• Published 1st Nov 2022
  • 4,051 Views, 289 Comments

Ultimate Spiders and Magic: Episode V "Neogenic Nightmare" - Maximus_Reborn

The horrifying Man-Spider is terrorizing Canterlot City, and the Rainbooms try to take it down. However, they are quickly overwhelmed, leaving Fluttershy to team with the Wolverine and Kraven the Hunter. Can they survive the night and restore Peter?

  • ...

Ch. 4: "Fight or Flight"

Chapter Four “Fight or Flight”

The air within the vicinity grew thin, making the simple act of breathing difficult, but both men stood their ground, never averting their gazes from each other. Wolverine snarled, keeping his claws raised as he clenched his fists tightly. Meanwhile, the other man simply smirked before placing his hands over his hips. Aria and May could only alternate their bewildered gazes between both men, as if waiting for one to make the first move.

“It has been some time, Wolverine,” the man chuckled, brushing a hand over his chin. “I believe our last encounter was in the mountains of the Savage Land?”

Aria blinked, furrowing her brow. “Who is this guy?”

The man leapt from his perched position, landing perfectly upright mere feet away from the women. “Pardon my manners, little one. My name is Sergei Kravenoff,” he stated, pausing once Logan stepped between him and Aria with his claws raised. Huffing, the individual held his smirk. “The world knows me as Kraven, the World’s Greatest Hunter!”

“Greatest or not, he’s a scumbag who hunts for sport,” Logan snorted, catching sight of May from the corner of his eye as she feverishly shook her head. Wolverine exhaled while his claws slowly and reluctantly retracted back into his knuckles before he shifted his sharpened gaze towards the burly man. “What are you doing here, Kraven?”

Kraven scoffed, narrowing his gaze as he pulled a hanging thread from the surrounding debris. “Same as you, I suppose. I am hunting the Spider.”

Logan frowned, arching a brow. “Why? This ain’t your turf. You on another one of your escapades or is this for a client? We know your services don’t come cheap.”

“While my services are well worth the price, I have my own reasons for being here,” Kraven declared, lifting his gaze momentarily. He clutched his blade, picking at its tip. “Spiders are near-perfect apex predators, and I wish to prove myself superior against such a magnificent foe.”

Scoffing, Logan shook his head. “You’re as weird as ever, but I don’t care what you do in your spare time. Spider-Man ain’t himself. He’s going to take over the whole city if I don’t give him the cure.”

Sobering, Kraven huffed. “Mutation? That explains the shift in behavior from my intel, but why would I want to cure him? As he is, it might prove to be the greatest hunt!” Slow to respond, the man stared intently at Wolverine with a glare. “I’m more curious as to why a lone wolf such as yourself is involved? Is this one of your fellow X-Men, or is this a personal endeavor?”

“Doesn’t really matter,” Aria interjected, staggering in place as clear energy emitted from Logan and spiraled into her body. The girl shook her head before leaning against the nearest wall for support. “You both clearly know what you’re doing. How about you both track him and settle your beef after you return him to normal? Besides…” she trailed off, shifting her attention to Kraven. “What would you rather hunt? A wild animal or something that can really think?”

His eyes widening at the comment, Kraven soon nodded. “You make sense, little one. There is a greater challenge in one that can match your wit than one that relies solely on instinct.” Slow to respond further, the man returned his machete to its scabbard. “If he is not himself, then we must return him to normal. Do we have a time table?”

“A couple of hours at best, but what’s in it for you?” Logan questioned, closing the gap. Once mere inches apart, Wolverine peered up at the man, in spite of their height differences, with a snarl. “You’re the type that plays the long game, and I know how deep you’ll take it. I’m not going to stand around and let you play your game with Spider-Man.”

A light chuckle escaped from Kraven as he clutched his spear. “You flatter me, Logan, but I assure you this. I will help you return Spider-Man to normal, but I will have my hunt in the near future. I promise you that.”

Aria pointed a thumb behind the men, scoffing. “Geez. Just kiss already. If not, stop flirting and get going! You don’t have much time, and the sooner you catch that thing, the sooner I can go back to sleep.”

Smirking still, Kraven nodded before facing Logan. “You heard the little one, Wolverine. Let us track the Spider.” Turning to the side, the man spun the weapon in hand before aiming its pointed tip to the distance. Before anyone could respond, Kraven leapt from his position and vanished into the shadows. “I shall scout ahead. Try not to fall behind.”

Once certain he had exited the vicinity entirely, Wolverine inhaled deeply before grumbling under his breath. “I really hate that guy.”

May approached with a furrowed brow, holding a hand over her chest. “Do you know each other? Is he really as good as he says he is?”

“More or less. We’ve had a few run-ins over the years,” Logan calmly replied, frowning while crossing his arms, “Kraven talks a big game, but he backs it up. I hate to say it, but if anyone can help me catch the kid, it’s him.”

Humming, Aria edged closer to Logan before collapsing onto the nearest sofa. “You said he hunts for sport. Is that why you don’t like him? Didn’t think you were the nature-loving type,” Snorting involuntarily, the girl closed her eyes as she slipped into unconsciousness, “I don’t know what you’ve been through, but you should see a… therapist.”

Just as Logan readied to respond, Aria’s head drooped and soft snores escaped from her opened mouth. The man blinked at this spectacle, facing the older woman, “What’s the kid's deal again?”

“She’s an empath that feeds on negative emotions. It’s… complicated,” May whispered, pursing her lips.

Huffing, Logan waved a hand dismissively. “Feeding on me? Kid’s going to bite off more than she can chew. No one should feel what I’ve gone through,” Pausing, the man scratched the back of his head, “I can’t even remember half the %^&* I’ve been through anyway.”

Raising a finger, May’s eyes filled with concern. “What aren’t you telling me? Do I have to worry about you, too?”

Shaking his head, Logan forced a smile. “No way, doll. I’ll manage. I’m used to it. You sure the girl will be okay?”

Pushing her thoughts to the side, May nodded. “Aria will be fine. I’m more worried about the idea that this crazed man’s planning to hunt Peter after all of this. Why would he want to do that? What would he gain? Can you trust him?”

Logan could only shrug, sighing. “On all counts, I don’t know, but I do know Kraven does have a sense of honor, even if he has a few screws loose. He’ll keep his word and help the kid. Today. That’s all we need to focus on for now. We’ll worry about the rest later.”

Her gaze lowered briefly before she nodded. “Okay. Be careful. Bring my boy back.”

Managing a smile, Logan nodded before jumping from the building and landing onto the street. The man sniffed the air, taking in the scents of the city, until one in particular triggered a sense of familiarity. Turning, Wolverine ensured the pouch was secured in his jacket pocket while lowering into a feral stance. Once certain, he sped off into a sprint and followed the wild scent.

“Sorry, May. I’ll do what I can,” Logan muttered, quickening the pace, “but I might have to put the kid down if this doesn’t work out.”

A chilling breeze coursed through the vicinity, ruffling through the trees of the park. The sun had long set, allowing the full moon to shine brightly amidst the star-patterned sky. Most of the Rainbooms stood at the entrance, conversing while Fluttershy knelt before a trio of squirrels. The girl nodded as they squeaked feverishly, alternating their gazes between her and towards the park. Suddenly, Twilight jogged into the area with Spike by her side, gesturing a wave before pausing to recollect her breath.

Rainbow smirked, placing a hand over her hip smugly. “You sure took your sweet time. Everything okay?”

Twilight weakly nodded in between bated breaths, raising a finger. “Y-Yes. I’m fine. It just took a bit of time to make some adjustments.” She trailed off, finally managing to straighten her posture while reaching into her purse. Slowly but surely, the girl took hold of a small circular device that emitted a neon light and bore a star-shaped insignia. “We can use this to track Spider-Man, and…”

Before she could continue, Sunset’s eyes widened upon recognizing the device. “Twilight! Don’t tell me you fixed the spectrometer?!” she exclaimed, prompting the others to step back instinctively. Yet, Sunset closed the gap between herself and Twilight with a narrowed gaze before pursing her lips. “Don’t you remember what happened the last time at the Friendship Games?”

Her eyes softening at Sunset’s firm yet defensive tone, Twilight clutched the item while shaking her head. “I know! Just please let me explain. I never told you all why I created the spectrometer in the first place.” Inhaling deeply before sighing, she tapped a finger against its metallic surface. “I invented it to track Spider-Man before I met all of you.”

Applejack tilted her head to the side. “Really? Why’s that?”

“I thought he was responsible for the city’s sudden spike in energy lately. After seeing the way he uses his gift so carelessly, I wanted to put a stop to it… or at least study him and see how his abilities work,” Twilight muttered, frowning as she used her free hand to rub at her chin aggressively. Once all of her friends held bewildered gazes in her direction, Twilight cleared her throat. “Anyway, I was following his signature before I stumbled upon your portal. You all know the rest.”

“How on earth did you get the two mixed up?” Rarity questioned, tapping a finger against her forearm.

Blinking, Twilight hummed while eyeing the device in her grasp. “I can’t explain it, but Spider-Man gives off an electromagnetic signal, very similar to the, um… magical energy you all release when you pony up.” A dark glint flickered across her violet gaze as it deepened into a glare. “I can’t tell if it’s magic or something else, but that’s part of the reason why I was so determined to learn the truth during the games.”

Fluttershy quietly glanced at everyone from the corner of her eye after easing the squirrels away. “Um…”

Meanwhile, Sunset crossed her arms and huffed. “So, what’s different this time?”

Twilight managed a smile, pointing at the top of the device as it blinked. “I simply removed some components. Now, the spectrometer is simply meant to track anomalies, not absorb them. Plus, I’ve managed to isolate Spider-Man’s signature, because of how much stronger it is than usual.” She nodded, fidgeting in place. “So, you all can transform without any danger. The last thing I want is to hurt you all again.”

Taken aback, Sunset’s demeanor softened before she placed a hand over her friend’s shoulder. “I know. I’m sorry that I was so hard on you. I’m just a little on edge.” A low growl escaped from Spike as he glared intently towards the park, causing Sunset to glance in his direction with an arched brow. “Looks like I’m not the only one.”

Exhaling, Twilight alternated her line of sight between the dog and redhead. “I know. Spike’s been like this for the past couple of days. He won’t even talk to me about it.”

“I don’t blame him one bit!” Rarity interjected, waving a hand by her burning forehead. She paced in place, shrieking briefly at the sounds of leaves ruffling from the wind. Releasing a dejected sigh, Rarity whined under her breath while her already pale complexion grew even colder, as evident by her blue cheeks.”Must we do this? I simply detest spiders, and we’re looking for a giant one? I can think of twenty million things I’d rather be doing than this!”

Applejack stepped forth, huffing. “Come on now, Rarity. We all agreed that this had to be done. There’s no telling what kind of damage that Spider fella might cause if we don’t put a stop to it.”

Smirking, Rainbow Dash stretched her arms high overhead. “I can’t be the only one who wants to bring him down a peg?” The girl jogged and jumped in place, warming her muscles up as she continued to stretch her limbs. “Other Twilight says he’s not a bad guy, but he sure isn’t doing much to prove her right. Besides, we’re way better heroes, and we’ll prove it tonight!”

“How do we go about doing that exactly?” Sunset lightly asked as her expression fell to bemusement.

Lifting a finger before waving it, Rainbow snorted. “Simple. We pony up, kick Spider-Man’s butt, drag him back to Canterlot, and we go back to school as heroes.”

“Just like that?” Applejack groaned, shaking her head.

Oblivious, Rainbow Dash’s smirk grew even wider. “Just like that!”

Crossing her arms, Applejack grumbled under her breath as she rolled her eyes. “...and I didn’t think your ego could get any bigger.”

“Um, I don’t think this is a good idea,” Fluttershy stated, slowly pushing herself to a standing position. Holding her hands together, the girl managed to hold her gaze upward. “Most spiders prefer solitude, and I’m afraid we’re just going to upset him if we’re aggressive, especially if he’s a wolf spider.”

Pinkie seemingly emerged from nowhere, appearing behind Fluttershy with a widened gaze. “What do you mean?”

Sharing a glance while undeterred, Fluttershy pointed at the milky orb amidst the star-patterned sky. “Wolf spiders are nocturnal and like to roam alone on the ground, but they’ll climb trees to stay safe if they have to.” Sobering, the girl fixed her attention to the locale by their position. “I think that’s why he chose the park. It’s the safest and quietest place in the city. We should just leave him alone.”

“So, we just let him have the park all to himself? No way!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed, shaking her head defiantly. Blinking, the girl edged closer to her meek comrade with an arched brow. “What’s with you? I’d expect you to be more eager to save a wild animal.”

“He’s not a wild animal!” Fluttershy firmly stated, narrowing her gaze. Taken aback by her uncharacteristic outburst, everyone stared in her direction, and Fluttershy brushed at her forearm, glancing to the side. “Spiders are misunderstood creatures.You don’t need to hurt him.”

Sunset calmly raised her hand, stepping between both girls. “I understand where you’re coming from, Fluttershy, but we can’t just abandon the park. If this is magical, we’re the only ones who can return him to normal.” Just as the pink-haired girl hesitantly nodded, glancing to the side afterward, Sunset approached the entrance to the park while gripping the straps of her backpack. “Okay, Twilight. Lead the way.”

Twilight eagerly nodded, pausing to straighten her glasses before holding out the spectrometer. Its center glowed while its outer edges pointed in a direction, prompting the purple-haired girl to head in that way. Everyone soon followed, staying close together. However, Fluttershy stood still momentarily as her gaze softened. She could only let out a low sigh before hesitantly following her compatriots. Just as the girl entered the park, a small thread of silk fell from the gate as a dark silhouette watched from a distance.

Slowly but surely, the girls managed to transverse near the center of the park, after what felt like an eternity. Sunset and Applejack held out their flashlights, aiming the beams towards the upper sanctums of the trees. Rarity shifted her gaze about wildly, all while attempting to pace her quickening breaths, and Pinkie hummed, never averting her line of sight from nothing in particular. Soon, Twilight slowed to halt as the spectrometer began to flash repeatedly.

“Is it close?” Rainbow questioned, narrowing her gaze.

Frowning, Twilight’s brow lowered. “I’m not sure. Its signal suddenly just spiked.”

“I might have an idea,” Applejack whispered, stepping to the side. Suddenly, the blonde held her flashlight, holding its beam onto several thick strands of gossamer stuck near the top of a nearby tree. All of the lines led to a pack of bushes, prompting Sunset to open the shrubbery, but she staggered back upon spotting several webbed cocoons gathered about, each harboring an individual. All groaned, remaining unconscious. Applejack winced. “Looks like our boy’s been busy. Question is, are these snacks for later, or is this instinct taking over?”

Rainbow stepped closer, gripping the silk around one of the cocoons before pulling at it. “Who cares?! Come on! We have to free them!” The girl strained with all of her might to no avail, the webbing proving steadfast. After several seconds, Rainbow exhaled before relinquishing her hold. “Man. What’s this stuff made of?”

Fluttershy’s eyes softened as she shook her head. “Um, spider silk is very strong. Any spider’s webbing is five times stronger than steel, but if this is a Darwin bark spider, then its silk will be twice as strong.”

Pausing, Twilight’s eyes widened at the comment. “Are you truly suggesting that this silk is ten times stronger than steel in spite of how soft the material appears?” Twilight mumbled, retrieving a journal and pen from her back pocket before frantically etching notes onto a page. “ Fascinating. I imagine if the silk is thicker and larger in scale, then its strength and density would increase further.”

Shivering involuntarily, Rarity openly gagged. “I’m glad you two are taking the opportunity to make this detestable experience educational.”

Rainbow paused, staring at some of the threads as they were stuck fast to her hands. “Ugh! Gross! This stuff is sticky.” She frantically shook her hands, unable to free the material initially, but her body soon glowed, prompting a tail, ears, and wings to materialize into existence over her frame. Rainbow took flight, stretching the threads until they snapped, and the girl smiled, nodding triumphantly. “Guess I’m stronger than steel, baby!”

“Now hold on there, Hercules. That was just a few strings. I doubt you’re breaking free if you were tangled in the stuff,” Applejack quietly stated, pausing as magical energy enveloped her body as well. Soon, her blonde hair increased in length while a tail took shape. Soon, she knelt before a cocoon and gripped the webbing near its head, ripping it free. However, Applejack inhaled sharply at the hint of lavender and pink, eyeing the unconscious female’s features underneath. “Hold on! This is Bon-Bon.”

Blinking, Rarity sped forth with a furrowed brow. “Bon-Bon from school? What’s she doing here?”

Oblivious, Pinkie raised a finger. “Maybe she was– Eep!”

Rainbow Dash simply huffed, shaking her head as she landed back on the ground. “Maybe she was what? I can’t wait to hear this.” Everyone waited for a response, but it never came, prompting Rainbow to turn in an attempt to locate her sporadic ally. “Pinkie?” she questioned, shifting her gaze wildly, “Pinkie!”

Soon, a dark silhouette sped through the bushes in a blur. Powerful gusts of wind caused the leaves to shuffle loudly from the trees as its movements grew increasingly frantic. Each of the girls searched about, alternating their gazes in failed attempts to track the shadow’s movements. Soon, they began to regroup and press their backs together with the exception of one. Rarity unknowingly had backpedaled from her friends, breathing erratically as her line of sight never left the upper regions of the trees.

Suddenly, her momentum had halted as her back met with a wall. Rarity turned her head, pausing as she peered up at a being towering over her tiny frame, and all of the blood in her body grew cold upon spotting six crimson pupils staring intently at her, narrowing. All form of words fell into her throat before her blue irises rolled into the back of her head, causing the girl to collapse on the spot. Just as Rarity collapsed, one of the creature’s arms reached out and grabbed her body, hoisting her away while crawling into the shadows in a blink of motion.

“Rarity!” Rainbow cried out, ready to speed forth, but Applejack grabbed the girl’s jacket, pulling her back toward the group. “What are you doing?! We can’t let him get away with one of our friends!”

Applejack gritted her teeth. “Did you not see what just happened, Rainbow? If we separate, we’re done. As far as I can tell, it’s clear that he’s not killing anyone. At least not yet. Rarity and Pinkie will be fine!” The blonde turned to the side. “Twilight! Can you track it?”

Stammering, Twilight managed to grab hold of her device. “Y-Yes! Just give me a second! I can–!” she trailed off, watching as the spectrometer’s compass spun rapidly. Its meter snapped between varied directions, never settling. Twilight lifted her gaze, shifting her head. “It’s saying he’s all around us, but he’d have to be moving several hundred miles per hour!”

Fluttershy edged closer. “Um, that’s normal. Huntsman spiders can cover forty-times their body length in a second.”

“In English!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed, managing to hover just over her compatriots.

Twilight’s hand trembled as a loud boom echoed throughout the vicinity. “He’s moving at the speed of sound.” Suddenly, the spectrometer’s light ceased while blinking south of their position. Twilight snapped her head back as her heart paused. “Behind us!”

Just before anyone could respond further, a blur sped through the vicinity and barrolled through the group. The unseen force sent everyone flying in separate directions. Applejack and Sunset landed roughly to the side while Twilight remained skyward, spiraling in midair. Fluttershy stood still with her eyes slammed shut, unharmed on the ground still. Gravity soon yielded, causing Twilight to fall back towards the earth, but Rainbow flew after the girl with her arms fully extended, ready to catch her friend.

However, a crimson blur snatched the hint of lavender away in a flash, disappearing into the surrounding bushes once again as the spectrometer fell helplessly to the ground. While it skidded to a halt just a few feet from the lake, Man-Spider paused momentarily to stare at its reflection within the water’s surface. Sunset blinked amidst the chaos, eyeing the device with a frantic gaze. She crawled towards it with her hand extended, but a being soared through the sky, landing mere inches from the girl. Tremors coursed through the earth, causing the quakes to carry Sunset’s body away for several meters until her momentum eventually ceased.

A primal screech escaped from the Man-Spider, causing several of the surrounding trees’ bark to split before cracking free. Everyone clutched at their ears, wincing until the sounds dissipated. Rainbow Dash vanished in a blur and spiraled around the creature, until a vortex was generated around him. The winds increased in velocity, similar to that of a miniature tornado, but Man-Spider’s claws clamped into the earth, evident by the cracks under its feet.

It stood in place, swatting wildly at the girl as she flew between his range. Applejack managed to press forth, thrusting her shoulder into the creature’s torso. Man-Spider staggered back, nearly losing its balance along the edge of the lake before it soon fell into the body of water with a splash. The girls watched as its silhouette sank into the depths, with only the sound of sloshing water left in its wake.

Exhaling, Rainbow Dash landed back to the earth before slumping with her hands pressed against her knees. “See? No problem,” she panted between bated breaths.

“Um…” Fluttershy murmured, ready to interject.

“Don’t you dare! I mean, spiders can’t swim!” Rainbow yelled, raising a finger. However, a bead of sweat fell from her forehead as uncertainty took hold, evident by her faltering gaze. “...right?”

Fluttershy shook her head. “If it’s a Fulvolineata, it can stay underwater for almost forty hours.”

Exasperated, Rainbow threw her hands to the side. “Oh, come on! What can’t this thing do?!”

“Um, fly and…” Shy matter-of-factly stated, holding a finger against her chin. “Well, they can technically glide, but…”

Rainbow gritted her teeth and howled, “That was rhetorical!”

Blinking, Applejack furrowed her brow. “Rainbow’s actually got a point, Shy. You mentioned several different types of spiders. I’m no expert, but it’s starting to sound like Spider-Man’s more than one. Are you saying he’s a…?”

“Hybrid?” Sunset whispered, yelping as tremors coursed through the earth once more.

Faster than anyone could anticipate, something erupted from the earth, just mere inches from Sunset. Shards of stone and dirt flew about as Man-Spider rose from the ground before he reached out with two of its arms, grabbing Sunset’s leg and arm. The girl could only shriek helplessly as she was dragged into the hole in spite of her hapless flailing. Her voice echoed through the darkness while her image faded from sight. Rainbow and Applejack raced to the edge of the opening, pausing upon realizing it was too late to save their friend.

Throwing her fist to the side, Rainbow yelled. “Are you kidding me?! ! It can dig, too?!” Fluttershy raised her hand, ready to respond, but she relented, glancing away once Rainbow shot a glare in her direction. The girl screamed, standing upright before growling. “That’s it! I’m taking him down!”

That same moment, Man-Spider leapt from the safety of the bushes and landed in the open. It stared intently at the remaining girls with its mouth agape, lumbering forth as each step sent tremors rushing through the earth. Applejack hesitantly glanced to the side, as if considering her options, before she rushed at the creature with a clenched fist raised. She threw a careless punch at its jaw, but one of its arms casually caught her forearm, halting the blonde’s progress. Applejack gritted her teeth, thrusting her forehead with all of her might into the center of Man-Spider’s snout.

A loud crack echoed throughout the forest, yet the creature stood unphased, staring down at the blonde. Meanwhile, Applejack staggered in place as her vision blurred, evident by the milky tone her jade irises took. Man-Spider simply reared back before thrusting its head forth, slamming its exoskeleton against the top of the blonde’s crown. As if a gunshot had been fired, a shockwave generated from the point of impact. A snap echoed across the region and reached the edge of the city. A gong echoed profusely through the blonde’s senses while her arms dropped to the sides. The trees swayed back from the force, settling as Applejack lifelessly fell to the ground in a heap.

Man-Spider wrapped her frame in a ball of webbing with the exception of her head before stomping towards Rainbow while growling. The two stood in silence for what seemed like ages, as a brief gust brushed through the leaves. All confidence seemingly melted as Rainbow’s eyes dilated, the only sound heard being that of her thumping heart. However, she pushed every invasive thought to the back of her mind, while tears poured from her eyes. The outside world slowed to an absolute halt as Rainbow sped into flight, managing to fly behind the creature. However, just as she neared its back in what felt like slow-motion, all six of Man-Spider’s crimson eyes steadily tracked the girl’s movement.

Once inches apart, the creature swung two of its arms and forced Rainbow to duck underneath. All of her momentum carried her downward, sending her trajectory into the ground. Tumbling into a roll, Rainbow eventually managed to flip back to a kneeling stance. However, just as she lifted her gaze, Man-Spider lowered unto all eight of its limbs before crawling at full-speed towards the girl, and Rainbow could only let out a shriek as the creature lunged over her, sending her into a world of darkness.

Standing upright, Man-Spider gazed upon the moon before pounding its chest in a triumphant manner. It released a deep roar, sending a chilling wave across the vicinity. However, it snapped its head to the side, spotting the lone remaining member of the group. Fluttershy sat still with a widened gaze, never averting its gaze from the massive creature. Yet, Man-Spider’s entire demeanor shifted as it lowered its shoulders. A low whine escaped from its fanged mouth, while its eyes seemingly softened. It soon turned, as if ready to retreat back into the shadows.

Fluttershy slowly reached out. “Wait! Spider-Man!” she soon paused, glancing to the side. Once certain no one was within the vicinity, the girl hesitated as her gaze fell to the ground. “P-Peter?”

The creature’s eyes widened at the name. Slowly, but surely, it stood in place, as if considering the girl’s words. However, a gunshot echoed throughout the vicinity, and Man-Spider swayed to the side, pushing the girl to the side. It narrowly avoided a bullet while it sped past their position, piercing through the nearest tree. The creature roared in response before it turned, leaping into the bushes and vanishing into the night. After a few seconds, a man sprinted into the area and skidded to a halt, just inches past Fluttershy, with a rifle in hand.

“You can run, Spider, but you cannot hide,” Kraven grinned, reloading his weapon before following the direction Man-Spider ventured. “Now we begin… the hunt!”

Once the man had completely left the vicinity, Fluttershy steadily forced herself to a standing position. “So, you are still in there somewhere,” she whispered, pausing as Spike emerged from the nearest bush. The girl lifted the dog, easing him into the confines of her backpack before she nodded. Placing a hand over her chest, the girl held a determined glare as she rushed after Kraven. “Come on, Spike. Let’s save our friends!”

To be continued…