• Published 14th Dec 2022
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Chrysalis' unexpected child - coto616

After she failed attack at the wedding, the queen finds a foal in the forest with a repulsive background.

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Chapter 29 - A talk between black and white.

Chapter 29 - A talk between black and white.

A group of mares walked through the castle of Canterlot towards the dungeon, perhaps in another universe, or in some book, or if the events had simply happened differently one would think that this situation would be impossible, Chrysalis, Luna, Twilight, the bearers of the elements, and a changeling walk to the dungeon in an attempt to recover Celestia from the darkness of her heart and try to make her understand that the dark figure in front of her is no longer her enemy.

The guards paced the group of mares and to keep as much discretion as possible moved the other offenders to another area of the castle, the group wanted to be alone with Celestia when they used the elements.

"I can't believe we're going to do this." Commented a light blue pegasus.

"Use the elements on Celestia?". Rarity asked.

"Exactly, I've read a lot of adventure books and always the first plan ends up backfiring."

"We're not in a made-up story Rainbow, this is real life and we can't assume the worst because of what you read in a book."

"You did exactly that the first day you came to Ponyville, remember?." Pinkie Pie said.

"That was different, that book said Nightmare Moon would come back to destroy Equestria." Replied Twilight.

"My plan was to envelop Equestria in eternal night, of course, that would destroy the current ecosystem killing most of the plants and losing crops, causing starvations, generating wars, plagues, diseases, and deaths, but it was never my intention to destroy Equestria."

"Good to know you didn't mean to destroy us Luna, in retrospect, that plan sounds fabulous." Chrysalis said sarcastically.

"It wasn't one of my better plans."

"My point is, do you think it's necessary to use the elements on Woa!...." Stopped speaking a surprised Rainbow as she saw the glow coming from the last cell of the dungeon.

As they approached they saw Daybreaker inside who was looking carefully at the whole group.

"Greetings sister, how are you feeling today?" Luna asked.

"Counting the seconds I've been locked in here you traitor." Daybreaker replied.

"You'd better-."

Daybreaker leaped forward interrupting Chrysalis and trying to attack her but is stopped by the bars of her cell, scaring the whole group.

"Don't you dare open your mouth you damn bug, when I get out of here I'll have fun smashing your head and the head of every one of your race." Daybreaker shouted from her cell stretching her legs as far as possible trying to reach Chrysalis.

"Ok, we really need to have an intervention here." Commented AppleJack.

"Alright girls, what we came for." Twilight said to which the rest moved a little to the sides allowing the group of six mares to work their magic.

"YOU DO NOT HAVE THE POWER TO DEFEAT ME!." Daybreaker shouted.

Twilight concentrated along with the rest of the main six gathering all their magic and shining with intensity, making everyone had to cover their eyes, then a magical beam of many colors shot straight at Daybreaker.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Daybreaker shouted as she received the attack directly covering everything in a bright light.

Seconds later when everyone could see and the smoke dissipated was in the cell Princess Celestia getting up with difficulty.

"OHHHH YEA!" Rainbow shouted. "One more point for the good guys."

"Thank you girls, now that my sister is not under the influence of her dark side, we can continue with the next part."

"It was my pleasure princess." Twilight replied before retreating with the rest of the girls, in the dungeon there were still Chrysalis, Luna, and Celestia left in the cell.

"I'll be outside." Luna said before retreating.

Chrysalis waited for Princess Luna to close the door behind her before she began to speak.

"Celestia we need to talk."

The princess was locked in a cell and without her magic couldn't help but listen to the queen but she could ignore her and that was precisely what she did as she lay down on her bed with her back to Chrysalis.

"You should be thankful for the situation you find yourself in, Luna wanted to send you to the moon for a thousand years, and I wanted to lock you in Tartarus for an undefined amount of time, it was Twilight that convinced us to use the powers of the elements on you and let you stay in Canterlot."

Celestia for her part made no movement, only that of her mane and tail rippling magically through an invisible wind.

"At some point, you're going to have to talk to me, you're not going to be able to ignore me forever and I may as well be here waiting for you to listen to me."

Celestia was still turning her back on the queen without saying anything.

"Why can't you believe that I have changed?, is it so hard to understand that I want a different life now?, what is going on in your head that you can't accept the fact that I am not your enemy now?."

Celestia settled her pillow without paying attention to the queen.

"You know, in the beginning, I did intend to use Clear Spark for my benefit and I suffered a lot when he left with his mother, I had to do a psychological treatment to get out of the hole I was in and I really thought I had left all that behind, I started to make new plans of attack and I went back to infiltrate Canterlot, everything was going perfectly but I didn't expect to meet Clear Spark again, he was living in very bad conditions, and I knew that if I left him in that place it wouldn't be long before I would regret the worst, hell, he might not have lived a week and I wouldn't have been able to live with the guilt, so I took him out of that place and raised him like a son. "

A long silence was generated between the two monarchs in which neither of them said anything...

"And you think that for saving an infant from an incompetent mother I should thank you?, embrace you and open the gates of Canterlot for you as if nothing?" Celestia asked with annoyance.

"That was never my intention either, I just want to take care of him and give him the life he deserves, but you don't want to let me, and I want to know why."

Celestia just remained silent.

"Twilight seeing how I took care of Clear Spark and gave me a second chance, Luna did too, even Cadance who was the most affected of all could see past her hatred and could understand that I have no bad intentions, you are the only one who doesn't and I want to know why."

Celestia continued to remain silent.

"DAMN IT CELESTIA!" Said the enraged queen banging on the bars of the gate. "ANSWER ME, WHY CAN'T YOU ACCEPT THAT I HAVE CHANGED, ANSWER ME!" Shouted the queen breathing heavily for several seconds in which neither of them said anything.

"Do you really want an answer?" Celestia asked turning only her head to look at the queen.

"Yes, I'd like to hear one coming from your mouth." Chrysalis replied a little calmer.

Celestia got up from the bed and moved closer to the bars until she was face to face with the queen.

"Because for as long as I can remember I have fought you, you have created plan after plan to conquer Equestria and I have always managed to stop you, many times paying very high prices, you destroyed cities, and you have also destroyed lives, you have separated families, for centuries I have suffered watching you delight in seeing the suffering of the innocent, I can no longer remember how many houses I rebuilt and how many families I helped to overcome the pain of a loss, a loss caused by you, and always knowing that at some point you would attack again, you would destroy everything again, and now you expect me to believe that you have changed because you felt pity for a blind colt? , don't make me laugh." Finished Celestia with a grimace.

"His name is Clear Spark, and he is much more than a blind pony, try to remember that." Chrysalis replied angrily.

"His name doesn't really matter, I know it could have been anypony, the fact that he was blind only helps your story, it makes it look more... credible, but I know it's a lie, you have always come to attack and will continue to do so, you have always used everypony to your advantage and you have never shown mercy or an interest in changing your ways, why should I believe that now you did?"

"Because it's the truth, I never thought a little colt would change my life and my changelings' lives for the better but it did, now we all want peace, and when we achieve it you choose not to accept it, you continue to cling to your fears of the past and don't want to see the future we all want to create."

Celestia and Chrysalis were silent for a long time.

"Nice words and they will probably work on others, but not me, surely you are happy, you removed a piece from the board, I know at some point you will attack and the only thing I will regret is that I failed to stop you." Celestia said before lying back on her bed and turning her back to the queen.

"In that you are wrong, I no longer seek conquest, I and my race want to live in peace alongside the ponies, we are tired of hiding and being feared, we just want to live free and enjoy the things that for centuries I did not allow my changelings because I was afraid."

"Then we will have to wait and only time will tell."

"I think there is nothing left to discuss with you Celestia, whether you want to believe me or not is completely up to you and my words only reflect the truth, but before I go I have somepony I want to introduce you to and we all believe that could help you change your mind."

Chrysalis withdrew from the dungeon and allowed Red Bug who was in his real form to enter.

"Hello my name is Red Bug, I am a psychologist and I would like to talk to you if I may." Said the changeling with a smile.

"I have nothing to talk to somepony like you." Celestia replied disdainfully from her bed.

Red Bug thought for a second before smiling back.

"Then I guess I'll take my leave then, I thought you might like to meet Mr. Cuddles, but I guess you don't, have a nice day." Red Bug said before slowly retreating.

"You seriously think you're going to convince me to talk using cheap reverse psychology and a silly teddy bear?."

"Why does everypony think Mr. Cuddles is a bear?." The changeling wondered intrigued. "See you tomorrow princess, and I'll come with company." Winked before retreating from the dungeon.

"I'm not going to listen to a changeling just because she's coming back with a stuffed animal... whatever it is."

Celestia settled back on her bed lamenting her situation and thinking about her conversations today.

Luna was waiting for Chrysalis as she came out of the dungeon, next to her is Twilight and the rest of the girls.

"Do you think Red Bug can help my sister change her mind about you and the changelings?."

"I haven't the slightest doubt."

"And how long do you plan to keep Princess Celestia locked up in the dungeon?."

"When I feel that she is no longer a threat to me or my son I will accept Twilight's idea of allowing her to move more freely about the castle."

"And you're okay with that Princess Luna?".

"She attacked me, endangered an innocent, and proclaimed herself the sole regent of Equestria, the law dictated sending her to the moon and it was Twilight who convinced us to give her more freedom, but she no longer holds any power as a princess and her magic is sealed until Chrysalis, Twilight and I agree to remove the inhibitor ring."

"And how long do you think that will be."

"Only time will tell Rainbow."

"And what do you plan to do now Chrysalis?". Twilight asked.

"I have to go back to my house to clean up, it's school week and I don't want Clear Spark to be late, remember my house is full of cake and drink stains everywhere."

"Hey, I had to prepare a welcome home party, it's not my fault you came in on a Monday."

"Can I at least borrow your Party Cleaner 3000?."

"Sure, just don't use the turbo mode, it's missing a few settings."

The group walked to leave the castle each with different things on their minds, the girls thinking and talking about the incredible wave of events that had happened so far, Twilight thinking about her unexpected promotion to princess regent of Equestria, Luna on whether her sister could accept that Chrysalis was no longer a threat to Equestria, and Chrysalis with the hopes that finally the roller coaster of incidents would end its ride.

But as both regents said, only time will tell...

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