• Member Since 5th Dec, 2018
  • offline last seen Last Monday


I like writing about the worst day of a character's life; it lets us see the mettle inside. (Pronouns: RB/20 )


Battleship Bismarck. The pride of the Kriegsmarine: fifty thousand tons of guns, table games, and slot machines. Senior citizen discount to the buffet.

With discussions and pre-reads from the Samey90, Raleigh, Mockingbirb, and the usual discord crews.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 40 )

Never understood why wehraboos stan the Bismarck. It got rekt by fabric-covered biplanes.

What are you even on about? Wasn't it the combined effect of the British Royal Navy sunk it?

Fairey Swordfish crippled it so that the Navy could dogpile it.

Never understood why wehraboos stan the Bismarck.

Perhaps that's why.
On a side note, I wonder if Trixie ever burned down a casino with a flare gun.


On a side note, I wonder if Trixie ever burned down a casino with a flare gun.

Seems like EqG Trixie, while recording on a mobile.

She didn't have much time.

I think the reason that it is so popular is that even after getting dogpiled it still took a lot to take it down. Also I find the ship itself is quite pleasing to look at.

Urge...to make....obvious song reference...so strong! Must... resist!

aw you didn't bring Rodney? she really hated the bismarck

I’ve been obsessed with the Bismarck in World of Warships/Azur Lane lately, and this just happens to pop up under “New” when I hop on FiMFiction out of boredom?

You, sir, are a master of mindreading, HAVE ALL OF MY YES! :rainbowdetermined2:

Don't cross Trixie and Starlight, because bad things will happen to you otherwise.

Yeah, it was a once-in-a-lifetime miracle shot that made its defeat possible at all and even after that kneecapping it still took a concerted effort to defeat. As my father put it, if they'd made 20 Bismarcks we'd all be speaking German right now.

Don’t worry, good sir/madam/other preferred pronoun, I will gladly make it for you! :pinkiehappy:


I have but one question...why?
It's not a bad story, but...why?

Sock doesn't know either, so they wrote a satire of the trend.

I'm a simple man:
I see a trend, I mock it.

If they'd made twenty bismarcks the war would have been over in a year. Germany would be bankrupt, thousands of tons of metal littering the oceans floor and Europe significantly safer. A giant boondoggle is still a boondoggle afterall.

More that they couldn't make 20 Bismarcks. They didn't have the manufacturing capabilities for that. And again, it was pure luck that let them take down the first one. They didn't have a backup because it was unreasonable to take down the first one. Fortunately for everyone else, real life doesn't care about what's reasonable. :pinkiecrazy:


I guess I expected a song more like this: Sink The Bismarck - Johnny Horton

But I want a song that at least mentions the Fairey. A song about sinking the Bismarck that doesn't is kind of 💩

The Sabaton song doesn't seem to mention the Fairey either.

Maybe some warboos just don't like admitting that irl a battleship was crippled and doomed by something called a "fabric-covered Fairey." Which means neither factual accuracy nor warmaking effectiveness are what they admire, I guess?

Tirpitz was the backup one and spent the war standing menacingly until it was bombed. Also, hard to call it one lucky shot, when Bismarck was already damaged from the previous battle and thus low on fuel (some of it couldn't be accessed) and even when they lost the Allied fleet, the captain decided to break the radio silence, letting Allies find them again.
Also, when scuttling was ordered, Bismarck was on fire, listing 20 degrees, with all four turrets and both fire control centres destroyed, so I guess it was going down anyway (also, it's kinda funny that Rodney got more damage from firing her guns at a low angle than from Bismarck's shots...)

"More clever than 'Ponyville Casino'?" Smolder said. "That's a shock. How long did your committee study and test out that name?"

"Six weeks," Starlight said.

That's probably where you went wrong, then--you let a committee decide. :trollestia:

Zephyr jammed a large powder bag against her ass, rammed her up the barrel, and slammed the breech behind her.

Wait, what? Zephyr not only actually doing something useful but also does it competently? What crazy Twilight Zone-esque AU have I wandered into here?! :rainbowlaugh:

Lucky shot or not, once word of the Bismarck's existence got out, it was still a dead ship walking--the allies would've done whatever they could to take it out, because they knew how potentially dangerous it was to their fleets, and indeed, that IS basically what happened anyway. So it was probably always going to go down one or another.

But that's the problem with the "let's make one big uberly powerful warship and let it solve all our problems" tactic--no matter how powerful that ship may or may not be, you still ultimately only have one. One that can be easily ganged up by a whole fleet of other enemy ships whose combined firepower can make up the difference, one ship that is too large to outmaneuver attacks as effectively, and one ship that was too costly to build a fleet of so to resolve these problems. That was precisely the problem the Bismarck faced, what Imperial Japan faced with their own version of the Bismarck (I forget it's name off-hand...the Yamato, wasn't it?), and what most dreadnaught scale battleships both before and since have ultimately faced. Heck, even the Galactic Empire in Star Wars faced that problem (and ultimately helped bring about their downfall because of their over-reliance on it).

Honestly, from a tactical standpoint, dreadnaughts on principle are more of a "short term gain, long term loss" in practice. Better off sticking with fleets of more smaller but more practical ships instead.

The music video for Sabaton's "Bismark" does have several Swordfish in it.
(The Swordfish is the actual plane that dropped the torpedos, "Fairey" is just the company that designed and manufactured the Swordfish. And Fairey was behind the design and manufacture of many aircraft, so calling them "Faireys" doesn't paint the picture quite right.)

getting a jammed rudder and a ruptured fuel compartment only is fairly lucky, jammed rudders from torpedo and combat damage were quite common, go look at the recent USS Texas's drydock walkarounds and you'll see the rudders are very vulnerable on these big ships.

Torpedo bombers themselves were actually quite dangerous for ships in ww2 especially Bismarck which did not have torpedo blisters or a torpedo belt. The japanese waves of torpedo bombers both medium and smaller planes were tremendously difficult to defend against in the pacific, as you're talking a wave of torpedoes being dropped

I never really get the love for Bismarck because the Bismarck and Terpitz were not really a match for any of their peers, even the Italians could have put up a good fight against the two if it actually came to blows. certainly the french, british and US ships were all matches or better as these navies all had exceptional experience operating large battleships. Its one success, Hood was a flawed design when built and the british knew it but couldn't do anything in the post war to fix it, and then they still sent a battlecruiser to take down two battleships as they had nothing else in the moment. the King George and Rodney would have been and were more than a match for the german ships when they caught up

the germans plan was really never going to work either. You can't use a battleship for surface raiding, its not like a Q-ship where you can scrounge up some torpedoes and 5 inch shells, its guns were 1-offs, its charges, shells, and munitions were all bespoke, and supplying a battleship is a massive undertaking. If it had broken out, it would have been bad, but ultimately like their other uber raiders, they all had to come home sometime, and home was under Bomber Command's sights

It takes brass balls to name your biggest battleship after a jelly donut.

Zephyr jammed a large powder bag against her ass, rammed her up the barrel, and slammed the breech behind her.

What the actual fuck lmfao.

"Now what?" Starlight siad.

Spelling error.

A decent story. Not one of my favorites, but its good. Keep up the great work


Spelling error.


No problem! Happy to help

and the silence of the seas is about to drift into a storm!


Good ol' pharmacology school pays off once again. /s

Loved the story, the whole thing reaks of meth vapors. That punchline? Feels like it hit me right in the face. 10/10.

Fixed, and thanks!

I would continue the lyrics, but I don’t want to flood the comments section with them, heh. :twilightsheepish:

Indeed it does, and it shows the sinking as well.

My apologies, I wasn’t intending to start any flame wars by posting that particular song link, I was just trying to join in on the joke made by the user I replied to.
I’m a fan of the Bismarck because he managed such an impressive reputation despite only fighting in one mission, not because I refuse to believe he was doomed by a combination of good luck and skill on the part of the Allies, or because of any sympathies toward the regime he fought for.

Was the Bismarck a visually-impressive ship? Yes.
Was the “leadership” he fought for absolutely horrible, and thus he had to be sunk to help end the war? Also yes.

(My use of “he” isn’t a typo, the Wikipedia article on the Bismarck explains this)

my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined

No pony else would mop up all the bodies and sanitize the decks. You would not believe the mess when this thing showed up!


I know this is referring to Bismarck's final battle, but I could not help think of USS Eldridge
(Which, come to think of it, is rather puzzling why that ship is never mentioned in (Westernised, Americaland) versions of isekai stories... All the elements of the story are already right there.)


Urge...to make....obvious song reference...so strong! Must... resist!


Don’t worry, good sir/madam/other preferred pronoun, I will gladly make it for you! :pinkiehappy:

And here I have Significant Other being all silly beside me on the sofa, singing in an impressively gravely Joakim impersonation:

♪ He was the playground for the Kriegsmarine!
Craps, roulette, and slot machines! ♫

Man for the germans havingb the Luftwaffe they really had a problem with fabric covered biplanes
And not just the Bismark but for ships and U-boats

Im a fan of the USS Texas just because it was the first for a lot of things. The Arkansas to but less so


When I visited Baltimore in August 2019 for BronyCon a group of us went down to the central bay and visited USS Constellation and one or two other vessles.

In college I took one tech class, and in one of the units we discussed war-tech, and how as we get more and more technically advanced we're going to lose the human element, which means that war will become routine, a disconnect, I seem to remember there being talk of some of the ICBMs and similar being controlled by Xbox controllers. War is terrible and while I'm not saying that I want bloodshed I do feel that over-reliance on computerized tech is not good either.

As to the story itself Bismarck reliably fills the analogy of eggs in one basket.

The Bismarck is honestly the most overhyped battleship of WW2, followed by Yamato. Real history buffs simp for the "Grand Old Lady" HMS Warspite or the gigachad USS Enterprise.


the gigachad USS Enterprise

Three things, fortune favors: fools, small children, and ships named Enterprise.

One of the reasons Navy folks call U.S. Carriers "Warhead Magnets"...

It takes a huge taffey around it to even try to keep it safe...just for the convenience of having a cruise-portable airport...

Drones are gonna be the future...

She may not have been the best designed battleship (being largely based on the WWI Baden-class), but she was certainly beautiful…

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