• Member Since 28th Apr, 2021
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago

Tired Toad

I'm here to read horse words. GIVE ME SUSTENANCE


Chrysalis wasn't always in the best state of mind, this was happening more and more times.

So it is to noling's surprise when she gets stoned to kingom come.

The issue is, what will happen when old spells fade away at last.

Part of the Falsetime Continuity, from beginning to ending, from ending to beginning:

Book 1|6: Lady Bugs and Mother Bugs (you are here)

Book 2|5: Of Bugs and War

Book 3|4: The Eastern Citadel

Book 4|3: The Glory of Roam

Book 5|2: Delta

Book 6|1: Before the Past

First story to ever write and publish. Hope it is good enough for y'all, also since I'm not a native english speaker, please correct me if needed.

Also the whole reason for this story was this:

Was bored, decided to write something when I saw Dis (SFW img, by Cold Blooded Twilight NSFW artist).

How could one not want to hug that cute bug horse and tell them everything is gonna be alright.

I honestly haven't seen the show and the only canon thing I know about these cuddlebugs is that they are:

A) Squishy
B) Need love
C) Look badass
D) Can transform

And that seems enough for me to qualify as a professional in the society and biology field of changelings. But seriously, if you see any big screw up, just tell me. I also need my fair share of criticism to know what the hell I'm doing and if it is good or bad.

Thank you for reading, Have a good one!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 12 )

Now that I think more clearly about the genres, Drama could be possibly left out, Dark and Sad could be left. Mainly because of the implications brought because Chryssie can't sense any living changeling and that the equestrians quite possibly (knowingly) sentenced a child to death.

Sad can be left for obvious reasons, sad bugs are sad

I did not understand why the other two members of the villainous trinity died?

Perhaps my comparisions in the story weren't clear enough, I'm sorry. Let me explain.

When Chrysalis is about to hibernate, she gets affronted by visions. These visions that came were always depicted in a tunnel of light, all the while everything else is dark.

The visions that appear take the form of changelings, these visions appear to try to convince Chrysalis of something, which is likely that they asked her to join them. Now, all of this may not look like something threatening at all, and if you were alone for god's know how long, you would probably take that chance.

But not our Chryssie.

She obviosly thought about it, about accepting, and possibly joining her other villains (or bug heaven). But she had a duty, she had to protect her children, no matter the cost. So she declined her heart and turned away from the tunnel. Besides, this light is what could've possibly killed the others.

Put yourself in Chrysalis boots(?). There wasn't anything to kill the villains, and their deaths were unnatural (they became part of the statue and solid, meanwhile Chrysalis's statue was hollow and acted as basically skin), whenever they dissapeared, they also seemed to have great changes in mood (Tirek gets angry and fearful, Cozy geta sad and guilty) that could've easily been caused by the apparitions talking to them.

This is why Chrysalis call them lies, spectres and dead changelings. She thinks that they killed her friends, no matter how welcoming their front is, or regardless if they were only a step in the process. She thinks that she is seeing ghosts. Her past doubts and guilts coming to haunt her. (We already established she wasn't exactly a paragon of mental health, and she agrees too, she doesn't trust her mind)

With one final force of will, she looked away from the bright tunnel in the darkness, she looked away from the children, both black and colorful, and she turned away from her way out...

...She turned away and closed her eyes, darkness engulfed the infinite enclosure. The light was gone, and so were their smiles.

You might be thinking where do these visions come from, and that's a good question.

My personal idea is that the punishment givento the trio here was a test of will, if they overcame their desires and themselves, they would be let free after sometime (1000 years? Don't know when MLP Gen 5 is situated in a timeline, that's why I never specified). If they failed, they probably got sent to the best approximation of heaven there was for them (probably Tartarus for Tirek).

This hypotesis is based on the punishment of Sombra. Him and his empire was trapped away from time, to lie in wait. Sombra had to possibly go through something like Chryssie did and then reconquer the empire, which got him another blast of magical rainbow.

The elements do not act of their own accord, but rather by what is allowed of them. Tirek and Cozy decided to give in to the light, Sombra decided to go against the elements once again and Chrysalis decided to brave the Element's test for her children.

You may want to believe in this theory or not, it is a little far-fetched, but it does the trick. It is better to think of the elementa as a tool or step in a process, rather than an unstoppable force.

I'm sorry for ranting for so long, I just wanted to clear it up if someone else had doubts about this too. Thanks for reading and I hope this was to your liking!

it looks kind of cruel. What was Discord thinking when he suggested this "slow kill" option?

I agree with the notion that it's cruel, it was meant to be like that in the story. There needed to be a way for Chrysalis' allies to be gone in a way that would impact her and push her more towards accomplishing her goal.

It is cruel but fair, the elements gave them the choice between braving their punishment and continuing to suffer for their beliefs or grant them peace if they simply chose to relent and finally rest.

Plus, this willful (read: accidental) inclusion of the element's punishment is yet another excuse to put the Dark genre in the story.

Then, given this, Discord (who, in the moment of season 9, turned from the top three favorite characters into the most vile hypocrite) dropped a few more points.
In this case, if you have a continuation, then the hypocritical Discord is simply obliged to receive fair retribution.

I though about continuing this story, mainly how Chrysalis would fare in this world and if she will make a Hive. What you said was certainly something to think over, if I ever continue this, I will certainky think about including your idea.

I just need to figure out how Discord could've survived the lack of magic in G5, but once that's sorted, it's free real estate.

By the way, Discord has already appeared in the G5 comics.

Huh, I wasn't aware of that, I will have to check it out. Thanks for the info!

Thats a pretty bad ass story m8.

That was a good story.

Hello buddy, I wrote a review for this story. You can find it here.

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