria? Chip said he could stay if he brought him the Paradox Prism... The same one that he destroyed with his now recovering arm... This was a delicate theme he didn't liked to think nor talk about, but... It was the reality.

"Sonic?" Sunny's voice called out, and Sonic turned to see her. "...Are you thinking about it again?"

Sonic was taken aback after hearing this, but Sunny was always good at reading her friends, so he sighed and nodded.

He decided to come clean to everyone and explain them the thing about Nexus events, how they worked, and why leaving Equestria had to be a choice again now that the Prism was destroyed and they couldn't use it like Chip wanted.

Of course, Tails, Knuckles, Izzy, Zipp, Pipp and Misty all immediately tried to convince Sonic on leaving that idea aside, but both Sonic and Sunny managed to convince them that, liked it or not, it was an option they still needed to take count over.

Still, everyone agreed to never bring that subject again unless necessary... But Sonic couldn't help but still think about it sometimes, because he was terrified at the idea of leaving Equestria.

"Hey... You know that it's fine if you want to talk about it, right?" Sunny told him with a little smile.

"I do, Sunny..." Sonic replied, before looking at his right arm again with concern. "...I just can't help but think about it... I'm... I'm scared as hell to leave this place, even though a part of me believes is necessary..."

"Sonic... Is okay to be afraid, remember?" Sunny reminded him, and Sonic turned to look at her, still showing concern in his eyes. "Equestria will always be your home, no matter if you choose to stay, or if you leave. You'll always be welcome here, no matter what!"

"But I... I don't want to..." Sonic tried to say, before shaking his head for a moment. "N-No... I... I don't have to think like that... Is selfish..."

Sunny felt slightly concerned after hearing him saying this, but she still sighed and decided to let the conversation die there, since she knows Sonic hates to talk about this.

"I, um... I'll be helping Knuckles making dinner downstairs." Sunny said, walking to the door, but before getting out of the room, she turned to see Sonic one last time. "And Sonic? You're not selfish for thinking about yourself once in a while. You've been helping everyone around your whole life... Being selfish just one time won't kill anyone."

Sonic's eyes widened, and he looked over at Sunny confused, but Sunny just smiled warmly at him and shrugged, before shrugging again and then leave the bedroom.

However, Sunny's words stuck deep inside of his mind... If he was being honest, this isn't the first time he's thinking on what's best for him, but not for everyone. These kind of thoughts popped up on his mind thousands of times back when Longclaw died, he simply never give up to them.

But now... He had new friends, a new family, a girlfriend from another dimension... He didn't wanted to loose them, and he refused to leave them behind, even if the multiverse could be at stake.

And yet, a part of him could never fully give in to those thoughts, because he seriously couldn't be selfish. He wanted the best for everyone, but how could he get that if everyone around him wanted the same as him: Stay in a world that's not theirs? It was truly a hard decision.

Shaking his head, Sonic decided to distract his mind a bit. So, he grabbed his notebook with drawings and opened an empty page on it.

He grabbed a black pen, then sat over his bed without his shoes and started to draw over it. By drawing, he not only could distract his mind from conflicting thoughts, but he could also exercise his arm and make sure that it would heal entirely for the next session.

He started by drawing off Tails at flight, as the young fox did a battle pose. Next, he did Pipp at the other page. Soon, he added Knuckles, Sunny, Amy, Izzy, Shadow, Zipp, Omega, Misty, Rouge, Hitch and Sparky.

After around an hour and half of work, he finished the drawing: It was a very large one of the whole group, the same group he grow to love and take care about... Yes, even Team Dark, which did surprised him, but it still made him smile like an idiot at his creation.

However, it also saddened him a bit, because this picture had all of them, Sonic himself included, posing for a fight, determinate to win and save the day... A sensation he missed a lot.

After all, he's been looking for Opaline, Eggman and Sage for a full year along his friends, but they couldn't find anything. The weirdest thing is that Opaline's Castle is empty and has no traps around, which was even more confusing for everyone, specially to Misty.

It was like if the villains simply disappeared to never come back, and it was more worrying than relieving, because it just meant that something bigger was coming.

However, a whole year without experimenting the joy of adventure had left Sonic in a very depressive and distant state. He still hangs out and talks with his friends... But sometimes, he decides to be alone and let his mind dive into random thoughts from anything.

He really missed the adrenaline of danger, the thought of knowing he'll be having another amazing fight... He really missed to feel alive again.

"...Maybe I'm just overthinking as usual..." Sonic told himself with a snort, before standing up. "I better go out and check what Pipp is doing or something, because staying here isn't making me feel any good..."

And so, he closed his notebook and stood up from his place, then placed the notebook over his bed and boosted out of the bedroom to look after his girlfriend.

Meanwhile, in another universe dimension

A bunch of badniks were being fabricated on a factory in Mobius.

Supervising said badniks were Orbot, Cubot and Sage, as they made sure that the creation of the badniks went without a problem.

As the three of them did this, Dr. Eggman watched from a platform above. After what happened last year with the Paradox Prism, Eggman decided that it was time to go home and take over it now that Sonic and his friends were in Equestria, being dumb enough to think he's still in that dimension.

"I can't believe that I didn't thought of this before... Is a genius idea!" Eggman said with a huge grin. "While those fools keep looking for me on a dimension I'm not even staying anymore, I'll create more and more machinery, better badniks, stronger fortresses! And when those idiots finally come back, they'll find their home turned into my beautiful Empire!"

If you wonder how Eggman and Sage travelled back to Mobius: They both recreated the first machine that Eggman used when he sent Sonic to Equestria, but this time, Sage used the remaining power Eggman had from Sonic's quill and stabilized the machine so it wouldn't explode once it opened the portal.

Soon enough, Sage teleported at Eggman's side. "Father. The badnik production has increased a 57% from its previous results. If we keep this pace going, we might be able to get everything ready to take over Mobius one week from now."

After hearing this, Eggman grinned and let out a laugh. "Excellent! This are wonderful news! And now that neither Sonic, his friends, nor Opaline are around to mess with my plans, taking over Mobius will be a piece of cake!" He stated confidently, before looking at Orbot and Cubot. "You two down there! Take it easy for today and get back to work tomorrow at sunrise! In one week, Mobius will be mine!"

As Eggman started to laugh like a maniac again, Orbot and Cubot only sighed in relief and high-fived.

"You know? The boss has been a lot more merciful with us this past year!" Cubot pointed out.

"He's happy 'cause Sonic isn't around. His joy is quite understandable," Orbot pointed out.


A few days later, Queen Haven organized a massive party on Zephyr Heights' castle.

For this party in particular, Sonic was in charge on bringing over the cake since he offered to do so. Since he has super speed, he was so confident that bringing that cake over to the party was going to be easy... It was not.

He was right now at the bakery store in Maretime Bay where he ordered the cake to be made, but for the past 15 minutes, the pony in charge of bringing him over the cake has been talking through the phone, and if Sonic didn't had the cake in the next 5 minutes, he was going to loose his cool.

But at last, the pony finally stopped talking in the phone, went over to grab Sonic's cake, already payed, and as soon as Sonic grabbed the cake, he boosted out of the bakery.

Now, he was carrying the cake over his left arm and boosting at top speed towards Zephyr Heights, running like a maniac as he passed through a green field, then through the Bridlewood forest, and then over a river, since he was desperate to make it in time to the party, or at least to not be that late.

Once he reached Zephyr Heights, he ran over the buildings at top speed, making some stunts in the air and even launching the box with the cake when he had to jump over one building to another, but he always managed to catch the box.

Finally, he saw the castle in the distance, so he decided to move even faster to make sure he made it in time.

Once he entered the castle, he realized that he had to go upwards, and the fastest way possible was using the stairs, but it seemed slow for him. So, he placed the cake in the middle and started to make parkour over the stairs at top speed. When he reached the top, he used the lasso of his watch to bring the cake to him.

He verified that the cake was in good conditions after all that movement, and it surprisingly was intact.

Sighing in relief, Sonic boosted through the castle, until he reached the door that leads to the Royal Backyard, since the party was taking place over there.

Sonic grabbed the box with the cake with both hands and lay for a second over the door, taking a deep breath, before finally pushing the door open and accessing the party, as the music playing in the background got louder now that he entered the place.

Sonic began to carefully move around the ponies, even raising the cake in the air to make sure it wouldn't hit anyone nor mess up, while also apologizing whenever he bumped into anypony.

Eventually, he saw Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Sunny and Hitch in front of the table that had all the other food, and so, he quickly moved towards them, still raising the cake in the air.

"I'm concerned about Sonic..." Tails confessed. "He... He has changed in the past year after destroying the Paradox Prism..."

"Can you really blame him?" Hitch asked. "He had a big odyssey across the multiverse where he literally met himself, now he's the only Sonic around again. I guess he misses having someone that truly understands him."

"Not to mention, a year without adventures has pulled him away..." Amy pointed out with concern. "He's still Sonic, but... something's missing..."

"I think we should just give him time, guys." Sunny said with a smile. "Besides, he'll be back as new the next month when his arm recovers! I truly believe that he'll be fine by then."

"Hopefully..." Tails muttered with concern.

And then, Knuckles noticed that Sonic was moving on their direction while holding the box with the cake. "Speaking of the King of Rome..."

"I know, I know, I'm late!" Sonic groaned annoyed, as he carefully placed the cake on the table, then checked it out inside one last time and sighed relieved when he saw it fine. "I seriously wished I got earlier, I swear!"

"Where have you been?!" Amy scolded with a frown. "We thought for a second that you forgot!"

"I know I messed up, and I'm truly sorry guys, but the idiot that had to give me the cake spent 15 damn minutes on the phone!" Sonic explained.

"Couldn't you had just take the cake with your speed and then come here?" Hitch pointed out with a mocking smirk.

"Ugh!" Sonic groaned and rolled his eyes.

Soon, he was dragged to a tight hug by Pipp, who arrived just in time to greet her boyfriend. "Glad you see you made it, Blue Star!"

"Heh, yeah, well. It took me a while, considering the guy that had to give me the cake was busy with the damn phone..." Sonic deadpanned.

"Aww, but that's not your fault. It could happen to anyone!" Pipp pointed out with a smile.

"See?!" Sonic said with a smile, before turning to the others with a slight frown. "Why can't you guys be as understanding as she is?!"

"You still got late, Hedgehog..." Knuckles deadpanned.

"Well, I'll say is better that you got late than never arriving!" Pipp said with a smirk, also kissing his cheek lovingly.

"And that is why I love you, Pipp!" Sonic cheered with a smile.

"Well, now that you're here... You better get here in the dance floor and show off your moves!" Pipp stated playfully, as she dragged Sonic away from the rest.

"Okay!" Sonic said with a smile, but also almost yelping. "I'll se you guys later!"

As Sonic and Pipp disappeared between the crowd of ponies, Sunny let out a giggle. "Well, I'll say Pipp's right. Sonic is here despite how he feels lately. I say that's a win!"

"Yeah... I guess I'm just overthinking this..." Tails said, shaking his head and the smiling. "Maybe you're right, Sunny. He'll be fine by the time his arm heals entirely."

"I know I am!" Sunny said with a smile, before looking at Hitch at her side with a smirk. "Although, Pipp has a good point..."

"On what–– Whoa!" Hitch yelped when Sunny suddenly grabbed him from his hoof and dragged him away as well.

"Come on, Hitchy. Show them what you've got!" Sunny said with a playful giggle.

"I can't believe it took them 9 damn books to get together..." Knuckles deadpanned.

"Well, you know what they say: Better late than never!" Amy said with a chuckle.

The party was going pretty well so far.

Everypony that attended seemed really cheerful and happy with the vibe of the place. Sonic even had a better mood than in the past year as he danced around with Pipp, had an eating contest with Knuckles, and even a little wrestling match with Shadow, which the latter ended up winning.

Still, Sonic congratulated him, because it was a fair and clean fight. He also participated on a challenge to see how hight pitched his voice could get while singing... He won thanks to his take on Firework.

He truly had to thank Pipp for giving him the idea on making weekly stories for Ponygram where he made covers of any song from his world... It's weird that thanks to the party, thinking about Mobius didn't made him feel sad like it's been happening for the past year, but he decided to let it slip before getting depressed again.

However, he did needed some alone time, and so, he went to the balcony outside of the guest room where he was staying along his friends for the night before returning to Maretime Bay tomorrow.

He was staring down at his friends having a friendly talk while sitting over a table, and they seemed to be laughing about something. He could just go down there and join them, but he really wanted to put his thoughts together first before going back with them...

After all, he's thinking on Boom Sonic and Young Sonic again.

He couldn't help it. Spending a whole week with them was incredible, but now he was the only Sonic around again. It's weird that he misses himself, but it was also kind of inevitable.

Young Sonic had so much innocence and cheerfulness that it was hard to not feel marveled by him. Boom Sonic, despite a bit grumpy at first sight, has a lot of wisdom, probably because he's the older one of the 'Sonic Gang', like Young Sonic decided to call their little group.

The truth is that Sonic misses his other variants as well... The two Classic Sonics that reminds him of his younger years, the anime one that's a bit stubborn sometimes, and even the new pony friends he made.

Twilight, Starlight, some variants of the Mane 5, that weirdo named MC, and even the Alicorn Sunset Shimmer... He still couldn't tell why, but she had something that called his attention. Perhaps is the fact that she helped him against the Egg Conqueror before it killed him, but it was hard to tell.

Sonic sighed and lowered his head, leaning over the balcony and rubbing his eyes with his left hand. It's been a rough year for him, even if he didn't wanted to admit it...

"Thinking about yourself again?" A voice spoke suddenly at his side.

Sonic's eyes widened, but when he looked at his side, he smirked and rolled his eyes: Shadow appeared, laying over his back in the same balcony with his arms crossed, while he looked at Sonic with a raised eyebrow.

"Are you here to check on me, or you simply missed me down there?" Sonic asked with a mocking tone.

"No, I'm here to keep rubbing on your face your defeat against me today," Shadow replied with a smirk.

Sonic rolled his eyes and chuckled, before letting out another sigh. "...Yeah, I'm thinking on those two again..."

"You've been doing it for over a year now." Shadow pointed out with concern. "Have you tried to leave and visit them?"

"Gosh, Shadow. I want so badly to do it, I do!" Sonic confessed, before sighing sadly. "But without something keeping the Prism's energy under control like Rotor's Inhibitor Discs... I wouldn't know where I'm going... I might even get lost across the multiverse again..."

"But that Chip guy could bring you back." Shadow pointed out.

Sonic chuckled and shook his head. "He's busy guarding over the multiverse... And I don't really think he'll be happy to see me moving from one universe to the other again."

"Then what do you want, Sonic?" Shadow questioned with a slight frown.

"An answer..." Sonic replied. "Staying on Equestria, or go back to Mobius? Go visit my friends across the multiverse and risk to get lost again, or stay and know that I'll be safe? Protect those I care deeply for, or protect the entire multiverse?! Still be the same selfless hedgehog, or be selfish for once?!"

Sonic was now frowning and holding the balcony's railing strongly, while his electrical powers showed of a bit... But then, Shadow placed a hand on his shoulder and slightly shook his head.

Just by this action, Sonic's frown disappeared, and so, the Blue Blur took a deep breath to calm himself down.

"I'm just... I don't know what to do anymore... Is it best to still protect everyone like I've been doing ever since I was 5, or for once screw it all and think on what I want?" Sonic said with concern, before sighing again and then look down at his friends on the party, as they enjoyed their time together.

Shadow looked down at the rest as well, then looked at Sonic and sighed. "I'll say you do what your heart tells you is right, Hedgehog."

After hearing this, Sonic's eyes widened, and he looked over at Shadow with disbelief. "The what now?!"

"I know it sounds cheesy and out of character coming from me..." Shadow recognized. "But I know for a fact that you are better than all these conflicting thoughts, Sonic. Lead with your heart, it'll show you the way."

"But what if my heart is as conflicted as I am?!" Sonic asked concerned.

"Then you better do what you always do, Sonic: What you feel is the right thing." Shadow replied with a determinate look, before teleporting away.

However, Sonic let out a sigh and shook his head. "Thanks, Shadow... Now I feel more conflicted..."

After saying this, Sonic simply looked one last time at his friends down in the party, while the sun started to set in the horizon, before the hedgehog decided to enter back to the guest room.

He sat over the edge of the bed he was sharing with Pipp, but he didn't noticed that his drawing notebook was at the edge of the bed as well, and when he sat there, the book fell to the ground, opening on a page that had a drawing of that Sunset Shimmer variant.

Sonic stared at the drawing for a moment. Why did he always felt a strange connection with this Sunset variant was still a mystery, because he only talked to her for a few seconds at best.

Still, he picked up his notebook and stared at the drawing a bit longer. In all honesty, a part of him wondered if he'll ever see her or any of his friends across the multiverse. He probably wouldn't, considering the Paradox Prism was destroyed... But anything was possible.

With a sad sigh, Sonic closed the notebook and put it over the nightstand at the side of the bed. Then, he picked up a pair of headphones and put them over.

After that, he lay on the bed and sighed relaxed, while he listened to some music and just tried to fall asleep. Lately, sleeping felt like the ideal escape from all his worries and concerns, which is why he has become a heavier sleeper over the past few months.

Soon enough, thought, wind blew inside of the room. Anyone would think that this is because of the doors that lead to the balcony being open... But that's not the case.

After all, wind cannot make gravity work weird and make stuff float around for no reason, because that's what's happening: Some beauty products from Pipp, some books from Sunny, some tools from Tails, and even the pair of shoes that Tails himself gave Sonic on their first Secret Canter were floating around.

Soon, the entire room started to illuminate with a bright blue color, until a portal started to slowly open above Sonic. This portal seemed to be orange, as well as shaped like an heptagon.

However, Sonic was too focused on his music to even notice that everything else around him was floating or that a portal opened out of nowhere above him. At least, he didn't noticed it at first, because mixed with the music, he soon started to hear a voice calling out his name.

"Sonic... Sonic! Sonic? Sonic!" A female voice was calling out.

He thought it was nothing at first, but as the voice insisted on calling him out, he realized that it was real. So, he slowly opened his eyes, just to feel a bit blurred by a mysterious light.

However, once the light started to slowly fade away, he finally noticed the portal above him, which confused him a lot. But what finally shocked him was that, at the other side of said portal, the Sunset Shimmer variant he's been thinking over the past year was standing and looking down at him with a smirk.

"Got a minute?" Sunset asked playfully.

"Whoa! What the––" Sonic exclaimed with wide eyes, as his hands moved a bit wildly for a moment, before he removed his headphones and stopped listening to the music.

Soon, Sunset made a little loop before crossing the portal and then sit down over Sonic's bed, while the portal closed and the strange effect that made everything float around dissipated, which made everything around fall to the ground.

Sonic noticed that she was a tiny bit taller than the last time he saw her. She also had a larger neck, and her mane was glowing with some sparkles for some reason, as well as it had a light blue line painted on both her mane and tail. He also noticed she had a strange watch on her left hoof.

"H-How did you get––" Sonic tried to ask, but his eyes were still widely open. "What the heck is going on?!"

Sunset chuckled at his attitude. "Hello to you too, pal!" She mocked up, before looking around and notice that they were in Zephyr Heights' Castle. "Is this a guest room in Queen Haven's Castle?"

"Uh, yeah?" Sonic replied confused.

However, as he was about to ask her something, he noticed that the burned parts of his right arm were glowing in the same colors than the Paradox Prism's.

His eyes widened, and he realized that he still had energy of the Prism inside of him, which was actually good, because it meant that he could travel to other world's still... Now, if only he could control said energy without it making him run out of control...

Sonic shook his head and focused again. "H-How did you got here? I-I mean, as far as I know, you don't have energy like me to travel across the multiverse!"

"Eh, is a long story," Sunset replied with a playful smirk, but when she turned to him, she noticed his burned arm and gasped. "Holy Tartarus!"

Sonic raised an eyebrow, but once he noticed that she was looking at his arm, he understood her concern. "Oh, this? Don't worry. This looks fine now. You seriously don't want to know how it used to look last year..."

"What the hay happened to you?! I-I thought that your arm was fine last time I saw you!" Sunset pointed out concerned.

"Yes, last time you saw me it was fine," Sonic deadpanned. "Remember that giant robot with the mustache? I defeated him, but when he lost the artifact that made him travel across the multiverse, I decided to destroy it before it made any more damage... My arm looks like this because of that..."

"Sweet Celestia..." Sunset muttered with concern. "A-Are you sure that it is fine? Maybe I could help you with a healing spell!"

"Uh, no thanks. Sunny's already in charge of that." Sonic assured her with a smile. "But getting back on the topic here: What are you doing here?! I-Is not that it bothers me! If anything, I'm glad to see a face from other universe after a whole year with no adventures, but... I just don't get how you got here..."

Instead of replying, Sunset smirked and walked to the balcony, stepping over the railing and then turning to face Sonic. "Wanna get out of here?"

"If I go, Pipp's gonna kill me 'cause she'll think I'm cheating on her..." Sonic deadpanned.

Sunset deadpanned back after hearing this. "Boomer."

After saying this, Sunset let herself fall, and even though she had wings and could fly, Sonic still worried for her, so he rushed to the balcony and looked down, but right there, he noticed that she was flapping her wings and standing over the wall.

"Does she have to find out, though?" Sunset retorted with a playful smirk.

"I'm not cheating on her with a stranger!" Sonic said with a frown. "I wouldn't cheat on her in general! And yes, we're still strangers at the end of the––"

However, before he could keep talking, he noticed Sunset's bored expression, before she raised an eyebrow at him.

Sonic deadpanned as he realized what she meant with getting out of there. "You just want us to have a friendly talk, don't you?"

"Yup." Sunset replied, still with a bored expression.

Sonic let out a sigh, before looking back at Sunset with a smirk. "I could go out for a run!"

Above Zephyr Heights' buildings, Sonic was running at top speed.

At his side, Sunset Shimmer was flying as fast as she could while explaining a lot of stuff that Sonic was wondering, like how she arrived here and what she's been doing for the past year.

"Wait, wait, wait, hold on!" Sonic said, as they both dived towards the ground. "There's an elite society with all the best Mobians and Equestrians from the multiverse in it?!"

"Pretty much!" Sunset replied with a smile and a giggle, as she took fly to the sky, while Sonic used his electrical lasso to shot at the building and impulse himself back upwards.

"And how long has this society existed, exactly?" Sonic asked. "And why am I hearing about this now and not back when the whole multiverse was in danger?"

"The society was built a week or two after what you lived!" Sunset explained, as she flew through the sky elegantly, while Sonic ran over the buildings and jumped over them as well.

"How convenient..." Sonic deadpanned.

"I joined them last year, and I've been in dozens of missions across the multiverse!" Sunset kept explained. "Oh, I met this Twilight Sparkle from Universe 260221! She's the best! I have learned a lot from her!"

"A Twilight variant? I met two or three on my journey, too!" Sonic said with a smile, as he made a huge jump from one building to the next.

"There's also this Sonic from Universe 200113 who I hang out a lot with. I have crashed over his place sometimes..." Sunset said, unconsciously with a smile and a slight sparkle on her eyes.

Sonic noticed this, and he smirked mockingly. "Oooh! Do I detect a crush on another Sonic, Ms. Shimmer~?"

Sunset realized what Sonic was implying and shook her head. "Oh, shut up!" She frowned. "So, you and Pipp are a thing in this world?!" She asked, as both Sonic and her started to run over a building's wall, before they both moved to run/fly near the ground, dodging some ponies in the process.

"Yeah, we've been dating for almost 2 years now!" Sonic replied with a proud smile, while the two of them grabbed a Carrotdog and Chilidog respectively, with Sonic even putting the money to pay the food over the counter of the stand they took the food from. "Although I still think it's too soon for marriage..."

"Let me guess... You also feel that you shouldn't ask her if you were ever to go home?" Sunset asked.

"Am I that predictable?" Sonic asked with a smirk.

"Just a tiny, little bit!" Sunset mocked up, even placing her hooves a bit closer to ad more salt to the wound.

"Whoa, thanks for your transparency..." Sonic rolled his eyes with a smile.

Soon, they both jumped over a tent that was in the street, and they both jumped to fly and run over a building's wall again, as they raced to reach the top.

"So, that watch on your hoof is a gizmo that lets you travel to any world you want?" Sonic asked as they kept accelerating.

"Precisely!" Sunset replied. "Like I said, these allows me and anyone in the Secret Society to go to any universe we want. All thanks to Future Sonic, who started it all!"

"Wait, who's Future Sonic?" Sonic decided to ask, and as they reached the top of the building, they decided to stop so Sunset could catch her breath, although Sonic was the winner of their little race.

"He's the one that started the whole thing!" Sunset replied, panting heavily. "He's like this super edgy Sonic with an eyepatch and cool technology attacked to his wrists, but he's a good guy!"

"And how did he discovered my incident with the multiverse?" Sonic asked confused.

"Well, he didn't started the society because of you specifically." Sunset pointed out. "I mean, yes: The Secret Society was created after your incident, but I heard about another incident that was even worse, which finally impulsed Future Sonic to create the Society."

"What kind of incident?" Sonic asked, as he jumped and dived back to the ground, while Sunset followed along and dived towards him.

"Something about a universe shattering into 5 after a Sonic variant destroyed a prism..." Sunset replied. "I never followed that turkey talk, but it drives FS crazy whenever someone brings it up."

"A Sonic that shattered his own universe in 5 different ones?" Sonic questioned. "I don't blame this FS fella, I would be upset too if that happened to my own universe!"

"Same here!" Sunset agreed.

Soon, Sonic curled into a ball and made a Homing Attack towards a building, once again running over it, while Sunset flew at his side again.

"That still leads me to my initial question, though: What are you doing here?" Sonic asked her concerned. "I know for a fact that you didn't just came to have a chit chat with me. I can feel it!"

Sunset's eyes widened after hearing that, and she stopped on her place, still flapping her wings, but now also having an anxious look.

She couldn't tell Sonic something, something so worrying and heartbreaking that could change Sonic's perspective over her visit. A part of her needed to tell him that truth... But thankfully, there was another reason of why she came, so she will ignore her initial concern for now.

Sonic noticed that she stopped following her and talking, so he quickly ran to her and stopped right in the building besides her with a raised eyebrow. "Uh... Sunset? You good?"

Sunset shook her head from her trance and looked over at Sonic, before her ears lowered and she looked away.

"...You're right..." Sunset said. "I'm not here just because I wanted to visit... Specially considering that... We're not precisely friends. We're still just strangers..." She pointed out, landing in front of him on the building.

"So there is a reason why you came to see me?" Sonic asked. "If you want to thank me for saving the multiverse, there's these two other Sonics you should go and thank as well, because I can't have all the credit––"

"No, no, no!" Sunset interrupted him. "Sonic, I'm here for a very serious and concerning reason... And you might not like it."

Sonic's eyes widened after hearing this, then he looked around to make sure no one was watching them, because if anypony took a picture of them now and published it, anyone could mistake this as Sonic cheating on Pipp, and he couldn't allow that.

"...Let's go to a place where no one will hear us..." Sonic muttered to Sunset. "Whatever it is you wanna tell me, it'll be in there." He stated, before turning around and boost in a certain direction.

Sunset was feeling bad that, even if she did had a reason to stay here, she had to stay quiet about the other thing she wants to tell him... But she couldn't brake the rules that Future Sonic gave her for this mission.

So, without further ado, Sunset opened her wings and decided to follow Sonic along, since she could see the blue trial he left behind as he ran in the distance.

Sonic eventually reached the abandoned Canterlot City from this world.

As he moved at normal paste across the city, Sunset felt bad at the sight: She was hoping that in any other universe, Canterlot wouldn't had fallen in ruins... But it was a pitiful wish, apparently.

"...I think you won't care about this, but... In my universe? Canterlot used to be my home before it fell to look like... Like this..." Sunset confessed.

After hearing this, Sonic's eyes widened, and so, he stopped moving for a second, before turning around to see Sunset with wide and surprised eyes. "W-What?! What do you mean this place was your home?!"

"Is it really that surprising?" Sunset asked confused.

"Duh!" Sonic said with concern. "Because if Canterlot used to be your home, that would make you as old as Opaline, and––" he stopped talking, and his eyes widened in realization, as he slowly looked up at Sunset. "...You... You are from Ancient Equestria, aren't you?"

Just by seeing Sunset look down to the floor with low ears and some tears forming on her eyes, Sonic understood his mistake. In fact, the realization got worse when he remembered the Human Sunset he met when the Emeralds travelled to that parallel world that one time.

That Sunset variant thought that Sonic was from Equestria, and she even confessed that she knew the Equestria she knew is gone now... The Alicorn Sunset in front of him knew that as well.

"...Sunset, I... I'm sorry..." Sonic apologized, as he slowly approached her, and placed a hand on her shoulder, not having to kneel since Sunset is taller now and is almost the same height than Sonic. "If I knew this was your home, I-I wouldn't had––"

"Sonic, is okay..." Sunset assured him with a little smile, also wiping away her tears. "It still hurts to think that my home, once being the biggest pride in Equestria, is now a bunch of ruins... But I have come to peace with that fact. Besides, there's an old draconequus in my world that doesn't makes me feel alone anymore, as well as an adult purple dragon."

"Draconequus?" Sonic asked, then he deadpanned. "You mean Discord? He lives in here..."

Sunset's eyes widened after hearing that. "There's a Discord in this universe?!"

"Yes there is..." Discord spoke with a frown, as he suddenly appeared at Sonic's side, but it only startled Sunset, since it caught her off-guard.

"Sup, Discord!" Sonic greeted him with a mocking smirk. "Still being a grumpy old man because I haven't left?"

"And you're still as sarcastic and stubborn as usual..." Discord deadpanned, before smirking once he saw Sunset. "And you must be Sunset Shimmer... From another universe, if my fellow Discord told me things right."

"Yeah, that's me!" Sunset said with a smile. "I know you're not the same Discord from my universe, but... I really miss my friends from my universe, and even if I'm allowed to visit them from time to time, it's still good to see a familiar face from my home."

"I understand the feeling, Sunset... I really do..." Discord replied with an understanding smile.

"Wait a second..." Sonic interrupted. "How do you know who is she? And what are you talking about with 'your fellow Discord'?"

"Geez, you really are impatient, Sonic..." Discord deadpanned with his arms crossed.

"I'm literally the fastest thing alive!" Sonic pointed out with a frown.

Discord rolled his eyes, but still decided to explain himself. "I can talk to myself between time and space. In other words: I can communicate with any Discord, it doesn't matter if it's canonical, from any fanfic, from the comics, from some past era... Or from another universe."

Sonic rolled his eyes as well and facepalmed. "Of course..."

"I shouldn't be surprised at all with this information, but is still impressive!" Sunset said with a smile.

"Eh, to me is just Discord being Discord." Sonic pointed out with a bored expression. "Anyways. Um, Discord, I know this is your home, and that you're still mad because of the fight the other two Sonics and I had with those three Eggmans, but could you make us an exception and leave us alone? We need to talk about something really important in private."

"What kind of something?" Discord asked, as he floated in the air and read a book that was upside down.

"There's something happening in the multiverse, and I really need to talk with Sonic about it so he can get the bigger picture of what's going on." Sunset explained with concern.

After hearing this, both Sonic and Discord looked over at Sunset with wide and panicked eyes.

"What?! For real?!" Sonic asked with concern.

"This is why I was having a hard time trying to tell you, Sonic!" Sunset pointed out with concern. "Discord, could you please leave us alone?"

Discord was worried after hearing that something was happening in the multiverse, specially because the Discord from Sunset's universe didn't tell him anything.

So, with a nod, Discord looked at Sunset. "...You have 30 minutes."

Sunset smiled after hearing this and nodded in a thankful manner, while Discord snapped his fingers and disappeared, leaving Sonic with a raised eyebrow as he looked at Sunset.

"You two truly understand each other, huh? Guess it's a multiversal thing." Sonic said with a smile.

"Yeah, well... Our home isn't what it used to be. We have worked together to make it better, but... Doesn't changes the fact that we miss the old Equestria sometimes..." Sunset pointed out.

"Well... You still have your new friends!" Sonic said, still smiling. "I'll say you're in good hooves and claws!"

Sonic walked ahead after saying this, while Sunset smiled slightly to him, but she also felt more guilty because of the fact that she's still hiding something to him.

Still, she shook her head and decided to keep following Sonic, as they reached Canterlot's Castle, which looked even worse than it her world now that she looked it better, although that was probably because of the fight between the three Sonics and their respective Eggmans from last year.

Soon, Sonic whistled from the balcony on top, looking down at Sunset and waving his hand. Sunset smiled, opened her wings and flew up, landing in front of the Blue Blur with a little smile.

"So, what's this thing concerning the multiverse that has dragged you to my humble universe?" Sonic asked with a mocking smirk.

"Are you always this cheeky with everyone?" Sunset asked with a playful look.

"Yup! It's part of my charm!" Sonic replied with a wink and his arms crossed behind his back.

Sunset rolled her eyes and walked inside of the castle. "I guess is a multiversal thing."

Once the two of them were inside Canterlot's Castle, Sunset pressed some buttons on her watch, which caused it to create a massive hologram across the room that projected several fights against numerous villains from some universes popping on in the wrong ones, although Sonic still didn't knew this.

"Holy cow..." Sonic muttered with a smile, impressed by all the Mobians and Equestrians working together as they fight against many bad guys. "This is impressive!"

"And this is not even half of what we're facing..." Sunset said with a smile, before making a serious expression. "Sonic, look at me."

The blue blur looked at her confused with a raised eyebrow, but judging just by her expression, she was going to talk about something very serious, so he decided to take this seriously as well.

"Over the past year, we've been dealing with a multiversal threat: Someone is moving villains out of their respective worlds and throwing them in others with the promise of taking it over." Sunset explained with a frown. "These videos are just a quarter of all the worlds we've been saving from these anomalies."

"Anomalies?" Sonic questioned.

"Anyone that's on a universe they don't belong to is an anomaly, Sonic." Sunset explained. "Our job in the Secret Society is to watch over the multiverse and put these anomalies back were they belong before the multiverse collapses."

"So you're like angel guardians for every universe..."

"That's a way to put it, yes. But we're also just a bunch of variants from one character that want to keep the multiverse safe from any possible threat... We never thought our first challenge ever will be this dangerous, though..."

"This doesn't make any sense..." Sonic muttered with concern. "Why would anyone put other villains in the wrong universe? There has to be a reason behind their actions..." He pointed out, but then, his eyes widened, and he gasped. "Unless..."

"What?" Sunset asked. "Sonic? What's the matter? 'Unless' what?!"

"Unless whoever's doing this... Is doing it as a distraction..." Sonic pointed out.

"A distraction?"

"Think about it, Sunset!" Sonic said, placing his hands on her shoulders. "The threat behind this knows about the Society! If they didn't knew about it, they'll be making more than just moving villains from one universe to the other!"

"...But they are, though..." Sunset pointed out.


"They're also stealing magic from all the magical creatures across the multiverse––" Sunset stopped suddenly, and her eyes widened. "...But that didn't started to happen until a month ago... Up to that point, it was always villains getting sent to other universes!"

"Which means that this threat knows the Society exists!" Sonic pointed out. "Whatever they're planning, they needed to keep the Secret Society out of the way, so––"

"So they started to move villains all across the multiverse to keep us busy!" Sunset realized with wide and panicked eyes. "Celestia dang it! We were tricked!"

"And now they're stealing magic from other worlds..." Sonic pointed out with a frown. "Since time doesn't exists in the multiverse, whoever's behind this is taking their time, knowing there's no rush about it..."

"This is even worse than my initial thoughts..." Sunset realized, before sighing and look at Sonic. "Okay. I was honestly going to tell you this after asking you something first, but maybe your answer to that first question will be stablished once I tell you what I have to!"

"Sunset, honey, just get to the point and stop baffling stuff..." Sonic said, placing his hand on his hip and deadpanning.

Sunset nodded and took a deep breath. "You remember that you destroyed the Paradox Prism and its fragments split up in smaller pieces, right?"

"Yeah..." Sonic replied, but then, his eyes widened in panic when he got where Sunset was going with this question. "...This threat we're talking about... They have either one or some pieces from the Prism, don't they?"

Sunset only nodded with concern, and Sonic felt his soul separating from his body for a split of second... So he burned down his arm for nothing? He almost lost one of his extremities, and yet the Paradox Prism is still a big danger for the entire multiverse?

"And... You... You've been wondering why the Opaline from this universe suddenly just disappeared... Right?" Sunset kept talking, but know looking at the ground with concern and rubbing a hoof nervously.

"Uh, yeah? But what does that has to––" Sonic tried to ask... but then, the truth hit him like a bullet...

Opaline has the power to steal magic, no matter if its Dragon Fire or normal magic. She saw Eggman either sending his badniks and machines to them or even attacking by himself, which is pretty similar to how the multiversal threat has been moving villains across the multiverse.

He also remembered that Tails has one of the pieces from the Prism, since it fell to the water along him after he destroyed it with the Inhibitor Disc and the Prism Energy of his body...

"...Opaline is the threat to the multiverse..." Sonic realized with wide and panicked eyes.

"And we're sure is the same Opaline from this universe because we have a source that confirmed to have seen her coming out from this universe." Sunset explained with concern.

"And now she's taking over the multiverse..." Sonic said with concern, as he sat over a piece of rubble and passed his hands through his quills.

"That's why FS sent me here." Sunset revealed. "He believes that both you and Sunny are crucial to stop Opaline! He wants you both to join the Society... But he also will understand if you refuse the offer."

This was a lot to process now...

He still couldn't believe that after almost loosing his arm, the Paradox Prism was still a problem in the multiverse. Worse of all, that Opaline wanted it now.

He didn't knew anything about her plan, but if she's stealing magic from other universes and looking after the pieces of the Paradox Prism, it's safe to say that her plan is to be powerful enough to rule over all the realities across the multiverse... Something he couldn't allow.

After a whole year of no adventures and no sign from both Opaline and Eggman, he knew where one of them was now, but he couldn't allow her to get away with her plan.

And, since Sunset mentioned Sunny, it's safe to say that he would definitely not be alone on this new multiverse odyssey, because he'll have company. He still needed to find a solution to control the Prism Energy on his body, but he would think about that later.

"...Well..." Sonic started, before slowly smirking and look over at Sunset. "The Opaline threatening the whole multiverse's existence is from our universe. I think is Sunny's responsibility and mine to make sure she doesn't gets away with her plan!"

After saying this, Sunset smiled and nodded with a determinate look.

"So... How do we join this Elite Team of yours?" Sonic asked mockingly, also placing a fist on his hip.

"Well, we first gotta tell Sunny about this..." Sunset pointed out, before smirking. "After that, well... You two will have to pass a test in order to join the team!"

Author's Note:

You guys might think that the story is going slow so far, but trust me: It only gets better from here on.

In today's episode, we saw the same Sunset Shimmer variant from Phantom-Dragon's story, which's sequels were written by JesusG0987. Like I said, she'll have an important role in this story, so expect more of her as the adventure goes on.

Now, the world Opaline was invading was this story written by TwiShine45, while the Sonic Sunset mentions and blushes about is from this story by Arcing Light.

As for the universe that Sunset says it drives FS crazy, that universe is the Sonic Prime show. It was also mentioned by FS in the previous chapter (He referred to it as Universe 151222, but I didn't realized I didn't mentioned this until now :twilightblush:)

Anyways. That's everything for now! As I said, the real thing starts next chapter. See ya until then! :twilightsmile: