• Published 15th Oct 2022
  • 435 Views, 111 Comments

Sparkling Harmony EQG: Agents of SMILE: Operation Sundown - Captain_Cosmos

It's the Halloween Dance and Sparkler and her friends are gearing up for a fun night. But a blast from the past threatens to destroy it all

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Episode 2: Agent Sparkle I presume?

Unknown location
October 31st, 2022
Unknown time

Sundown Shimmer examined herself, in all her red skinned glory, she was smiling wickedly. “Finally. Oh it feels good to finally have a physical form again.” She said.

“It must feel good indeed.” The guy in the FOWL suit said.

Sundown turned to see the two guys that helped her. “And who might you two humans be?” She asked.

The suit man chuckled. “I prefer to go by Anon, short for anonymous. And this right here is the professor.” He introduced them to her.

Sundown smirked. “You two look like the kind of guys that went to the trouble of bringing me back because you want something from me.” She said, crossing her arms.

“Oh I assure you. We share somewhat mutual desires.” Anon responded.

“Oh? And what does FOWL want?” Sundown asked.

“For the purposes of tonight? The elimination of a certain group of humans.” Anon said.

The professor held up his phone for Sundown to see, it had a picture of the Spectacular Seven. “I assume you remember these girls?” He asked.

Sundown scowled at the picture. “Ugh. Don’t remind me. They beat me last time.” She said. Then a realization dawned on her. “But without Sunset and her Geode they are powerless to stop me!” She smiled in delight.

“Here’s our offer.” Anon told her. “You destroy them, and we’ll help you achieve whatever goals you have.” He said. “I assume world domination is one of them?”

“Bleh. This planet interests me about as much as a cockroach.” Sundown responded. “I doubt you can help me achieve what I REALLY want.”

“Try us.” The professor said. “FOWL’s resources are vast.”

Sundown thought for a moment, before smiling. “How much do you know about magic?” She asked.

45 Main Street avenue
Heart of Canterlot City
October 31th 2022

In hers and Autumn’s apartment, Sparkler smirked as she looked at herself in the mirror. “Sparkling Medley, you are one good looking secret agent.” She said.

“Hey Sparkler.” Autumn poked her head in from the hall. “Almost time to go, you—Sparkler what are you wearing?” She asked.

Sparkler smiled as she turned to Autumn, who she saw was wearing a bird costume. “Hey Autumn, like my costume?” She asked.

Autumn got a good look at Sparkler and raised an eyebrow. “Sparkler, that's your mission outfit, with all your gadgets in plain sight.” She said.

“Yes it is.” Sparkler said, smiling.

“Sparkler, your mission outfit and gadgets are IN PLAIN SIGHT!” Autumn repeated. “Are you asking for your cover to be blown?” She asked.

“And why would anyone suspect anything when everyone in the room is wearing a costume?” Sparkler asked.

Autumn blinked, thought on Sparkler’s words, and smiled. “Clever girl.” She said. “So I take it Twilight's gonna be all Spied up too?” She asked.

“Only, any gadgets she has on likely won’t be real.” Sparkler responded.

“Nice.” Autumn said.

Sparkler smiled, when her phone rang. She tapped her earpiece. “Go.” She said.

“Hey Sparkler. You on your way?” Twilight asked.

“Autumn and I will be headed out in a few minutes. You ready?” She asked.

“Nearly, just gotta get a couple more pieces on.” Twilight responded.

“Good. We’ll be there soon.”

“Can’t wait.”

Sparkler tapped the earpiece again to cut the connection. Autumn smiled. “Was that Twilight?” She asked as Sparkler walked out with her into the living room area.

“Yeah.” Sparkler responded. “Told her we’d be there soon to pick her up.”

“I suppose that means I’m in the back seat.” Autumn said.

“Hope that’s ok.” Sparkler responded.

“Oh no worries.” Autumn responded. “I like the backseat.” She said as they walked out the door. “Want me to head to the car while you get Sunset?” She asked.

“Be down in a minute.” Sparkler responded. While Autumn walked down the stairs, Sparkler walked across the hall to Sunset’s door, she knocked on it a few times. “Sunset! You ready?” She called into the apartment. To her surprise, she got no answer. She raised an eyebrow as she knocked again. “Sunset?” She asked. Again, no response. “She’s supposed to be here…” Sparkler said under her breath. She whipped out her phone and tapped Sunset’s contact. After a few rings, she got an answering machine.

“What up? You’ve reached Sunset Shimmer. Sorry I can’t answer your call right now. I’m either at work, asleep, or in class. Please leave a message and I’ll get back to you.” The recording said.

After the obligatory beep, Sparkler spoke. “Hey Sunset, it’s Sparkler. You in there? Autumn and I are ready to go…hello? Sunset?” She asked, hoping she’d pick up mid message. When that failed, Sparkler hung up the phone. “Something’s up.” She said.

“Her phone is in the apartment.” Flappy said. “She coulda been called into work in a hurry and forgot her phone.” He said.

“True. She’s done it before, but didn’t she say she had the day off?” Sparkler asked. She tried turning the knob to get into the apartment, only to find the door locked. “Locked, and she doesn’t have a spare key as far as I know.” Sparkler said. Deciding to investigate something, Sparkler rushed down the stairs and out the door to the parking lot.

Autumn saw her come out, but without Sunset. “Where’s Sunset?” She asked.

Sparkler shrugged. “I don’t know.” She said. “She didn’t answer when I knocked, and she didn’t pick up her phone.” She said. “And her phone’s in her apartment.” She added.

“Maybe she’s asleep?” Autumn asked.

“She’s a light sleeper so I woulda woken her up.” Sparkler responded. She looked over and saw Sunset’s bike parked in the spot next to them. “And she can’t be at work if her bike’s here.” She said.

“Maybe she was called in and she took the bus?” Autumn asked.

“Maybe.” Sparkler responded.

“Shall I access SMILE’s Geode Tracker?” Flappy asked.

“Yeah.” Sparkler said.

Flappy acknowledged, and after a few seconds, he spoke again. “Sunset is at the mall.” He reported.

“So she is at work then.” Autumn responded.

“Looks like it.” Sparkler said. “Still…my Sparkler sense is telling me things aren’t what they seem.” She said.

“Maybe that’s just your paranoia getting to you.” Autumn said. “It’s nothing that hasn’t happened before.”

“Yeah you’re right.” Sparkler said as Autumn got into the car.

Something seems fishy here. Sparkler thought as she got into the driver’s seat and started the car.

Sparkle Residence
Outskirts of Canterlot City
October 31st, 2022

“And…there. Perfect.” Twilight said as she looked at herself in the mirror. She wore a black spandex full bodysuit with a skirt over it. A belt to hold up the skirt, black biker gloves, and she wore a sash that when everything was combined, made her look like a secret agent. “How do I look Night-Mare?” She asked her sister.

“You could fool someone into thinking you actually ARE a secret agent Twilight.” Night-Mare said. “It definitely is a good look for you.”

Twilight beamed in delight. “Awesome. I can’t wait to see Sparkler’s secret agent costume.” She said.

Night-Mare chuckled. Neither can I. She thought. She wouldn’t be surprised if Sparkler came around in her ACTUAL mission outfit. It would be the greatest costume ever. “So, have you and Sparkler decided on what song you were going to try to request for a slow dance?” She asked.

“Well…not exactly.” Twilight admitted. “We’ll probably just wait for the first opportunity.” She said.

“Just be sure to not step on her toes.” Night-Mare joked. “We don’t want to hear you two had a tumble. Ya know, like what you and I had at Shining’s and Cadence’s wedding.” She said.

“Cut me some slack. He forgot to tell us until the day before. We barely had enough time to get dresses, much less teach me how to dance.” Twilight pouted. “But that won’t happen tonight. Sparkler and I had a very nice dance lesson on the roof of the school during our free period.”

Night-Mare slapped her hand over her mouth, but that did nothing to silence her laughter. “Wait, you two actually pulled a High School Musical 3?” She asked.

Twilight blushed. “…Maybe…” she admitted.

“Oh PLEASE tell me she sang the song from that scene.” Night-Mare said. “Please tell me you guys went full blown Troy and Gabriella.”

Twilight couldn’t help but blush like mad. “…She did…” She admitted, smiling sheepishly.

Night-Mare couldn’t help but laugh. “Oh that is just adorable.” She said.

Twilight blushed like mad. Right then, they both heard the familiar engine of the Sparkmobile. Twilight beamed. “They’re here!” She said in delight.

“Don’t even think about going to her this time.” Night-Mare called after her as Twilight exited the room. “Remember mom and dad want a picture of the two of you in costume!”

Twilight heard her as she descended the stairs, but didn’t go for the door this time. Shining Armor, her brother, smiled when he saw his younger sister. “Why hello there Agent Sparkle.” He joked.

Twilight stopped when she saw her brother. “Shiny?” She asked. “I thought you were home with Cadence?” She asked.

“And let another opportunity to meet your girlfriend go to waste? Hm. No, nope Sparkler and I are gonna have a nice little chat before she takes you anywhere.” Shining responded.

“Shining don’t threaten her or anything.” Twilight said. “Night-Mare already took care of the obligatory sibling threat.”

“It’s just gonna be a little refresher.” Shining responded. “Besides. I still would like to meet her.” He added.

At that moment, there was a knock on the door. Shining got to the door first and opened it…only to see no one. “Uh…hello?” He asked. Looking around the porch.

Twilight stood there, confused. “Where is she?” She asked.

She felt a tap on her shoulder, she looked to her left, and saw nothing. But then, she felt a peck on the cheek from a soft pair of lips on her right side, followed by a whisper in her ear. “Miss. Sparkle. I dare say you are one gorgeous secret agent.” Whispered Sparkler.

Twilight looked to her right to see her girlfriend standing right next to her, once her brain registered it she jumped a little. “Sparkler! Hi.” She said.

Shining whirled his head around and saw a girl matching the description he was given of Sparkler. He glanced from the door to Sparkler several times. “What the…but…how did…” He stammered, trying to figure out how Sparkler snuck in without him noticing.

Sparkler chuckled. “A girl never reveals her secrets. Officer Shining Armor I presume?” She asked, noting Shining was wearing a police branded shirt.

Shining nodded after a moment. “Yeah…that’s me.” He said. “Sparkling Medley?” He asked.

“That’s me.” Sparkler said as she and Shining shook hands. “Nice to finally meet you officer.” She said.

“Nice to meet you too Sparkler.” Shining responded. “Should I be worried that you managed to do that?” He asked.

Sparkler chuckled. “Don’t worry Shining, I promise you’ll never get a call saying I’m committing a crime.” Sparkler assured Shining. “I don’t hang with that crowd.”

Shining nodded as he pulled her closer. “And you understand what happens if you break her heart?” He asked, in a quieter voice.

“Yeah.” Sparkler responded. “I’ll take good care of her.”

Shining nodded as he let her go. “Good.” He said.

Twilight pulled Sparkler back to her side and hugged her, as if protectively from Shining while their parents walked into the living room. “Well well, don’t you two look sharp.” Mr. Sparkle said.

Sparkler glanced to them and smiled and waved. “Hey Mr. And Mrs. Sparkle.” She said.

“Sparkler, just call us Night Light and Velvet.” Velvet replied. “It’s clear even at this point you and Twilight are in it for the long run.”

“That’s the plan anyway.” Twilight said without even thinking.

“Now all we need is for Night-Mare to get a lover and the two of us can die happy.” Night Light said.

“Working on it.” Night-Mare, who had come down the stairs, responded. “I do have my eyes on a certain someone.”

“Who?” Shining asked.

“Not saying until I know for sure they like me back.” Night-Mare said.

That got a round of chuckles out of everyone. Twilight looked at her watch, seeing that she and Sparkler should get going. “Hey Sparkler, wanna head to the Dance now?” She asked.

“Hold it.” Velvet said before Sparkler could say anything. She whipped out her phone. “Come on you two. Strike an action pose.” She said as she aimed the camera.

Sparkler giggled as Twilight rolled her eyes. “You’re not gonna let us go until we do this are you.” She said.

“All about documenting memories Twily.” Night Light responded.

Twilight sighed in defeat and she and Sparkler took up mirroring combat ready stances back to back. “Oh that’s sweet! Smile!” Velvet said as she snapped the picture. “Perfect. Oh this is beautiful.” She said.

Twilight nodded. “Ok if there’s nothing else, I’ll be home by curfew.” She said as she took Sparkler’s hand and led her to the door.

“Have a good time Twily!” Shining called out as the two left the house.

Night-Mare smirked as she glanced at Shining. “Now do you feel better?” She asked.

“Much now that I’ve finally met her.” Shining responded.

Outside, Twilight glanced at the picture her mom just sent to her phone. She couldn’t help but smile. “I never got to say it, but you look good in a jumpsuit Sparkler.” She said.

“As do you. Seriously you could totally pass for a secret agent.” She said as she opened the passenger door for Twilight.

“Not as good as you. If I didn’t know any better. I’d say those props were actually real.” Twilight commented, referring to Sparkler’s gadget sash.

“Yeah. They’re good props.” Sparkler said. Dying a little inside each time she lied to Twilight. ‘I’m gonna have to tell her one of these days aren’t I.’ She thought.

Twilight smiled as she climbed into the passenger’s seat. Autumn smirked. “Well you two took your sweet time.” She mused jokingly.

Twilight chuckled. “Hey Autumn, hey Sun—wait where’s Sunset?” She asked, noticing through the rear view mirror that Sunset was missing.

“She probably got called into work.” Autumn said as Sparkler got into the driver’s seat.

“Yeah. We couldn’t reach her.” Sparkler said.

“Called into work tonight? Aww that’s too bad.” Twilight said.

“Yeah. Was really looking forward to seeing her Starfleet Discovery uniform.” Sparkler said as she put the car in gear and drove off, all three of the girls completely unaware of what was coming.

To be continued…

Author's Note:

Little does Sparkler know that those "Fake" Gadgets will come in handy real soon. Lol.