• Published 18th Dec 2022
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My Little Pony: Reversed Roles World - Reboot - RobtheMorpherPony

Come find out what happens when the roles of many ponies are reversed.

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Prologue: Part 2 - Sunset Shimmer & Scootaloo

"Really, I don't really want a castle." Twilight said as ponies were building a castle nearby in the Everfree Forest.

"Be that as it may, we think it's only fitting that an Alicorn gets a little special treatment. Besides, we're building this one right in the middle of the forest. There's another castle being built on the mountain where we Pegasi used to call home." Commander Hurricane said.

"As the daughter of the unicorn king, we felt that having two castles; one on the same level as the rest of the ponies; would help remind you that we're your citizens." Princess Platinum said.

"Don't think that's the point." Rainbow Dash said. "I think Twilight doesn't want a castle because she doesn't want to be treated special." She added.

"Thank you, Rainbow Dash." Twilight said.

"Be that as it may, even with the high council, almost the ponies agree that you should have a little special treatment. After all, we agreed you would be Equestria's leader." Chancellor Puddinghead said.

"...Even still." Twilight said.

"Geez, can't any of you take a hint?" A female orange unicorn said. "The alicorn doesn't want to be treated special, so let's not treat her as special. Sure she's our ruler, but shouldn't we also want her to appreciate us?" She added.

"...Hello Sunset Shimmer." Princess Platinum said. "Been a long time since you've shown your face ever since you left the unicorn lands." She added.

"That was a whole three weeks before your whole feud started. Really didn't like how you were basically going all blackmail on the other tribes. Took your own assistants basically playing 'kiss and make up' on you three for you to actually treat each other as you should: As fellow ponies." Sunset Shimmer said. "And the whole blackmail plot was exactly why I left your service 'Princess'. You're only a Princess because your dad's the unicorn king, but you certainly aren't a princess of me." She added.

"Crude much?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"That's just how Sunset is darling. Her style is crude yet true." Rarity said.

Twilight approached Sunset Shimmer. "So, you wished the tribes would treat each other as fellow ponies?" Twilight asked.

"Yeah. Wished it didn't take basically a threat to all of pony kind to make them see that their hatred for each other would only cause disaster." Sunset said. "And you. You're a pony too. Albeit a special one that is all three main pony types all rolled into one." She added.

"And I'm still reminded of that." Twilight said

"But you're our leader now. Which is fair. You're like this harmonious union of the three tribes now. And that's all sorts of cool. And I get that you would rather want ponies to treat you equally. They can do that with you as our leader still. Though I doubt you like the castle aspect. They shouldn't give you any special treatment, just because you're the way you are." Sunset said.

"Pay no attention to this outcast Twilight. She knows not of what she speaks." Princess Platinum said, causing Sunset to glare at the unicorn leader.

"I wouldn't be so sure. I find her way of wording things quite interesting." Twilight said. "Besides, she seems to mean well enough. I wouldn't mind a little help here and there. Even with the high council, I'm sure I could use a helping hand around me to make sure that things are organized." She added. "And you seem to know what's what." The purple alicorn finished.

"I won't let you down, Twilight." Sunset said. She was smiling. Inside she was so excited. Getting in good graces with Twilight in just under a day just because she feels the same way I do? What more can I ask for? Sunset thought to herself.

"Actually, got a little something I want to get off my chest. In private if you would." Rainbow Dash said.

"Sure. Meet me in a little bit. First, I want to check on Discord." Twilight said.

Twilight with Sunset following her went to the area where Discord was currently chained up.

"Hello Discord." Twilight said.

"He's not so tough now that he's all chained up." Sunset said.

"Whatever you do to me, I deserve it. I never meant to kill anyone, let alone four ponies." Discord said.

"Hmm. You were never trying to do any harm, huh?" Sunset said as she approached Discord. "Just wanted to have fun maybe?" Sunset asked.

"Something like that." Discord said. "How did you know?" He asked.

"Spent a lot of time trying to get at the emotions of others, that I've always had a knack at figuring out any pony's true motivations." Sunset said. "And you don't strike me as the type who'd go out of their way to cause trouble. Maybe just get others to have a little fun every now and then." She added.

"Yes. But now I have caused death. The time for fun has ended." Discord said.

"Don't you dare say that!" That was Fluttershy.

"Sorry Twilight, I tried to hold Fluttershy back, but she always gets like this around animals of any sort." Rainbow Dash said as she was right behind Fluttershy.

"You did a bad thing. But if you try and control your powers better, you won't endanger ponies or even other creatures ever again." Fluttershy said.

"But I--" Discord said.

"NO BUTS! I don't care if I have to shackle myself to you. I'm going to help you learn to control your powers as best I can." Fluttershy said.

"...She's always like this huh?" Twilight asked.

"Yep. Maybe we can use those elements of harmony to anchor Discord to Fluttershy so that he can't stray too far from her or do anything she wouldn't approve of." Rainbow Dash said.

"Fluttershy as Discord's jailer...not a bad thought. I'm certain with time, my little brother Shining Armor will understand why I did such a thing." Twilight said.

"You don't have to put yourself out like this. You should be free of me." Discord said to Fluttershy.

"That's enough of that self-doubting mister!" Fluttershy said.

"...It's always the quiet ones that surprise you the most." Sunset said.

After this, Twilight met with Rainbow Dash privetly.

"Is there something you want, Rainbow Dash?" Twilight asked.

"Yeah. I'm not the only Pegasus that wants something like this, but I've always wanted to try and inspire other pegasi to really spread their wings and show off for other ponies." Rainbow Dash said. "Never really enlisted into the military corps because of it, but I've always wanted to be something of a stunt flier." She added.

"Really? There are other Pegasi who would want that sort of thing too?" Twilight asked.

"I'm sure if I asked around, I'd find quite a few Pegasi who also never enlisted into the military corps because they wanted to be stunt fliers and not army folk." Twilight said.

"Hmm. Maybe there's a way to mix the two together?" Twilight asked.

A couple of days later, there was a sign-up sheet for a brand-new division of the Pegasi Military meant for those that wanted to show off their flying as part of a stunt flying team. This new division of the Pegasi Military was dubbed the Wonderbolts.

And the one who would spearhead this new division would be the mare that came up with the idea in the first place: Rainbow Dash. Of course, the group needed a manager for all the showings they would be going to in the future, so a Pegasus was assigned into that role as well.

"Have to admit, this was a great first new change to our way of living. Now Pegasi can do more than just be military focused. And I can see that I was remise in believing every Pegasus wanted to be military folk. I mean, that is a LOT of names." Commander Hurricane said.

There was one name on this list that caught Rainbow Dash's attention. "...She wants to become one? But she's barely nine years old. We obviously need an age requirement for this." Rainbow Dash said.

Commander Hurrican took a look at the name Rainbow Dash was looking at. "...Scootaloo? You recognize that name?" He asked.

"Yeah. That's my surrogate little sister, and number one fan." Rainbow Dash said.

"You never mentioned you had a surrogate sister." Commander Hurricane said.

"I don't so I don't appear soft." Rainbow Dash said.

"And how is that going to make you appear soft? Just because you're worried for her, doesn't make you soft. Understand that Captain Rainbow Dash?" Commander Hurricane said.

Rainbow Dash's wings fluttered a bit. "C-captain?" The cyan pegasus asked.

"If you're going to head up this new division, only fitting you get a rank to match. Best not let it go to waste, Captain." Commander Hurricane said.

"O-of course not, Commander." Rainbow Dash said.

"Figures you'd think I'm too young. But I wanna do it. I want to be a stunt flier too." Scootaloo said.

"Not saying you can't be one ever. But maybe do a little growing first." Rainbow Dash said. "It's not that I don't think you can't handle it squirt, it's that well..." She added. "...I don't want you to squander your chance at a cutie mark." The cyan pegasus said.

"I know I'm still trying to discover my special talent, but I want to be a stunt flier outside of that." Scootaloo said.

"Rainbow Dash is right. Your just too young. And I'm sure the rest of my high coincil will see that too." Twilight said. "Wait a few years, then I'm sure you'll be part of Rainbow Dash's new stunt team in no time." She added before leaving with Rainbow Dash.

"I'm getting so sick and tired of every pony saying I'm too young for anything. I'll show them." Scootaloo said.

A couple of weeks later, there was a planned opening cermony for the new stunt team, for them to be flying in in style. However, before the cermony started, Scootaloo started doing her own tricks ahead of them all.

"Darn it Scootaloo!" Rainbow Dash said. However, what stopped her from getting too mad was the fact that the ponies did enjoy her little show. Huh...what do you know? Squirt's got natural talent for this thing. Rainbow Dash thought to herself.

Eventually, after the opening ceremony, Scootaloo was brought to Twilight Sparkle and the high council by the tribe leaders.

"What you did was very reckless Scootaloo. If you hadn't had been careful, you could've gotten hurt." Twilight said. "I've got half a mind to ban you from ever joining Rainbow Dash's stunt team." She added.

! No! I can't let that happen! Rainbow Dash said.

"I just wanted to show that I can do that sort of stunt flying despite my age. I'm sick of others looking down on me just because I'm nine years old. Every time I try to do that sort of difficult stunt flying, other pegasi get up in my face and tell me straight up that I'm too young to be doing it. Well, I decided that I was tired of it. Go ahead, ban me for all I care. I'll just go and make my own rival stunt team or something. I want to be a stunt flier one way or another." Scootaloo said.

"C'mon Twilight, don't ban her from my team. You saw how much the ponies enjoyed her performance." Rainbow Dash said.

"She's got a point." Applejack said.

"Plus, we can overrule that sort of decision if we have to. Majority rules and all that." Rarity said.

Twilight sighed. "...Scootaloo, do you herby swear to never do something that reckless ever again, regardless of how the vote turns out?" She asked.

"Anything you say, I'll do it. I just want the chance to be a part of a stunt flying team and for others to stop looking down on me just because I'm younger than every other pony on that team." Scootaloo said. "I'll swear whatever oath you want too." She added.

"Ooo! In that case, I know a good one." Pinkie Pie said. "Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!" Pinkie Pie said, doing some strange motions.

"...What was that?" Twilight said.

Rainbow Dash couldn't help but smile. "That was Pinkie Pie's Pinkie Promise. You break a Pinkie Promise, you lose your chance at friendship forever." The cyan pegasus said.

"Well then cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." Scootaloo said, repeating the motions. "I pinkie promise that I won't do anything that reckless anymore." She added.

"Well I'm convinced." Pinkie Pie said.

"Then all in favor of letting Scootaloo in on the stunt flying team?" Rarity asked. Every pony of the high coincil except Applejack rasied a hoof in favor.

"Ah personally don't agree that she should be getting off scot free like this." Applejack said.

"Never said she would. As Captain of the Wonderbolts, I'm making a judgement call: Scootaloo is going to be with a few others on the Wonderbolts Reserves and will be put on probation effective immediately." Rainbow Dash said. "If you're going to be a part of the Wonderbolts Scootaloo, I'm going to treat you as such. No favors just because I see you as my little sister." She added.

"Wouldn't want you to do that anyways, but how long am I going to be on probation and what even is this probation?" Scootaloo asked.

"For the next two weeks, you'll be tasked with sweeping the streets of Equestria Scootaloo. And you better not slack off on it either, or I'll consider extending it for a LOT longer." Rainbow Dash said. "And no complaining either. If you want to be a part of the Wonderbolts, better get used to me being a little rougher then I usually am." She added.

"U-understood." Scootaloo said. "...And thank you." She added before flying off.

"Don't you think two weeks is a little harsh on your sister?" Twilight asked.

"Meh. So, what if I am being harsh? She knows that I shouldn't take things easy on her just because she's officially the youngest member of the Wonderbolts ever; reserves or otherwise." Rainbow Dash said. "Besides, I'd do the same to any other Wonderbolt member, reservist or otherwise, if they pulled the same stunt Scootaloo just did." She added.

"That's still a little harsh." Applejack said.

"Maybe it is harsh, but Pegasi can be stubborn AJ. So you have to be stubborn back if you want to be a good leader for them." Rainbow Dash said.

"Did you take lessons from Commander Hurricane or something?" Twilight asked.

"...Okay so the dude gave me a couple of pointers. Big whoop. They are tactics that are proven to work on even the most stubborn Pegasi." Rainbow Dash said.

"Yeah, that sounds about right." Fluttershy said.