• Published 20th Dec 2022
  • 1,528 Views, 80 Comments

The Viper Of Canterlot - Jest

Brought to Equestria to defend it against the coming of the alien scourge, our hero must avoid Celestia's gaze while pursuing her own investigation into the alien's activities.

  • ...

From The Shadows, I Come

“Hey buddy, you alive? Aw bugger, I hope I didn't screw this up again.”

I groaned, and rolled onto my side, trying to go back to sleep, only to find that there was no pillow beneath my head. Which prompted me to reluctantly open my eyes and find out that I was not in my bed at all. In fact, I wasn't in my house for that matter, but rather I was atop some enormous pillar that was so tall that it pierced the cloud cover. With my head hanging partially over the side, I gazed down the sheer drop with confused terror.

Wind whipped up from the edge, startling me out of my fear-induced paralysis. “What the fuck?” I screamed, hastily scooting away from the edge.

“I wouldn't go too far in that direction either.” Remarked the voice.

I stopped and slowly turned around, instantly glad that I took the voice’s advice considering the pillar I was atop of was only a few feet across. In fact, it was downright tiny, being maybe six feet by six feet and just enough for me to lay down on without my body falling over either side. Hastily standing, I positioned myself in the exact center, only to nearly panic as my gaze inevitably went to the distant horizon marked only by clouds. Quickly sitting down, I wrapped my arms around my legs while trying to resist the urge to hyperventilate.

“Well your alive at least, that's good.” Muttered the voice, before I heard the owner of said voice start to gulp something audibly.

Glancing skyward, I suddenly realized that I wasn't alone, despite the fact that someone had been talking at me for several seconds already. Or something anyway, as a few feet away, sitting on a cloud was a strange mishmash of creatures which I instantly recognized.

“Discord?” I asked curiously.

The creature shook the square bottle it was holding and gazed into it before frowning and tossing it over his shoulder. “Not exactly, but I figured that this form would get the point across quicker if I looked like him.” Remarked not discord.

“Wait, what point?” I asked, only for my jaw to hang open. “Hold on, this is some sort of dimensional hopping, nonsense isn't it?”

“Got it one bucko.” Declared not Discord who conjured another bottle of some dark liquid and threw it back, chugging several mouthfuls of the stuff.

“Wait, does that mean I died or something?” I asked.

Not Discord waved a pawed hand at me. “Nah, nothing like that. I basically created a copy of you after I saw you beat that XCOM game. Can't have you worried about your loved ones or whatever while you got a job to do.”

“Wait, but I remember everything, and…” I paused, pursing my lips. “Well, that just opened up a whole can of philosophical worms, but wait, what job?”

“Yeah well, it turns out that those elder dudes are coming for my Equestria, and seeing as how it's one of my favorite creations I searched the cosmos for a champion.” He exclaimed, waving a dramatic hand out over the horizons. “Until I stumbled on you, who totally whooped those guys butts in that video game thing. Even beat the first two games in the same series, so walla, hear you are.”

“Wait, I only beat that game on like easy though. I liked the combat and stuff, but I’m more of a story guy myself.” I retorted.

“Wait, what? Really?” Not Discord scratched his head. “But you had like a bajillion hours in all three of those games.”

“Yeah, because I sucked at them and had to reload like a ton of times.”

Not Discord frowned, placed his drink aside, and leaned towards me. “Are you telling me I wasted my one chance of grabbing someone and I grabbed a noob?”

“I mean kinda?” I scratched the back of my neck awkwardly. “I’m still decent at it, but the only place I really ever shined were the stealth sections, which I kinda wish those games had more of.”

Not Discord ran a clawed hand down his face and groaned. “Great. Just fucking great. Now what the hell am I going to do with you? I wasted all that time and energy making you and the only thing you can do is be sneaky? Maybe I should just leave you here or something and hope those silly ponies manage to fight them off all by themself.”

The color drained from my face and I quickly stood up. “Now let's not be too hasty here. I can be useful, I promise. I mean, I may be a little overweight, and not very strong, or particularly smart but hey I’m sneaky in real life too!”

Not Discord paused just as he was about to start taking another swig of his liquor. “That's the best you could come up with? Your facing total annihilation and that's what you say?” He sighed. “I knew I should have just grabbed some anime protagonist, even if there was a chance they were from a hentai.”

“Hold on, just gimme a second. I got a better sales pitch coming I can feel it.”

“Alright you got one minute to sell me on you existing, otherwise I’m wiping the slate clean and spending the next century completely inebriated.” Not Discord claimed, swaying slightly atop his cloud.

“Well you see, I… they… hmm.” I paused, tapping my chin.

“Tick tock.” Not Discord reminded me, before sipping a little more gingerly at his alcohol.

“I got it!” I exclaimed. “In every game they always send infiltration experts in first, the thin men, sectoids capable of manipulating the population and controlling politicians. If I hunt them down the population will have a much easier time resisting any future invasion.”

“That could be helpful.” Not Discord frowned, glaring at me. “But that still means someone will have to lead the central resistance effort.”

“I mean don't you think a pony would be best at that anyway? They would know their planet better than I would anyway.” I pointed out. “In fact, putting an offworlder in charge of defense would be kind of dumb. Not only would I not know the area, but I don't know anything about magic, or their government, history, or anything, and they would need the other races on their side in order to have a chance of winning.”

Not Discord placed his bottle aside once more, and slowly began to massage his temples. “Stars above, you're worse than my mother. It seems like the only thing you’re any good at is pointing out the flaws in others.”

“It is a gift,” I exclaimed, shrugging.

“Fine, you know what? You wanna act like my mother, let's give you the body to match.” Not Discord remarked before snapping his fingers.

My eyes went wide and I waved my arms in distress. “Hold on a second, let's jusssst talk about thisss a sssecond.”

I paused and opened my mouth, prodding the large fangs which poked out from my jaw. “Thiss iss sso not cool.” I muttered.

“That'sss not the half of it.” Not Discord exclaimed mockingly.

My eyes went wide as realization dawned on me. “Oh please tell me I can still pee standing up.”

I looked down only to just now realize that my clothes were now gone, and the only thing covering me was a loin cloth. Ignoring the scales which were slowly spreading down my torso, and the pain radiating from my gums, I hastily searched for something more important. Namely my shlong, which I grasped desperately at.

“Oh thank goodness, your sstill sssafe.” I exclaimed.

“Well yeah in the game they are hermaphrodites.” Not Discord pointed out. “You're welcome by the way.”

“Wait, they so don't have both sets of part. Unless your talking about someone’s fan fiction.” I declared, jabbing a now clawed, and scaled hand at not Discord. “The elders just bred only females so they needed the elders for their race to survive.”

Not Discord sighed and ran a paw down his face. “Augh you would know something as dumb and obscure as that. Well, whatever, I could change you back, but this is funnier.”

“It isss not.” I hissed back at him, faintly aware of the fact that I now sported a long, forked tongue.

“Well stow your whining, the fun part is about to start.” Not Discord casually remarked, the cosmic being reclining on his cloud and drinking his booze while watching me twitch in rage.

My angry retort died on my lips, which I just realized were gone, replaced by dark, scaly flesh. Feeling the sides of my face, I was able to discover that my facial hair was now gone, and a second later the hair atop my head followed suit, the wind carrying it away.

“This is too weird,” I muttered. “Well, at least I stopped hissing quite so much. That was annoying.”

“It's about to get weirder, and here, let me help with that.” Not Discord snapped his fingers, and conjured forth a full-body mirror which floated just over the side of the pillar.

“Not… cool?” I murmured, transfixed by the person staring back at me.

At the moment I looked like a scale-coated human male with fangs, claws, and a pair of red eyes, but that was changing quickly. The fat I had put on since that McDonald's opened up a block away slowly shifted, spreading both lower and higher. The higher section split and grew into a pair of rather large breasts that were bereft of nipples which made at least some sense.

Though the fact that I had tits at all was kind of dumb in my opinion, as vipers were egg-laying reptiles. “Why are they so fucking huge?” I whined, gripping the heavy, pair of tits now attached to my chest.

“All that fat has to go somewhere.” Not Discord paused just as he was about to take another sip of his drink. “Plus it's funny. Besides, they are venom sacks now.”

I was about to offer some witty retort about how dumb that was when my face suddenly extended for lack of a better word. My eyes narrowed, my neck grew longer, and a hood opened on the side of my head, finishing off the changes at least from my neck up anyway. Glancing into the mirror I found that my human appearance was completely gone, replaced by that of a viper who had sharp, seemingly glowing red eyes.

“Because that's not intimidating at all,” I muttered, turning my head slightly and peeking at the crest atop my hood which was a mix of mainly black scales with a blood-red diamond in the center. “You have got to be kidding. I’m gonna scare the pants off any ponies I meet! Never mind this is a bit edgy, even for me.”

“Oh don't be such a baby, the black will help you be stealthy and the red will make you stick out because fuck you.” Not Discord exclaimed, before breaking out into a fit of cruel laughter.

“Not funny,” I growled, or at least tried to, as the sound came out more as a hiss.

“You're missing the show by the way.” Not Discord remarked before tossing aside his empty bottle and belching loudly.

I reluctantly took my eyes off not Discord and looked back at myself just in time to see my waist narrow, and the scales begin to descend even lower. “At least my underbelly isn't jet black,” I muttered to myself, noting that although dark, it was at least a deep gray that only bordered on black.

A second later and the last of my belly fat shifted lower, forcing my legs to connect, fusing them together perfectly. I shivered in disgust, the strange sensations beginning to grow increasingly weird by the second. In a few seconds, my legs were gone, replaced by a serpentine tail that was remarkably long. Though that made sense as in order to support my weight the tail would have to be pretty lengthy.

The last thing to come in was the red diamonds that formed on the back of my tail and extended up my back. Slithering in place, I shifted awkwardly in my new body, right up until something seemed to click and the movements felt natural. The headache that came after was a doozy though, and I clutched my temples as strange, foreign influences surged through my brain.

“Jesus fuck that is annoying,” I muttered.

Not Discord snorted. “Sorry, I could have made the procedure easier on you, but I don't really care. But hey, it was necessary, unless you wanted to relearn how to sit, spit poison, or walk. Though I suppose slither is a more apt description of your mode of locomotion.”

I groaned and flipped him the bird while my brain continued to feel like it was being turned inside out. That wasn't all though, as I could also feel my insides begin to shift in an uncomfortable and frankly disturbing manner. Organs were repurposed, new ones grew, and old ones vanished, or at least I assumed that's what was going on. All I knew for certain was that I wanted to throw up yet I couldn't do so for some reason.

Thankfully that didn't last terribly long, and all at once the gut-turning sensations and terrible headache lifted. I blinked in shock and gazed at my completed form, confused, and a little strangely aroused if I was being honest. Though it wasn't like I was going to tell not Discord that, though I did briefly wonder at the philosophical implications of being attracted to one’s self.

“I am going to need so much therapy once this is all over,” I muttered to myself.

“Boy, you already needed therapy.” Not Discord remarked before chugging more of his mystery booze.

I glared daggers at the cosmic being. “Great, I’m a chick now, sorta. I can still feel my junk, but I don't wanna open that can of worms at the moment. Now what? Do I at least get some armor, or something better than a loin cloth?”

“Nah, that takes too much energy, plus I kinda like ogling those tits of yours.” Not Discord exclaimed while nakedly staring at my chest.

I swiftly crossed my arms. “I’m a sort of girl for less than a full minute and I’m already being objectified, great.”

“Oh don't be such a stick in the mud, you were looking too.”

“Yeah well, they are mine so I’m allowed to do that!” I exclaimed. “I think.”

Not Discord rolled his eyes. “Whatever, spoilsport. Let's just get this over with already.”

“Yes, let's.” I declared, keeping my arms firmly in place. “Just send me to the Everfree already so we can get out of each other’s hair. Or hood? Whatever the viper equivalent to that saying would be.”

Not Discord smirked and leaned forward, brushing aside the mirror in order to float a little closer. “What made you think I would do that? Canterlot is the most likely place for spies to have been sent after all.”

I shrugged. “Fine, send me to Canterlot then.”

“As you wish,” Not Discord declared, a sly grin spreading across his face.

“I swear to god if you send me somewhere super populated, I’ll rip your goddamn arms off!” I shouted while keeping my own arms firmly in place.

“No take backsies.” Not Discord raised a hand. “Oh and give Celestia all my best.”

“Wait no!” I shouted, surging forward, only for everything to go white for a split second.

Then I got a face full of a different shade of white as I plowed directly into someone, causing us both to topple to the ground in a heap. My own lengthy body betrayed me, coiling unconsciously around the other being as I struggled to figure out what was going on. A shout went up around me, and the person I had run into let out a confused yelp at about the same time I did the exact same thing.

Blinking, I looked down at what appeared to be a bipedal, anthropomorphized version of Princess Celestia. A horn rose from the center of her head, and wings would have extended from her back, had I not been pinning them to her sides along with the woman’s arms. She was clearly ancient, and although my brief description didn't exactly do her justice, I didn't have long to give her a good look as her horn began to spark.

Only for nothing to happen and she looked up at me in confusion. “How are you doing that? Nothing can suppress my power.” She claimed in a surprisingly calm tone of voice.

“Err, sorry?” I exclaimed with a slight shrug.

“Princess, what do we do?” Asked a nearby voice.

I looked up where a circle of guards had surrounded me, their glowing spears drawn and pointed right at me. They wore what looked like world war one era body armor only bulkier and underneath a medieval breastplate. Again, there were more details that were probably important to this story but I didn't have time for that at the moment.

“Don't do anything hasty captain,” Celestia exclaimed. “We wouldn't want to startle our guest.”

“Err yeah, and stand further back too,” I shouted, jabbing a clawed hand at who I presumed was the captain Celestia had just spoken to, ignoring the fact that my voice had risen a few octaves.

The guards hesitantly did just that, taking a step back and giving me a bit more room.

“What are your demands?” Celestia asked.

“Oh uh.” I tapped my chin. “Tell your guards to go away and…” I paused in order to look around, and orientate myself.

It was then that I realized several things at the same time, one of which was that I could see heat but that vision somehow overlapped with my normal one and that I could switch back and forth at will. The second was that my sense of smell was now amazing, and I was fairly certain I could smell the fear coming off of one of the guards, and the smell of a sewer from somewhere nearby. The last I noticed was that I was smack dab in the middle of what looked like the royal gardens, right near the entrance to the hedge maze.

“And then take us over there,” I added, pointing to the maze, and silently hoping that my nose and or tongue had not betrayed me.

Celestia stared up at me for several seconds, unnerving me more than a little bit, especially when I considered the possibility that she may simply attack me. “Fine. Guards, leave us.” She commanded.

“Yes, your majesty.” Announced the captain.

He and the rest of his armored fellows walked away, though they kept their hands on their spears even after they were well over a dozen meters from us.

“Would you mind giving back the use of my legs?” Celestia gently asked.

I blinked. “Oh, uh sorry about that,” I muttered, pulling my weight a little further up her body and allowing the alicorn to move her legs.

“Thank you.” Celestia declared before coiling her limbs under her and somehow managing to rise into a graceful stand, with me still wrapped around her upper body. “You’re quite strong, you know.”

I blinked. “Thanks, I think. Is it too tight?”

Celestia shook her head as she walked us over to the entry of the maze. “Though binding you are not hurting me.”

“Well that's good I suppose,” I muttered. “Sorry about all this by the way.”

“I suppose now you're going to flee, yes?” Celestia inquired, the alicorn fixing me with a look.

“Err yeah. I kind of figured that this kind of thing usually gets you executed.” I exclaimed.

“Usually yes, but I feel as though there are extenuating circumstances around your arrival,” Celestia stated calmly.

“That's an understatement.” I shook my head. “Look, I don't have long. Something big is coming, and their agents are already here. Now I gotta knock you out now, sorry if this stings.”

Celestia merely frowned, and turned her neck to the side, exposing her jugular. “I must warn you that I will have to hunt you after this. Even if you are the prettiest scaled being I’ve ever beheld.”

“I’m well aware that you will have to come after me and though I’d prefer not having to hurt anyone. I rather enjoy existing, thank you very much.” I muttered before opening my mouth wide and extending my fangs. “Sorry in advance, I’ve never done this before.”

Celestia’s eyes went wide. “Wait hold on a secon-”

I didn't let her finish, however, and bit down on her neck, pumping her veins full of a mixture that I knew would only knock her out. I wasn't exactly sure how, or why I knew that mind you, but it was a strong hunch at least. A second later and the alicorn’s eyes rolled into the back of her head and she collapsed to the earth like a puppet with its strings cut.

A shout went up, and I could hear the guards charging at me but I was already gone, slithering in the direction of the maze and vanishing into its depths, following my nose. I was remarkably fast despite not having legs, and in a few seconds I had left the guards far behind me as I zipped around several corners. My newfound sense of smell or taste assured me that this was the correct way to go, and I pushed my new body to its limits as I raced deeper and deeper.

The flap of wings heralded the arrival of reinforcements, and I pivoted in place, waiting for the pegasus guard to come into view. The second I saw her, I launched a wad of poison that splattered across her confused and terrified face.

A heartbeat later she dropped out of the sky, eyes having rolled into the back of her head a second before she lost the ability to control her body. I winced as I heard her hit the ground, though I took a small amount of solace in the fact that she had at least landed in a bushy plant. Turning back around, I pushed myself onward, heading towards where I had seen the castle wall earlier

A few more pegasi guards tried to catch me, but I was able to either outmaneuver them or knock them out of the sky with more poison spit. By the time I rammed through the hedge and came out the other side my poison glands were nearly empty, and I could hear guards converging from all sides. Thankfully my nose had served me well, and all that stood between me and freedom was a two-foot wide rusty gate.

“Bingo,” I muttered.

Leaning down, I tore the gate off in a single firm tug, before slipping into the narrow opening, my body flattening somehow in order to make access possible. My shoulders slimmed, and my arms pressed tight against my side, allowing me to slip through the narrow opening and out the other side.

Which led out onto an empty street, something that would not have been a good thing if not for the fact that there was a manhole nearby. Slithering over to the entrance I hastily removed it, lifted the thing above my head, and leaped into the hole. I somehow managed to place the cover back perfectly, and though I was now nearly waist-deep in sewer water I felt relief flow through me.

Not wasting any time I began to slither off in a random direction, noting that no one seemed to be following me initially. My grin slowly spread, and after twenty minutes, plenty of tight squeezes, and more than a little shit, I came to the conclusion that I had managed to get off scot-free.

“Fuck yeah. Eat that you morons.” I shouted, pumping a hand into the air, only to punch the stone ceiling. “Ow, that's right, I’m taller now.”

Nursing my bruised hand, I contemplated where to go.

“Wait, did she call me beautiful?”